The Sound Of Settled Science

Will the Real Global Average Temperature Trend Please Rise?

In AR4 IPCC projects warming of 0.2C per decade for the next two decades in a variety of its climate change scenarios. That will take a lot more warming than we’ve seen in recent decades. And with the leveling off of the trend in recent years, even if an upward trend resumes, at present it seems highly unlikely that we will see a rise of 0.4C over the next two decades. Of course, the future has a way of humbling all forecasts. But perhaps the apocalypse is not as near at hand as some fear.

27 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. The earth is apparently being hit with two devastating phenomena: global warming and global cooling.
    Obviously, it’s going to take a lot of money to solve this. And, in addition to carbon-offsets, we are also going to need carbon-offset-offsets.

  2. Sorry for the off-topic, but I think this is very relevant:
    The research group, based at the company’s Redmond, Wash. headquarters, is developing a program that classifies news stories according to whether liberal or conservative bloggers are linking to them.
    Then, to see which stories really excite the partisans, the program further aims to measure the “emotional intensity” of the blog posts that a news story has inspired. The intensity measure is based on the frequency of key words, such as “criminal” and “lying,” in the blog posts.

  3. If the temperature trends that seem to be manifesting themselves continue, global cooling will become the next potential apocalypse that the scaremongers will try to foist on the always guilty populations of the nations with advanced economies. By the way, if the long term analysis of geological evidence is any guide, global cooling has a much greater statistical chance of occurring than global warming. If Al Gore sticks to his hypothesis that increasing CO2 leads to increasing global temperatures, surely he would have to advocate increasing man’s output of CO2 and all greenhouse gases. On the other hand if he or someone else could dream up some other factor that could be claimed to decrease global cooling, and he could see a way of profiting from it as he has on his global warming scaremongering, which option do you think he would choose?

  4. The Gorites can’t lose this one. While we all get on here a discuss the fine points in the science of global warming vs global cooling, they left are now calling for protection against any and all climate change. Got that? … “Climate Change”.
    This debate and movement is not about the that actual climate, it’s about the take down of the democratic free enterprise societies on planet earth. They mean to replace it with a Marxist-Leninist brand of socialism in a world of serfs under the auspices of the United Nations.
    I don’t meant to belittle the work being done to disprove the loons who are selling us this load of crap, but it simply is not the issue. The issue is global slavery vs freedom.
    We need to get a lot more political about this war with the Climatites and elect people who will not fall for it. Canada has Stephen Harper who has stated that he knows it’s a lot a crap and that it will destroy our economy if we do what the Kyoto Accord demands. He will have to do something to appease the zealots who insist we ’save the planet’ or he will lost too many votes. My own provincial government in British Colombia has just levied a seven cent per liter on gas to “save the planet”. That would amount to about thirty cents per gallon.
    Add to that the diversion of food stuff in favor of growing fuel for cars and trucks and we will have a world wide famine soon. All food will go up exponentially . The poor will starve and the more well off will go broke trying to keep up.
    This is a global extortion the likes of which we have never seen before.

  5. You know what I think,the whole global warming theory is slowly swirling down the drain. The eco-elite and their minions of tattooed LOUD sign waving fools are starting to realize that you can not argue that the paint is dry while it is smeared on your fingertips.There will be another ‘crisis’,who knows what it will be? Oil tycoons,celebrity adoptions,possibly that guy with the shopping cart who smiles way too much,there will be something. Hold on to your wallet and look after your own or give in,it’s your choice.

  6. I guess Arhnuld was right. He flies an hour everyday to/from the governor’s mansion in a Gulfstream offsetting the footprint by purchasing carbon credits.
    I wonder if anyone has thought of curing the sub prime collapse by turning the hedge fund people onto this carbon credit thing. There’s opportunity here folks!

  7. Well said John West – you have put the whole climate hoax thingie into a nutshell; Kyotee never was about the health of planet earth!
    Unca Mo and the Bolsheviks lost the oil for $$ scam when Saddam was shut down by President Bush – Carbon Credits for ‘hot air’ was to be the new $$$ for nothing scam; this has not panned out so far because there are a few world leaders who will not subjugate the citizens of their countries to the dogma of world slavery.
    Canada and the USA have leaders who do not consult dead mothers or iceberg ratio soothsayers on the affairs of state.

  8. Kate, here at SDA, has been on top of exposing the climate thingie hoax, right from it’s birth in the filthy, fetid, pest holes of socialist elitists.
    Kate has posted humour, real research, stupidity and the hilarious spectacle of the unclothed Emperors of Climate crisis caught in their own webs of lies(Goracle, the Hollywood goofies, Sa-zoo-key, deyawn, dippers, unca mo and his boyz, the greenpacers….) Everyday Kate has unearthed another slug and salted it with a factual debunking. Once again, We, the people, owe you big time Kate. Thank you.

  9. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. I recall our “favourite” “Warmer” (John Cross) predicting confidently a year ago that the global average temperature would definitely rise the next year…how’s that prediction working out for ya’, John?
    It is very interesting to see the AR4 IPCC calling for a 0.2 degree rise in temperatures per year when we have been actually experiencing a DROP in temperatures each year recently.
    “If the glove don’t fit, ya’ gotta acquit”.

