Sunday On Turtle Island

Biden’s America:  Tucker’s Budapest speech.  Some stories of J6ers.  Arizona AG preps Trump indictment.  Biden regime is doing everything possible to open up the border (JW).  Another Democrat city success story.  Judge in Trump case is scion of Marxists.

Global Warming Scam News:  Trust the climate cult.     Today In Islam:  A Michigan Imam (JW).

Trudeau’s Canada:  Warren Kinsella defends Dementia Joe.  New pickup trucks for everyone on the reserves. (CBC).  Are the Trudeau Liberals getting desperate?  How much is this trip going to cost us? Foreign Affairs Barbie burns jet fuel to Slovenia to promote the UN.

Neil Oliver:  What is next for the West?

21 Replies to “Sunday On Turtle Island”

  1. Kinsella wiping up Joe Depend’s messes.
    Would you call that the pinacle of loyal Liberal servitude?

    1. Kantsellya is sticking up for the muppet? Of course he is. He’s making bank off serving schlock for the Libs. Got a nice situation in Hogtown, and that don’t come cheap these days.

      Perfect example of the Canadian media “elite”. People who will run interference for a demented pedophile politician in a -different- country. Not even our country.

      When you say the word “elite” in Canada you put it in quotation marks because you are looking down, into a deep hole, at people who are digging.

      Hey Warnout. We can see you. Put down the shovel.

    2. I found Kinsella’s “defense” of President Biden to be rather sickening. There is no comparison between the gaffes of the other presidents and the total unawareness of President Biden’s comparing his almost loss of his car and his cat with the reality of far too many deaths on Maui

  2. The J6ers were protestors who got out of hand. Treating them like insurrectionists may very well bring about a real insurrection. Where they bring 700,000 guns, not seven. It sadly seems inevitable because you can’t reason with neo-Marxists. The US has jumped the shark – put a leather jacket on Joe and have him say “Aaay”. Despite what that a–hole Kinsella writes, there is nothing human left in Joe.

  3. Enjoyed, as usual, the Neil Oliver vid – although it took me back to the second-to-last time I was in Africa, (Southern Tanzania, early 1988) – a ‘local’ commented on how much the Chinese were doing for them, (railways, etc), without wondering when payback time will be due.

    BRICS, not today, not tomorrow, but eventually, will be absorbed as part of the Chinese Empire I fear.

    Ah well, I ain’t gonna be around to see it.

        1. I don’t think the Chinese would get involved in guerrilla warfare in Africa, but they’re welcome to try.

          1. Depends upon the prize, I guess.

            One of the guys I used to hang around with in Toronto, (late 1960s), did two tours with ‘Mad Mike’ Hoare in the Congo – they cleaned up, but a regular, well supplied & dedicated, army would do (at least) a hundred times better.

  4. The J6ers will enjoy the real insurrection when it comes.
    Instead of 7 guns it’ll be 700,000

  5. “Arizona AG preps Trump indictment. ”

    Nowhere in the link does it say Trump will be indicted.

  6. Well … Tucker continues to advocate for Christian values, while our Ambassador to Hungary lectures on clinging to those values, and eschewing the Brave New World of child sacrifice on the altar of “transgenderism”. Anyone who believes this isn’t spiritual warfare … whatever your personal definition of spirituality … is fooling themselves.

    It is all out WAR on Christianity … coming from the US Government!! What a sick, sick, time in America. Thank you Tucker, for articulating that so clearly.

  7. Kinsella wants us to cut Biden some slack….Good God, the legacy media has been covering his ass for years.

  8. RE: New pickup trucks
    Can confirm. My work is 85% Native. They’re banking on these checks to waste.
    New tv, game consoles, new vehicles (for those that actually have their license) and a LOT of parties.
    A few are actually taking about going to school in the trade, or saving it for actual good uses, like buying clothes and sports equipment for their kids. Some really do need newer cars.

    Once the checks come, there’s going to be a lot of missed shifts.

    90% will piss it away within 2 months.

  9. Governor General Mary Simon will approve of this. I think she is a member of the Gimmee-Munee Nation.
