Ottawa Police Plan to Rapidly Escalate the Situation

Opening statement lasts just over six minutes then its a Q & A. It’s not good.

Watch the whole thing.

Update: Keith Wilson, lawyer for the trucker group in Ottawa


Update 2 : Organizers of the trucker convoy respond to allegations made by Ottawa police.  It’s not the greatest recording but it works, start at the 10:30 mark and keep a hand on your volume control, sound levels bounce around depending on who’s talking.

122 Replies to “Ottawa Police Plan to Rapidly Escalate the Situation”

  1. Yawn. Peaceful protest hinges on inconveniencing those who ignore your issues and concerns.

    1. Constitutional Crisis coming in Canada. Mainly because we have very weak Premiers.
      We could be seeing the beginning of the break up.
      Canada has been tightly controlled centrally from Ottawa, mostly beginning under the Odious PET.
      He began the heavy centralization of power into Ottawa, mostly through abuse of the Federal Spending Powers.
      And the neutering of the voice of the people through our MP’s.
      He moved everything into Committees that the Government strictly controlled.
      This was all agreed to by the PC at the time.

      Big thing now tho is the massive debt loads.
      Pierre Poilievre just read into the record that Canada is 9 Trillion in debt.
      It can not be paid. The country is bankrupted.
      I think we are witnessing the beginning of the break up of the country.
      The Slave Ship Canada is Foundering

      1. Blackie will be going after your house with a capital gains tax just like he whispered a while ago.
        They will be coming for your pension also and they will get it all.
        Someone’s gotta pay that debt.

        1. His buddies in the Laurentian elite will, of course, pay next to nothing due to all the loopholes they can take advantage of, reserved only for them.

    2. What a bought and paid for clown.. Is LaCuban aching for his “JustWatchMe ” moment?.. Waco?..

    3. I’m gonna go out on a limb and bet that BLM got a pass on demonstrating for as long as they wanted.

    1. No kidding. I turned it off when he got to “we are going to focus on crimes…such as hate.”
      Does that include the PM, Mayor, residents and counter protesters, media?

      1. His own officers have no use for him after he threw a rookie under the bus for a fake claim of racial profiling. So I expect Ottawa’s finest to pretend to obey and do nothing. Work to rule, so to speak.

          1. Watching from the sidelines in Missouri, former Washingtonian

            Lord Jesus,
            Be with the truckers and ALL fighting for freedom in Canada, the US and around the world. Surround them with your army of angels and keep your hand of safety upon them. Bless those who are standing and continue to STAND and remind them to trust and rely in you at all times and in all things and you will meet their needs. Please help them accomplish their goals.
            In your Awesome, All Powerful and Almighty name,

      2. Let me guess … all the F()CK TRUDEAU flags are designated as “HATE”. Guess it time to start looting and burning instead … BLM and ANTIFA are nothing but hate. Hate personified. Hate incarnate. State sponsored HATE.

        1. Isn’t that right? Justin Castro says it’s understandable that churches should burn. “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”

          1. I think it was Buttshead who made that comment about the churches, but, then again, he and Prinz Dummkopf are Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb (deliberate mis-spelling).

        2. I’m sure the thin skinned turd is getting to that. Of course F Harper signs and decals completely ok.

  2. It is not a protest any more, It is not an occupation, it is a social movement by now. Police declaring war is the most stupid idea that one could cook up.

    1. Hey if protestors are attacking people, beating people, burning shops, etc, by all means arrest them. But the cops will be disappointed at the good behaviour, orderly conduct, and civic-mindedness of the truckers. They will find most of the violent ones are actual under cover RCMP and CSIS insitgators. Ooops.

    2. Exactly. The cunning stunt and the people he answers to can’t read a room. F&$k the Police(‘s boss) hopefully the front line cops know to stand down to these bullspit.

  3. Ugg. They are going to cause the truckers (and other supporters) to go out on a “sickout” strike. This will empty shelves so fast.

      1. He makes no distinction between those exercising the right to peaceful demonstration and those breaking the the law. This is a direct assault on Canadian freedoms and in effect a fascist coup by the sitting government. Will it succeed?

