Not Today, Nancy

It would be just like Cocaine Mitch to drag this political manure spreader right into Congress and park it there for Biden’s first 100 days. 🤣

Related: poll shows rising approval of Trump in the wake of the Capitol incursion

55 Replies to “Not Today, Nancy”

    1. I’ll disagree… The “Impeachment” is an act solely under the authority of the House of Representatives. They’ve done it, so Trump has been impeached yet again. If the House had done this after Trump left office, I don’t think it would be valid, but he’s still the President, so the Impeachment stands.

      However, what the Senate must do is rather different from what the House has done. The role of the Senate is to conduct the trial, and determine whether to “convict” the defendant (Trump, in this case) of a crime of “Treason, Bribery, or high Crimes and Misdemeanors”. The judgement of the Senate, if a conviction is obtained, is limited to removal from office and disqualification from holding high office in the future. If the defendant has left office before the trial is conducted, the penalty of removal from office is obviously moot. However, the disqualification from future office is still a punishment that the Senate could impose, and because a punishment upon conviction is still possible, the trial after impeachment is not made moot.

      In some respects, this is a bit like the difference between a criminal indictment and a trial. The impeachment is the indictment, alleging that the person has committed a crime, limited to treason, bribery, high crimes, or misdemeanors. The Senate conducts the trial, determines guilt or innocence, and if guilty declares a punishment. As far as the defendant being out-of-office at the time of the trial, I would liken that to the statute of limitations, where the filing of charges is subject to the statutory limit, but the legal process after that can drag on and on, well past that limit.

  1. Unfortunately this won’t matter in the minds of today’s rabid brain-dead leftists.
    “Trump was impeached AGAIN!” is all they will remember.

    In fact it’s unfortunate that it likely won’t go to a trial, as that would be an opportunity to make them drink their own urine.

  2. Since the constitution no longer matters, look for Chuckie boy to start a trial anyway. Meanwhile this distraction will give the Chicoms the perfect opportunity to invade Taiwan. With Biden and most Demorats in Congress in the back pocket of the CCP, we will stand back and do nothing. We live in perilous times, indeed.

    1. They can appoint another DeMarxist . Already been done.

      But yes, why hasn’t she resigned yet? Because they KNOW they cheated.

    2. Oh, that will all be choreographed very nicely to ensure that the Democrats won’t get stuck loosing a critical vote due to such a technicality. It’s not like California’s Governor would pick anybody to the Right of Harris to replace her.

  3. Good riddance to bad trash. I amazes me that people defend this incompetent dangerous fool who is already cemented in as “The Worst President Ever”. Biden is definitely the lessor of two evils. If Biden can keep a lid on the lefty Sanders wing of the party, he will do OK.

    1. Gosh- I think he’s the ‘best president ever’!! Imagine that!
      I applaud his tax reductions and overhaul – which enabled businesses to start up and keep going, regulation reductions, getting companies to move back from overseas. Huge economic growth – do you watch the DOW? Unemployment at 50 year low; African American unemployment lowest rate. People off food stamps in in jobs.

      I applaud his trade agreements – what did you think of the new NAFTA? What about his insistence that Mexican labour be paid at least minimum wage [to prevent cheap labour goods]?
      What about what he did with NATO? Do you approve? How could you disapprove?
      What about his defeat of the growth of ISIS? Don’t you approve?
      And what about the Abraham Accord – I think that’s worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize; quite remarkable.
      On what do you base your conclusion?

      1. On what do you base your conclusion?

        Simple: Trump won when he wasn’t supposed to.

      2. What do you think of running $2 trillion deficits every year while slashing services and still barely maintaining the trajectory of Obama’s economy?

        1. You mean the Obama economy that Obama himself said “those jobs aren’t coming back”.

          And then Trump brought them back.

          And you do know who controls the purse strings of US govt right Andrew?

        2. Since when did Obama have a trajectory of an economy. During his 8 years 50 million people were on food stamps as they will be again under president Harris

    2. Keep watching the View. You’re so well informed. Can you even name one evil thing Trump did?

    3. YOU My IGNORANT Friend are a MORON and I have no doubt a LIBERAL Supporter to boot and local Municipal trough Feeding Unionista. Typical trash talk from someone who listens to MSM Propaganda Yet see’s sweet Fk all. Eyes Wide Shut

      Biden is dead man walking. As Corrupt & Utterly useless as Trudeau and Maduro.

