69 Replies to “Can You Hear Us Now?”

  1. If only we could find one Canadian… a leader… who could take one for the team…

    1. Because I have very little faith in the Conservatives anymore, I think Max should go recruiting. Visit all these protest spots and find among those folks candidates to run in every riding he possibly can. Anyone with “I was there” as a campaign slogan could really make some noise and we’d be assured that the best interests of the country would be placed in the hands of people not beholding to anyone.
      Dare to dream!

      1. My local PPC candidate has been driving to every hotspot – the border, and then to Ottawa – on his own dime. He’s asked for donations to the federal party, not his own campaign or riding association.

  2. Lilly is controlled opposition. Look at the last line in his Tw on Twatter.

    “Looks bad on supporters”. Eff Off Lilley, fake friend!

    1. not a fake friend… a good friend will tell you when you are wrong or when you have gone too far.

      1. We have lots of good friends in the truckers, telling the fed and provincial gov’ts that they’ve gone too far.

    2. I don’t give a f@ck. The federal government ACTIVELY (all caps are necessary) acts to neuter and destroy the oil industry, aided and abetted by provincial governments and well funded NGOs. I think, as far as we are concerned, “protests are supposed to make you uncomfortable” (never thought I’d quote AOC. May be I Just want to do her…). Suffer, Ontario!

  3. Let industry in southern ontario die. So long as Ford and the PCPO scumrats wear it. Unless voters feel real pain, they’ll keep voting for Karens

    1. And member of the Charles Adler kiss ass to bribe money club.

      In Alberta, the Sun is a newspaper in name only. It’s all Herald or Journal now.

  4. Hey Douggie, oh Douggie, can you smell that?
    That’s the chance of your reelection evaporating. Great job, stuff another bacon wrapped brick of lard up your mouth and keep refusing to meet the protesters.

  5. Good jobs in the auto industry have been leaving Ontario for over thirty years.

    Lilley should address his complaints to Brian Mulroney, not the truckers.

    1. Let’s make it permanent, like the jobs that were lost in the oil patch. Or is it more important to have good jobs in Ontario than Alberta?

    2. Maybe Trudeau should have been negotiating for jobs rather than climate change and trans rights during USMC negotiations.

      Tremendous losses in that fiasco.

      And Brian Lilly is as conservative Jason Kenney.

  6. They’ve all gone soft. 1976 Alcan closed 4 of it’s 5 smelters for months because of a labor dispute, and up the street where I lived they were dropping tear gas from helicopters onto the rioting strikers.

  7. I haven’t had any respect for Shilly since he left The Rebel. Pathetic coward who abandons ship at the first sign of trouble. I’m not surprised by this.

  8. To paraphrase Joni Mitchell …

    Give me slow delivery to my porch, but leave me freedom and lib-er-teee.
    Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.
    They trampled our Rights, and put in a Fascist Punk

    Woo woo woo woo woo

  9. Lilley disappoints me. Trudeau and Ford could end the blockades right now, but they’re both digging in their heels to avoid looking like they caved.

    How about all the good jobs that the lockdowns and mandates destroyed over the past two years, Brian? Get your head out of your sphincter and recognize where the real problem is.

    1. Please make it happen. Bonnie Henry put in more mandates today and said we won’t ever be free here.

  10. C’mon Brian. Why don’t you suggest that
    Joostaihn cut a cheque for, oh, let’s say $600 million, and keep things afloat for a while?

    You know … essential service and all that…

  11. What is Doug Ford afraid of? Seriously, he can say as of midnight Friday all mandates are off (have a great weekend and Happy Valentine’s Day everyone) and if the Fed Gov tries to ram another COVID mandate onto Ontario citizens he’s pulling out the notwithstanding clause and exempt Ontarians from taking part in any of Trudeau edicts. He’d be a hero and if the provincial Opposition tries to contradict him–use that for the election and say that a vote for them puts everybody back in masks, lockdowns and mandates. He can easily say that the Fed Gov’t lied to him with made up medical info (which they did).

  12. The union leaders will blame the truckers, while the membership will join the truckers.

    1. Except all that has to be done for them all to go home is to end all the restrictions on people’s lives, and give us all back the rights we were born with.

  13. Jobs only matter when they are being lost in Ottawa apparently. Nothing about the economic damage done for the last two years matters but now Ottawa feels the pinch and the rest of Canada should jump as required to save them.

  14. The state’s pandemic policy has basically devolved into a nationwide game of whack-a-mole with numerous insurgents which is now causing plant shutdowns.