          1. Yeah, someone has a video of him with a 13-year-old boy so he needs to tow the federal line.

          2. OK:

            I remember those days well. First there was the formation of Solidarity, and a few concessions by the government. Then, in 1982, Jaruzelski, with Moscow’s help, cracked down.

            As one wag put it, history doesn’t repeat itself, but it rhymes. (Exact source unknown. It’s been attributed to Mark Twain and also to Vancouver Sun columnist James Eayrs.

  4. Which Gulf Island is the Tyee office based out of perhaps it’s it’s time for their ferry service route to run out of fuel or perhaps have a covid crisis.

    1. The Tyee is based in what is commonly known as Vancouver, British Columbia, on the unceded territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) and Sel̓íl̓witulh (Tsleil-Waututh) nations.

      1. Take a language with no writing system, make up a written language that is total jibberish. Good job.

      2. I wonder who made up that dictionary! Considering they didn’t have a written language.

      3. My home is located in the ancestral lands of the IdoNg1veaf@ken people, whi brought agriculture to this freaking flat flood plain.

  5. Still convinced that these are the good guys?
    Come on law and order morons, do tell me how they are just doing their jobs. Where, oh where are you now, you principled defenders of the blue?
    Let’s not defund them, please no, anything but that.

    Jackbooted thugs dutifully serving their political masters.

    1. I can distinguish between the people doing their jobs and the mouth-breathing politicians more interested in power and status. Can you?

      1. Yes I can? Do you think the patented “ve ver yust folovink orderz” argument constitutes a valid excuse?

    2. I did defend law-and-order cops. I admit that, but I have also gone on record to condemning the police in Australia as jack-booted, fascist thugs, doing the state’s bidding.

      There are still some good cops out there, but my fear is that the good ones will retire rather than attack their own citizens, leaving us left with the jack-booted thugs with a badge.

      The law-and-order argument still applies. It all depends now if the police follows the law, or will they be like their jack-booted peers in Calgary that would arrest Pastor Pawloski in the middle of a busy highway.

      We’ll see how this plays out.

      1. You cannot be a good cop and enforce the crackdown or harass the protesters with nuisance charges.

  6. People need to ratio the h#ll out of this tweet.
    This is incompetence, and this is a reaction based from fear.

    1. “People need to ratio the h#ll out of this tweet.”
      Might be a bit hard to do when 91.26% of the sane Twitter users have been banned.

      1. I got banned from the National Post tonight for posting a link to the new truckers donation site. Apparently my username does not comply with their standards but I have been using it for the past two years. Only now it gets flagged?

  7. How many civil servants missed a paycheck in the last 2 years? How many had their small business destroyed?

    If you are in law enforcement, time to turn in you’re badge or be used as a pawn in the totalitarian takeover of canada.

    Is that what you signed up for?

    Pretty sure that’s what Peter Sloley signed up for.

    What will you’re reward be? An extra bowl of gruel when the economy collapses?

    1. Missed a paycheque?

      The ones that didn’t spend the last two years developing serious drinking problems have done quite well with side hustles, I hear, because they no longer had to pretend very hard to do any actual work at their government gig.

  8. Truckers should start a refusal to deliver to ANY media outlet until the give objective coverage.

  9. Communications agent/director person for Ottawa police was recently VP Chrymala Freeland’s communication director.

    Makes sense, eh?

      1. Near Yekaterinburg is a city that is even nicer because it’s a closed city that’s virtually a mini Switzerland. The citizens have kept the grifters and drifters out.

        Ottawa, on the other hand, wants to be a closed city that allows only grifters and drifters.

      2. And if I’m ever allowed to board a plane or a train again, I’m outta here!

        I have nothing left but contempt for this miserable hell hole.

  10. My comment was nuked.

    Explain. No profanity, or other isms or the usual things that deserve being disappeared.

  11. I guess the Ottawa police is waiting for the trucks from Antifa Transport to arrive.

  12. Absolutely stupid! The moron chief of police has zero understanding that with the size , commitment and motivation of this protest, there is high probability that at certain point his officers may deploy lethal force in a heat of a moment. This is not Canada anymore.