      KINDLY go peddle your MARXIST BULLSHIT elsewhere
      talk bout bad trash..sheesh

    4. Please stop using language that identifies you are a Canadian. We have been embarrassed enough by Trudeau.

    5. What surrender monkeys do: “If Biden can keep a lid on the lefty Sanders wing of the party, he will do OK.” The opposite is so.

      Biden is barely conscious. Check out videos of him the last twelve months and witness his decline. He can’t put a cogent sentence together. The only thing Biden will put a lid on is his daily schedule. The breathtaking naivety of appeasers is tragic.

      “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.” Winston S. Churchill

  4. This isn’t about ‘the left’ who aren’t interested in the US or in a robust economy but in socialism as a system of what they can get-for-free. And in being part of a ‘woke’ groupism of sanctimonious superiority. They won’t change and indeed, they are pawns used by the Oligarchy in Washington to create a smoke screen to cover the real damaging actions by the oligarchs.

    This is a huge battle between two sets. First – an elite set of very wealthy politicians and CEOs and their networks, developed over the past decades, made up of both Dems and GOPs [heavily Dems]…who have taken over the American economy, moved Investment and Production out of the hands of the American people and into overseas cheap labour and no taxes….with themselves as owners, on the Boards, etc of these companies and have become very wealthy. And second- the American people – the private sector middle class whose businesses have been destroyed ; jobs lost – reduced to government dependency. Trump represents these people.

    The Washington oligarchy have ‘won’ this election by fraud; they know they can’t repeat this – and they want to ensure that The People – with Trump or not – do NOT win in 2024. So- they will do anything they can to take Trump out.

    McConnell is, at first glance, playing-by-the-book. When asked if he would impeach Trump – some people are upset that he didn’t instantly say; ‘No’ [or Yes]. But such an answer would mean that his decision would not be based on evidence. Just opinion! So- he’s being very insistent on ‘due process’. You have to hear the evidence first.
    My guess is that the Oligarchy- whose key agenda is to keep The People down – are focusing only on Trump as their leader. I think they’ll try for civil suits and so on…to keep up the harassment.

    But I think the Dems are making a mistake. They can’t return to their old Power Base. They seem to think they can. I think it’s too late – and it’s not all about Trump. It’s about the economic structure and depriving Americans of Investment and Production, themselves, and expecting them all to be Happy Consumers of cheap Chinese goods, and supported by government subsidies – …won’t work.
    And the Oligarchs had better watch out for the radicals among them..

    1. “ The Washington oligarchy have ‘won’ this election by fraud; they know they can’t repeat this ”

      Have to disagree ET. There is no incentive to change any of the current electoral strategy or process, as it allows the Demarxists to cheat as much as ever, as often as needed. With them in control at all 3 levels of government, they can fix the process even more, to their benefit. And why wouldn’t they, they are morally superior after all………

      With no repercussions of any sort, for flagrant, overt, blatant cheating and subversion of the election process in those swing states, the only change, is that FASCISM, is now the established new rule of governance in the USSA.

      1. I usually agree with your comments, DanBC, but my view is that IF the Dems have cheated at this election [and I think we can conclude they have] – then, what’s to stop the GOP from doing the same?

        I agree that the election processes should be changed, to include voter ID [what nonsense to say that such disenfranchises minorities]; to cleanse the registry to remove dead voters; to insist on citizenship, to reject haphazard mail ballots..and so on.
        But- without that – then, BOTH parties can cheat.

        And no, I don’t think that fascism is the ‘new rule of governance in the USA’! [Do you know how fascism actually operates?]. I think – as I wrote – that there is a corrupt oligarchy in control in Washington, fighting the People – and that the institutions of governance and rule of law still exist, even if they are being denigrated and violated by the oligarchy.

        I think that this is not fascism. it’s war – between the oligarchy and the people. The oligarchs are going to go all out in their attacks vs Trump; they must stop him and the People from winning in 2024 – and they are going to mount a huge propaganda campaign against both Trump and The People.

        The People should get their own media systems going- fast.

        1. Yes, it’s true, the GOP can cheat as much as the Dems did, however, as per typical US politics, Dems always get away with it, while Republicans will be prosecuted to the ends of the earth if they did it. Same old, same old.
          And have another look at Fascism. The marriage of Big Gov, Big Biz and Big Tech, aligned to each other’s interests. Censorship. Rampant propaganda via an aligned media. The Demarxists are treading dangerously at a Fascist state, where the enemies are to be isolated, and purged.
          All the Demarxists need is to declare war on Oceania, or some other far off enemy. The military industrial complex needs to be paid off by Xiden

  5. The wheat has been separated from the chaff. Trump didn’t have to do a thing, the GOP progressives did it for him.

    Donald Trump and his loyal 70 million voters separated from surrender monkey useful idiots who cowered in the corner without inquiry, who couldn’t possibly of bothered to listen to or read a word of Trump’s speech in the Capitol.

