Common sense from south of the border

Judging by what Canadians are allowed to read in the Mainstream Media these days regarding Covid, it’s as if the United States no longer exists. With cases dropping like a stone in nearly every state, one would think that journalists would be interested in finding out why. As Marty Makary of Johns Hopkins points out, the reason is that the United States has basically achieved herd immunity.

Look at the facts: About 57 percent of adults are vaccinated and approximately half of unvaccinated people have natural immunity from prior infection. That’s why US cases have been plummeting, down 31 percent over the past 18 days.

Covid policy in Canada is no longer about public health, if it ever was; it’s about narrative maintenance at all costs.

50 Replies to “Common sense from south of the border”

  1. “…narrative maintenance at all costs.”

    The good thing is that when, in late 50s communist Eastern Europe turned to nothing but narrative maintenance at all cost, we only needed about three decades to get free.

    1. I don’t have three decades and do not plan on living my last few years in a god damn police state.

        1. Die somewhere warm – where you can see/smell the ocean.
          See you there.l..l.

      1. I agree with you but I just encountered a COVID maniac while waiting to enter a local butcher shop. The line (3 people including myself). I had a mask on but down on my chin as we were outside with the wind blowing (Note : There has not been one case of infection outside). The prick ahead of me immediately starts screaming at me to put my mask on , which I probably would have done if he was civil but by the time he entered the store he was in an uncontrollable fit of rage as I refused to put it on while outside. Meanwhile typical (assumed) lefty he starts yelling it is the law .. funny even in Totalitarian Ontario I don’t seem to recall that “law”.

        Well folks , if you think things will return to normal any time soon , don’t hold your breath. There are too many like this maniac on the loose.

        1. There aren’t any outdoor cases because UV light/sunlight kills the virus in seconds. Why haven’t people been told that? I live in a red state with no mask mandate since April 6 but this afternoon I encountered probably 20 masked people outside in Home Depot’s outdoor garden center. One guy and his 20-something son, and I, were the only ones not masked. Just weird.

  2. When we crossed the border last week from the USA it was like entering a completely different reality. Canadians have no idea how freely people move around there, or that there is actually treatment available for the Covid condition. When we try to tell them they either don’t believe it because of their brainwashing or react with disgust at the situation here. When we hear of people who are suffering ill effects with no treatment permitted we think it is criminal. What will it take to wake up our populace and politicians?

    Of course the charade of testing, reporting and being checked on by the Covid police is a complete travesty.

    1. L – “What will it take to wake up our populace…?”

      Class Action lawsuits for the needless deaths(medical malpractice, drug overdoses, suicides), psychological damage and economic devastation for millions. The political fallout will follow.
      The biggest medical fraud in history. A free press, honest competent politicians and even
      medical professionals could have stopped this long ago.

      Heroes take risks and sacrifice for ideal above and beyond their personal lives. That is why the archetype resonates so deeply and is so honoured.

      1. Larry, I don’t think it is possible to get Canadians to wake up. Intellectually, any people who are terrified of a flu virus will not see that they are being manipulated by those of equal or lesser intelligence.

      2. That would just go before a judge, a.k.a. second rate Librano lawyer who has done sufficient time on their knees, they won’t let anything happen to the Party. This country is already a sick joke.

    2. MJB … “the charade of testing, reporting and being checked on by the Covid police is a complete travesty.”
      You are so right. Take a look at the Ontario COVID stats web page :

      The total deaths recorded for COVID since January 15, 2020 (no doubt including motor cycle accidents etc.) is 8,261.

      The population of Ontario is roughly 14 million so assuming one gets COVID the chance of surviving is 99.94% , this in addition to recent data showing that COVID stats are the same as seasonal flu across all age groups.

      Yet with an average survival rate if infected of 99.94% people are panicked and politicians have basically wrecked Canada and Ontario.

  3. So this is why Rebel News must be cut off from all funding sources? Oh, that’s co-incidental?

    Never mind.

  4. Vaccines facemasks and lockdowns have little to do with the bell curve rise and fall of cases.

    They have a lot to do with totalitarianism and the great reset though.

