11 Replies to “Recall Gavin Newsom”

    1. I believe she works/worked for the same outlet as Chanel Rion, who is definitely easy on the eyes.

    2. Yeah I thought so too. I opened the video and as soon as she spoke I regretted it. What an annoying voice.

  1. Is the One World Government at play, is emptying California of people part of the plan? Oh, right. The Chinah government wants the land to grow more food for themselves.

  2. Meanwhile, Prinz Dummkopf carries on because he’s convinced “the peopwe wove me”. No, your “high”-ness (yeah, I know, pun intended), the Laurentian elite loves you. The bought-off MSM loves you (yeah, I mean you too, Rosie). The bought-off judicial system loves you. Even the NDP loves you because Jughead is, by himself, such a useless leader.

    Your boyfriends Xi and Soros, however, don’t. They dispise you and hold you in contempt because you’re such an empty-headed pushover who’d sell his own birthright for a mess of pottage.

    1. BADR…..2 thumbs up.
      I’d give more, but to paraphrase a better man than l…calling a toe a thumb does not make it so.

      1. I think you might be thinking of when Abraham Lincoln was asked if a dog’s tail could be considered a leg and, if so, how many legs would it have. His answer was four because a tail isn’t a leg.

        1. Yep…I was referencing this, one of my fave quotes. At least here, people are familiar with it.

  3. I tried to watch but the woman is so abrasive I had to shut it down after 30 seconds. Nice eye candy, but when she opens her mouth…

  4. I hate the statement,”they work for us”. It’s simply untrue,they RULE over us and we have the facade of democratic governance to placate us.

    1. Whenever someone says that they work for me, I’m tempted to ask them when I hired them because I’m certainly not signing their paycheques.
