95 Replies to “February 3, 2021 – Reader Tips”

    1. 5.4 million American women have quit or lost their jobs since last February.
      Finding child care, and the Pandemic are the main reasons.
      No way they can work two part time jobs with kids out of school.

      Maybe Joe and president Harris can get good green job’s for them;
      filling in water and natural gas holes 3 miles down inside hundreds of old coal mines.

      Dumb ass

    1. Sad,
      My wife and I just finished watching ‘Murder She Wrote .’
      Hal Holbrook was the co-star. 95 yrs old.
      I hope to live maybe 85.

      1. He had a varied acting career. He played Dirty Harry’s boss in Magnum Force, “Deep Throat” in All the President’s Men, and U. S. Navy officer Joe Rochefort in Midway. (Rochefort led the code-breaking group on Hawaii that figured out the Japanese navy was about to attack the island of Midway.)

        1. I forgot about Midway,
          When the Admiral told him he had broken the Japanese code;
          He stood there in his Old Bathrobe, rubbing his hands together,
          and screamed “Hot Damn.”

          1. The old Midway was so much better then the new rendition. Although, I did like Woody as Nimitz.

          2. The first Midway movie was old school, except for the stupid subplot about Charlton Heston’s son’s mind-numbing guilt trip. The modern remakes always immerse the originals with political correctness.

          3. One new war movie I really enjoyed was Greyhound, check it out if you haven’t already.

          4. One anecdote about the first Midway movie. I was working at an economics think tank way back when, when the movie came out, and the think tank had a policy of bringing over one young Japanese economist, to help out and to presumably learn English. Since I was the newest economist hired, I got stuck having the Japanese exchange economist in my office.

            His name was Shigaru, and we got along well. His specialization was inflation– and although I researched a different area — the chief economist would come in to talk and direct inflation research with him, for hours, and I learned a lot about Canada’s serious inflation problems by eavesdropping on their conversations. Anyways, one day, I asked Shigaru if he wanted to watch the new Midway movie with me. He shook his Japanese face politely, and said “no”.

          5. I can see why he said so. It is not as bad as asking a German tourist in Israel to watch Schindler’s List with you… but it is sufficiently close. Anyway check out Greyhound, it went under the radar because Wuhan Flu and is not easiest to come by. Not super realistic from the tactical standpoint but it does portray the chaotic nightmare of the WWII transatlantic convoy well.

        1. I think I liked him best in Evening Shade, where he was hired for his real life personality, to bring some balance to Burt Reynolds’ real life personality, and that comes through in his performance.

    2. I worked house crew at a theater where he did his live Mark Twain show and got to just hang and chat with him for a bit after the show. The word that comes to mind to describe how he was in real life is “sweetheart.” He was less pretentious and easier to work with than the average local dinner theater actor.

      I had always liked him as an actor, but I ended up a fan of the man. I feel like I’ve lost a favorite uncle.

  1. Turns out that the hard working immigrant,Sanjay Madan, and his hard working family,has been further accused of robbing, cheating and stealing from the taxpayers of Ontario an additional $30,000,000 to go along with the $11,000,000 he already stole from the Ontario Children’s Covid 19 relief fund.
    I’m wondering why criminal charges haven’t been laid yet,in either of the 2 cases .
    Go on the CBC website and type in ‘Sanjay Madan’ in the search engine for the full story.

      1. They are all tin-pot dictators. Ford hides behind his (restaurant kitchen and bathroom inspectors) or as MSM calls them “top doctors”. Does Ford and the rest of these low life dictators follow all the instructions of their personal Docs?

    1. Complete stupidity. It is virtually impossible to catch the virus outside, as you will not get a sufficient level of viral load ( maybe if you had your mouth pressed on someone else’s who actually had Covid ). Moreover, asymptomatic cases are not significant in spreading Covid — and the vast majority of positive cases are asymptomatic. All this quarantine stuff is pointless. If you are sick, quarantine, but if you are not, it should not be necessary. Our governments are destroying people’s lives and accomplishing nothing:

      1. Well said and agree.
        Hence the nagging sense that there is a hidden agenda driving the oppression.
        And oppression it is.
        Needs to stop.