  5. Why do you think the covid hotel policy came to be? It was to stop Canadians from getting vaccinated in the us. Don’t doubt me. Years from now discussions around the pmo will become public and that will have been the primary driver. The only thing that matters is winning. These people genuinely hate Canadians.

  6. Justin is still trying to figure out:

    1. how to explain to Karen that at some point she will have to either start reporting to work again, on time, professionally dressed, sober and ready to do something useful, or quit her federal government job.

    2. how to explain to Kareem that he can’t keep teleworking from his home country (where he can live like a sultan on a Canadian government salary) and he needs to either come back to Canada or quit.

    Trying to explain reality to federal government employees will only succeed in convincing then to vote NDP.

    1. Yes. I think the Diamond Princess situation tells us that 80% of people have natural immunity, and that only a small percentage of those that don’t will get seriously sick and die. There is absolutely no excuse for denying access to treatments such as HCQ and Ivermectin. Doug Ford is not being well advised. Personally, I suspect his arm is being twisted by the Fed’s. Same with other Provinces where you would expect a more sensible approach. We are dealing with Justin’s totalitarian agenda. What an evil man.

      1. Justin’s totalitarian agenda. What an evil man.

        Justin Trudeau is not ‘a man’ and never will be.

        1. Indeed. One description that comes to mind is “poncy schoolboy”.

          It’s used by Philip Seymour Hoffman’s character in the movie Charlie Wilson’s War when he argues with his boss.

    2. Ken….MY thoughts exactly.
      …one need only look at Mar/Apr 2020
      2 Ships
      1 Cruise – 3600 folks. Covid Pos: 697
      1 CVN71 – 5985 folks. Covid Pos: 1200

      Both Quarantined for 2 weeks NO ONE Allowed to leave.
      Both cases, only 20% tested “positive”
      ….now if they used the PCR test at 35-40 Cycles..??
      HOW many were TRULY sick.???

      From that point on, its been 100% FASCIST Totalitarian Medical / Governmental / MSM Bullshit.

      LOCKSTEP alla Rockefeller.

      1. Steakman .. totally agree regarding the cruise ships.

        It was very telling there was no interest in a detailed analysis and testing of those on those two ships. There was a perfect lab experiment under controlled conditions to monitor , test and perform a detailed analysis of everyone on board , but nothing effective was done.

        The narrative was fear and panic to assist in removing Trump while extolling the virtues of “Follow the Science” which the health authorities never did.

      2. Now would you line to know WHY?
        Here you go…

        SARS-CoV-2-derived peptides define heterologous and COVID-19-induced T cell recognition

        “Cross-reactive SARS-CoV-2 peptides revealed pre-existing T cell responses in 81% of unexposed individuals and validated similarity with common cold coronaviruses, providing a functional basis for heterologous immunity in SARS-CoV-2 infection.

  7. Our MSM has been bought off with our money. It has worked. The MSM had convinced the sheeple that we’re all going to die unless we’re all out under house arrest. Read the letters to the editor in any Kanuckistanian MSM newspaper and you can tell it has done a very good job.

  8. We have to ignore the US if we are going to continue the “vaccine” insanity, as in the US they have almost 4,000 deaths and have over 86 thousand serious adverse reactions, can’t have Canadians knowing that. We are ignoring teh EU as well as their deaths from “vaccines” is now over 8 thousand and adverse injuries, as they call them, are in excess of 300 thousand.
    The US is now reporting that in some areas fully half of the new cases, actual sick people, had been vaccinated. Don’t want to hear that do we?

  9. When we left Florida 12 days ago everything seemed relatively normal, some servers in restaurants were still wearing masks but what you noticed was “mask slippage”…below the nose and often below the chin. This was still government mandate so they were trying to comply, Gov. De Santis has now dropped that requirement. We made stops in Georgia and Virginia on the way home where this appeared to be the case at hotels, gas stations and eateries, VFM (very few masks).
    They lost our covid tests from the border…..not surprised.
    I have been informing as many friends and family of these basic freedoms….Canadians need to wake up….this is not NORMAL.

