On the tenth day of Christmas

On the tenth day of Christmas, Auntie Kamala sent to me
Membership cards for Antifa and BLM (and a promise of no future presents if I don’t join both),
Gift certificates from her favorite hair styling salon,
Travel photos from Mississippi,
Leftovers from Il Forno Trattoria,
A sunset photo from her BFF’s condo in Cabo,
No pubs open after 11pm (while Covid sleeps),
A guarantee of bankruptcy for decades,
A promise of no fun ever again,
Thousands of dead grandparents, and
A never-ending lockdown for me but not she

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5 Replies to “On the tenth day of Christmas”

  1. You forgot this:
    Here’s what our Parliament of Whores came up with:
    The Uniparty’s default position is to always screw the little guy.

    “Trump referenced the bill, which is more than 5,000 pages in length, that members of Congress failed to read before passing.
    “It’s called the COVID relief bill but it has almost nothing to do with COVID,” he explained in his address. “This bill contains $85.5 million for assistance to Cambodia; $134 million to Burma; $1.3 billion for Egypt and Egyptian military, which will go out and buy almost exclusively Russian military equipment; $25 million for democracy and gender programs in Pakistan; $505 million to Beliza, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama; $40 million for the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., which is not even open for business; $1 billion for the Smithsonian and an additional $154 million for the National Gallery of Art; … $7 million for reef fish management; $25 million to combat Asian carpe; $2.5 million to count the number of amberjack fish in the Gulf of Mexico, a provision to promote the breeding of fish in federal hatcheries; $3 million in poultry production technology; $2 million to study the impact of downed trees; $566 million for construction projects at the FBI.”

    “Despite all of this wasteful spending and much more, the $900 billion package provides hardworking taxpayers with only $600 each in relief pay.”

    Grifters got a grift:

    $900 Billion divided by 330 Million Americans = $2,727.

    Actual amount sent to Americans = $600.

    Who is getting the other $2,127?”

    (Besides Pakistan.)

        1. I knew it!
          Your gay with that limp wrist and whiney nasal squeaky voice.
          Trudeau’s off the grid Mr.Mistress I bet.
          His black faced pictures got your mojo all hot and bothered?

  2. Anarchists: Blm/Antifa
    FWIW: I watch Bret Weinstein’s podcasts. Though he is a Lefty and I am not; he exhibits enough Classical Liberalism that he is not off putting. YMMV. This particular interview attempts to clear the fog around BLM/Antifa/ Occupy based on the insights of a Lefty reporter who is focused on them. Weinstein and Quinn are not entirely successful because these “ideologies” are pretty muddy, in their own right. Nevertheless, it is useful to know what you are up against. It was irksome that Weinstein and Quinn recognized the legitimacy of some the the social anarchist grievances, yet failed to give Trump credit. I wanted to yell those are the very problems that Trump confronted, and he has been the only political figure to do so.
    You don’t have to watch the whole thing to get their drift.