  2. https://www.sudbury.com/local-news/students-faculty-shocked-by-laurentians-announcement-its-insolvent-filing-for-court-protection-3316242

    A good start…..

    Lefties, progressives, various “gender studies majors,” and idiot Prime Ministers have been transfixed by “Modern Monetary Theory,” and other dubious ideas. Maybe this is the first of many reckonings coming their way. Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario has filed for bancruptcy.

    …“as to how Laurentian got itself into this mess, the faculty association has repeatedly raised concerns about the increasingly secretive and non-consultative approach the university administration has taken to making important financial decisions.”

    … from CBC report…. “Despite our best efforts … Laurentian is insolvent,’ top official says”

    Lets hope this spreads to the real hives of infamy like Ryerson, Toronto, McGill, UBC….

    1. For some reason, the alumni association of my university alma mater dropped me from its mailing list. (Yeah, I’m real broken up about that.) I think I heard from it, maybe, once in the last 10 or so years with the usual “thanks to the education we gave you, you’re successful, so fork it over” phone call.

      Considering the fancy-schmancy buildings that have gone up on its property in the last 15 or 20 years, it certainly doesn’t need any cash from me.

      1. B A, I had to write a pointed email, after Queen’s dropped Sir John Macdonald’s name from a building, to get my name removed from all mailing lists.

        1. I’m thinking the reason I was dropped was because I told my alma mater to get lost one day.

          I don’t miss the mailings as they often were of “join your fellow alumni on the upcoming trip to Coleslawvania” nature. I used to read the alumni newsrag but that’s available on the university’s website now.

          I was only interested in the class notes and the memorial list. I’m old enough now that people I knew during my undergrad days are now among the departed, among which are some of my classmates.

  3. Vaccination news from around the world today: the Cayman Islands reports today that just over half of over 70s vaccinated(1st dose) and 46% of those over 60. Compare this to the pathetic effort of Canada, we can’t even vaccinate the most vulnerable in a timely manner. Similar rates for others such as Bermuda. Based on this, we would be better off as a British overseas territory.
    What is it going to take for Canadians to wake up and demand better governance? Seriously folks, I think its too late for this country. Too much bureaucracy, too many voters concentrated in urban areas, too many voters in the civil service and related areas, hospitals, universities, etc. The country that I grew up in no longer exists. It’s sad for our children and grand children but I can now conclude that there is no hope for Canada. I think that all of us here know this, but we are the minority in this country. Sad to admit but I don’t think there’s any hope unless we hit rock bottom. I can’t think how we can come back from decades of indoctrinated children in our schools and universities, as well as mainstream media that acts as an arm of the Liberal party. It’s seriously a dangerous situation for our future.

    1. Canada will likely become an Argentina. Not the worst thing in the world but not what people 40 years ago would’ve thought of Canada’s destiny.

      1. Nope, not Argentina. Argentina is a cohesive nation. FUBARed but cohesive. We’re not. We’re heading straight for Balkans.

        1. Canada should do something akin to what Argentina dictator Gen. Galtieri did, and invade St. Pierre and Miquelon, to distract voters from our minor vaccination difficulties . Oops! I forgot, the two islands would retaliate and invade and take over Canada. (Apologies to an opposition MP who said the joke first).

          1. The thing is that Argentinians heard about Falklands. Canuckistanis about St. Pierre and Miquelon? I guarantee you 90% did not. It is more important to teach children how to count different genders than to teach them geography.

    2. Longtime reader….I don’t want a vaccine that isn’t a vaccine. Canada has been in a death spiral for decades now and a vaccine is not indicative of the decline. I do not want better governance, I want LESS governance. People who think good government is the same as freedom are fools. I agree that Canada is not the Canada I was born and raised in. It has become a communist police state and the people are too foolish to put a stop to it.

