Sunday On Turtle Island

Biden’s America:  Commercials used to be great.  The Gay tyranny in America.  Can Trump clean the Augean stables?  Unmasking the CDC’s medical CIA.   A manufactured process crime.  Your morning meme.

Global Warming Scam News:  Socialism destroys the environment.

Woke Britain:  They were probably heading for the migrant paradise of England.  Migrants hijack a ship.  A new Pride book for the kiddies.  The Oxfam perverts.  Peter Hitchens on sex education and the war in Ukraine.

Trudeau’s Canada:  Some lineups in Winnipeg (CBC).  A disaster in Canada.  The rally in Ottawa.  Rex Murphy on the latest Trudeau scandal.

Today In Islam:  Policing in Pakistan (JW).   Fascist China News:  Biden and Cuba.

4 Replies to “Sunday On Turtle Island”

  1. The indictment makes clear that Trump is not charged with anything like a ‘manufactured process crime’. He was asked to return documents, didn’t, was recorded talking about his crime, and now he’ll eventually go to jail.

  2. Trump is the only one capable of the necessary and massive cleansing of the US government of the narcissistic Deep State that is essential to the survival of the nation, therefore he must be destroyed. It’s to be hoped that on his next, first day in office he starts with the Justice Department.

    I suspect that with the indictments they have ensured their own destruction.

    1. LOL 4 years of ‘lock her up!’ with no lockup.

      “I suspect that with the indictments they have ensured their own destruction.”

