94 Replies to “Now They’re Just Mocking Us”

    1. I understand the sentiment but it wouldn’t help because vampires can’t see themselves in a mirror.

    1. Oooooooohhhhh….. he cares….. Well, I guess I’ll just have to vote for him in the next election, won’t I?

  1. At the end of Ken Kulak’s article link:
    “The company’s CEO complained in February that a strict regulatory regime and uncompetitive tax structure will keep the company from any further investment in Canada”

    Add to that the failures of Energy East, the decade-long debacle of Keystone, and the failure of all other projects to get oil to markets and reduce the price gap.

    OK, now they can pay me $280k, I just did their job for them.

  2. The study results will be a sham if it precludes mentioning:
    – Zoolander’s moratorium on West coast tanker traffic
    – Eastern Canada buying their oil/gas from the Saudis/OPEC instead of Western Canada
    (I guess the East coast tanker traffic doesn’t matter since the death of the cod banks and the seal hunt)

    -Zoolander’s regime sanctioning heavy oil and fracking.

    280k is a pittance. It’s <1/30th the cheque Zoolander handed to Khadir. This is being done so that the CBC can point to a fake government study showing how Zoolander's regime has clean hands, thereby proactively defusing this as an election issue.

  3. It looks like it is open to tender Kate. Why not bid $100,000 at undercut their preferred supplier and get paid to tell them what you want to say?

    1. “It looks like”

      Appearances are everything where you’re politicking. I’m sure the preferred Tout was already chosen before publication.

      1. You’d need to look into the tendering to see if it has expired or not, if not then putting in a bid at $100,000 would make the bureaucrats squirm as they would need to justify spending $280,000 instead of $100,000. There is a process whether the politicians like it or not.

        1. This is true and it’s all able to be put to an FOI. If Scheer was smart (which he isn’t) he’d have a sock muppet put in a fake cheap bid.

        2. Liberals don’t tender for this type of contract. They take it out of petty cash or exchange manila envelopes.

      2. I taught s/w apps about 20 yrs ago and early on would point out a LOT of what one would hearabout desktop systems was malarkey.
        I also mentioned when doing a s/w project, it was very roughly 50/50 appearance, ie ‘user friendly’ and function, ie correct results.
        nowadays, the ‘appearance’ angle has completely taken over in business, politics, academics, engineering, social systems, politics (ya, now why would I mention that one twice?).

        sign of the times folks.

    2. That is a very good idea, hire commenter CT (I believe that is correct) who always has useful insight into energy issues. File the mandatory gender diversity paperwork for the company principals – 50% female, and they could have quite a nice payday (I would suggest a bid of $243,000, $100,000 is not a serious number to the federal govt.)

  4. This is simply a pure delaying tactic. Get any decision that has to be made to occur after the next election.

  5. Is it East Coast tanker traffic carrying oil from the Middle East that is clubbing all the whales to death?

  6. I’ll do it for free.
    Executive Summary: Gerald Butts.
    Full report: Watermelons and corrupt Quebec-pandering politicians rule Canada under the Spawn’s puppet master Butts and have implemented policies aimed at shrinking the Canadian Oil Industry in favour of other producers, particularly the US .

    1. Supplement: the Watermelons and corrupt Quebec-pandering politicians who rule Canada also hate Alberta and would like nothing better than to bankrupt it.

      1. And the politicians currently in office in Alberta hate Alberta and would like nothing better than to bankrupt it.

  7. “Enviromentalists”

    That’ll be 280,000 please. You can pay by cheque if you want.

  8. The consultant’s mandate will be to (a) find fault in everything but government policy, and (b) take as long as possible to render the report, so Trulander can spend a year saying “as you know, uhh, we have, uhh, commissioned a uhh, uhh report, and we very much uhh, appreciate the uhh, good work that the consultant is doing on this and other things, and uhh, we await the uhh results, of the uhh report before taking any uhh knee jerk steps.

    1. Can everyone say “Berger Report”? Many of us here on SDA remember what happened, its alleged objective, its findings, and what it actually accomplished.

