No Guantanamo For You, Comrade

Brace yourself for the ringing condemnations about to erupt from the Red Cross, Amnesty International and leading Democrats;

President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday ordered Russia’s special services to hunt down and “destroy” the killers of four Russian diplomats in Iraq, the Kremlin said.
Nikolai Patrushev, the head of the Federal Security Service _ the main successor to the Soviet KGB _ later said that everything would be done to ensure that the killers “do not escape from responsibility,” the Interfax news agency reported.
“The president has ordered the special forces to take all necessary measures to find and destroy the criminals who killed Russian diplomats in Iraq,” the Kremlin press service said in a brief statement.

Or not.

59 Replies to “No Guantanamo For You, Comrade”

  1. Why would the “leading Democrats” speak up? Its not their country. You’re kind of comparing apples and oranges here. Im sure AI will react.
    Grasping at straws as usual Kate.

  2. So does this mean that Putin is joining the Americans in the War On terror?
    Maybe France, Spain, Germany and Italy will realize they really are in a war as well.
    Better late than never, eh?

  3. As the former head of the KGB, Putin has just put out a ‘hit’ on the assassins of Russian diplomats.
    The Iraqi terror elements have just served notice that they don’t care who they kill; as long as the armaments continue to flow.
    The war on terror, from the Russian perspective, just got a little wider than the pitched battle in Chechnya.

  4. Everyone should speak up about all human rights abuses. But to suggest (as you do) that Democrats are hypocrites if they criticize the Republican Administration for human rights abuses, while not being vocal about criticizing Russia ignores the fact that THE DEMOCRATS ARE AN AMERICAN (not russian) POLITICAL PARTY! Of course they are going to be more concerned when their own government.
    But Hey! Welcome to Conservative la la land where everything is a commie plot to destroy the family right?

  5. What? He’s not sending in his army? What a wutz.
    Imagine only going after the murderers! What a concept! Obviously, there is no cowboy in him. Yer supposed ta ride in ta dodge with all guns ablazing!

  6. And with a HUGE TONGUE-IN-CHEEK , Kate !!
    MSM, Liberals, NGOs, UN, U-professors, ect are unbelievablly BIASED against ANYTHING associated with success, like; free democracies, business, prosecution of criminals, ect. In fact, they seem to HATE the feedom to succeed, period. Why do they prefer “government-controled-failures ? Adscam, Oil For Food, USSR, East Block, medicare wait times, Caledonia, young offender’s act,…
    Maybe it is just simply, to hate the big-guy-on-the-hill sort of thing. No matter even if “he” is a real good guy ?
    Is it also just a case of wanting, making troubles in the country so the gov’t/politicians can swoop in and save the day ? With a lot of idiolgical baggage, of course.
    The media seems to focus on troubles also. After all what would they lead with if it didn’t “bleed” ?

  7. Vlad is going to open up a can of Russian Whoop Ass, and all the lefty cying in the world won’t make a bit of difference.
    Those head choppers better pray they don’t get taken alive.

  8. KC stands for Kook Clown. All you ever spew is left wing idiocy. Typical tactic of the left–spew venom, nonsense, rhetoric, and plain b.s., and hope no one notices the illogic.

  9. Vlad had better clear it with Centcom first… otherwise he may just get his ass blown off by the IA and the GI’s… mistaken identity and all that… go ask the Italians how it feels by not keeping the Rough Men informed…

  10. Ivan’s friends?
    The Poles? The Hungarians? The Ukrainians? The Czechs? The Germans? Who whom?
    Wait. La France has always been a friend of Russia. France will help, oui. …-
    He [Putin] said Russia hoped its friends would help to identify the killers.
    … On Monday, the Russian foreign ministry urged the Iraqi authorities and the US-led coalition forces to find and punish the perpetrators. via belmont club

  11. “So does this mean that Putin is joining the Americans in the War On terror?”
    Heck, no, Joe. It just means that once the killers have been tracked down and done away with, there’ll be one more thing for everyone to blame Bush for…

  12. Richard,
    I had a good laugh to myself when you said:
    “KC stands for Kook Clown. All you ever spew is left wing idiocy”
    …and then said…
    “Typical tactic of the left–spew venom”
    My point was pretty valid–the fact that Democrats are more vocal when their own country commits human rights abuses is both expected and understandable. Kate is really grasping at straws here (as usual).

