Thursday On Turtle Island

Trudeau’s Canada:  Diversity is our strength (JW).  Future NDP members of parliament.  Trudeau’s expensive anti-poverty trip.  Justin’s CBC is excited that Trudeau will punish leakers.  Apparently casinos are an ancient Indian tradition.  Public hid vax status.  The teacher unions want more money.

Biden’s America:  The death of journalism.  A ridiculous plea deal.  Grooming during Pride Month.  Man caught drinking Bud Light.  Are the alphabet people advocating pedophilia?  The US transitions from superpower to migrant colony.  Your morning meme.

Fascist China News:  As part of it’s effort to buy up South America, China is demanding that Britain gives up the Falklands.

Neil Oliver:  Government Psyops and Covid.

Today In Islam:  Muslims and their Gay allies (JW).  The jihad against Christians in Africa (JW).

6 Replies to “Thursday On Turtle Island”

  1. Re 1st link (from JW) who said that Turdeau is not uniting people? After uniting English-speaking Canadians with Quebeckers during Freedom Convoy, now he’s uniting Muslims and Christians.

  2. Ref turdo punishing leakers.

    “Thomas blamed the mishandling of Chong’s case on “an insufficient process”

    She means It was insufficiently covered up.

  3. Can anyone tell me where the -Diversity is strength- came from
    without a common bond diversity is a weakness. Nearest I can find is 1984, the book not the instruction manual

  4. Took a moment to watch the “Bee” Bud Light video. They had me quite amused with the complete admissions of transgressions list.
