20 Replies to “Off The Streets”

  1. In fairness, it does appear to be heavily damaged. The stock was cut off leaving a pistol like handle and then left out in the rain and snow for a while. Most thugs prefer a pump action 12 gauge shotgun. That one looks like a rifle.
    In any event, it might do more damage to the shooter than the intended victim.

    1. Yup, a rifle with the stock cut off. Follow the links three or four deep and you see the full weapon. Not a particularly effective gun with that stock gone, it’s bolt action.

      1. It only needs one discharge to end your life.

        So … were these weapons ever reported as stolen ? I doubt it.

        1. Reported stolen 40 years ago, maybe. That gun was new in the 1950s. It was old and crappy in the 1980s.

          1980 was forty one freakin’ years ago. Think upon that, my son. ~:D

          As far as discharging it, only if I was 100 feet away and hiding behind a house. The only person likely to die from that gun is the one holding it when it goes off. kapow!

  2. Looks like an old busted up 22lr. Must have found it laying in the gutter when they were on their knees for BLM.

    What an embarrassment.

    1. And that $5.50 wouldn’t be an offer to pay for it, but a fee for putting it in the dumpster out back.

  3. The responses oh my I needed that chuckle, my favorite being the Arrrrrr-15, seriously though I think this about the only way we can effect any real change, public ridicule and embarrassment until they change their ways,

    Where’s this hour has 22 minutes? Hell this deserves headline on the national for such an embarrassment.

    Funny how the junk is locked up but reams of hand guns with ammunition not locked or stored correctly.

    If I flaunted photos like that on social media of legal firearms they’d be kicking my door in so really they shouldn’t be either.

  4. An example of how disrespectful cops are to the general population and by general I mean people who have eyesight.

    1. *
      “how disrespectful cops are to the general population”

      Verily, brave sirs… thou hast earned the King’s shilling this day”