  10. This was never about a virus, it an opportunity for a compliance test, we failed miserably. We threw our rights to the ground without a whimper.

  11. You don’t need to watch or read the news. I watch sports on TV and the difference between Chinada and the US of A is dramatic.

    One place has come out of madness, but I think it’ll be difficult to ever re-institute unless its an actual Zombie-like apocalypse.
    The northern place is a failed state living in denial with an extortionist federal government that needs to be nullified with extreme prejudice by its hapless, but somewhat accountable provinces.

    1. Buddy, Ive said it before.

      right around Mar/Apr last year, where the various provinces were all doing their OWN thing…that seemed to change in one night. From that point on they have truly been in Lockstep on the entire shit-show…going as far as having the useless kunt Patty Hadju coming out stating that Vitamin D has zero to do with Immune system health.

      Its been 100% Lockdown, nazi like tactics against business owners that NEED to stay open in order to survive. its Been 100% FEAR PORN 24/7 by the Media WHORES and 100% Full on PCR Testing at 35+ cycles – then running that BS through some garbage computer program….and we get..??

      CASES CASES CASES ad Fucking nauseau. 97% of which are IMO, complete and utter BS…So what do these Scumbags do upon hearing the CDC themselves stating anything over 28 cycles is GARBAGE..?? They double down.

      Who wants to argue that maybe, just maybe there is some COMMUNIST CHINESE influence here..? a few Billion YEN Maybe.? Why would a 2 Bit Mayor (NenXi), fly to Bejing on 2 occasions to meet with the # 5 Gy in the CCP – the Mayor of Bejing..?? What could they possibly have discussed I wonder….it sure as SHIT wasn’t about ART.!!

      Yea I think so folks….the entire body Politic in this COMMUNIST Loving Country bought n paid for.

  12. From the same doctor’s testimony, here’s something that applies to Saskatchewans covid road map:

    “The Johns Hopkins surgeon went on to debunk the desire among some health officials, sometimes referred to as “zero COVID,” that COVID-19 can be eradicated completely.

    “Well, unfortunately, we have this perception now that’s being created by some public health leaders that we need to reach total eradication. We’re not gonna get to total absolute risk elimination. That is a false goal and quite honestly it’s being used now to manipulate the public. We heard today again from our public health leaders that if we get to ***70% vaccination***, then we can start seeing restrictions removed. That’s dishonest. Most of the country is at herd immunity…And I think what’s happening is our public health leaders are dismissing natural immunity from prior infection, which changes the path to get to more population immunity. It invokes mandates, ***it means kids may have to get it*** and it demonizes those that are hesitant rather than respecting their decision.”

    1. A popular internet meme needs an addition, imo :
      I’m not living in a pod. I will not eat insects….and….No, I’m not taking that damn experimental covid vaccine.

    2. It’s absolutely insane! Our children do NOT need to be vaccinated against COVID. That will do far more harm than good.

      1. You are exactly correct Kenji. Right now in the U.S. deaths in those under age 17 are running at about the same population rate for death by COVID and death by vaccination. Fortunately, each number is very low, and vaccination among that age group is just beginning.

  13. Yesterday evening I watched the third and fourth innings of the Jays and Texas Rangers game. There were people in the bleachers.. sitting next to each other… without masks! The horror of if all!!
    Seriously, there were more masks worn by the virtue signalling umpires and coaches than was visible in the stands. These days, rather than sit through a game, I record it, then fast forward through the boredom, commercials and inane chatter.
    I used to love the laziness of the game..not so much lately.

