Y2Kyoto: Sucks To Be EU

Or does it blow?

The European Union is considering pulling the plug on high-wattage hair dryers, lawn mowers and electric kettles in a follow up to its controversial ban on powerful vacuum cleaners.
The power of hairdryers could be reduced by as much as 30 per cent in order to be more eco-friendly, a draft study commissioned by Brussels suggests, threatening many of the models favoured by hairdressers and consumers for speedy blow-dries.

47 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: Sucks To Be EU”

  1. The latent heat of vaporization of water does not change to suit the requirements of the EU envirobureaucracy. People who use hairdryers will just have to spend more time under the weaker authorized driers in order to get the necessary energy input to dry their hair. So, no energy savings will be effected, but what might otherwise be productive time will have to be sacrificed. The new appliance regulations thus impose a cost without a concomitant energy saving. Great engineering analysis, Brussels envirobureaucrats!

  2. Europeans have become bovine subjects of their elected green theocracy – once sentient beings subjugating themselves to the whims of the mindless parrots of green hysteria.

  3. Oh my, EU – The place of eternal bad hair days – Socialism returns Europe to Neolithic hygienics era – Og and Zog hair will be all the rage with Euro green zombies – revel in your regression.

  4. The EU sucks and blows at the same time. Simultaneously, even.
    Of course what they really want to do is fully control what the public gets to buy, and also centrally plan the manufacture and distribution of same. That the Soviets and the Chicoms both disastrously failed at this seems not to bother them in the slightest.

  5. As the former “Soviets and the Chicoms” become more free-market capitalistic, the West has become more socialistic and control oriented. North America is becoming what they warned us about “communism” back in the 50s.

  6. Their stupidity is truly staggering. The calories required to dry the (same) amount of hair remains constant. The energy required to produce those calories also remains constant. No energy savings whatsoever. Except if the envirocrats expect everyone to drip dry instead.

  7. Carlos, rd and Canuckguy beat me to it. Vaporization of water requires a specific amount of heat. There is no “efficiency saving” regardless of what Brussels bureaucrats dictate.

  8. Did anyone really think this nanny state intervention would end with vacuum cleaners ? This disease will continue to spread to everything that plugs into a wall outlet. Next thing you know they will ban 100 watt light bulbs. Oh….wait……..

  9. Thanks to all the engineering types and energy mavens for pointing out the reality of what these dumb shits is Brussels obviously don’t know. Now everybody who thinks the new rules are about image building please raise your hand.

  10. When we were younger and first married, we used the exhaust end of the vacuum cleaner to dry our hair.
    We’d be in real trouble now wouldn’t we, if we lived in Communist Western Europe today?
    Help us all!

  11. Crawling towards the dark ages. One thing you can be certain of , none of these laws will apply to the elite.

  12. Hey Revnant Dream.
    There can be no doubt.
    Ever notice how many letters in the word “elite” are in the word “entitled”?

  13. The posters above have it correct about it simply taking longer to dry hair with less heat available. But the same can be said about lawnmowers and vacuum cleaners. Less power means more passes over tough areas, more time spent, and more kWh consumed.
    Sounds like the Eurocrats don’t understand that power is measured in kW, and energy is measured in kWh, and the latter is the former integrated with respect to time.

  14. “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.
    Thomas Jefferson

  15. 30% less power and 50% longer drying time.
    30 x 50 = 150. So it saves 150% of the power. What? They said there would be no math. And don’t try to bring science in to this with that heat of vaporization stuff. Think of the children!

  16. Does that mean that hand dryers in public restrooms will be banned too? After banning paper towels to Save The Earth, what will be left for hand hygiene? Enjoy your easily preventable contagious diseases, Eurocrats.

  17. “…what might otherwise be productive time will have to be sacrificed.”
    Effectively sabotaging the conservatives’ plans to show up to riot.
    Seriously though, in the utopian panacea of the EU it will soon be necessary for the proles to be mandated things to do, so as to keep them busy, what with all the free money and time they’re going to have on their hands.

  18. “A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.”
    ~Gerald R. Ford

  19. And the average energy efficiency of electric motors is already well in excess of 90 per cent anyway in converting electricity to torque.
    It needs to be said again and again; these people are so effing stupid it’s a wonder they can tie their shoes in the morning.

  20. William F. Buckley really was prescient: “A liberal is someone who is determined to reach into your shower and adjust the water temperature for you, turn down your hair dryer, unplug your kettle, turn off your lawnmower, replace your incandescent lightbulbs with highly toxic twisty bulbs, remove DDT and oil-based paints from your store shelves, force you to pay extra for less-efficient power generation, and so on.”
    (I may have altered that quote just a little.)

  21. Physics, and indeed all science, is not a strong point for the eco-cult left.
    They are ignorant science deniers, as they are want to project on their opponents.

  22. “A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government that is need of complete destruction”
    – me

  23. John Galt -Russia is becoming more capitalistic? Since when? Last I checked, they erre a kleptocracy, propped up by oil sales, and the deference of Europeans stupid enough to become dependent on their gas.

  24. Its the Nudge Theory in practise.
    Those who must command all, continue to inflict further senseless and asinine rule and regulation to confirm their power.
    After all these annoying little thefts are not enough to riot over.
    By the time people riot they are already stripped of their assets and freedom of action.
    But the irony is troubling.
    To fear men and society so much that you must devote your life to ruling over all, requires an arrogance and stupidity that is armour against all reason.
    So each nudge creates more resistance until the final nudge breaks all restraint.
    The irony is that these fools and bandits are always certain that they can control the chaos they are creating.

  25. Well, seems like a niche market has opened up to sell high powered North American appliances to Europeans.

  26. We could dry our hair with thermonuclear heat, though you could dry mine with a penny candle. Why is there a plea for “No War With Russia” on Kate’s right border? No one wants that, but neither do we want them to take over the world without firing a shot. And have we forgotten that they starved the Ukes to death by the millions, less than a century ago?

  27. “Russia is becoming more capitalistic? Since when? ”
    Since the fall of the Soviet Union.

  28. EUnichs will have to shave their heads and go back to wearing powdered wigs.
    Where can I invest in this, as-yet, unrecognized trend?

  29. This would be news to BP. There is no rule of law in Russia, there is rule by one man Putin. Without rule of law, there is no capitalism. Putin determines which markets will be tolerated, as well as the degree of freedom permitted in those markets.

  30. Friedrich Hayek warned in his 1944 book, “The Road to Serfdom” that this was going to be the end result of the socialist welfare state. Specifically that the government would dictate every aspect of your life.

  31. Well said Larry. I was also wondering about that ad and commented on the link. OT, but oday Putin is talking about a creating a new country in eastern Ukraine.

  32. Why not ban electricity?
    WELL, according to HSBC soviet-style messages at a Toronto AC gate yesterday, in the glorious future a time will come when there is no difference between energy and waste.
    Double take just doesn’t capture my reaction!

  33. I was thinking the same thing. In the internet and eBay age, it seems like an exercise in futility or a penalty on those who aren’t tech-savvy enough to get around the new regulations.
    Unless they’re going to start opening all parcels from the rest of the world and seizing verboten hair dryers, which I wouldn’t put past those idiots.

  34. Maybe this is an attempt to avoid increasing their generating capacity & feeder line upgrades to accommodate higher peak loads. Using lower wattage appliances over a longer period at the same time could be self defeating.

  35. They don’t have to. Install Smart Meters ™ and they will regulate your power consumption on a daily/weekly/monthly/annual basis. Exceed your limits and suddenly you have no power until the next cycle begins.
    Lights out bubba!