  10. I read recently that when Gore left office as the U-S VP, he was worth 1.8 million dollars. Today his estimated worth is close to 100 million. Guess where he made most of his money?
    And how many houses does Susuki own. How big are they? He’s the guy who tells people their homes are too big. He and is carbon trading eco bus. What a hypocrite.

  11. Thing have been notoriously quiet on the AGW front recently. I had said awhile ago that the full throated yell was because they knew the time to strike was now….that time is slipping as other things get on the agenda and the alarmist predictions inevitably dont come true.
    It all comes down to the fact that nobody really knows the mechanisms and predictions, warming or colling 10 to 20 years out is about as good as a coin flip.
    The ONLY and I repeat the ONLY observable fact in this is that there is more CO2 year over year. The effects and even the source of ALL of this is still not clear, on that point there are significant intra year variations, those are well explained by anyone I have read.
    As for the politics, I agree this was the ultimate goals of some. The more they speak in those terms the more the movement will become discredited. My belief is that science and rationality are the way to address this issue and those who are politically motivated will find they wont have anything to hang their ideology on.

  12. knowledge and technology have risen to a level that is beyond the ability of the “average” person to comprehend, thusly a “religious” following has developed, sounds much like thee churchites of yore
    time to restart the witch hunts of yore!!!!!!

  13. he was worth 1.8 million dollars. Today his estimated worth is close to 100 million
    Ed, you are engaging in class warfare. How dare you question his source of money? Ironic, isn’t it?

  14. The warmites shift in terminology from “global warming” to “climate change” is a retreat and recognition on their part that their case has no real science behind it — just a bunch of fudged climate models. Catalogued data based on real observations, not computer projections, shows warming stopped about 1998 and has flat-lined or perhaps cooled a teeny bit since. With no discernible warming to report, despite rising CO2 levels, what’s a poor alarmist to do? Why change the name.
    But how do we battle climate change? If the change is towards cooler temps, what is the point of punishing consumers with higher energy prices? If the change indeed results in warmer temps, well, let’s count our blessings. Earthly life forms, including our own, fare much better in warmth than they do in cold.

  15. Al Gore To Be Sued by Weather Channel Founder
    “”Weather Channel founder John Coleman called global warming a fraud on Wednesday and wants to sue former Vice President Al Gore for his promotion of the phenomena.
    Coleman advocates suing people who sell carbon credits, including Al Gore, because the attention in the courts could “put some light on the fraud of global warming.””
    Can the long awaited demise of AGW hysterics be far off?

  16. I just gotta comment,
    GYM, I think an average person (whoever he/she is)can understand the science arguments, (maybe the math is a bit above many) but just doesn’t care. Until Joe Sixpack gets hit in the pocketbook with all the taxes, charges and hot air monetary instruments flying around, there won’t be any big push to stop the caterwalling for energy limits.
    A very wise boss of mine once told me “Change will only happen when the pain of remaining in the same place proves overwhelming”.
    Helps me to keep somewhat sane in this idiotic world.

  17. I made the mistake of opening my latest copy of the CMAJ yesterday and found an infuriating article dealing with the “health dangers” of global warming (paper can be found at
    Seemingly oblivious to the global cooling that’s happened recently, the paper has the hockey stick global temperature graph that stops at the year 2000.
    The paper notes “physicians as opinion leaders can also influence public policy related to greenhouse gas emissions”
    This paper has accepted uncritically all of the IPCC’s most pessimistic projections, put a “public health” spin on it and presented it as “science”. This paper represents yet another piece of junk-science published in the CMAJ (the worst was their “cost of gunshot wounds” paper in 1995 or so).
    I’ll use my position as a doctor to write PMSH that I categorically reject the junk science behind AGW and I suggest that other doctors who read SDA do the same. Having doctors as “opinion leaders” to promote a statist carbon-free lifestyle is the height of hypocrisy as every doctor I know owns an SUV and thinks nothing of flying to distant vacation spots numerous times/year.

  18. Oh yeah according to the chicken littles your spring tempeture is 62 degrees then it gose up to 63 degrees and its plneyery disaster or i winter of 3 degrees it drops to 32 degrees and its planetary disaster what kind of green malarkley are the feeding us?

  19. Good on you loki.
    I would also rather see a Physician who does not believe in Quacky ideas — may influence the diagnosis 🙂

  20. Ron, unfortunately most doctors don’t do much digging on their own in the area of climate change science. My experience is that a large number of them believe the IPCC BS although fortunately most are too busy to get involved. The “socially conscious” physicians are the most annoying as they are the ones who take the broadest view of what constitutes public health (ie gun control because we all know guns hurt children) and they have swallowed the IPCC propaganda without question. These physicians are a small minority but claim to speak for the majority of doctors. In general, they are in favor of statist coercive approaches. The only reason that the majority of doctors haven’t weighed in on these issues is that they’re just too damn busy.

  21. It was -25 in Whitehorse, YT this Am; CBC Pravda said it was -7 ; this disparity has happened on and off all winter.

  22. Eeyore: I don’t recall saying that but if you can point me to the quote I can comment on it – I maybe even have to eat some humble pie 😉
    But let me throw one back at you. Where does the “ AR4 IPCC calling for a 0.2 degree rise in temperatures per year
