Thursday On Turtle Island

Today In Islam:  Sweden prepares for mostly peaceful riots.  Muslim migrants in Britain.

Biden’s America:  The DOJ rot.  Why are Americans not having children?  A strange festival.  The Chinese scam operation.  Media ignore Biden corruption.  The groomer enablers.  Victor Davis Hanson on Biden’s foreign policy.  Where is the Biden bashing tell all book?  The Democrats and San Francisco.  The Biden crime family.  Are you a Beta male?  Your morning meme.

Trudeau’s Canada:  Asking questions about Islam in Canada (JW).  Our tax dollars at work.  All kids pass in socialist B.C.  Justin’s global warming scams.  Ex-clerk joins Liberal Party group.

Neil Oliver:  The Elites want us as their slaves.

17 Replies to “Thursday On Turtle Island”

    1. So what is the real significance of the time
      Hopefully that six years etc. is the limit of his reign. Climate change or king chucky, hmm which is worse
      Or it could be six years to the final rubber room for chuckie
      Six years until we burn the carbon cops
      oh the possibilities!

    2. Jojo – maybe Charles is just misunderstood. Here in Canada some people believe that TruSingh’s “Just Transition” plan is about ending oil and gas production in Canada. But insiders know that it’s really about making Canada gender neutral by 2035. At least the children.

      1. Didn’t you see King Charles making a deal with GOD behind the partitions as he’s getting CROWNED?

        He’s above mortalitality…peasants!

  1. Re New Public Art in Ottawa
    Wouldn’t it be more appropriate to put it alongside the recently renamed John A. McDonald Parkway (I forget the new name and couldn’t pronounce it anyway)?

  2. Ah, yes…The Narcissism of the Childless.

    “Honey, if we put off having kids, I can afford that new VR headset.” And so it begins. There will always be a better, newer headset out there lurking.

  3. Wanting your son to be an un-accountable crack addict is the true sign of a father’s love.

    Apparently, beer was not quite keeping the Irish from ruling the world, so it was necessary to invoke a higher power.