      1. Good governance and less governance are not mutually exclusive ideas. You can have both.

        1. Only if you have the latter first and keep it that way. We nor any other country has been successful at keeping government small.

    3. It’s amazing what changes inevitably come about when the keys to a G-something country are thrown to a crooked clueless drug-addled slacker-stoner trust-fund idiot with a superiority complex.

      Not once but TWICE – what could possibly go wrong…?

      (With apologies to clueless drug-addled slacker-stoner idiots everywhere…)

    4. There is another article in principia scientific from medical professionals warning people not to take THE VACCINE. I sure wish there were more intelligent people in Canada.

    5. I am all for better governance, but getting the vaccines is at the bottom of my list of concerns. The vaccine does not prevent transmission of Covid and the current ones available are highly experimental. I am hoping that there will be better options down the line.

    1. Many years ago, back when the CBC program As It Happens was still worth listening to, it used to devote the last half-hour of its Friday edition to old radio shows. I remember when it ran episodes of the science fiction series X Minus One. Also, during the summer, much of AIH’s time slot was given over to vintage shows, including the BBC comedy series Round the Horne and Hancock’s Half Hour.

      Actually, CBC had a tradition of running old British radio shows the summer. I recall hearing I’m Sorry I’ll Read That Again on Sunday nights. Two of its writers went on to a TV show some people might have heard of: Monty Python’s Flying Circus. The writers in question were John Cleese and Graham Chapman.

      Then, the old Morningside gave over a half hour (or was it an hour?) to shows like My Word, My Music, and Just A Minute.

      I looked forward to hearing all of them.

      Many of us may remember the dreadful summer of 1981, during which we had a beer strike in Alberta, the postal unions hit the picket lines, and the CBC also hit the bricks. During that time, CBC Radio dug into its archives and re-broadcast some old programs to stay on the air. A lot of it was quite impressive. The local CBC-TV outlet ran old episodes of The Lone Ranger. Now that was fun!

      1. The Lone Ranger was shown on Sunday nights before CBC went off the air for the day. The following morning, it became the topic of conversation for my fellow grad students and I.

          1. Re: info from the link…
            The ownership of The Lone Ranger is fascinating, but not surprising. Had no idea. Quite the bucks!

        1. I recall back in the very early 1970’s, CBC TV ran a version of Saturday Night at the Movies ( RIP TVO Ontario Elwy Yost) a series of Charlie Chaplins old movies mostly the popular ones.
          My favorite for some weird reason was Modern Times.
          Monsouir Verdueux (sp) kinda creeped me out.
          That was a treat.

      2. Back in 1985, British Columbia had a booze strike as well.
        I was in Roger’s Pass shooting avalanches and we had to go back to Alberta illegally to pick up our booze for the bar we had there. Not like any cops will stop a military convoy to check if we were transporting illegal booze.
        We hit some black ice around Calgary and one of our trucks spun out with a m105 gun on it and we needed to replace a wheel while having to stay overnight there.
        On our time off, we did a great deal of shooter experiments before they really started cracking down on your off time on what you could do. Did two Peacekeeping tours before that in Cyprus and Golan Heights.
        Put in my 4 year contract as I pissed off an officer and he wanted revenge. On a training exercise for Combat Leadership course. We were doing a war prison escape exercise and I managed to blow up this “enemy” officer.
        Boy was he pissed and was heavily made fun of by his fellow officers. This made me a marked man by his Sargeant and Warrant Officers under his command. Being called by your first name by them was pretty creepy in what my future was about to face.

        1. One reason Alberta liquor stores carry American beer was a series of beer strikes in the late 1970s/early ’80s. The old ALCB wanted to stay in business, so it imported the stuff from down south, which, as I remember, wasn’t allowed in those days. (Something about bootlegging, I think.) Eventually that was made legal, at least for retailers.

