Saturday On Turtle Island

Britain:  Another history lesson with Neil Oliver.  One in three Britons are really stupid.     Woke Europe:  Don’t upset the alphabet people in Finland.

Biden’s America:  The radical left conquered our culture.  When should the sexes have their own spaces?  The menstruating men.  Vax heart damage in young people.  Garland finds a new way to hinder the Republican investigation of the Bidens.  Your morning meme.

Trudeau’s Canada:  Liberal logic. We need more immigrants to build housing for more immigrants.  The Liberal Party’s corrupt justice system.  No whites need apply.

11 Replies to “Saturday On Turtle Island”

  1. So, if the Finnish Prosecutor loses again, can they go for Triple Jeopardy and try them for a third time?

    1. The LGBTQqAI2s+/- are hell bent on getting the Courts to “prove” that The Bible is “Hate Speech”. They actually BELIEVE that will forever END The WORD of God … and will destroy Christ.

      Silly, silly, perverts.

  2. My first mother in law was British. I’ve had more insightful conversations with the squirrels who stop by for their daily peanut rations.

  3. Section 15(2) of the Trudeau constitution allows for racist policies and hiring as long as the policy benefits someone that looks like someone who was discriminated against in the past, and cities like London are taking advantage.

    The Bloc is upset that none of it’s donors have been appointed by the liberals, never mind that if you donate to any political party, it would be better if you don’t get appointed a judge ( or for that matter, get the liberals to pay off your convicted war criminal client).

    We do need more people going into the trades to build houses, but the solution isn’t importing more people who aren’t willing to work to Canada (that include bringing over grand parents as part of “family reunification”)

  4. I wonder how is the surfing in Tofino today?
    I bet a RCMP detail could tell us.

  5. “No whites need apply”
    I worked at the City of London in the building department back in the 1980’s and 1990’s. Work used to be fun with the camaraderie among the workers. Unfortunately the writing was on the wall but we could not see it. A young female secretary, likely spurred by her lawyer mother, accused four of us of “harassment”. Not sexual harassment but just a few objectionable remarks which she duly collected and wrote down. We the accused were dumbfounded as the remarks were rather innocuous and meant in jest. The young woman probably thought she was striking a blow for feminism and thought that the complaint would be hush-hush. But alleged offenders had no inkling that the complaints were intended to be confidential so the news went around like wildfire. I do not think that management had any idea how to handle the situation. I wrote a letter to Human Resources undertaking to limit my interactions with the complainant to business matters only in a wording that was kind of passive-aggressive. In the end, none of us were disciplined but the whole department had to undergo the newfangled harassment training. I also understand through the grape vine that the young women had no idea of ramifications of her complaints and later regretted that she had initiated such a kerfuffle.
    So the present hunt for a Director of Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression at the City of London reminds me how grateful I am that I am long gone from City of London employment (or any government employment). I am sure a harassment complaint against a white male in today’s climate would result in a figurative burning at the stake.

    1. Working in a Building Dept. … where your interactions are with Builders and Subcontractors … and you expect to never be offended by what they may say … might be the pinnacle of cognitive dissonance …

      Time to find a new line of work, or another department within the bureaucracy.

      1. Kenji,
        I left after 21 years there and started my sole practitioner structural consulting business. I did my best for the builders and they in turn treated me well. The point is that I did not see the incident as a portent but unwittingly got out before the creeping wokeness, the “long march” into the institutions made working in them a Kafkaesque nightmare. One can be sure that the duties of a “Director of Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression” is to unearth racism and oppression and where better to discover these vices than in the white heterosexual male of European ancestry.

        1. Silly, silly, Robert … you just fail to acknowledge your own systemic racism. Best to let the wokerati pick the bones of those foolish enough to still play their games. Good for you escaping with a public pension!

  6. Study Finds Vax Heart Damage in Young People, Yet 73% had No Cardiac Symptoms
    I took a pass on the “not a vaccine”.. It had more to do with me being a unagreeable SOB than any thoughtful process.. I feel bad about this.. I didn’t earn a damned thing and yet I’m sitting pretty.. Guilt.. That has added to my mental health problems.. Resentment about the silence of it all..

    Vaxxed or not.. We are all in this together.. Lowering your dead ass into the ground is not exactly a picnic..