  13. “Putin also said Russia “will be grateful to all its friends for any information on the criminals,” the Kremlin said.”
    Sorry Vlad, I think Saddam is kind of busy with his own problems right now.

  14. “KC you are a troll, you are also the enemy”
    I dont think calling Kate on her blatant logical fallacies makes one a troll.
    Judging by the majority of the comments made on this blog (as well as the actual blogs themselves) I am more than happy to be the enemy.

  15. I think a majority of posters on this thread just don’t get the point.
    The point? President Bush, specifically, and Americans, generally, are the only ones on the entire planet (well, Israel also) perpetrating “human rights abuses”.
    Real abusers and real tyrants always get a free pass.
    A terrorist gets photographed with a panty on his head and the world erupts in mass demonstrations. Some third world tyrant executes thousands and they get a seat on the UN Human Rights Council.

  16. Would you be so kind, KC, as to elucidate the syllogistic error or equivalent that you are presuming has been obviated by a dialectic fallacy, so that at least we may consider whether or not you are conflating dialectics and rhetoric? Thanks.

  17. KC . . you wouldn’t know a “blatant logical fallacy” if one whupped you up side the head.
    But stick around, even ones as pathetically transparent as you can learn something about how the world really works.
    Or in your case, maybe not.

  18. Michael – You obviously arent listening. Human rights abuses are condemned all the time.
    Vitruvius – The fallacy is to imply hypocrisy on the part of Democrats for being more vocal in their criticism of the President for his own human rights abuses than for those of a foreign leader. It ignores context.
    Fred – Obviously a blatant logical fallacy did just whup me in the head in the form of your ad hominem attack.

  19. I suspect some of the TROLL FEEDERS are just more masqueraiding trolls, trying to take over Kate’s good Werk. They are scared stiff that blogs such as SDA are exposing their beloved Liberal Media junk.
    Just IGNORE them both and discuss the topic; ” PUTIN SAID HUNT DOWN AND DESTROY ” No mention of a Russian Guantanimo or any kind of “bring to justice”. Not even Siberia, or Gulag Archipilago !!

  20. This aughtta be good. The KGB are pretty efficient at making people pay for their indiscretions. Or they might contract out to the Russian Mafia who will no doubt have a 10 for 1 sale. Kill one of ours you lose 10…

  21. With Russia’s proclivity for meting out justice using car bombs on foreign soil, is it too much to hope that the “insurgents” head north to hide out in the Eiffel Tower?

  22. Weirdski? No. Russian; a glimpse into the Russian soul?
    What’s more Russian than a coup? Another coup.
    “This is my fourth coup d’etat,” confided the ninety-two- years-old writer I went to Peredelkino to visit.” Quote: Tamara Ivanova (1991)…-
    Putin kisses boy on the stomach
    Posted by presidio9
    On News/Activism 06/28/2006 9:23:21 AM PDT · 103 replies · 2,531+ views
    Reuters ^ | 06/28/06
    Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday stopped on a walk through the Kremlin to speak to a young boy before lifting up the boy’s shirt and kissing the astonished youth on his stomach. Putin was shown by state television chatting to graduates of military academies before he took a walk through one of the Kremlin’s courtyards, often full of tourists. He stopped and spoke to a young boy who appeared to be aged four or five and turned away shyly when asked his name. “What is your name?” Putin asked, kneeling down in front of the fair-haired boy and holding…

  23. Thanks, KC. In light of your explanation, you are, in my opinion, conflating dialectics and rhetoric. Pursuant to the Small Dead Animals commenting policy, I’ll leave it at that.

  24. The Russians will stop at nothing to kill the “insurgents” who murdered their diplomats. I almost feel pity for the insurgents. When the Lebs kidnapped some Russians Septmember of 1985, the Russians just kidnapped a Muslim cleric and murdered him. They soon got three out of four diplomats. Look at the theatre takeover a few years ago, the school in Beslan, the Russians don’t pussy foot around, they just start killing.

