9 Replies to “The Most Interesting Man In The World”

  1. “DOJ can’t sink any lower…”

    Biden’s DOJ: “Hold my… errr, you know – the drinking stuff, in the bottle!” – You do know that, if they read SDA and see that, they’ll take it as a personal challenge?

  2. The corruption via the DOJ and FBI stops when congress grows a set of balls and starts holding those involved accountable via Impeachment and criminal RICO charges. It’s sickening to sit and watch, the judicial system has become so corrupted against conservatives it’s actually frightening to watch because what happens there is always implemented by Canadian liberals?

  3. 170 Suspicious Activity Reports. Reports that are very rarely filed … and if you received even 2 such reports … your bank accounts would be closed.

    But not for the Biden crime family. Nope. They’re “above the law”. For now.

  4. With this all coming out, now drip by drip, by the MSM, which by the way independent reporters have been revealing all of this for the last three years, is it any wonder that the election was rigged for Biden. Is it any wonder that the Chinese hacked the election machines with the aid and assistance of the DNC to ensure a Biden victory. The American Republic has been under attack since the Kennedys were killed. When the books are all examined it will evenyually be known that the Democratic party picked up from where Hitler and Stalin left off but the new leaders slowed the pace considerably to ensure the average American wouldn’t become aware until it was too late. Trump was the fly in their ointment and for them to succeed they have to eliminate him politically because an assassination would be too obvious. Just my opinion, of course. Feel free to disagree.

    1. Antenor, Um’, basically, I’m feeling free to be loosely in agreement with you.
      Yet I’m still keeping my fingers crossed that Trump will somehow prevail!

      1. The problem Gerry, is that wishing and hoping and praying will not deliver the Republic out of the Deomcrats hands. They know that if Trump gets elected in 2024 there will be a lot of retribution coming their way. The 2016 was miss-handled by the Democrats because they were overly confident that Hilary would win and keep Obama’s program intact. It came as an absolute shock that Trump won and their re-action in 2020 was over the top, out and out fraud. Now they are in a jackpot and understand that the next election will be a massive attempt at retaining power. Can Trump prevail, only if there is a truly free, fair, safe election process.

        1. “Can Trump prevail, only if there is a truly free, fair, safe election process.”

          Which can’t happen now, since the individual states are still planning on using ballot counting machines and mail-in ballots. It will be an exact repeat of last time, I’m afraid. The Democrats have already won the 2024 election.

          (Einstein’s theory of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again but somehow expecting a different result…)

  5. Watching the tells coming from DeMarxist attack dog Goldman, reduced to “what does it matter now,” is on balance of probabilities very damaging testimony to Hunter, Joe and the Biden crime family claims of innocence, given Goldman did not rule out evidence of exculpatory and relevant facts, while GOP interlocutor Jim Jordan called Avery’s testimony “very productive.”

    If it were so, but the tables were turned, iow, with testimony damaging to Trump or the GOP, we’d know by now because it would have all been leaked, but DeMarxists are essentially reduced to “leaks” someone said Trump told someone to delete video that was never deleted at all, so with an increasingly desperate DeMarxist establishment now leaking smoking guns that only fire blanks.
