16 Replies to “Now Is The Time At SDA When We Juxtapose!”

  1. And in canuckistan? Likely the same, just a different program, like food banks, but not funded by gov?

  2. Who put Bezos in charge of wiping out the free crap army. His credentials are too pure; he will not get any Walmart treatment from the true believers.

  3. Reminds me of Warren Buffet complaining that he paid more taxes than his secretary and that meant that the US taxation system wasn’t fair…. at the same time as he was suing the government because he thought his tax bill was too high. (Probably paying the lawyers an order of magnitude more than the annual salary of his secretary, too.) Public optics versus private or business behaviour.

  4. I know a crew that worked in the Amazon warehouse in New West Minster. They called it the most oppressive work site they had ever worked at. They had to have criminal record checks done then they had to go through card activated turnstiles to get into the building. When the were exiting they had to go through metal detectors and if they were ‘beeped’ they had to go into a special pat down area to confirm that they were not trying to steal something. The detectors were set to randomly beep so everyone had to go through at least on pat down. By the metal detectors was a big screen TV that showed the list of people fired and the offence they had committed. One of the crew was banned from site for stealing a chocolate bar. He had taken the chocolate to the automatic checkout and tapped his debit card then left to join the rest of the crew having a smoke outside. The tap didn’t work and he wasn’t even allowed to correct his mistake even though the whole episode was on security camera. Even the crew chief was not allowed to bring in his cell phone and had to exit the building to make a phone call. To a man they all said they would never work at Amazon again.

  5. Funny, you seem to have Amazon links on your website. I wonder if they have robots that will take your ad revenue, or something.

  6. You think private equity guys are bad? Hedge fund guys? Investment bankers? Then you’ve never dealt with Amazon…… these guys would throw their own grandma under a bus if you paid them $1 to do it. They are absolute sharks and they are efficient killers. That includes their fellow employees.

  7. I just recently participated in a focus group about Aviva Insurance wanting to partner with Amazon to share all your home security data with them to make your house ‘safer’ I was the only one to speak of how horrible Amazon and Jeff Bezos is as a company much to the gasps and bewilderment of everyone else in the room.

  8. So whats your point?
    Snowflakes, the whole bunch of them.I’ll bet they were also pi$$ed they had to show up on time as well.

  9. $ 33 million donated for college scholarships … 90% of which will go into “overhead” to administrate the program … that’s the Clinton Foundation ratio!! So why are you picking on Bezos?!
    However … 100% is tax deductible for Bezos’s $ 300 Billion dollar wealth.

  10. In a related story … I ordered two identical Michael Kors wristwatches for my daughter and wife from Amazon a couple Christmasses ago. Both boxes arrived (in two days 🙂 … the only problem … one little box was heavy … the other featherweight. I opened both boxes, to find a watch in one … and NOTHING in the other (except mounting hardware and paperwork). I HIGHLY DOUBT the Michael Kors factory shipped an empty box to Amazon. It is quite OBVIOUS that the low rent people Amazon hires to pick-up and stack boxes … must be watched like a Hawk. Sorry … just true. And I have heard that the #1 problem for restaurants (another low rent job) is … THEFT. Theft of $$, food and booze.
    Amazon sent a replacement watch … with no questions asked … as if they were quite aware of their internal problem. No questions asked.

  11. so basically the scholarships were paid for by the food stamp crowd, and bezos took credit.
    isnt that the norm for billionaires? the american way !!!!!
    edison was REALLY famous for that trick, buying patents from schmucks that needed to feed their families sort of thing and then basking in the glory and adulation. the american way !!!
    people people, its ALL about EXPLOITATION. m’kay?