  25. They probably won’t mention this either;
    So far this year, Iran has purchased over $7 billion for arms from Russia, including anti-air, nuclear-capable Tor-M1 cruise missiles, considered by experts the most advanced of its kind in the world. Iran has purchased these missiles to secure the Bushehr atomic reactor and other nuclear sites.

  26. KC,
    At the risk of feeding a troll; when Kate i stalking Democrats I don’t believe she is talking politicians but registered Democats who have an opinion on everything (READ:Hollywood, Baldwin, Penn, Robbins, Sarandon et al)
    If you want to crticize GW43 for domestic issues or foreign policy determined by him that is fine. But there always seems to be an eery silence when a “left-wing” ideologue(sp.) issues decrees, that if GW has issued he would have been taken to task for.
    Look, I am not entirely comfortable with all that goes on in Gitmo, but I would rather have Jack Nicholson (ie GW) on that wall than Jimmy Carter.
    I have always said the far right are FANATICS and the left are HYPOCRITES; in the current times we can’t fight the FANATICS (ie Terrorists) with HYPOCRISY.

  27. time to ban KC Kate, He’s getting personal and everyone knows that when he can’t win he’ll resort to personal attacks.

  28. Kenin – Thats just total crap. Lefties have admonished dictators and tyrants for years. There is no “eery silence”.
    Pete – Show me where I have “gotten personal”

  29. After reading how not feed trolls, this will be my final post to KC.
    Get Real. Penn visits Saddam, maybe it was Khaddafi, and you have the cajones to say Leftists admonish dictators and tyrants. That’s rich.

  30. KeninCGY
    Apparently, we can’t fight the terrorists with fanatics either, they get stronger the more we fight them.

  31. Kenin,
    You cant point to one lefty and say he represents them all. Right wingers often meet with such nefarious folk–only to disavow them when they cut off the oil. Lefties have been far bigger promoters of human rights since the expression entered the public conscious.
    As for being a troll, you must have a different definition of that than I–can I presume that by “troll” you mean anyone that disagrees with your right wing ideology?

  32. KC,
    Would you settle on argumentitive rather than Troll? Or, do you need to insist that all who contribute here are either right wing or fascists?
    To state that you haven’t been personal is a little selective. You’ve sneered at this here forum. Your remarks may not be in the clear ad hominem about Kate but they are still condescending. The Democrats are hardly unified in practicing politics and have engagied in rhetoric that is just extreme and/or relativist deconstruction of bad behaviour, even within their own party. I could reference Dem blogs where the discussion is much more pointed than what Kate suggests. I think you are of your league when it comes to reasoned discussion.

  33. It occurs to me that what KC may be failing to understand is that after his entirely rude opening gambit in this discussion, namely “Grasping at straws as usual Kate,” he has faced a major deficit in the public relations department, a hole which he has not yet begun to dig himself out of, especially considering his potty mouth since then.
    Remember basic ju-jitsu, folks. Don’t argue with your opponent, use their weight against them.

  34. “Search and destroy” missions are commonplace military operations and even more desirable in situatons such as the one we are discussing.
    I have mixed feelings about the Russians, as anyone will understand if they know anything about my background.
    However, in the present case I think the Russians are implementing a justifiable and sound policy.
    As a matter of fact, the United States had an opportunity to vote on affirmation of such a policy, and we turned it down.
    As you know, John Kerry and the Democratic Party wanted to meet terrorism by doublng special forces (in all of their different operational capacities) and then go after tangoes with an eye to leaving them wherever we could get the bodies to drop.
    Targets would have consisted of the terrorists themselves, their handlers, money sources which would include bankers and financiers, host countries, training camps, on and on. As you can imagine, we would have had quite a long list of people to kill if Democrats had been succssful in achieving office.
    It would have been a littel like Nicky Santoro’s statement in Casion when he suggsteh you had to know where the hole in the desert had been dug before you arrived with the package in the trunk, because otherwise, “You’d have to be diggin’ holes all fuckin’ night!”
    I might have been ok with a general search and destroy mission on targets of opportunity, but the American people, with an eye to the humanity of the situation, chose wisely I think. A limited war aimed at strategic host countries that produce terrorist support and ideological sympathy. An attempt to deal with the big picture.
    So I guess the Russian solution, practical though it may be, is simply a little too bloodthirsty for the US.

