Monday On Turtle Island

HAPPY VICTORIA DAY!  Are we still allowed to say that, or will it offend someone?

Biden’s America:  The FBI is not your friend.  Another Biden success story.  The next election.  Your morning meme.

Trudeau’s Canada:  Justin’s CBC warns about going to Florida.  The corrupt Liberals.  A fascist leader.  Justin Trudeau the buffoon.

Global Warming Scam News:  The Animal Rising lunatics.  And eco-terrorists in Rome.  The environmentalists and infrastructure.

37 Replies to “Monday On Turtle Island”

  1. Do I have to say an ‘allegiance to Chucky Cheese Charlie’, our new King?
    Then all is good and have a Happy Victoria Day too.

    1. It will be changed to some unpronounceable 12 syllable aboriginal name soon enough; colonialism dontcha know.

  2. Stayed in Florida for 15 years up until the fake plandemic. Where we stayed on the gulf side, Reddinton Shores, was a nice place and very safe no matter what time of day you were out.

    1. Attended a few seminars on the Gulf side (Captiva Island & Ft Myers) years back. Usually in September. Found the combination of humidity & heat oppressive. Aside from that, the only bandits we spotted wore black masks, ringed tails & sported 4 legs.

      1. I was in a Ft. Myers Beach bar when Canada helped the US hostages escape Iran.
        Drank free all night, bartender set all the pretty girls beside me, had a blast.
        Loved Ft.Myers Beach for years.
        Hurricane Ian destruction not to be believed.
        Kind of like the as yet to be realized destruction PM Billy Buffoon has visited on Canada.
        They will recover.
        We may not.

  3. Re: Fascist Leader.
    Did Meloni issue any statements after the Fascist Blackface ragged her about rights?
    I saw a “response” via twitter somewhere, not sure if it was her official response. It was bang on about him trampling protesters rights.

    1. The Real Andy Lee Show @RealAndyLeeShow
      No. She thought he was a goof. She said so afterwards. Meloni said that Trudeau had fallen “victim” to “fake news” and propaganda.

      CTV: Asked about Trudeau’s remark, Meloni said that he had fallen “victim” to “fake news” and propaganda, and even said that that his assessment “doesn’t correspond to reality.”

    1. They’re here already … just immobile RV parks and tent cities now … but soon to be semi-permanent tin shacks. It should be noted that the local SF Bay Area city mothers have been clearing out tent cities recently … because they “look bad” for the elected officials … but they’re not eliminated … just scattered to even MORE streets and re-form elsewhere.

  4. Any place the blacks, gays and Latinx are staying away from will only get better.

    1. Bad news for you, I know black people who travel to Florida when they can. They like it because it’s safe and they are treated with the same level of respect that everyone else gets. You probably wouldn’t like it there, I suggest you don’t go.

  5. Proof the CBC is leftist, they are just following their leaders at the NAACP, among others.

    1. @Robert:
      In all fairness to the CBC, I read that article and it seems to me they were just reporting the facts and quoting
      some people.

        1. Just stating what I perceived. In this particular article, the CBC just reported the facts. I will grant you they do go Woke at times.

          1. ” I will grant you they do go Woke at times.”

            LOL… “at times”…sure…

  6. I think / hope the new “Buffoon” nickname for Trudeau sticks. The Italian newspaper including one of his blackface pics was chefs kiss.

  7. Abidingly strange that your Canadian Media had a million words(mostly epithets) about Mr.Trump, yet nary a one about the Biden Crime Family.

    1. mofa

      100% par for the course….with the Corona Broadcasting Corporation…formerly known as the Communist Broadcasting Corporation.

      They are the main spewers of Anti American Hate in this fast becoming gulag.
      Global and CTV right behind them.

      For the record, have not watched 5 seconds of any of their propaganda & utter BS for over 7 yrs….I believe that its literally prolonged my remaining lifespan.

      1. I haven’t watched 5 seconds since Lloyd Robertson, grinning, announced Chretien’s new electoral win as PM.
        What’s that? 20 years or so?

        Oh, and before the polls closed in BC.

  8. Based upon the large number of Ontario and Quebec license plates I see traveling I-81, I can only guess that Florida has a large number of Canadien “snowbirds.” I doubt anything the CBC has to say will change that.

  9. Prime Moron being a douche again: he could have been concerned about the floods in Italy and how to provide support. We are fellow G7 countries, are we not? And he speaks in behalf of all Canadians. No you idiot, we-Canadians are not preoccupied about that. At all.

  10. “Are we still allowed to say that, or will it offend someone?”

    The only people it may offend are the ones we want to offend. The harder and deeper, the better.

  11. Coming soon to a village/town/city near you.

    When you run out of accommodation for tourists and your homeless encampments overwhelm the municipal infrastructure but the federal government continues the unfettered movement of illegal migrants then it behooves all Canadians to open their homes to let all and every homeless person couch surf in our living rooms until we solve this homeless crisis, because after all, we’re all in this together.

  12. Notice how Trudeau only lectures and talks down to women? Misogynistic along with a massive dose of narcissism.

    1. Trudeau is incapable of MANsplaining anything to anyone … for obvious reasons: his effeminate affect and his utter lack of knowledge or understanding of things like Democracy and Sovereignty.

      BTW … how are all the excavations of “unmarked” graves coming along? Ummm hmmm. … that’s what I thought.