    One that details the extent of election cheating btw. The one that told people to march peacefully, which they did, not to confront their political opponents as legion DeMarxists have done time and time again.

    Trump hyperbole is lies and incitement. DeMarxist lies and and incitement are hyperbole. Heads Dems win, tails Republicans lose. How ridiculous that GOP political chowderheads are, making common cause with these duplicitous totalitarians?

    Add appeasers like Geraldo Riviera and many others in media to the list. The dinosaur does not know it’s extinct.
    Social media is in the process of doing very much the same thing. Handing Trump an golden opportunity.
    All of this to get rid of him? That seems counterproductive. Egg on a man like Trump with his remaining reach.
    Arrogance doesn’t cover it. It actually doesn’t matter. No need to interpret further; it’s about exerting power, Dem SOP.
    The people who gave Trump power are not going away, but they may be separated from the avarice of Congressional politics.
    McConnell et are are hollowing out their party, with gleeful DeMarxists who can’t believe their good fortune.
    Remember their credo, they will always take the easy way out for themselves and the hard way for the peasants. Every time.
    They want people to be afraid of them. It’s good for capitalist socialists and the fear industry of climate, gender and race.
    That’s the unity Americans have in store for them. Shut up they explained, Kate? Morphed to like don’t try it or we’ll ruin you.

  6. Many people have clamoured for Trump’s resignation as a way of avoiding being impeached. Considering how vitriolic and vindictive to the point of insanity that Nazi Pelosi and Chuck-off Schumer are, does anyone think that would have made any difference?

    It’s all about tarnishing Trump’s reputation, no matter what. It’s revenge, pure and simple. If Trump was to die and was buried, the Democrats wouldn’t leave him alone.

    As I said a few days ago, after the Romans destroyed Carthage, they salted the soil. The result was that even if someone was to come back and try to rebuild the city, the surrounding area would have been useless for agriculture.

    1. Yes, there’s little doubt of their scorched earth strategy to destroy Trump by Democrats and social media.
      But they’ve handed him amazing opportunities on both fronts. Trump media savvy makes him ideal to supplant tech oligarchs.
      Not to mention some upcoming help from SCOTUS, repudiating oligarchs running interference for each other. Watch for that.
      Plus, Trump can hive away his EC support, separate and apart from progressive Republicans fighting it out with DeMarxists.
      Finally, a clear choice. What happens in Congress, where he won’t be running need not concern Trump in 2024.
      They must ALL therefore destroy Trump, they’re doing precisely the wrong thing to dissuade him, not a martyr but a hero.
      They should learned better lessons from their Chinese masters in crony capitalism and just made him disappear from history.

    2. “…It’s all about tarnishing Trump’s reputation, no matter what. It’s revenge, pure and simple. If Trump was to die and was buried, the Democrats wouldn’t leave him alone…”

      Yea….kinda like Justin who for the past 6 years has blamed ANYTHING & EVERYTHING on Steven Harper. NARCISSISTs…the Lot.

  7. Not surprising Trumps polls are up. The Democrats have no idea what petty, childish assh*les they look like trying to rush through an impeachment in the dying days of the Trump administration. It plays well with the boot licking press, but for ordinary Americans who step back to take in the whole spectacle it’s completely preposterous.

    1. Not only that but guess who is arriving in DC demanding more? The same mobs that burned things this summer now want to burn down all of DC including the Democrats. They created a mad attack dog that is now turning on them.

      1. It’s going to be a shit show, all the factions demanding attention and priority.
        Just let them implode and in two years if lucky the GOP takes back the Senate and the House.

  8. B A, what happened to Rome after the defeat of Carthage? It was the beginning of the end for them. With the demorats having successfully turned the US into a one party state, it will now be the beginning of the end for us.

    1. It was the beginning of the end for them.

      The Punic Wars were largely fought on the basis of who controlled the western Mediterranean region. The last one ended roughly 100 years before the Empire began. During that time, Rome conquered much of what we now know as western Europe, maintaining possession of those territories for several centuries.

      Hardly the start of the end.

      By destroying Carthage and salting the surrounding soil, Rome ensured that the Carthaginians would no longer be a threat to its trade, shipping, and territorial ambitions.