  35. IDF is confirming that the Israeli soldier has been executed.
    Hope the IDF opens up a can of whoop ass.

  36. KC is quite right to say that ‘leading Democrats’ should be expected to speak out more forcefully about their own government’s actions than about those of other governmnents: depending on the circumstances, it can be quite cheap to speak out against what some other country is doing.
    We in Canada should be speaking out much more forcefully than we have been about our own government’s record, rather than pointing the finger at other countries, including the USA.
    So, for example, I’d like to see a lot more attention focused on what Canada’s been up to in Haiti over the last couple of years, to pick just one example.
    Furthermore, I don’t know what the point was of mentioning AI and the Red Cross in Kate’s initial post: are they supposed to issue press releases on the occasion of every media report of a politician’s comments, Russian or otherwise?
    Expectations that they should can come only from unfamiliarity with their methods and history: the ICRC, for instance, to maintain its neutrality and access to detainees, typically reports confidentially to the government in question.
    Meanwhile, claims that AI (or other human rights organizations) have been silent about the human rights record (or the arms trade record, or the anti-terrorism record) of Russia will have trouble overcoming a number of pieces of evidence, like–to pick just one–this AI notice about Russia which, among other things, draws attention to the fact that
    There are growing concerns about the practices committed under what Russia terms its “counter-terrorism” operation in the North Caucasus, with regular reports of “disappearances”, torture and arbitrary detentions. Impunity seems to reign as very few perpetrators are ever identified or brought to justice.
    Maybe that March press release didn’t make the front pages here in Canada, but that’s hardly AI’s fault.

  37. For at least a thousand years, seriously pissing off the Russians has proven to be a bad idea.

  38. The Ruskies were long time saddamites. Do they still have some kind of Iraq infrastructure or is it an idle threat? Is anyone in the know on such things? I haven’t heard of anyone being afraid of anything Russian lately except their gangsters.

  39. Nope, KC, you is irreversibly out to lunch! Kate is NOT grasping at straws.
    Any claim to that effect is obfuscation at best, delusional at worst. The Democrats may well indeed be a political party outside of Russia.
    Yes, it is an American party. But the doomed to constant defeat leftie leaning DimDems have had no qualms about sending Stick-man Billy C, and his internet-creating wizard of words, Inconvenient Al, to meddle in Canadian politics. In one instance at least, the libs went as far as banning media from the event. So, who REALLY has the hidden agenda?
    Our fiblibs and the party biggies just about popped a gut flying their sorry butts back and forth across the frozen tundra of a Canadian General Election throughout Dec/Jan. just for dead-man-walking PMPM to get to a photo op or two with the big guy, before an international crowd busy sucking back 40 million dollars worth of Canadian hospitality thereby having their attention misdirected away from the Liberal party’s horrific failures in their highly-touted, sacrosanct Kyoto Accords. ( 36% OVER!! target? Now that’s one hell of aan effective environmental minister with a global conscience. NOT !! )
    Canada’s neo-commie lenin left leanin Liberals and NDP think that there is so much US Republican intervention in Canada, that they actually ran their last election campaign AGAINST Geo. Dubyah! ( I don’t believe that the College of Cardinals, nor the US Electoral College gave anybody a red beanie, nor one red seat in our House of Commons. )
    Evidently Kate is not really comparing apples and oranges. Looks like she’s wisely anticipating extreme leftist BS and hypocrisy on this issue.
    By the way, the internationale lefty consortium is starting auditions this week-end. Hollywood’s latter-day Hanoi dimbulb of days gone by is a little too wrinkled to have any draw appeal today, so there are new positions available for Kabul Kathy and Kenny Kandahar.
    Perhaps you ought to consider taking a run here, at either position.
    Butt Hay KC : surprisingly, for a leftie leaner wiener, you are correct, but only partially so, when you state “…But Hey! Welcome to Conservative la la land where everything is a commie plot to destroy the family right?…”
    It is patently evident that, as well as destroying the family unit, you and your comrades are equally committed to the destruction of the individuals’ sense of self worth, personal drive and ambition, a good and solid hard-work ethic, fiscal responsibility, ownership of one’s choices and actions and the fruits thereof,entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship, private ownership of almost anything, civic responsibility, general civility, public safety – law and order for everybody, not just for your pals in their fortified and walled dacha communities, and last but not least – capitalism.
    Anything I might have omitted? That’s not a problem — I’m sure those other issues will surface the moment you, or Jack! or Bill Graham or Billy C start spewing.
    Conservative la la land may not be the world’s prime breeding ground for absolutely the best brand of politics and government, but it certainly is a lot closer to the ideals of democracy than anything else on the planet, and unlike the left, we don’t often find ourselves spending too much time trying to turn ourselves inside out to, yet again, attempt to defend the indefensible.
    To repeat the question:
    How long before the lefts speak out against the barbaric “hit” put out by Putin?
    L. H. & K.

