The UK Lockdown Files

The release of more than 100,000 WhatsApp messages from the British government cabinet members is the most monumental crack in the dam of silence of any government to date. Those who choose to bury their heads in the sand, dismissing this as a “UK problem”, are beyond naive. The messages are very likely emblematic of what occurred in every government around the world that followed the cruel, non-fact based lockdown, mask, and vaccine policies.

Here are some key links to follow this breaking story:

Here are the words of Planet Normal listeners, whose messages were read aloud:

Political expediency always seemingly trumps transparency.  What Matt Hancock meant by his protective ring around care homes was really to say that the country was woefully unprepared but we are scrambling around, doing the best we can with limited resources, instead of frankly lying.  This was compounded by dogmatic drowning out of dissenting voices such as The Great Barrington Declaration. The government, therefore, deserves no slack whatsosever.  It imposed utterly draconian controls on the population, ruthlessly enforced by the police to the minutiae, whilst electing to ignore and denigrate respected epidemiologists.  Meanwhile, Hancock played his opt-out Joker card, pleading the love my life, a new relationship gambit.  Tawdry conduct.

Lockdown was comfortably the most spectacularly moronic Public Health policy enacted in recorded history.  A failure that could have been avoided by the basic safety net of a cost-benefit analysis.  Instead we had a government of scientifically illiterate cowards slavishly following popularity polls.  We have a political class composed of liars, charlatans, and dross united in utter and complete ineptitude.  And now we are paying the price:

  • Excess deaths due to the NHS turning itself into a single disease service are now costing far more life years than were ever supposedly saved.
  • Isn’t it typical of Conservatives/Labour that the Covid inquiry is already a very slow running joke.
  • Civil servants names have been blocked out.

The sad fact is our politicians and civil service mandarins are utterly third-rate trash.  We deserve better.

21 Replies to “The UK Lockdown Files”

  1. The system of the State naturally selects for the advancement of psychopaths. If you’re advocating for centralized state control of anything, this is what you’re advocating for.

  2. Politicians can be changed out every 4 years but bureaucrats are there till they die and there is were the problems lay! Until the public uprises and stops paying taxes to these thieves this phoney Ponzi scheme is going to continue! Government is what needs a full reset and till we cut off their money and funding this will continue. We need to take back our healthcare and stop government from having control of the funding!

    1. ” but bureaucrats are there till they die” I say this with sincere sadness, in addition to the anger, that I think that will be the solution imposed when the public discovers the scope of the damage done. Those charged with maintaining order were also mandated, I wouldn’t count on them for a lot of protection.

  3. I tried to post a link to Brendan O’Neill’s piece yesterday but it was spiked. ( Pun intended )
    Also, just one other observation. Have you noticed all the people who separated, uninvited and terminated family and friends were wrong?

  4. “We deserve better.”
    Someone misspelled “We feel entitled to better.”
    We are materially rich societies in which most people indulge their whims and appetites as much as they can while thinking not enough about what is truly good and how we can be deserving of it.

  5. We are living through a period in history where we are saddled with very sub-standard leadership … weak foolish men and women and a sprinkling of freaks for diversity sake.

    We are living through a period in history where at least half of the citizenry has gone insane with fear, loathing and envy.

    If we survive this period, movies and documentaries will be made to try to explain it to a future nation of, hopefully, smarter folks who will marvel at our utter stupidity and how we almost destroyed humanity.

    1. Give it time, humanity is being destroyed and I see no efforts to reverse the tide. Look to the universities to determine how much worse our futures will be-the only sane conclusion is that it will be horrific. Freaks and incompetents are already ruling us.

  6. Yes.. But lets not forget that 70% of the public was all in.. National socialism sweeping the land and yes, they really did LOVE that guy..

    What bothers me is not the failure of our government or our countrymen.. Its the failure of our constitution and legal system as a failsafe.. At no point over a 1000 days was any of it given a second look.. Our? professional class more worried about the letters behind their names than their profession.. They were guarding the gate for our government..

    Ottawa?.. What can you say about a police force willing to beat down peaceful protestors that had reasonable grievances.. Its was a out for that despicable prick Trudeau that he refused to take.. 900 days in, they knew the protesters were on point and correct but they went with the cat ladies instead..

    It could have been Canadas greatest moment.. A popular PEACEFUL nation wide protest, lead by a woman no less.. T-Ball movie of the week stuff.. Turned into a debacle because he couldn’t share the limelight.. The SHAME..