          I wasn’t particularly impressed by what was brought in, but, during a hot summer, beer’s beer.

          Now that I brew my own hootch, I’m not too concerned.

  4. CBC’s bag over the head muslim news host continues her mandate to talk to ordinary Canadians. Last night she had a discussion on right wing Trump loving cults. I guess Islam has the only rational view of issues. Then she discussed how wonderful Dementia Joe is for opening the borders.

    1. I channel surf onto Bag-Over-Her-Head’s show during commercial breaks on other networks. Three nights ago I saw the first white person being interviewed by BOHH. Progress.

  5. It was just in early January, over a year since the start of the outbreak, that the Feds required air travellers to get tested before entering the country.

    From March to January there were potential exposures on more than 1,600 international flights and more than 1,400 domestic flights within Canada. A few people self-reported but the FEDS have no clue how many infected people they let in the country.

    “When study after study after study showed that the novel coronavirus can spread on flights, the airline industry released a counter study that concluded the “risk of contracting the virus on board appears to be in the same category as being struck by lightning.”

    They lied. The industry is regulated by the FEDs. The FEDs have been covering up and lying going back to October 2019 and their involvement with the Wuhan Bio-weapons lab. Meanwhile were are being locked up, can’t visit family across the border and the economy is being destroyed.

  6. Channel surfed onto Lisa Laflamme’s national news show on CTV, during a commercial break on another show, and was surprised to see a CTV News reporter actually reporting on Canada’s late vaccine delivery in a critical way. Real head shaker that. Similarly on the Globe and Mail’s web page, readers are furious at Justhin-the-Bong’s governance.

    Of course, all of this head shaking is temporary. This morning the PMO’s flack and strategists are hard at work planning payoffs and deals with powerful people, those who know how to quell the consternation among the proles.

    1. Is everyone here serious? Do you people actually listen to any news or cultural issuesfrom the MSM and especially anything from Canada. I gave up on CBC CTV Global and all the propaganda media years ago. It’s not my country anymore anyway at least not the one I remember growing up in. I would never fight and die for this place nor would I send my children to do it either. I feel so much better not listening to that communist drivel coming out of any and all media outlets from this country ( save for Kate and company and Rebel Media). I don’t know if you are all just pulling my leg saying that you occasionally watch, listen or read Canadian media. They are blocked channels at my house. I have no clue as to what is happening in this country and sadly as a family that has been here since 1647 I/we are Canadians of convenience. When the time comes we’ll just pack up and leave. There is nothing that we can do anymore about the decline. The leftist Stazi curtailing our freedom of speech and the demographics have done the country in. That PET and the LPOC.

  7. Pedro exposes fake “capitalism” for the elitist grift it actually is. MUST READ!

    “Thus, the myth of democratic capitalism, in reality, is an expression of the personal and group interests of an oligarchy that casts itself and its actions as serving the public interest. But the mask slips every time not-so-thinly veiled force or fraud is employed to protect and consolidate its power, interests, and ideology—whether openly engaging in market manipulation to protect Wall Street or removing entire social media networks from the web to silence dissent.

    The truth is that the political economy of the United States is no longer capitalism but managerialism, which slit capitalism’s throat sometime in the 20th century following the Great Depression and two world wars, replacing the bourgeois elite of yesteryear with managers presiding over a system that separates ownership and control.

    Whatever its theoretical merits, to defend what people are pleased to call “American capitalism” today is to garland the ideological chains of a ruling class that is hostile to private property, genuine small business, and traditional institutions because all these are impediments to the growth and control of the managerial class.”


    1. Excellent post – the only conceivable reason for industry / big government not to take exception to the madness is because the madness serves their interests – the madness is intentional.

  8. Oh Nooo! The Liberal Party’s bought and paid for media report that racist bastards are running rampant at Veterans Affairs.