  14. Duh.
    When incompetents perform as comes naturally,they always unite to silence the competent.
    “Delusions of Adequacy” is a real thing.
    And we are at saturation.
    Smothered by the ranks of the deluded..
    I realized this decades ago.
    The short story I was directionless in Vancouver ,so I took a Industrial First Aid course while I drove taxi..
    One night while carrying a fare I came upon an accident,one drunk shoved his brother out in front of traffic,so the victim is laying in the street,I am radioing for emergency services and the passenger”I know first aid” charges off and picks up the injured guys head,to stuff her jacket under it..This for a guy we had just watched fly through the air off the front of a car and crunch into the sidewalk..
    The brother who pushed him is hysterical,the kids driving the car are freaked and about to get busted for driving drunk and the “I know first aid” is twisting the moaning victims neck..
    After that I started seeing it everywhere.
    When an emergency occurs,usually caused by the useless and clueless,it is immediately made worse by the hysterical..often well trained hysterics.
    You see in in government clowns reserving the right to put down animals injured on highways,causing hours of pain and suffering,often followed by impossible incompetence..Ie mag after mag of 9mm to put down an injured moose..
    You see the deluded swarm every accident,where they cause more injury and suffering.
    And we see it in our politics,endlessly circling the bowl,where virtue signalling nitwits prance,preach and pose..preventing any serious solution to simple well known problems.

    The last 14 months has been a glorious shit show.
    The Dread Covid has taken off all the masks,revealing fools and bandits naked of any sense,proportion and ethics.
    Apparently death is no longer a part of life.
    For the deluded are so staunch in their desire to be seen to be saving us all from infection by the Dread Covid,that they happily destroyed ever social grace,civic institution and sweet illusion we claim as civilization.

    Do-Gooders are naturally deluded,self gulling zombies,that “urge to save mankind” indeed provides great cover for powerhappy fools.
    14 months of “We will save you from the Dread Covid..Even if we must kill you to do so” .
    Without a hint of irony.
    After the initial blind panic,Covid has turned out to be a wet squib,not The Pandemic as modelled,instead just another flu of the many we must endure,a nasty one but as far as mass deaths,civic collapse and population decimation,oopes false alarm.
    The Butt Covering began in March 2020 and has never let up.
    However the breath taking levels of institutional incompetence,arrogance and natural stupidity have managed to shine through.
    All the propaganda,lies and misdirection have failed to cover for the natural skill of our Parasitic Overload.

    From the way our “authorities have approached the Dread Covid Pandemic”,you would think mankind has never suffered a plague before.

    1. You observed well, and you tell the story well. Certainly got me to ponder with earnest.

    2. I have been attributing much of this to malice and cowardice. You have helped me realize that incompetence may well be the biggest factor — much helped by malice at the top and cowardice among the people.

      1. Linda, Stupidity and incompetence are a known and accepted factor of governance, but this is way beyond, and malice is only part of it. Arrogance, and narcissism, coupled with incompetence and malice, creates a powerful elixir of idiocy. Worse, as you note, our collective cowardice, (does that include indifference), put these people into positions of power, that they not only don’t deserve, but makes them dangerous to society as a whole, as they have perfectly demonstrated these past months. We should collectively be at their gates with pitchforks, but instead that cowardice allows us to stupidly put on our masks and shrug our shoulders. In the end we’ll only have ourselves to blame.

        1. Looking back at history. It appears that Starvation is the only thing that will eventually break and compel weak people to do anything against their oppressors.

          Canada is bad but it’s still not that bad aka Soviet Union levels circa 1960s.
          You can’t leave your house but you can still get a pizza and watch tv nonstop. The masses, while increasingly losing our charter rights are largely satiated so why would we rebel?

  15. Not to brag … but I believe I laid out the simple math for this last week …

    Vaccinated + the Naturally Immune = herd immunity. This … by the CDC’s own PUBLISHED numbers. Can nobody at the CDC count?! Don’t answer that … It’d depress me to think how much those TOOLS get paid$$

    From the CDC COVID tracker …

    31,976,888 Total Cases
    – 570,421 Deaths
    31,406,467 Naturally immune citizens
    + 235M Vaccines given
    266,406,467 Total immune citizens
    /330,216,779 total US population
    81% of the US population is immune to COVID

    Weren’t we told that when 70% of the population achieved immunity … then we would have achieved “herd immunity”? Seems we’ve achieved herd immunity some time ago. Time to drop the masks and drop the ruse. Drop the “Theatre”

    And get ALL our children back to school (hopefully not a public school) NOW!

