Help me, I can’t put down the phone!

Incompetents. All that work trying to misdirect and still failing. Who cares about Guelph, that failure is inexcusable.
Ralph must have been quite put out that he wasn’t getting enough press. I’m very positive about this though. The next time I get a call late at night or early in the morning I too, can scream, “ELECTION FRAUD!”
FWIW, this is about as close to a statement as you’re going to get until the file is close to being closed. Kudos to Macleans for giving him space.

36 Replies to “Help me, I can’t put down the phone!”

  1. Yup, every Liberal and NDP supporter can now have a story, and be part of the story! Of course, it doesn’t matter if there is one shred of truth to the claim, the CBC will run with it. When the media starts soliciting folks to call or email with their story they will always get attention whores who will be more than happy to give them what they want, and truth be damned.

  2. Did anyone catch John Baird’s apology to the Liberals too yesterday?
    Just as he was sitting down in the HoC he said something to the effect:
    “Oh, and I should also apologize to the Liberals — for saying last week that they were NOT responsible for Vikileaks”.
    Grand slam — Baird hit right out of the park.

  3. Then there is this little gem…being conveniently overlooked:
    Feb.28, Toronto Sun (print) article by Mark Dunn
    “Polling stations were re-located in more than 120 ridings the day before the election, Elections Canada said”
    I’ll try to find the online version.

  4. The NDP is calling for a Public Inquiry of robocalls.
    They always do that — if a conservative steals a pencil the NDP calls a Public Inquiry. And Parliament gets tied up and the taxpayers always pays, and the NDP never has to pay after it turns out to be sham…

  5. This one is a really thinsmear attempt. It was clearly displayed this week with Vikieleak that the Liberal have no room to point fingers abiut sleazy dealings or attempt to take the high moral ground. There is no party more historically scandal plagued and gnetically predisposed to sleaze than the Liberals – the red condom party continues to screw the truth.
    I was in stiches listening to Boob Rae appologise to Towes for the sleaze his party pulled with his family life. I mean, these buttholes are so addicted to sleaze they can’t even concieve of the fact they are on opposition benches and their seats dwindle with each successive election is because voter as so tired of their obvious sleaze.
    Then all the lame attempts to smear Harper – they’re just nailing their coffin shut.

  6. Yeah, way to go,Ralph! Expose this Conservative corruption that went all the way to Saskabush and MAYBE,even beyond!!!
    Okay,I didn’t want to bring it up, but I was called by the Conservatives here in Kelowna,(which is in B.C.), and was told to vote at the polling station in Iqualuit!
    By the time I made it to the PS,the damned election was OVER! So,I know how ya feel,Ralph.

  7. My wife and I received a call shortly before Election Day to the effect that our polling place had been relocated to a big shopping mall. It was most improbable. My wife called Elections Canada who said that we were to vote in the usual place (St. John’s Curling Club). Both my wife and I are members of the Conservative Party, two of about 800 in the city, so we assumed (and still believe) that it was a Liberal dirty trick: the last gasp of a misconducted campaign.
    Most ridings in Newfoundland were tending strongly Liberal and NDP; the dirty trick didn’t affect anything.

  8. Hey,I went over to Maclean’s and through one of the comments I found this petition that you can sign and give your opinion about this fiasco. Pat Martin just confessed that he did it all because of ‘Rottweiler Love”. Don’t know what that means.
    On a more serious note,anyone that has access to a computer can access the list that shows who supported which candidate or party. Elections Canada keeps this information and it is available to all. This would be a good place to start.

  9. It may be just me, robocalls diverting attention from Bill C30 and The Minister of Insecurity in Public.

  10. No actually the robocalls story is being used to divert attention away from the Hedge fund traders driving up the price of gasoline, despite gas demand at 15 year lows…..remember, the lefties love high gas prices, so they can force people into poverty, transit, and clown cars.

  11. Hate to be third on a me-too-too, but I think this ambiguous, uncertain and multi-partisan accusation of tricksterism is being used to divert our attention from Rae’s unambiguous, partisan, undeniable tricksterism.

  12. The initial story about the widescale nature of these calls was made by Postmedia, of National Post fame. They’re plenty sympathetic to the Tories, so I fail to understand how the media is to blame.
    Also amazed by how quite the right is about the principles involved. This is electoral fraud. Not shoplifting. Electoral fraud. It reeks of a lack of respect for democracy. You know, that system of government you lot insist you like.

  13. The opposition are frothing at the mouth like rabid dogs over absolutely nothing.
    Ezra had a good monologue on this this other day, documenting all the liberties that elections canada took with the libs over the years.
    The more the opposition complains, the more I like Harper and want to shut down the CBC. I think more and more canadians see past this left wing charade. Hence the con majority.

  14. Woodle you appear to be a tad confused. Nobody, left, right or centre wants electoral fraud. In that same vein I don’t want an innocent people blamed for something they didn’t do. Let’s not rush to blame the Conservatives, Liberals or NDP without some REAL evidence. Someone, it seems some illegal phone calls. Was it done as a prank? Was it done in support of the Conservatives? Was it done in support of the Liberals? Was it done in support of the Socialists? Was it done in support of the Separatists? Only the caller knows for sure.

  15. Hey, maybe Jeremy whathisname can now get a do over of the northern Saskatchewan riding where it was reported that some polls had more than 100% turnout and all voted liberal. Where was the investigation that time?