  13. He makes no distinction between those exercising the right to peaceful demonstration and those breaking the the law. This is a direct assault on Canadian freedoms and in effect a fascist coup by the sitting government. Will it succeed?

    1. I think your exactly right. If he screws this up, the whole nation will come down on him and PM Blackface, the non-negotiator.

  14. Truckers need to go to the next level.

    Go home, stay home, no transport of goods, fuel, or food.

    Some people are upset about the loud and inconvenient protests. They will be more upset when the trucks leave and go silent. When the shelves are near and their tanks are empty, then they’ll understand inconvenience.

  15. Been saying this for years, Alberta and Saskatchewan need to get out. Any freedom minded people from Old Canada are welcome.

    Trudeau is about to go on a revenge party, and he’s not gonna leave any fingerprints. This chief was just saying how great everyone has been. He got told by our owners to get even.

    1. Scorched earth? I wouldn’t put it past that SOB. He’s already demonstrated how much he is willing to destroy this country.

  16. Although it hasn’t happened often the police authorities have turned on the people before in Canada. I am thinking of the Winnipeg General Strike mayhem. Now I see why law enforcement in Canada is so well paid and well pensioned. Hard to bite the hand that feeds you if you think it is the political masters. We are in basically uncharted territory for Canada. I am wondering how many immigrants in the past 3 decades watch the rhetoric and actions of ‘law enforcement’ of late and wonder if they jumped back in time to their rotten life they fled

    1. My home is located in the ancestral lands of the IdoNg1veaf@ken people, and we brought agriculture to this freaking flat flood plain.

  17. They want a Constitutional Crisis.
    If we crack the Premiers. What does Trudeau have nothing. He becomes the Premier of Ottawa.
    Constitutional Crisis Coming Up.
    If he calls in the UN it will go bad fast

  18. I wouldn’t be encouraging the truckers [that is; the ones with trucks] to get too inventive just now.
    The trucks are their weapon; but they are also their liability.
    Unlike your pedestrian kibitzer, they can’t just slink off down an alley when things heat up.
    // The city of Ottawa is just now talking about getting a court injunction. Not sure why they haven’t yet even if it goes after truckers later.
    They identify every single trucker (easy with license plates) and go after each one civilly once protest is over at the very least.
    Again, this is right out of CN’s playbook.
    The injunction would allow police to also immediately arrest anyone who is violating the court order (like a trucker refusing to move) and also lay charges (like mischief) but then you go after the $800k a day they are spending on police in civil action as part of the violation.
    Mischief might seem like nothing until you have to cross the border and these are truckers who cross the border, no?
    These truckers could lose their homes, their trucks.
    CN calls the judge immediately on First Nations. //

    1. Oh yeah. I’ve heard all about the lawfare tactics being prepared by the snowflakes. The idea is to get the truckers in trouble with their insurance companies.

      May I suggest that the insurers will be in EXTREMELY serious trouble with the provisional government of a liberated Canada if they don’t make truckers whole for every rig damaged or destroyed by the cops or Antifa.

      Bay Street thinks that because they control the money supply, they make the rules.

      The truckers are coming to Bay Street to see about that.

    2. Stop salivating when thinking about lawfare and police state, you already look like a moron without it.

  19. Oh, so the Ottawa coppers will now try to incite the truckers and their supporters? This won’t end well – for the cops.

    EVERYONE will have a phone cam capturing their every move, detainment & arrest. And with the trucker’s & their lawyers having access to a big well of donations – expect the city of Ottawa to be sued into oblivion.

    As the military has already told Ottawa to screw off, it would also be interesting to see if any Ottawa cops take a knee.

  20. Tow truck companies have turned down Ottawa request for help. It is not beyond possibility that Trudeau’s escalation getting gofundme to steal the donations and using cops to create confrontation, may lead to truckers refusing or going slow to service Ottawa.

    That is a no win position for Trudeau.

  21. I’d be happy to use the services of those standing for freedom. In fact I might be inclined to focus my business on pro freedom truckers.