      1. BA, you missed my point. By having such a formidable enemy, Carthage kept Rome strong. Now that the US has become a one party state it is in the same condition.

      2. And while I realize it’s not really germane to the point you’re making, that “salting the earth” thing is both metaphorical – no one literally plowed the soil with so much salt it couldn’t grow crops – it also never happened at Carthage.

        1. Besides, the Romans knew better than to ruin the economies of conquered territories, not good for the treasury.

  9. Now they have to put him in jail. My guess is the party liners at SDNY have the indictments drawn up. They have no idea what they are playing with.

    1. Forget who it was, but the talking head some time ago said they can impeach because he combs his hair the wrong way. It’s political theatre.
      The legal route is an altogether different matter.
      SDNY thinks they can continue the political witch-hunt using the same illogic and pretzelized facts. Good luck with that. The strategy is LAWFARE, not conviction.

      1. This is correct. The House votes to impeach, the Senate votes to convict. There’s no definition of “high crimes and misdemeanours”; it’s whatever the House decides it means.

        The conventional legal opinion seems to be that the wording of the Constitution makes it clear that the Senate can’t convict someone who isn’t actually President. But since apparently nobody in DC gives a rat’s ass about what the law plainly says, I’m not sure that matters.

        1. True. The DeMarxists don’t care about the Constitution.

          Except when it works for them. And then they don’t care again, and treat like bird cage liner.

          Traitors. The lot of them, and take 10 Congressional RINOs with them to Hades.

  10. Too bad President Trump didn’t cop the Democrat Marxists in
    2016-2017. The swamp can be compared, more so, to the depth of the Mariana Trench, instead.

    Here is the extent of it:
    “The Depth of the Swamp” (54:23)

    P.S. I’m with Mark Stein – not following these creatures in session, couldn’t bear it today. Good luck America.

  11. This is amazing that after 244 Years We will “install” the first President after a stolen election, the political class had to steal it, to break Election laws because the Military wouldn’t do it for them. So for the first time in American History we will not seat someone in the Office of President we will use the word you always hear after a coup “Install” one. Sad. The Left Impeaches Trump again to cover the actual Coup

  12. You know,the idiocy of the Senate and House demanding 20 000 armed National Guardsmen to occupy the Capitol,to keep them safe.
    Safe from their own activists,as the Uni Party brought us Burn Loot Murder and Mostly peaceful protests..
    The funny thing here,is if a President felt he had grounds to arrest say 90% of the elected representatives as traitors,shredding the constitution and colluding with an enemy state,is they are already in the cage and Trump is still CIC..

    1. John Robertson @10:36…
      On or about 1/19/2021, look for a WHOLE LOT of our “elected leaders” to be running for their bolt-holes in countries with no extradition treaties with the United States!

  13. If Trump has a trump card, he only has a few days to play it. Otherwise I see no way to avoid a civil war in the USA.

    1. Trump has issued and continues to issue E.O.s that read like a list of charges waiting for the suspects to be indicted, right up until today.
      But, nobody is enforcing them, and, after Jan 20th, the Demarxists will shred them like boxes of Fake Ballots, meaning nothing. So, what’s the point of all these new E.O.s now?

      1. About the same validity as impeaching an outgoing President, a process that took only one day. No rule of law. Zip.

        Nothing has changed in Demland. It’s all about power. What were they doing at the same time in 2017? Conspiring seditionists weaponizing justice designed to protect Americans, now turned against political opponents.

        When “New Conservatives” take back the House in 2024, the first thing they’ll do is impeach Joemala, the surviving version.

        For real, not the symbolism of today.

      2. There are reports the insurgency act was signed, if so that would put the military in charge.

  14. If Trump has a trump card, he only has a few days to play it

    One notes that former President Barack Obama broke the glass ceiling for former Presidents to engage in running commentary on sitting Presidents.
    There doesn’t yet seem to be the understanding that the President isn’t Donald Trump but that Donald Trump has added the Presidency (& double impeachment) to his resume.
    How would he top that achievement, and…why ?
    Trump does not seem the sort who would go gently into that good night.
    Trump, rather, does rage rage against the dying of the light, which is appropriate for someone not on death’s door from infirmity but by intrigue.
    During the times ahead, when the bill for self-incarceration / self-flagellation becomes known, it’s probably not a good thing to be too officially / politically high-profile.

    You know it makes Sense dept.
    Fear Is A Man’s Best Friend – John Cale

  15. More than a year ago Trump tweeted “In reality they’re not after me. They’re after you, I’m just in the way.