      That, plus the NEP, pretty much killed any interest companies had in drilling in the Beaufort Sea after the report was released.

    1. I disagree. This ‘study’ is being made for the purpose of propaganda so that the CBC can point to it and say, “The government has studied the issue and the government is not responsible for the failures of the Canadian Oil and gas industry.

      As I said above, $280k is a pittance. You can’t even buy a decent stand alone house for that in Alberta.
      A real study would cost a lot more.

  9. As has been said so many times before you can’t fix stupid and this pm & his evil cohort could be a poster for stupid.

  10. Called the office of the closest Librano MP. The gal who answered the phone dug in her heels and simply (and eventually angrily) recited Librano talking points. Kept insisting that the $280K study was an “investment” in the oil and gas sector.

  11. I remember reading a speech by Mark Styen he gave at Hillsdale College. He mentioned
    that when oil prices spiked, the American stock exchanges dropped, while in Canada
    theirs went up. The difference, of course, was that Canada was a net exporter of oil.
    I had no idea your man-boy Prime Minister had done that much damage!

    PS The posts are taking a LOT less time with the
    new software.

  12. I understand they’re considering how much of a tax hike will be required to combat this problem.

    Hint: it will cost hundreds of $millions, the cost of an election to rid ourselves of these parasites.

  13. Do you want to step over dead polar bears every time you leave your house? Do you want to see Vancouver inundated by rising sea levels? Do you want to see the ice in every hockey rink in Canada melt? You should be thanking Trudeau for looking out for you.

    1. Actually, a little flooding along the coasts would lower the liberal population a little. Maybe we could also dam up the St Lawrence and give Montreal back all its sewage, hopefully with some harmful bacterial growth. Toronto – just dump a load of free guns at Jane Finch.

    2. DO you want to see the Liberals drowning under a melting glacier of global warming?

  14. The study will recommend heavy government infusions into the Oil and Gas sector. That is, nationalization of the industry.

    1. Ah yes “investing” others’ money for your political power enhancement.

      All the gain, if any, to them, and all the loss (likely) to you. Almost as much fun as laundering middle income earnings.

    2. “That is, nationalization of the industry.”

      Bingo. PetroCanada. Again. ‘Idiocracy’, going to have to watch that movie. Did not realize it was actually divine prophecy, not just satire.

  15. SDA should find someone who meets the capability requirements, and get the SDA community to generate the report. “Crowdsource” the content. Kate gets proceeds and gets to present the slide deck…

  16. Canada continues to be the place where wealth, investment, invention, innovation and freedom go to die.

  17. Gerald Michael Butts

    That answer alone must be worth half the $280K study budget.

  18. Questions you won’t hear asked at the CBC, CTV, Global, G&M, TorStar…..

    Who at Wood Mackenzie is a Liberal Party of Canada member or former politician?

    Sadly few who report on this will realize how truly ludicrous this study really is.

  19. Amateurs.
    I bid to chair a committee with an initial budget of $2.8M. Will require additional funding to complete the work over the next year.
    At the end, the committee will verbally report that the rubes just do not know what is good for them and it is all Harper’s fault.

  20. Well, I have known for at least a decade, that the west, and no one in the west, has a future in Canada. None of you support separation, so my advice to you is close your eyes and think of the Queen.

    Canada is a failed state. Has been since the first Trudeau. The only way out, is to get out. Out from under Quebec and it’s insatiable cupidity. Out from under prime ministers from Quebec. Out from under the thumb of the criminal province. The future of Canada is this Winston: image Trudeau wearing boots, stamping on your face — forever.

    It has been 102 years since the Canadian Milch Cow cartoon was published. Nothing has changed.

    1. “Trudeau wearing boots, stamping on your face — forever.”

      Strains credibility.(hooker boots maybe) Trudeau wearing sandals is easy to imagine.