    My understanding is that the protest has spread well beyond truckers since the blockades at Windsor/Sarnia appear to consist mainly of cars and light trucks. The protest is now entering a phase of widespread civil disobedience. It is time to recognize that the security forces are basically helpless to prevent this. Time to negotiate.

    1. There is nothing to negotiate. The blockages will continue until all pandemic restrictions are lifted, every last stinking one, and mechanisms put in place to help prevent them from doing it again.

      1. Unfortunately no such mechanisms exist nor can exist. It’s a fundamental element of a Westminster parliamentary system that future parliaments cannot be bound by laws passed by previous ones. The only way to ensure this never happens again is to throw out the existing Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms and rewrite them with absolute guarantees. And that will never happen because Quebec will see this as an opportunity to grab even more power.

        Still, a Constitution is worth only the paper it’s printed on. Look at the way the First, Second, Fourth and Fifth Amendments have been sh*t all over in the US. Absent an armed populace willing to shoot politicians who betray the foundational law, it doesn’t matter what your Constitution says.

        1. “…Absent an armed populace willing to shoot politicians who betray the foundational law,…”
          If a Canadian did such a thing, the populace, “conservative” and liberal alike, would unite in condemning the act, and gleefully send the man up the river.
          Bad case of beaten wife syndrome, IMHO.

          1. You need a militia to separate, or TROC will just come back and occupy the place.
            You got any boys willing to start and fund a provincial militia?
            I didn’t think so.

        2. The Canadian Constitution. Pfffht. We have only as many rights as we can afford. When you’re penniless, homeless and starving along with all about you, you will do anything, even if it violates somebody else’s “rights”. It’s too bad the dirty thirties do not exist for most alive today.

      2. YES and an immediate forensic audit of all public servant involvement in this scam by an independent team of accountants. Racketeering against the Citizens of the Dominion is the most prudent way to initiate long overdue JUSTICE.

    2. There’s nothing to negotiate and the solution is very simple. Politicians are too egotistical and power tripping to understand that we hire them to manage the country, while they behave like they own it.

        1. The Indians own it … more or less. The chiefs collect the rent and keep the rest of the tribes quiet . They toss in a blockade every so often to renegotiate the rent. All with the help and support of the naive leftists that infest this once great nation.

  15. Why hasn’t Unifor demanded the end of Covid measures? They have been devastating to their members.

  16. Amazing how both the White House and Parliament Hill have admitted defeat in manipulating the masses, er, make that battling COVID. Now it’s someone else’s problem.
    If President * were to be carried into the House instead of the Coward of COVID, would anyone notice?

  17. It’s only a bad look when good men are standing up for the greater good. When Trudeau does it for two years, it’s “Whatev, where’s my cheque, you can’t kick me out or make me pay for my utilities.”

  18. Job losses only matter if they occur in Central Canada?
    What about the attacks on the energy sector, the disparagement of small business, the loss of investment over the past five years measured in hundred’s of billions? This can be tracked back to policies of this government.
    Even in the auto industry in decline for decades, the decree that all vehicles must be electric is meaningless unless US protectionism is countered, a task that seems to be too strenuous for this government.
    I realize that Lilley was only pointing out one aspect of the affects of the blockades in a short tweet but the damage done by this government will affect all of us orders of magnitude greater than the damage to one dying subsidized industry of major importance to Central Canada. Small price to pay to eliminate more serious long term threats.

  19. “Bad Look for #FreedomConvoy2022” ?!? Really Brian, Really???

    Do you not get it? This is not a friggin’ game. The basic freedoms of Canadians HAVE BEEN STRIPPED AWAY. And all for what? For not complying to be injected with something that is proving to not be effective at slowing the spread of Covid and … in many cases, at stopping people from getting sick.

    Your Tweet is a bad look FOR YOU, showing us all what a myopic twit you truly are!

  20. This is how we win. By closing the Ambassador and Blue Water Bridges we have our hands on the throat of the Ontario economy.
    Reinstate our rights or we bring the economy to the ground, put our boots on its throat and fkn kill it and there isn’t a damn thing Ford can do to stop it.

  21. “Good jobs will leave”. Well just increase the money supply. And the carbon tax. And you think there isn’t going to be a covid tax? We have been raped. And what needs to be ground to the ground is most of those sitting in parliament. Unfortunately they have done a great job of scaring a good portion of the population who have not caught on to what has happened.
