Wednesday On Turtle Island

Biden’s America:  College snowflakes.  Mattel introduces pregnant Ken doll.  Rejecting the science.  Was it really the dog that bit the agent, or was it old Joe Biden.  How to buy your way into the White House.  The corrupt American media.  Jason Aldean’s primal scream.  Your morning meme.

Woke Europe:  Socialist governments are hard to get rid of.   Today In Islam:  Murder in Nigeria (JW).

Global Warming Scam News:  Ireland is a colony of the E.U.  The Just Stop Oil terrorism continues.  And Greta is arrested again.

Trudeau’s Canada:  Justin gets a new plane.  A comedian gets cancelled.  The whitewash begins.

China Virus News:  A skyrocket in strokes.  China Patty sort of admits it was a lab incident.

17 Replies to “Wednesday On Turtle Island”

  1. People are laughing at Joe Biden because he said something about cured Cancer.
    But never forget this man can put his fingers on a button that could destroy the entire world’s Climate As we know it.

    1. I would hope that those in charge of Biden have made sure he cannot ever unleash nuclear weapons. Biden is barely functioning.

  2. “Lecce also ordered his staff to review school trainings and to provide “options to reform professional training and strengthen accountability on school boards so this never happens again.” ”
    What a lame duck this Lecce guy is. Touted as the best new star among Ontario Conservatives, he only showed that he’s a CINO, not even that when I think of his comments dancing around LGBTQ-whatever.
    In this case he tasked the wolves to investigate themselves. Smart and effective, mr Lecce! I’m sure TDSB will come back with good results, as always. Who needs enemies when you have in your team guys like Lecce to shoot self in the foot?

    1. The TDSB needs to be eliminated, it doesn’t serve any purpose in improving education, and is so full of “education consultants” running around implementing the latest fads in “pedagogy”…

  3. Biden has an out of control son; it isn’t really a stretch for him to have an out of control dog.

  4. The electoral problems in Spain would be even worse with proportional repreentation, where you can neveer kick the bums out. We have the same issue here, where a coalition of the depraved rule. The problem is coalitions.

    1. I thought the same thing. Spain sounds a lot like Canada. Two parties is ideal but then … both act the same. Screwed either way.

  5. ‘We cannot save the world by playing by the rules,’ Thunberg says

    Extraordinary how some have trouble seeing more than one move down the chessboard. The belief that people should play by the rules is Thunberg’s greatest PROTECTION right now. She undercuts that at her own peril.

  6. Big thanks to the Trudeau government for showing his support for Alberta, Saskatchewan and hydrocarbons far into the future by purchasing a fleet of aircraft with a 30 year lifespan. It truly demonstrates his belief that hydrocarbons are the way of the future.

    Here’s to him and his cohorts putting on many thousands of air miles and burning tons of jet fuel bought right here in Western Canada.

  7. Ben Armstrong and Peter McCullough do not bother telling us the title of this “major study” showing that “many people died of a stroke after getting the jab and then coming down with COVID-19.” So I did a search. This appears to be the paper:

    Interesting. It flies in the face of this paper, which found no increase in stroke risk after mRNA vaccination:

    It appears, then, that the scientific evidence is mixed about this, and so further research is warranted. It might have behooved Armstrong and McCullough to mention this.
