23 Replies to “Dear Idiots”

  1. Boy, oh, boy, pretty soon Old Bidet will declare Antifa a terrorist organization. The revolution devours its children, even the rabid retarded ones.

    1. The ghost of Ernst Röhm is shaking his head. Those who fail to learn from history and all that.

          1. I had a hippie-ish woman as an English teacher in Grade 9, but otherwise not a leftist in sight, never mind a purveyor of post-structuralist discourse or whatever they call the head-up-ass nonsense they teach now. Those really were the good ol’ days, probably helped that it was Alberta too.

    1. Well, they won’t be “needed” for street action by the Dhimmicrats until the mid-term 2022 elections, but I don’t doubt there will be a few carrots thrown to the donkey’s asses with legislation. After all, the anti-white “fighting institutional racism” crap will be in all the children’s textbooks.

    1. To be totally fair, antifa was never on their side, nor ever really pretended to be. It was just that Orange Man was Badder.

      I’d be surprised if many people on either side were surprised by this sudden schism.

      1. Onside or not, the Demonrats certainly approved of their actions, both implicitly and explicitly. Divide and rule, distract the proles with sanctioned mayhem.

    2. They broke a few windows at the Democrat HQ. All summer they tried to burn down buildings — occupied and unoccupied.

      They really weren’t attacking the Democrats as much as putting on a show of opposition. If they’d been serious, they’d have torched the building.

  2. They haven’t been properly cleansed yet. Wait for the FBI raids and the many “resisted arrests” shootings.