  16. Will Canadians muster the balls to go into their local Home Depot or Costco or any grocery store without a stupid mask? All it would take is for shoppers to refuse put on a mask when they come into a business.

    When the Karens or the NAZIS come at you, tell them you are immune and have had the Chinese Flu. There is no reason for YOU to continue wearing an idiotic ineffective mask to pretend you are protecting yourself and/or others … who are also wearing masks and therefore have nothing to fear … they are protected are they not? The masks protect them don’t they?

    1. J West, I am in agreement with you, but if you own a business and require customers to wear a mask, that is your right. The customer has the right to choose not to enter the business or spend money there, but you have the right to set the rules inside your own business establishment. Of course, if we could persuade the businesses to accept this charade for what it is, we could get this mask idiocy off of our collective backs. All of it is, as some one else has said, is a compliance test, and we have collectively demonstrated how much sheeple we are. The way the majority have complied, makes you/us, who want to resist, look like the real villain/nut job. I don’t see a reasonable way out of this catch 22.

      1. I detest wearing something for theatrical purposes in this pretendemic but I also do not want to embarrass my family or get banned from the local grocery store.

        You’re right it is a catch 22 🙁

  17. “Covid policy in Canada is no longer about public health, if it ever was; it’s about narrative maintenance at all costs.”

    And yet, people still demanding their “Rapid Dread Virus Rona” tests. Why are such things necessary? The virus has a greater than 99% survival rate. Why is rapid detection of such a thing assigned such great importance? Fear. People are afraid of something that 99+% will not kill them, that they are willing to wear masks, endure lockdowns, and demand rapid testing kits.

    I cannot choose for people, what they wish to live in crippling fear of. I guess the maskless (or unvaccinated, or …), are just going to have to be the new smokers. The guys who gets beaten to death for smoking, outside the “Museum of Tolerance”. And after we have all been killed, they will have to pick out some smaller division; maybe people who refuse to wear two masks. And after those guys have been liquidated “to prevent our hospitals being overwhelmed”, … .

  18. This entire fiasco was never about anyone’s health.

    Look what the Chinese-backed government has been able to accomplish in a short year: complete strangulation of the economy, the stoppage of the natural resource sector, the shutdown of what passes for a House of Commons, a censorship bill, shortages of all kinds, the mass deaths of the elderly, the sick and the disabled and – most easy of all – the obedience of the Canadian public.

    Canadians don’t want to go back.

    One couldn’t achieve that without this Chinese-spread virus.

  19. BC, like elsewhere, just like last spring/summer, will experience a fall in cases and deaths over the summer, and the government will claim victory over covid, proof their policies are working, but actually evidence they make no difference, because in the fall, covid will come back again, like government, like any bad dream, and we will be locked down once again, if not still stuck there.

    In the meantime, what happens to sports like baseball and lacrosse, unable to survive at senior level without bums in seats?

    How about restaurants, theatres or shared intimacy amongst society? This is worse than a plague, it’s an outbreak of negligence.

    Covid does what covid does and government have only made society’s plight worse, not better, with massive social costs that go unmeasured and unconsidered, as vulnerables continue to suffer the brunt of statist myopia, where one size fits all.

    Seven people people died of covid yesterday in BC, while at least two teenagers died of drug overdoses.

    It’s well past time to critically examine the efficacy and consequences of covid policies, all of them, along with the failure to properly utilize outpatient care.

    They won’t because that requires leading, of trusting individuals, of not appealing to socialist tendencies, where ruling counts.

    1. Shamrock, a very good post, thanks.
      “An outbreak of negligence” was a great line, I may need to steal that.

  20. Dear Dennis

    I read the post on the Diamond Princess on Watts Up With That on 16 March 2020.

    My view was, and is, that the UK government response was comprehensively wrong.

    Covid ‘cases’ and ‘deaths’ data are hopelessly corrupt. I have been graphing all-cause mortality for England and Wales using ONS weekly deaths data and uploading to Flickr.

    This week I plotted cumulative deaths by age group for 2015, 2018, 2020 and 2021.

    The 0-44 age group plot is here:

    It is probably the most significant graph of the lot.