  9. How many staffers does it take to prepare a fake question for a Liberal MP to ask Blackie during the fake Question Period in our fake parliament. Well according to the Toronto Star’s iPolitics website it takes ten. And they are excited that most of the names Herr Blair will be adding to the list of terrorist organizations will be right wing groups. Nazis are running rampant in Canada! Meanwhile Blacklock’s Reporter explains that the former corrupt Liberal cabinet minister Bains was pressing cabinet to give a major contract to a company. No comment from the corrupt government.

    1. And they are excited that most of the names Herr Blair will be adding to the list of terrorist organizations will be right wing groups. Nazis are running rampant in Canada!

      That’s nothing new to the CBC. About a dozen years ago, the network’s laughably bad TV series The Border ran an episode about a “terrorist” group and, sure enough, it was a bunch of white supremacists. I don’t recall any leftists or Mohammedans ever being investigated by the show’s super-duper secret spy outfit.

      1. Matching real life. In the early days of CSIS they funded and created a white nationalist group called the Heritage Front so they had an enemy to spy on. In the meantime they ignored intelligence that said Air India airplanes were going to be bombed by Jagmeet’s friends. How did that work out? That’s not half as bad as the Canadian Jewish Congress funding the Canadian Nazi Party back in the 1960s. I suspect that if it weren’t for anti-racists we wouldn’t have any racists.

    1. At an extra $5000 extortion and two weeks confinement at a med hotel people aren’t booking trips to Australia. And the virus won’t be going away. Canada is heading in the same direction going from NO tests to lock-ups & tests in a med hotel.

      This wasn’t incompetence on the part of the Ministry of Truth and Health. That they were letting the virus in for the past year with no controls in place was intentional malfeasance.

  10. What is the obsession with the CBC on here it’s mentioned repeatedly in many posts,if you hate them so much (I do) why keep bringing them up?

    1. Perhaps a case where it is meant as ‘doing it for you, so you don’t have to’.

      The only time the CeeBeeCee is relevant is when the talkers on radio AM go off into deep end of the pool and the, what they call 2 on FM, is playing classical music, less the snobbish commentary.

    2. Gee Terry I love being forced to pay for a Propaganda Org broadcasting hatred toward me and mine too.
      Also it gives me great joy to mock the natural incompetents that always rise to the top of corrupt institutions.
      Even tho it hurts the senses,one must check in to see what $2 billion per year can deliver to 0.8% of the population.
      For as the Constantly Biased Corp is the propaganda mouthpiece of the Kleptocracy,they telegraph the coming changes to the theft and abuse.
      Memes are important..As “Not seen on CBC” .
      So rather than an obsession it is simply good practice to keep an eye on the enemy.
      For the government declaration of war,upon all private citizens and noncompliant tax slaves..was made on CBC first.
      As with the way CBC propaganda,such as “White Supremists Ahoy” leads Liberal laws.

    1. Canadians getting raped is par for the course.

      Per the Gazette presstitute: “Those fortunate enough to flock to warm climates for the winter are furious they will be forced to spend up to $2,000 to stay in a government-approved hotel for the first three days of their 14-day quarantine like mere holidayers.”

      Do you get to use the pool and exercise room?

      In Australia, for $4000 you get a 14 day stay with a meal plan and they offer a family discount and the little kids stay free!!! What is there not to like?

      It wouldn’t be as infuriating had the Feds not been helping the Chicoms out at the Wuhan bio-weapons lab and then covering up the release of the virus.

    2. Notice no reporting that “Temporary” Foreign Workers are exempt from the new COVID restrictions and fines when entering Canada. These rules only apply to Canadian citizens, even those working abroad and coming back into Canada.

  11. Another day, another day of Liberal corruption. Blacklock’s Reporter states that the Auditor General gave confidential documents to a Liberal lobbyist.