  40. New Facts come to light in the release of transcripts of interrogations
    Most of what we know about the role of prison doctors and medical staffers comes from tens of thousands of pages of government documents released pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act suit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union. These papers include criminal investigations, FBI notes on debriefings of prisoners, interviews with witnesses, sworn recollections of conversations, e-mails from soldiers and intelligence personnel, autopsy reports, military base policies, and prisoners’ medical records. Here are some of the incidents they reveal.
    Abed Hamed Mowhoush voluntarily surrendered to American military authorities in Qaim, Iraq, in November 2003. He died of torture 16 days later. According to testimony at the trial of the intelligence officers responsible for the abuse, Mowhoush was repeatedly beaten with fists, hose, sticks, and a rifle butt under the supervision of Army, Special Forces, and CIA personnel. Six of his ribs were broken. Then he was stuffed head first into a sleeping bag and wrapped in 20 feet of electrical wire. A soldier briefly crouched over Mowhoush’s chest. A few minutes later, he was found to be dead. Dr. Ann Rossignol, an Air Force physician, joined the resuscitation. She was told that Mowhoush was being interrogated, lost control of his urine, and collapsed. The trial transcript shows that she did not ask for more details. A Pentagon press release stated: “Mowhoush said he didn’t feel well and subsequently lost consciousness. The soldier questioning him found no pulse, then conducted CPR and called for medical authorities. According to the on-site surgeon [Rossignol], it appeared Mowhoush died of natural causes.”
    You think this’ll help convince anyone fighting the occupation to give up?
    Somehow Dr. Rossignol missed seeing that Mowhoush’s body was bruised on the arms, legs, head, neck, pelvis, and front and back of the torso. These injuries were apparent to the criminal investigators and the pathologists who conducted an autopsy. She kept silent as the inaccurate report circulated that he had died by natural causes. The military has not granted interviews in relation to Mowhoush’s death. The official explanation is that the death was an unintentional homicide.
    100’s of deaths have occuried this way, who would you want to go to the Americans who’ll lock you up or the Taliban that’ll give you respect?

  41. Haven’t most tyrants in human history been on the left of the political spectrum?
    Stalin, Brezhnev, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Mao Zedong, Xiaoping, Castro etc……. (very long list)
    Human Rights under these individuals was just wonderful wasn’t it? I mean, the left would never participate in the slaughter of their own people would they?

  42. Dont forget the National Socialist German Workers Party (1933), the left seems to always want to call them right wing but they have all the usual trappings of the left , including confiscation of property, ministry of propoganda, nationalizing industries,huge increases in public spending and large rallies.

