Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

Due diligence;

@abcnews journalists @maxwalden_ & @PatsKarvelas have spread misinformation about Australian Proud Boys flying to Europe to fight for Russia. They thought a troll account posting flight take off footage from 2018 was current.

Predictably, American journalists also have spread the misinformation that Proud Boys are traveling to eastern Europe to join the war. Among them, NYT tech reporter @sheeraf, Guardian writer @vanbadham & MSNBC contributor @malcolmnance. #Ukraine

Former CIA intel officer & self-described geopolitics expert @RosaLSmothers is among those who fell for the hoax that Proud Boys are sending an international brigade to personally meet and help Putin.

The phenomenon known as “journalists eating each others’ turds”.

10 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. “The phenomenon known as “journalists eating each others’ turds”.”

    Journalist centipede.

  2. Journalists bringing their fantasy life into their reality. Nothing new there. These “turd sandwiches” are just an indication of what they are serving on a daily basis. “Journalism” is a branch of creative writing (fiction) in support of the narrative (fantasy). There no longer is, if there ever was, a professional journalism that brings you the “facts”.

  3. Shitlib talking heads and their media-whore partners have been absolutely tripping over themselves to paint the false narrative…. “Conservatives absolutely love Putin and support him!!” The left is currently working this lie very hard, I have seen it pushed near everywhere they have the voice, this past week. These people are psychotic.

    The entire international left has seemingly settled on one, single, all-encompassing message to it’s brainwashed minions… “HATE CONSERVATIVES… HATE THEM… THEY ARE EVIL… HATE THEM WITH EVERY MOLECULE OF YOUR BEING… THEY ARE THE CAUSE OF EVERYTHING BAD THAT EVER HAPPNED TO YOU… HATE THEM!!! As Trudeau and the CBC just clearly and repeatedly proved with their de-humanizing of the convoy truckers and all of their supporters, hatemongering is all these communist scumbags have left.

    I mean, what kind of sick f#cks enthusiastically use a dangerously escalating international conflict to attack their own citizens for cheap political points? Your average, everyday leftists…. that’s who!

    1. Read Cole’s latest over at Taki’s. “The Cults that are Killing Us.”
      It’s Soros, COVID Karens and teachers all wrapped into one.
      Whenever I look at it, I always come to the same end point. It’s an insane cult.

  4. I like their representation of Andy Ngo as a far right wing agitator. All he did initially was film Antifa in Portland and show the world what they looked like and what they did. Just like any balanced journalist should have done.
    The left wing nuts are sick.

  5. “according to the National News Agency of Ukraine and later verified by CNN.”

    My favorite quote of the morning from another site.

    What happened to the pilot who shot down 60 Russian warplanes the other day?

  6. Believing the main stream media today in 2022 is as ridiculous as believing the earth is flat.

    If you have seen some of the doctored videos the flat earthers produce or have read their very twisted arguments that are ALL sophism and parralogism ( appear true on the surface but completely wrong or false upon closer inspection ) then you know what I mean.

    When the main stream media showed the world about 8 seconds of a video of Nick Sandman supposedly harassing an old indian when the rest of the 12 minutes video clearly show ( which is why Nick Sandman won his law suits ) that it was the old indian who was harassing the young man; the media were behaving like flat earthers.

    And yesterday when google search results were telling you that it is fake news and conspiracy theory that there is evidence Hillary paid people to spy on Trump WHILE he was President (on top of spying on him before he was President) ; Google and the entire main stream media were behaving like flat earthers and denying the Durham investigation exists or were denying that Durham has the undeniable solid evidence in his hands. ( he has some of their personal emails and much more than that )

    The main stream media still assuring you the Trump Russia collusion was real even though this has been debunked years ago and in dozens of ways and is still being debunked further by the Durham investigation. ; that is the MSM behaving like flat earthers.

    The MSM and its cult followers telling you with a straight face that if we have record breaking COLD temperatures it means nothing, that it is just weather… but as soon as we have a slightly hot day, they tell you in a panicked tone that that is ULTIMATE proof that the planet is warming! and warming so fast we will all be dead in 10 years ; that is in no way different than having a conversation with a flat earther.

    To me a flat earther and a MSM journalist are the same thing…
    and people who believe every word of the MSM are to me no different than flat earthers.

  7. Sure.. The Proud Boys are going to fly halfway around the world with no funding, training or equipment.. Not to mention they cant speak the language.. To help??..
