16 Replies to “Shocking … Not!”

  1. From: https://www.alberta.ca/stats/covid-19-alberta-statistics.htm

    921 of more than 8000 beds utilized, 152 ICU…same as yesterday. A week ago 146 ICU. There are 14,555 “active” cases, out of 4.2 million inhabitants. That’s all Alberta boys and girls. Do your own math.
    There were two Calgary “Peace Officers” at the door to the AHC blood clinic this morning….a first ever. Got asked what I was there for, after stepping out of my taxi and into the lobby. “Just visiting. Dracula awaits, upstairs”. No sense of humor, these guys. They didn’t ask for my papers, this time, but I didn’t click my heels on reply, either. (PSSST…..There are no papers required, I have a standing order). Wednesday next should be interesting, as I breach the fortress hospital, downtown. I’ll keep you posted. I wonder if there will be road blocks and check points like there were in Wuhan, in March. A lot can happen in 25 km.
    Oh, our Mayor NenXi is giving a shout out for our fair burgh on New Year’s eve from the Big Apple. I’ll be sure to watch. Notley.

  2. Back in March and April, Minnesota hospitals were losing over 30 million dollars every day, almost a billion dollars every month in a single state, because they were empty. No one wanted to catch COVID, no one wanted to even set foot in a hospitals.

    1. Bingo! Thousands of cancelled surgeries adds up to lower hospitalizations, the real research will be how many people died from the regular flu vs. the Communist one. Given that hospitals were paid over 13K extra for every Commie Flu victim, hospitals have every reason to fudge the numbers upward vis’a’vis the Commie Flu.

  3. After locking down the entire State of CA … first CANCELLING Thanksgiving (because who cares about a “Settlers” holiday, Right?) … then CANCELLING Christmas (because sky daddy didn’t save anyone from a horrific COVID death … not to mention didn’t stop the ChiComs from manufacturing a way to get rid of Trump). Now … we’re STILL locked down for New Years … and seemingly in perpetuity. Why? Because the “ICU’s are full”. When questioned, Dear Governor Newsom said .. well … what we meant was that the “ICU’s are understaffed”. And the Nurses UNIONISTAS agreed, saying “ICU Nurses are overworked, and more need to be hired”. When STILL questioned … Gavin said “well, what we meant was that the “Public – County Hospital ICU’s were within 15% of full”.

    Stop asking questions … and our Dear Leaders will stop inventing answers.

  4. It takes a Freedom of Information request to pry out some rather pertinent data. Of course, they couldn’t just publish it from the start, for transparency and all. Almost seems like they’re trying to cover something up, doesn’t it?

    1. That says it all.
      ‘It took a Freedom of Information request…’

      But remember, we’re all in this together.

  5. At first I thought the government didn’t have a clue what they were doing with this pandemic. Now I’m starting to worry they do. 🙁

    1. They know but 99% of the people don’t care or are too stupid to realize they have been screwed.

    1. No George it is 100% lies. the only truth about is that it is indeed a flu virus that has proven to no worse than the seasonal flu.

  6. Robert, the whole point is that hospital bed occupancy is currently below maximum capacity BECAUSE of covid-related public health measures. Those measures have led not only to fewer covid cases, but also a significantly attenuated seasonal influenza season, far fewer road accident patients, etc., requiring hospital care.

    The UK’s currently at ~90% capacity, and rising, even WITH fairly strong lockdown measures presently in place. (As an aside, @yinonw’s chart covers data through Nov 4th, when England was reporting approx. 20K new cases daily; they’re now up to 50K new cases daily.) That’s 90% capacity, dealing mainly with just covid + urgent/emergency non-COVID cases. Remove those measures, and the 2020 trend line would doubtlessly be substantially higher than in years past.

    1. Let me dismiss this argument.

      SO, the mask and social distances prevent corona viruses, and others, from propagating. But it clearly is ineffective against the evil “Covid-19” corona virus. The second wave has arisen with these policies in place. And what is the difference between this corona virus and that one?

      Perhaps it is BS, based upon a useless test that is pinging off an RNA sequence that is related to many viruses. The test does not detect the virus directly. This is all becoming a sick joke.

      Good grief man, a rise in “Covid-19” diagnoses along with a drop in cold and flue illness? Couldn’t be related could it?

      1. “but it clearly is ineffective against the evil “Covid-19” corona virus. The second wave has arisen with these policies in place. ”

        “My seatbelt didn’t prevent every injury in my car accident, therefore seatbelts are useless”

        “Perhaps it is BS, based upon a useless test that is pinging off an RNA sequence that is related to many viruses. ”

        It’s not. The primers are quite specific.

        “Good grief man, a rise in “Covid-19” diagnoses along with a drop in cold and flue illness?”

        It’s the social measures. Flu and cold aren’t as transmissable as COVID 19.

      2. @Robert: Early descriptions of COVID-19 in the spring referred to it as a novel coronavirus for a reason — its novelty, and humans’ lack of prior exposure and therefore natural immunity, is what makes it so highly contagious, much more so than endemic cold- and flu-causing pathogens (which the population has over time developed some natural immunity to).

        Given SARS-CoV-2’s high transmissibility, humanity is lucky that COVID-19 isn’t a more deadly infectious disease. In fact, COVID-19’s relatively low individual-level virulence — to be clear, still several factors higher than typical seasonal influenzas, but less than, say, a MERS or SARS — is precisely what gives you the luxury of questioning the pandemic’s seriousness as a population-level public health event.

    2. Let me dismmiss this argument.

      SO, the mask and social distances prevent corona viruses, and others, from propagating. But it clearly is ineffective against the evil “Covid-19” corona virus. The second wave has arisen with these policies in place. And what is the difference between thise corona virus and that one?

      Perhaps it is BS, based upon a useless test that is pinging off an RNA sequence that is part of many viruses.

      Good grief man, a rise in “Covid-19” diagnoses along with a drop in cold and flu illness? Couldn’t be related could it?

  7. When I say to people that we won’t know the death toll from the Wuhan Flu for some time, they get angry. But this is the way we have to find out, by comparing adjacent years’ death and other statistics. Good job on those who area looking up these numbers.