  43. Friends of the US
    COLONEL HUGO BANZER, President of Bolivia
    FULGENCIO BATISTA, President of Cuba
    SIR HASSANAL BOLKIAH, the Sultan of Brunei
    P. W. BOTHA, President of South Africa
    GENERAL HUMBERTO BRANCO, President of Brazil
    VINICIO CEREZO, President of Guatemala
    CHIANG KAI-SHEK, President of Taiwan
    ROBERTO SUAZO CORDOVA, President of Honduras
    ALFREDO CRISTIANI, President of El Salvador
    NGO DINH DIEM, President of South Viet Nam
    GENERAL SAMUEL DOE, President of Liberia
    FRANÇOIS & JEAN CLAUDE DUVALIER, Presidents-for-Life of Haiti
    GENERAL FRANCISCO FRANCO, President of Spain
    ADOLF HITLER, Chancellor of Germany
    HUSSAN II, King of Morocco
    FERDINAND MARCOS, President of the Philippines
    MOBUTU SESE SEKO, President of Zaire
    GENERAL MANUEL NORIEGA, Chief of Defense forces, Panama
    TURGUT OZAL, Prime Minister of Turkey
    MOHAMMAD REZA PAHLEVI, Shah of Iran, King of Kings
    GEORGE PAPADOPOULOS, Prime Minister of Greece
    PARK CHUNG HEE, President of South Korea
    GENERAL AUGUSTO PINOCHET, President of Chile
    GENERAL SITIVENI RABUKA, Commander, Armed Forces of Fiji
    GENERAL EFRAIN RIOS MONT, President of Guatemala
    ANTONIO DE OLIVEIRA SALAZAR, Prime Minister of Portugal
    HALIE SELASSIE, Emperor of Ethiopia
    IAN SMITH, Prime Minister of Rhodesia
    ANASTASIO SOMOZA, SR. AND JR., Presidents of Nicaragua
    ALFREDO STROESSNER, President-for-Life of Paraguay
    GENERAL SUHARTO, President of Indonesia
    RAFAEL LEONIDAS TRUJILLO, President of the Dominican Republic
    GENERAL JORGE RAFAEL VIDELA, President of Argentina
    MOHAMMED ZIA UL-HAQ, President of Pakistan
    How much humanity did they spread acroos the world?

  44. Friends of the US
    COLONEL HUGO BANZER, President of Bolivia
    FULGENCIO BATISTA, President of Cuba
    SIR HASSANAL BOLKIAH, the Sultan of Brunei
    P. W. BOTHA, President of South Africa
    GENERAL HUMBERTO BRANCO, President of Brazil
    VINICIO CEREZO, President of Guatemala
    CHIANG KAI-SHEK, President of Taiwan
    ROBERTO SUAZO CORDOVA, President of Honduras
    ALFREDO CRISTIANI, President of El Salvador
    NGO DINH DIEM, President of South Viet Nam
    GENERAL SAMUEL DOE, President of Liberia
    FRANÇOIS & JEAN CLAUDE DUVALIER, Presidents-for-Life of Haiti
    GENERAL FRANCISCO FRANCO, President of Spain
    ADOLF HITLER, Chancellor of Germany
    HUSSAN II, King of Morocco
    FERDINAND MARCOS, President of the Philippines
    MOBUTU SESE SEKO, President of Zaire
    GENERAL MANUEL NORIEGA, Chief of Defense forces, Panama
    TURGUT OZAL, Prime Minister of Turkey
    MOHAMMAD REZA PAHLEVI, Shah of Iran, King of Kings
    GEORGE PAPADOPOULOS, Prime Minister of Greece
    PARK CHUNG HEE, President of South Korea
    GENERAL AUGUSTO PINOCHET, President of Chile
    GENERAL SITIVENI RABUKA, Commander, Armed Forces of Fiji
    GENERAL EFRAIN RIOS MONT, President of Guatemala
    ANTONIO DE OLIVEIRA SALAZAR, Prime Minister of Portugal
    HALIE SELASSIE, Emperor of Ethiopia
    IAN SMITH, Prime Minister of Rhodesia
    ANASTASIO SOMOZA, SR. AND JR., Presidents of Nicaragua
    ALFREDO STROESSNER, President-for-Life of Paraguay
    GENERAL SUHARTO, President of Indonesia
    RAFAEL LEONIDAS TRUJILLO, President of the Dominican Republic
    GENERAL JORGE RAFAEL VIDELA, President of Argentina
    MOHAMMED ZIA UL-HAQ, President of Pakistan
    How much comfort did these people spread around the world? How many are they responsible for killing?
