24 Replies to “Barack Obama”

  1. Bet Obama is lecturing the kid.
    And with that innocent look on his face, Jr is thinking: “Quel trou”.

  2. Obama was a stupid Man-Child who thought he owned the WORLD…This move will not surprise Merkel, but it will more than bite her ass…
    Trump needs a reason to talk to Russia & China about the EU…

  3. The man is despicable, but I never wished him harm; indeed, for eight years I prayed for him and his family.

  4. Obama is busily flitting about the world in Trump’s shadow committing treason and sedition.He goes to each Country and meets with the anti-Trump leader to assure them that things will soon be back to their “normal”,with globalists in power once again adhering to the agenda.
    I see no humor in the machinations of Obama and the bunch trying desperately to unseat the legitimate President by whatever means possible.
    The photo of Obama and Trudeau features two of the world’s most dedicated globalists whose lives revolve around attaining rigid control of the masses for the benefit of their small group.
    I’ll end my comment now as anything else I say might be construed as hate speech.

  5. Exactly.
    I think that he is going around touting Soros’ latest directives and reminding them of the Alynski rules for radicals.

  6. I understand Mr Obama is concerned certain Presidents could become “authoritarian,” aka not left wing extremist totalitarians.
    This is the guy who openly surveilled the world, including a bogus investigation against a presidential candidate of a rival party, and set his bureaucratic hit teams to stalk conservative groups. He did all that while signing executive orders and doubling the nominal debt, telling any skeptics to frig off.
    Hypocrisy meets irony. They had the media in their pocket, the bureaucracies, the cool entertainers & athletes, the so-called intelligentsia all lined up for the post climate change world of giant, oh yeah, authoritarian government, engendered by the talking circuit concerns of the former president.
    Then “that clown” beat them. No two people are more responsible for the rise of Trump than Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
    What a mess. But Trump didn’t make it, he stepped in it but that’s all, as Rex explains with this opening:
    “It’s not all Trump, you know. American politics, post-election, is an embarrassing mess, a degrading and degraded spectacle, driven by rivers of frantic speculations, feeding on leaks, misreporting, and hyper-partisan narratives, and ultimately powered by the self-serving certitude of the side that lost to that clown, that they couldn’t have lost, didn’t really lose, and if they did lose was because — apart from a million lesser causes beyond their control — Vladimir Putin was out to get Hillary Clinton.”

  7. yah, prayer, that’s the ticket. Are bible-bangers like you really that stupid. You are a prime example as to why I say religion, all religion , needs to be kept out of politics. Praying did nothing for 6.7 million Jews, and fools like you never learn

  8. Do you think Canada & Germany will lose USA Diplomatic relations.. Recall Ambassadors (has Trump appointed one) & close borders…When treason becomes the norm..radical response is the only thing that will snap their necks….
    Has Obama registered as a Foreign (EU) Agent…..

  9. Obama is a megalomaniac. A very dangerous man who actually “believes” he is some sort of a Savoiur. Problem is that he FAILS to understand that HE is responsible for Trump. Not HER, not “The Russians” … but Trump was a complete and total repudiation of Obama and ALL his policies. Obama was nothing more than a flavor of the month, an experimental half-black President. And the results of that experiment were grim. Grim for the USA

  10. I was among those who thought that the election of Obama was an event whose time had come, that society had finally grown up.
    Unfortunately, he blew it during his second term. My disenchantment with him began when, during a State of the Union address, he said his infamous “if you own a business, you didn’t build it”. With that statement, he alienated investors and business owners everywhere, a fatal political error.
    Unfortunately, he hasn’t learned that there’s a time to shut up and quietly fade away.

  11. That photo’s amazing, isn’t it? I haven’t seen two tits like that in a Montreal restaurant since they closed the old Club Supersexe…

  12. Shirts off for kiprusoff! (Coz it’s 2004)
    Err, shirtless selfie king photobomber, was that shot by your personal videographer?

  13. A little off topic but this might be of some interest to some of you here at SDA that have been watching the circus south of the border. Comey’s testimony in the Senate hearings last week might be better understood after reading this courtesy of the Canadian Free Press.
    If you spend any time studying politics we might expect a really big show in the next few weeks. I hope Kate can follow up on this and maybe contact Judi McLeod at Canadian Free Press and provide our American readers with some pertinent information for them much as Captain’s Quarters did for us during the Gomery inquiry.