  21. It’s window dressing. The Libs bring in an “independent, impartial consultant” which returns an independent, impartial report which coincidentally happens to buttress the Liberal position. Problem solved. They’re either incredibly stupid or they think we are. Oh wait…”we” elected them, didn’t we? Machiavelli would be pleased.

    1. The Libs bring in an “independent, impartial consultant” which returns an independent, impartial report which coincidentally happens to buttress the Liberal position.

      Independent and impartial, just like Tzeporah Berman was when she was hired by Red Rachel. Yeah, right.

  22. HE thinks HE owns Canada HE said in an interview, years ago” we can’t have the West calling all the shots”!

  23. It is due to the energy industry’s lack of attention to gender intersectionality, blah, blah blah…

    1. Look at it this way–it’s an issue of national security. Oil and gas facilities provide tempting targets for terrorists. By killing that business, there’s nothing to attack, right?

      There. Now doesn’t that make you feel safer? Wee Juthtin, looking out for the little people…..

  24. Reminds me of the Obama “study” to determine why so many lesbians were morbidly obese …

    The difference being that your “obese lesbians” are actually costing you REAL money

  25. They should hire Hilary Clinton. She’s the undisputed master of finding reasons other than the real one for why things didn’t work out and they’ll get to help out an impoverished old lady at the same time.

  26. Why the west, especially Alberta and Saskatchewan, doesn’t separate is beyond me and I live in the heart of the Ottawa swamp surrounded by the shuffling, fat, pasty herds of trough-feeding, money-sucking, over-paid, under-worked, ignorant, weak complainers.

    1. Maybe it’ll give rise to another western separatist movement, much like the NEP marked the start of the first one.

  27. Actually the idiots are doing their absolute very best to kill the oil industry.

    Their stupidity headed by the airhead in Ottawa is positively breathless.

    They are going to study it? Are you bloody kidding me?
    You don’t need a day to let them know that the federal and number of provincial governments know nothing about virtually anything regarding commerce, industry, market place and economy among other things.

    Hugo would be proud.

    One can suppose that somebody needs to tell them how idiotic their actions are, though from past history it can be deduced if they are going to listen or care if it is anything else than something they want to hear.

    There is a phrase ‘throwing good money after the bad’ or some such.

    The elections can’t come soon enough before they run the country into the ocean of nothingness.

    Heh, the alternative is not that impressive. We will just have to see.

  28. Where was their $ 280,000 study to find out whether the Federal Gov of Canada should get into the cannabis business? Oh? They’re not? They’re just legalizing it? Could have fooled me!

  29. 25% vacancy rate downtown? Why would you spend $ 280,000 to tell you that Mr J.T . Number 23? You are putting people out of work. How well do you sleep at night?

    1. He sleeps quite well, it would seem. He simply doesn’t care a rat’s patootie about anybody west of Hamilton unless that person lives in Lotusland or the Kootenays. The rest of western (post-national, sharia-compliant, gender-balanced, Soros vassal) Canada is simply flyover country, best ignored unless it’s tax time.

  30. Oh, and by the way, you Frenchie frogs, don’t own Canada.

    Remember 1759? You. Left. The. Building.

    1. The French don’t own Canada? They have ever since the Quebec Act was passed by Westminster in 1774. That’s when they realized that if they whined long enough, they’d get what whatever they wanted.

  31. Speaking of crazy liberals,

    You all know that a couple months ago they decided that certain people from certain religions can carry knife aboard airplanes ?

    well did you know that while we were busy talking about that they also made selling ALL folding knives – that have any sort of spring so they will open (*)semi automatically – illegal in Canada?

    I ordered a small one from Ebay ( 2 1/2 inch blade is small ) …it is now stuck at customs Canada, they sent me a letter telling me they will take 6 to 8 weeks to determine if I can have that knife or not. ( If I could I would attach a copy of the letter )

    in other words regular Canadians – white, Christians – can not have knives, but everyone else can, they can even take them on airplanes.

    (*) we are not talking about a knife that opens all by itself at the push a button, but a knife that you must help, you must push the blade out a little / get it started, then swing it hard to make the blade come out, it is not automatic, it is semi-automatic…where have we heard those words before…ooohhh liberals are allergic to those words!!