  12. So Herr Blair has just added the Proud Boys to the terrorist list, even though I have never heard of them committing a terrorist act in Canada. Yet indians can trash and blockade roads and railways in this country, and terrorize communities like Caledonia Ont.

    1. I noticed that. https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/canada-adds-proud-boys-to-terror-list-1.5293967

      Funny that I cannot find the vote that happened anywhere. It is not listed here. https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/votes.

      I can’t find it on Jagmeet Singh member page either and he’s the one that brought it up to vote on. https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/71588#work

      And reports of the vote being unanimous can’t be right because as if Derek Sloan would vote for this BS. He has been tweeting and retweeting things like “O’Toole is setting Conservatives up for failure”, “When a Conservative acts like a Liberal, he loses. Every. Single. Time.” and “Trudeau’s Liberals will define “hate” as everything they hate. Keeping Canadians “safe” online will mean keeping them safe from ideas that contradict Justin Trudeau’s radical left worldview. This censorship has no place in Canada.”

      So if he tweets that stuff I’d be expecting a tweet saying that he voted against putting the proud boys on a terror list until they actually acted like Antifa and deserved to be on one.

  13. Dr. Jordan Peterson’s daughter explains at Post Millennial, the smear job The Times did on her family.

    1. Canada’s Ministry of Love will have to start hiring.
      And Bernie Farber just blew a load soft.

    2. Just wait. I will love to see the look on O’Fool’s face when the CPC is declared a terrorist group.

  14. Old news, but what is news if we don’t dig up old news.

    “Asymptomatic spread”. As I see it, if you are “ass-symptomatic” on COVID, well you don’t have it and you never did. Pity our returning world travelers and a nega-tory “test”, because they are asymptomatic. Nobody believes them and the tests prescribed are notoriously inaccurate.
    From November last year: https://www.aier.org/article/asymptomatic-spread-revisited/……and please, read the authors’ names why don’t you and the title.
    “Stringent COVID-19 control measures were imposed in Wuhan between January 23 and April 8, 2020. Estimates of the prevalence of infection following the release of restrictions could inform post-lockdown pandemic management. Here, we describe a city-wide SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening programme between May 14 and June 1, 2020 in Wuhan. All city residents aged six years or older were eligible and 9,899,828 (92.9%) participated. No new symptomatic cases and 300 asymptomatic cases (detection rate 0.303/10,000, 95% CI 0.270–0.339/10,000) were identified. There were no positive tests amongst 1,174 close contacts of asymptomatic cases. 107 of 34,424 previously recovered COVID-19 patients tested positive again (re-positive rate 0.31%, 95% CI 0.423–0.574%). The prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Wuhan was therefore very low five to eight weeks after the end of lockdown.”
    Dated 20 November 2020.

    They don’t even talk about “vaccines”. And here we are “locked down” a year later in some places.

    1. So, where’s Greta? https://wattsupwiththat.com/2021/02/03/covid-19-lockdowns-temporarily-raised-global-temperatures/
      An observation: “There was a big decline in emissions from the most polluting industries, and that had immediate, short-term effects on temperatures,” said NCAR scientist Andrew Gettelman, the study’s lead author. “Pollution cools the planet, so it makes sense that pollution reductions would warm the planet.”

      Remember…. “Pollution cools the planet…..”

  15. Time we gave masks a more positive consideration.
    The ones from V for Vendetta appeal to my current opinion of all levels of Canadian Government.
    But Pierre the Idiot is a far more suitable face to turn on the fools and bandits insisting we hide our faces.
    Or how about two masks?
    Pierre on the front and Emperor Justine on the back?
    Then the poor libtards will not know if you are coming or going.

    And after the theatre put on by the US Uni-Party we know they will use all video footage to frame any who mock their stupid evil actions.
    Masks are great,they defeat facial recognition and protect you..from your government.
    So now we need to prolong the fake emergency,as then they are helpless to forbid the wearing of disguises.

    Might even be a great way to crush the lockdown donkeys..
