17 Replies to “The Tolerant Left”

  1. Idiots don’t know the difference between agreeing with a piece of legislation and ruling that it is not unconstitutional.

  2. Calling Thomas the antithesis of MLK is ironic. Wasn’t it MLK who said that he looked forward to the day when his kids would be judged by the content of their character, not the colour of their skin? Didn’t Thomas just rule for that?

  3. He may have competition-just saying.
    EXCLUSIVE: ‘Negroes in the house! Negroes in the house!’ Oprah shouted as her father and his wife arrived. ‘She was reminding us of our low class,’ says Oprah’s bitter stepmother in an explosive first-ever interview

  4. Walter E. Williams told one would-be employer that if he ever learned that
    he was being given his job because he was black, he would walk out at that
    I notice that quite a few of the people using filthy names to describe Clarence
    Thomas are white. Shows that there is nothing in the world lower than po’ white

  5. Meh more Lefty biotry
    PC is simply Progressive/Leftist bigoty wrapped in bogus morality – it is the political equivalent of tarting up a turd like an easter egg – you can disguise something truly rotten but it will always leave a foul odor – they way the malevolent left manage public awareness of their bigotry is to pretends it doesn’t exist or justify it by saying the targets of their bigoty deserve it – Progressia is just a system of venomous selective loathing pretending to be a legitimate value system

  6. Obama was voted in because he was black, and if Justin is voted in it is only because of his father.
    The left do not need credentials, only a “feeling” or a “tingling down the leg” as some put it.
    Yep. Martin Luther King would be pissed if he were alive today.

  7. When I read “Worst Negro in history” I automatically thought it
    referenced the current occupant of the White House.

  8. Typical lefties, full of irrational hatred incapable of critical thought and intolerant to their core, whether they get their way or not their still driven by their inherent hatred for anyone or anything that doesn’t agree with them and their authoritarianism. A combination of self loathing and self righteousness is what drives them and hatred is what guides them.

  9. In the foggy eidolon of the left, chasing the mirage of Utopia.
    They have left nothing but death with carnage historically.
    Burnt out cultures from their socialist games.
    Families sundered. Education becoming just a prop for propaganda.
    A police State.
    Clarence Thomas with the Court is now trying to reverse the most racist legislation in modern times. Identity politics is now such a racket even the judicuary can see a meritocracy based on talents, not colour is the way to better things. Only trust fund babies for the most part take advantage of this. Poor people who have to work just get lousy schools from this legislation.

  10. The only good “Negro” to a leftist is one who constitutes a voters’ block without question and does not strive for dignity or resources. Imagine a politically aware black American middle-class that prides itself on its earning power and envisions a bright future for its kids and I’ll show you a white liberal messing his shorts.

  11. Imagine a Supreme Court Justice ruling in favour of a faithful interpretation of the Constitution. Clearly he’s misunderstood his function somehow.

  12. “The only good “Negro” to a leftist is one who constitutes a voters’ block without question and does not strive for dignity or resources”
    – On the money OK. the Dems use the permanent black under class dependency like a political plantation – captive votes they harvest every 2 years. Never has been political incentive to actually care for these people enough to get them the skills to be independent – just feed the endless cycle of single mother welfare, drug dependency, welfare, food stamps, black abortion holocaust and crime – keep the private prison system filled with slave labor from the inner city crime. Dems are the party of the Klan and minority abortion cheerleaders – both highly racist in nature –

  13. You would never catch our Canadian Supremes going against politically correct stereotype but remember they’re each bathed in a special ray of light that shines directly from heaven.

  14. “Kimbrough, who is black, says she carries a 3.6 GPA, scored a 23 (out of 36) on the ACT test and is a leader of University Prep High School’s winning debate team. Martin’s is president of Seaholm’s Black Student Union, plays the violin and started an annual march against racism. Her academic records were not made public.”
    Unfortunately for her, with grade inflation a 3.6 GPA is probably average and an ACT of 23 is less than 2 points above average. The University of Michigan is apparently a very selective school. She is not without opportunity, as there are endless other schools. She may have applied to a very limited program. According to the chart at the link below, she is absolutely on the lower end of admissions.

  15. I too thought the title referred to the affirmative action TOTUS whose university grades are considered far more secret than ICBM launch codes. This is a refreshing piece of news in a world that seems to be hell bent on coming up with a cast system that puts India’s to shame. Instead of a hierarchy, the moonbat totalitarians are attempting to ensure a rigid legal equality where one is considered to be an interchangeable unit of a particular racial group with legislation specific victimhood rights. Any deviation from the role such identical subunits are assigned is severely punished; more so than if an Indian untouchable worked to better his lot.
    In the US, blacks have a role as the “victims of racism” and are expected to live in squalor, voting democrat and having multiple illegitimate children by a motley collection of unemployed males which will result in horrendous social problems which are necessary for the employment of legions of social workers and other state workers. It is absolutely imperative that no black should seek to exit such a welfare culture and make a go of it on their personal talents as this would potentially result in hordes of unemployed social workers and other parasites whose goal is to “help” the “victims of racism” stay in their lives of squalor.
    By voting for the constitution and against institutionalized racism, Clarence Thomas showed he was his own man with views not permitted a US black. Hence the outrage of the legislative racists in the US. The plutocrats and banksters who run the US don’t care in the slightest that they are creating a failed state as the stricter the isolation of individuals by race, the easier it is for them to control the country.
    Agree that Martin Luther King would be appalled by this neo-racist ideology that now permeates the “progressives” in the US.