    1. So true. The Convoy gave hope to many who were realising that something was wrong regarding mandates and other Covid policies. Unfortunately, the government put up a brick wall and did not seem interested in any form of negotiation. Failing to meet with Convoy leaders was a colossal failure in leadership. The whitewash report on whether the Emergency Act was justified does not change the reality of Liberal cowardice and incompetence.

  7. Iron Law of Bureaucracy..
    Or the Gods of the Copybook Headings..
    We have the Governance we deserve,ruled by regulation and bureaucratic whim,with nought but the odd whimper..

    Killdozerman was ahead of his time.
    But not by very much .

    Can Ahh Duh has done even better than England..We have a solution to your pain and suffering from the side effects of trusting the incompetent..MAID.
    Kills all yer problems..dead.
    Life will never trouble you again.

    Being of the disobedient class, I am loath to take my ass anywhere near the bureaucrats of Canada Healthcare.
    Trust..such a small thing to lose.
    I trust my Dentist.
    I no longer trust my Doctor,nor do I trust that my medical records are secure..
    We have seen what most of our “Government Doctors” really are,yet routine check ups require we surrender ourselves into their hands..
    My next new friend shall be a Vet.

    I foresee a fine and lucrative future..selling weapons and methodology to the trusties afflicted with the need for revenge.
    Mostly methodology…
    A tanker of gasoline apparently works wonders on even the most secure bunker.
    Substance A with Substance B makes a fine kablooee.
    Fire or Frost cures many an infestation..
    History is full of interesting moments..and methods.
    And out of the past and from tribal myths, a pattern emerges..
    Round and round we go.
    Passing through peak stupid,we accelerate toward utter chaos,heading for hard times..
    A soft and pampered people.
    Who are so clueless,that when we arrive,we will blame our crash landing on..”Bad Luck”.

    When you know your destination and have no hope of finding another..the turn up the volume and put the pedal to the metal..

    Is there any metal in the floor pans of modern cars?
    I only know pickups.

  8. “We have a political class composed of liars, charlatans, and dross united in utter and complete ineptitude. And now we are paying the price:”

    This is what happens when you can fool most of the people all of the time.

    Sundance _ Feb 25th 2023

    “What we need is a general two-day workers strike, highlighting to the few that the many have had enough. It should not be an option hearing this talk about the need to secede, fracture, isolate or form smaller defensive boundaries. WE ARE IN THE MAJORITY, they just control the power structures and systems of communication. That’s why they spend so much time, effort and attention manipulating social media. My proposed solution is to draw from history, specifically from the Polish solidarity movement.”

    1. The general strike needs to go on as long as it takes to bring down the government and the bureaucracy. I’m picturing something along the lines of the French Revolution. Death sentences have to be part of the solution.

  10. All that is required is a TAX CUT. 10%- 20% per year, every year, for everybody, for 20 years. Very simple across the board tax cuts.

    That is all you need to do. You starve them. Then all these bureaucrats and politicians will go somewhere else for their free rides.

  11. Even the dumbest of the dumb among the leftists must now start to realize that they have been played for the fools they are, from climate warming, Brexit, the 2016 Hilary sure fire appointment, Russian collusion, Mueller inquiry, the 2020 election, COVID, Freedom Convoys, fertilizer quotas, sustainability, net zero, unfettered immigration,LGBTQ, the list is endless. There has been more done in the last ten years to bring down Western Civilization than at any other time in all of mankind’s history and no-one will be brought to account because the biggest percentage of the population, as Stanley Milgram theorized, will just go along with what they are told. Justice, attonement, retribution have already been stuffed into the dustbin of history by the people that have been caught out leading the West down the garden path for their own grandizement and enrichment.

    1. Unfortunately, I doubt how many will be moved by these revelations. You’re asking people to change their position on something that’s become intertwined with their entire worldview – epiphanies aren’t as common as that. The damning communications probably serve to reinforce the “end justifies the means” approach as necessary, war time measures were needed to combat what they still accept as an unprecedented, deadly virus.

      For myself, I am dreaming we see the smoking gun communications of whoever directed the response to governments around the world, since they all acted in lockstep unison fashion. I want to see the bribes, threats and blackmail that must have occurred.

      1. We need to start with one,any one, and apply the hot needle of inquiry..
        Soon enough we will know the Web Masters.
        Does not even matter where we start,nor how many we accidentally execute along the way.
        Rusty instruments and old school tools of pain.
        Nothing is too good for these helpers.
        They must be rewarded,in a manner befitting their “help”.
        Shall we become “The Terror”?

        Gutting our bureaus is the only sane response to such a systemic betrayal and such abusive arrogance of the incompetent.
        What “service” is government providing you,that makes them worth tolerating?