  22. It’s time for a national strike. We have to basically cripple the feds in any way we can. They are our enemies now. I’m not talking violence here, I’m talking about becoming ungovernable. Think about ways to resist federal government control and listen their grip.

    First place to start I’d say is no one do any business in the capital.

    1. The feds have been our enemy for a long time. I now know what they must have felt like on December 16, 1773, at Griffin’s Wharf in Boston.

  23. All those trucks in the peripheral parking lots who were blocked from downtown ottawa should quioetly head for toronto for tomorrows rally. Shut down toronto and see what happens.

    1. I saw a Toronto city councillor on TV this morning say that the Queens Park protest will be a problem “because the OPP is kind of busy in Ottawa right now”. That’s the key. Spread the protest out. LEO’s from Durham, Peel, York, Toronto, Kingston, RCMP and OPP have already been deployed to Ottawa. Fine. Time to really spread the other side thin – convoy to the ON border crossings and city halls in 2nd tier cities like Hamilton, London, Kitchener, Kingston, North Bay, etc.

      1. Should be nationwide. They want a war f you war. It’s on bitches. Once again WITHOUT VIOLENCE. The only violence here will be from the government goons.

    2. Hope they are following an ancient playbook:
      22. If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant.

      23. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them.

      24. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.

    3. They need to avoid Queen’s Park and do a slow roll around the economic artery at YYZ. Avoid the passenger terminal and do a slow roll around #5 or #15 and down Tomken, Dixie Rd etc – at the end of the airport where the cargo and freight move. Same strategy as blocking the border at Coutt’s. It won’t take much to make that whole end of the city completely unuseable.

      There was some Karen on Teh Twitter screeching how the truckers/farmers “won’t get away with it” because Toronto is “where the rich people live”, and “they won’t stand for it”. She also states she works in insurance and is telling people to document truck license plates and DOT Reg# to have their insurance cancelled, etc.

      “Tracey Kent”

  24. Trudeau needs some violence for his media campaign.
    Film everything.
    Shut down the food trucks hauling to Ottawa.

  25. I saw clips where he was saying that any LEO from any force that was seen assisting the protestors in any way would be subject to a full investigation by him. Was that in this press conference, or a different one? When he addressed that topic he looked completely like a failed commander, even moreso than when he was ranting about surges and the other nonsense. He was basically braying “OBEY ME OR ELSE” at his own troops. It was one of the most pathetic things I’ve ever seen.

      1. I can’t find a video of just that section. If you google or search on Twitter for sloly facilitation you’ll get to the news/recaps of it

  26. Joe Biden’s puppetmasters have given Trudeau an ultimatum: either he restores order or Uncle Sam does it for him, and when Uncle Sam is done there may not be much left of downtown.

    Uncle Sam isn’t much help against a few armed goatherds, never mind a real army. He is, however, an expert at destroying cities whose inhabitants won’t do what they’re told. Ask any Syrian—or any Southerner.

    Sloly got the memo.

    Even if he hadn’t, the diversity hires on the force were, I hear, planning to resign en masse or take matters into their own hands against the “racists.” Antifa is rarely a meaningful threat against people willing to fight back. An alliance of diverse ex-cops with their cousins in Trudeaupian gangland would be another story. They might still be beaten, bit it would be a much closer call, and downtown would be ravaged anyway.

    So Sloly may genuinely believe that this is his last chance to “end the demonstration” without military intervention and substantial bloodshed—or without Trudeau standing aside.

    I suppose we shall soon find out.

    1. I’ve watched hours and hours of video from Ottawa this week, and seen nothing but fraternity, respect, and generosity shared by all.

    In the press briefing, the police chief called on people to report any crimes they witnessed…including hate. So based on that I have filed a police report at the Ottawa police web site, charging an individual with a hate crime. The crime took place in September and was directed at unvaccinated people calling them anti-science, racist and misogynist. I will leave it to the readers of this comment to guess for themselves the name of the suspect.

  28. Has there been any talk of withholding taxes this year? Seeing all this crap go down around tax time has made me realize my tax dollars are going to pay for the politicians and cops wages. Anyway to slow money going to Ottawa?