  16. God luck on anyone trying to make a case out of this mess. There are a lot of stories to tell but I doubt they point anywhere. I suspect the Libs phoned a lot of their supporters to tell them of poll changes and their paranoia overcame them. After all paranoia strikes deep. Into your life it will creep. It starts when you’re always afraid. You step out of line, the man come and take you away.

  17. So Ralph Goodale gets some press because he heard about some allegations of abusive phone calls. What a total jerk this guy is and probably always will be. Hey Ralph … you won your safe little Regina riding again and prevented a CPC sweep of the province so why not just stfu and enjoy it while it lasts.

  18. Postmedia is a POS organization staffed with Harper hating Liberal enablers
    They now have a picture of Harper and Nixon side by side in the Post
    They are out of control just as bad or worse than the Star and Globe
    Post Media sucks

  19. I still have to go wash my hand every time I remember that I had to shake Ralph’s hand in 1981.

  20. If people get the impression this is overhyped, then it will fade away fairly quickly. If on the other hand they get the impression that there was any kind of large-scale effort to tamper with the vote, then we need to see an inquiry but that should not be limited to one party, I would imagine that if one party has done this, then at least one other party has done similar things.
    I suppose it is too much to ask in Canada, but it seems valid to me to lump in the use of the CBC as a Liberal Party mouthpiece over the past forty years (maybe more) — that is the ultimate robocall and a very successful one in the past, maybe not so much now that people have better sources of information.
    Anyway, I’m keeping an open mind about what really happened, could be a tempest in a teapot, could be a real scandal, but any “real scandal” is by definition balanced by infinite scandal on the other side, and to that I would add the deliberate and cynical decision of the NDP to run unqualified people for office in ridings distant from where they lived and worked (I use that term liberally). Which MP is the more questionable, the one elected by robocalls, or the one who is a robot without any actual understanding of what’s happening in the real world?
    So anyway, sure, let’s have a comprehensive look at the ethics of political parties in Canada. Move rocks, watch insects, perhaps even squash a few for the sheer pleasure of it.

  21. Just a couple observations.
    No proof exists that the automated calls where anything but mistakes made by the folks working at the call center, or anonymous individuals out to make mischief.
    The difference between the so called robo-call scandal, and the vikileaks, is one activity the calls, where paid for out of party campaign funds, while the viki leaks where done using govenment (read tax funded) resources….like the sponsorship program…
    Justin seems to have known who was doing the viki leaks well before the speaker started investigating, but kept oddly silent until now. Justin is starting to become quite the loose canon, and there are folks that still think he’s the messiah of the liberal party.

  22. Harper has a country to run, and he is doing a damn good job, he is an honest and focused boss. On the other side of the house are the adolescent sexually focused nit-pickers, these losers NDPEE and has been liberals could, with our media make a national scandal over the PM shutting his door on a Jehovah Witness. The opposition in the house will never grow up but I wish our so called media would. Big deal reporters in the loser media, you’ve finally found someone as stupid as you clowns are, someone to stupid to go to their voting station without a nanny statist carrying them there, stop the presses!

  23. The media is poisoning the public well with anonymous sources, if the investigation finds people committed criminal offenses those anonymous sources will have to go to court and be exposed. It’s easy to lie to the media or lie with the media but sitting in the witness stand and lying isn’t good for one’s career.

  24. Gee, Canadian media and Her Majesty’s “loyal” Opposition flinging poo at the Conservatives like a pack of shrieking monkeys…
    How unexpected.
    Go CPC!

  25. Even at this late date the Libs are looking for an excuse for why they lost the election. A lot of this type of BS is more for internal party consumption than anything else. Rationalize the loss without accepting any responsibility.
    The NDP were no different. The spread rumours about an immenent takeover by the USA as the CPC had signed a secret deal with the Americans. We were to expect USA troops to come in on a pretext so that PMSH could execute a coup. I heard this BS more than once during the campaign from NDP campaigners.

  26. The Libs and NDP still can’t put the election defeat behind them. We in Western Canada have a solution that would allow them to win an election in the Ontario and Quebec.

  27. For those telephone challenged politically sensitive twits …. there are three inventions now available to you that specifically deal with those horrid rude phone calls.
    1 – Voice mail,
    2 – Call display,
    3 – Unlisted phone number
    Even people as stupid as liberals can be taught to use these things.

  28. So “several” people (well, at least two) received annoying phone calls in Goodale’s riding during the election, none of which were traced to the CPC. The fact that a non-story like this even got press attention points to the moral vacuum that exists in most of the MSM in this country.
    The point is that if robocalls had actually tipped the electoral scales, there would have had to have been more than “several” people receiving them; you would need robocalls to tens of thousands of people to have even the slightest chance of changing electoral outcomes. In that case we’d have heard about this story during the election and not months afterwards.

  29. When Bob Rae apologized for his Liberal underling, he forgot to mention that the fish rots from the head.

  30. This is being driven by the left and their Bum Boys in the MSM,for example the supposedly threatened riding of Guelph was won by the Liberals by more than 4000 votes.Robocall if it ever existed was an abject failure,also why would the Conservative party target a totally safe Liberal riding.”Guelph has voted Liberal since the stone age”.If you were going to expend those types of resources, money. and effort would you not do it in places where you had the best chance of winning instead of a safe Liberal seat.
