Monday On Turtle Island

Trudeau’s Canada:  Life in socialist British Columbia.  The Paris synagogue bombing.  The Chinese colony of Canada.  MPs want the VW fine print.

Biden’s America:  A castle crumbles.  The Biden crime family.  Make America California.  Prepping America for genocide.  All the President’s Islamists.  Your morning meme.

Global Warming Scam News:  Killing off the whales to save the planet.  A related meme.

Woke Britain:  Eco-terrorists charged.  And Islamic culture in the UK.

9 Replies to “Monday On Turtle Island”

  1. “A castle crumbles”…… people no longer trust others because the others and the government have made it difficult if not impossible to believe anything they see or hear.

    1. My two sixteen years old nieces are constantly getting drunk or stoned from school in the Toronto area.

  2. “… socialist British Columbia”

    Sadly these are the people who continually voted Liberal/NDP but can never seem to understand that their current dilemma is the direct result of the socialism they elected.

    1. When all there is to vote “for” is communists that’s what you get. Sadly in British Columbia there are only CCP (communist cesspool party) A-holes on the ballad. CCP Green, CCP NDP, CCP liberal (now masquerading as unity??) CCP Con whose leader is a liberal.
      If there was a “None of the above option on ballad and none of the above won so none of the above went think of the saving to tax payers.
      I live in North Cowichan B.C. and have. A commie Prime Minister. A commie Premier. And a commie Mayor. I never voted for any of those things. Just saying.

  3. Governments have been taking 50% of my money all my workinglife and now I cannot afford to retire and I never voted Socialist. But it’s a function of the (unsustainable) (socialist) Welfare State. Grrr.

    1. YES. I am retired and hope that my efforts to fund it are not completely destroyed by the government. Of course at my age I may have ten years left if nothing in the old body breaks down.

  4. Regarding the Diab case. According to the article, the Frogs had the culprit in their grip but chose to release him in 2018. Now they want him back.
    Bad decision, Turdoo will certainly will protect him on ‘humanitarian’ grounds though it really for protecting his leftist voter base plus the muslim voters.

  5. “… socialist British Columbia”

    When I was in grade school in the mid-60s in small town Colorado, the family of one of my classmates moved to British Columbia. Somewhere rural, between Prince George and Prince Rupert if I remember correctly. They moved back within a couple of years because BC was “too socialist” even then. I didn’t know what that meant at that age, but I guess they were prescient.