    1. Not directly, but taxe refunds are automated. Make up a massive fake business, and claim massive expenses. They a no longer do audits in person in the Western world. So in a few months, you will face an audit. As long as you didn’t hide income, they will deny you expenses and demand repayments out of your refund. Fight them, and drag it out for a few months. After you concede, and say “ok, you are right”, that’s when you let them know you will refund them gladly, WITH INTEREST AND A BONUS PERSONAL payment them, as soon as Trudeau resigns and the mandates are lifted.

      Heck if EVERYONE did this, you would tie up their auditors for decades.

    2. I’d say that’s strategically counterproductive. I’m 10x as convinced as a month ago that all the government does is lie and steal. However, a campaign to withhold rax payments would give the government an issue to build propaganda on. Also it would likely by divisive because many people have paid tax throughout the year.

  29. Judging by the footage of the rather festive atmosphere near the Parliament buildings tonight, and the size of that crowd, it’s beyond obvious that all the extra cops would be able to do next to nothing to disperse the crowd unless they decide to get out tear gas and water cannons, in which case they most certainly will provoke a riot.

    The whole response is turning into a hopeless whack-a-mole exercise.

  30. ”History has shown that this scenario in the wake of what is happening at the moment is not uncommon, unfortunately…. The most terrifying vengeance comes from the hands of men who wanted to be left alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the men who just wanted to be left alone.”

  31. Truckers should head to Toronto tonight. Let local protestors hold the fort. Come back on Wednesday.

  32. Supposedly 30% of Canadians support the truckers. I’d say that’s pretty low compared to reality but ok. Let’s say 1/3 of those that support them do something about it. If we all protest then it’s over. They couldn’t handle something like that.

    They just declared war and we need to respond by peacefully assembly just like in Tiananmen square.

  33. Hatred? Violence? Increasingly volatile and increasingly dangerous situation? What’s that guy been drinking?

    This will not end well, and that’s what the government wants. Unfortunately, those in authority are too dim to understand that once things start to go south, and they will because they’ll make sure of it, it’ll quickly get out of control.

    This will be our Fort Sumter.

  34. All these people are there because since 2020 ‘containment’ strategies in this country have been almost entirely ineffective. A significant amount of the language used in this briefing mirrors that used by Public Health officials throughout the pandemic; in short; language which indicates something effective is taking place, when in fact nothing effective is taking place. Why should we expect better result from the municipal bureaucracy?

    The transition in tone around the 3-1/2min mark though is stark, and concerning, however. … For two full years, we haven’t had any Rights. None. Now we’re hearing the Police Chief of our nation’s capital express that very sentiment; there are no Rights, literally. Targeting protestors, supports, and funders – and utilizing the back channels to get them he alludes to, merely confirms that presently; Canadians have no Rights, and all levels of Government are completely contemptuous of the very concept. Unequivocally; this unacceptable; they’re simply not fit to govern, not fit to lead. At a minimum, resignations need to be demanded.

    There have been myriad jokes that the Honking will continue until moral improves; and our Government has responded that the beatings will continue until moral improves.

    This is not a good position to be in; there’s tinder and there is flint. Some solace is offered but the recent revival of actual political opposition at a Federal level. More solace is offered that containment with Truckers can prove to be as effective as efforts to contain as Covid; there can be wave after wave of each; and Lockdowns can likely prove to be just as effective at containing each!

    Perhaps a middle ground should be considered; the truckers already out need to peacefully stay put, and make every effort within the confines of the law to do so; and another group of truckers should merely park their Rigs at home; take a ‘John Galt’ approach. Perhaps more within the working and, actually, productive classes should consider a similar protest method.

    The distinctive honk of a particular fowl is a uniquely Canadian symbol. May all the Peterbilt’s, Mac’s, Freightliner’s and many other brands develop this unique, free-spirited mating call. May that same call, lead to calls for the resignation of a number of similarly symbolic fouls in Ottawa (already 1-down), and may our calls for Freedom ring out like a jake-brake on steep grade. It’s clear we’ve been abandoned by our so-called elected representatives; people are starting to respond to this through self-representation; we should all follow suit; let’s take the power back. It was Ours to begin with.

