“Well, to be honest, I’ve never been so scared. But at least we have Diversity, Inclusion and Equity.”

Major Response Underway in Tennessee after a compound of Uranium is on Fire at the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. A fire broke out at the US Oak Ridge nuclear facility in the state of Tennessee. The site of the fire is known as the “National Security Complex Y-12”, as the uranium stored there caught fire.


32 Replies to ““Well, to be honest, I’ve never been so scared. But at least we have Diversity, Inclusion and Equity.””

  1. Uranium and Plutonium metal will burn / combust if ignited. That is one reason the penetrator rounds used by tanks are made from depleted (non enriched) Uranium metal.

    Fires at nuclear facilities are always a concern, because radioactive materials in the fire area can be carried away and spread by adhering to ash and smoke particles. Think Radioactive Fallout without a nuclear weapon. The other issue is fires can destroy the electrical cables used by the plant equipment including safety systems.

    1. Plutonium can be pyrophoric as well and not even need to be ignited by an outside source, like fire. There are a few elements and compounds which exhibit this tendency..
      Lithium in the presence of air, sodium in the presence of water, come to mind..

  2. Where’s the dress stealing nuclear pervert when you need it. Are Buttplug and the dress thief running as a team in 2024? They are made for each other. Come to think of it, the dress pervert might be in jail so will it be Buttplug and the Weird Admiral?

  3. What Putin, Xi, Iran? We can do it no pb, we can shoot ourselves in the foot far better and much more faster it seems.
    US has a fine team in Xiden, Kamala and the rest of the clowns, and here in Canada we have PM Imbecile, VPM Freeland + a whole team of Librano clueless scumbags.

    1. It’s a big building in the country where they store nuclear waste. But that’s not important now.

        1. This one got an out loud chuckle out of me and I couldn’t help but play along, and I know this crowd well enough that it would get picked up and carried on by someone.

    2. Oak Ridge Tennessee is where they produced a lot of the enriched Uranium for Project Manhattan that led to the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs.

  4. Well … the good news is that we can now buy replacement refined uranium from Iran! Thanks Joe Biden … and Obama … and Valerie Jarrett

    A LOT of accidents, in a LOT of RED STATES recently. I’ve said before that the political left is doing everything it can to impoverish conservative voters. That’s a primary reason for taking out the entire fossil fuel industry for example. Poor Republicans don’t fund candidates … and without the mothers milk of politics … goodbye oppo Party. A lot of high paying jobs are going up in smoke

    1. And yeah … FARMERS … are on the chopping block too. The vast majority of whom are very conservative. Why? Because they live and work more deeply in the REAL WORLD than most of us. And living in the REAL WORLD … tends to “make” one conservative.

      1. And it will have much the same effect that it had when Stalin slaughtered the Kulaks.

        See also: Mao and Pol Pot.

  5. Yes. The irradiated material will diversify on the winds, and everyone will be included and iradiated equally.

    1. I suspect that it is NOT an accident that the acronym is “DIE”.

      Totalitarian psychopaths can have a sense of humour, too.

    1. I think I recall hearing of some way lead can be used to protect against radioactive things, maybe it can work on a “wokester”..