  35. I took one for the team and watched some politics program on CPAC, I watched for as much as I could stomach.
    The Media guy was the angriest person there, and his seething rage was directed primarily at the Con rep and the protestors.

    At one point in the attack the media guy ( Martin Stringer ? ) paused from his attack against the Conservative rep. and stated clearly and aggressively that the protest should end and that the demands of the protesters would never be met by the Premiers or the Basic Dick… ” its just not gonna happen “… he said… this is a Media guy saying this.

    I’m not sure where little Martin gets his authority from, but apparently he has already decided the fate of the protest and by his decree the protest is going to fail… according to the media guy

    After watching the squirrely little Media douche ( Martin Stringer ? ) attack the Con guy while the NDP douche and the Liberal Government prick sat back and watched the show I think its safe to say that these forces of the far left Globalist 4th Reich are about to unleash some kind of attack against the truckers. They are signaling their agenda.

    The narratives the Media guy regurgitated word for word were clearly taken from the Liberal/NDP handbook, its like Stringer got his talking points directly from the PMO… holding the Con guy accountable for a Liberal mess, angry because the Con guy strays from the Liberal narrative.

    Stringer repeated the Liberal narrative of “racists” and “white supremacists”, “islamaphobes” ( wtf) etc etc. and on and on.
    Just one lie after another, from a Media guy.
    This country should end. The corruption is just too deep, the Liberal Party culture of corruption has poisoned the well.

  36. Chicago police were beaten with poles, burnt by Roman candles and firecrackers, had lasers shone in their eyes to blind them, and had chunks of ice thrown at them — because they wouldn’t let a mob tear down a statue.

    This guy’s whining because some people were dancing to “Cotton Eyed Joe” in the middle of the street.

    1. They don’t like happy serfs.
      They get perverse pleasure watching you grovel at their feet begging ” please sir , may I have some more “.

  37. The police represent institutionalized force. The weight of the government its laws and regulations juxtaposed against the rights of citizens. Guess who wins?

    The police do the bidding of the government. If they are told to march – they march. If told to shoot – they shoot.

    They are the military and are not your friends.

  38. i want to know who thought it was a good idea for taxpayers to purchase 400 million doses.
    here we are, a month or two (max) off the point where this “healthcare capacity/danger virus” circus folds tent and goes endemic.
    our esteemed prime minister has an ego so large, his office sent him off before his breakdown brought on the war measures act v2.0
    i am going to celebrate the day he is no longer in office. it will be a joyous occasion.

  39. If the Ottawa police move on all these peaceful protesters and inflict serious injuries, or worse yet fatalities, I don’t think any freight will move in Canada for a very long time.

    1. If the protesters are moved on, injured seriously, or, God forbid,any are killed then the ENTIRE supply chain stops.
      As dead as this post-national state.

  40. The man is a fool he has revealed his plan, incoming trucks and farm equipment should immediately target all border crossings and railway yard entrances. Let the game of whack-a-mole begin. I would be in favour of all truckers around Ottawa disappearing only to re-appear at these locations. Disrupting the centre of Ottawa achieves very little except the nuisance value, that has been achieved let the police waste multiple resources fighting yesterdays war.

    1. The useless twat in the uniform doesn’t even believe his own bullshit…

      Reminds me of my grandparents dealing with the real GESTAPO and/or Soviet soldiers walking up and down my grandparents hallway with pistols drawn and cocked. To which my grandmother responded “Shoot already, or put the damn pistol away.”
      She went on to live until age 96…

      I plan on dying with my boots on… 🙂

      Wankers on steroids, trying to “improve your life”; but probably not, in this century or the next!


      Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

      1st Saint Nicolaas Army
      Army Group “True North”

  41. Don’t spit. The Police have been told to arrest you if they catch you spitting (about 21:00 or after).

  42. I may be wrong, but if GoFundMe has not notified every donor that their donation is being redirected without getting the express permssion of the donor, doesn’t that constitute either fraud or theft? Can’t a complaint (not sure if it would be criminal or civil) be filed against GoFundMe? Will one of the lawyer readers please give an opinion…