  32. I don’t think this story is quite accurate. The $280,000 is just for the cover art.

  33. B A DEPLORABLE sewer rat nice Guy:
    With all due respect, the Constitutional Act of 1791 repealed certain portions of the Quebec Act of 1774. Upper and Lower Canada were created. So, you are correct in saying, that they are the whiners and get what they want. I’ll give you that.

    Odd thing is that these odd balls changed street names in Montreal making glaring historical errors. Guy Carlton was Baron Dorchester and the street named for him was changed to boulevard Rene Levesque! Carleton was involved in the situation which enabled the Quebec Act to come into law. Also, consider why they left Wolfe street intact is a mystery to Anglo historians, considering that they want to be rid of English anything in Quebec.

    So, in essence we are both correct! Thanks, we forgot about that little bit of history. Those Frenchies do not own Canada, regardless of what they think!

    1. You’re probably right, of course.

      Nevertheless, the fact remains that Quebec can behave like a Shakespearean child (i. e., the mewling and puking infant and the whining schoolboy, as described in The Seven Ages of Man from As You Like It, Act II), and Ottawa is only too anxious to give it what it wants. No nation-wide project can be undertaken unless Quebec gets its cut, thereby giving the impression that it controls Canada.

  34. My local CA city (of 50k residents) just spent $250k on a traffic study, by “traffic engineers”, to count cars … and report WHY traffic is so BAD in my little town. I’ve lived here since 1965 … and could tell them IN DETAIL why each and every intersection is functioning at level ‘D’ … for FREE!

    They just published their report and recommendations … which I can already tell the City Council … for FREE … are just going to make the downtown congestion … WORSE. At which point the City Council will launch a new RFI for Traffic Engineering studies to determine why the last traffic study produced an epic FAIL.

    I can STILL tell them why the intersections are not functioning … for FREE!

  35. No matter how inane this is or how inept and corrupt these Laurentian j@ck-0ffs are, there are people who will overlook this and vote accordingly.

    We’ll need a few extra asteroids.

  36. WTF is with C-69? Not only is this insanely bad policy on multiple levels, I don’t even think it good politics. The Deep-Green angle: going Full Verde was never an option for Justin, which is why he split the difference (banned Northern Gateway, allowed Trans Mountain). If he went Full Verde, he’d alienate most of Canada and the greenies would still probably not vote for him. Also, it’s literally 10 years too late for Green Jihad.

    Further, this bill isn’t even really about the environment it’s about pandering to the people who seriously use terms like ‘intersectionality’. What constituency is this aimed at?! What critical part of the electorate is enthused?! This is a government going out of its way to become a caricature of itself. This is even more bizarre after what was pretty clearly a behind-the-scenes climb-down on gun regulation forced by rural Liberal MPs (bless them), which was pretty sensible. The legislation sucked but we expected so much worse. I guess Justin is just…tired of being repressed. CAN WE PLEASE HAVE ADULTS PLEASE?

    1. “(banned Northern Gateway, allowed Trans Mountain)”

      What’s interesting is that by banning Gateway they pissed off a bunch of natives that wanted that pipeline, contrary to what the media tell us, while OK’ing Trans Mountain made sure that it went straight downtown (in a manner of speaking) in the most green populated, eco fascist part of Canaduh….Vancouver. Like a red flag to a bull. Too few local folks to “protest” in north central BC, while Lower Mainland has lots with time on their hands & a ready MSM to film it all for the 11 o’clock news. Plausible deniability if the pipe is never laid.

      1. I am pretty confident the feds want Trans mountain. They arrested Lizzie for one thing. You make an interesting point about the natives, here’s another fun fact: polling says support vs opposition to TM in Vancouver is about 50-50. I was sure it was going to 2:1 against it.

        1. The Lower Mainland is far less green than Victoria. Vancouver proper is split. Municipal politicians give the impression of being hyper green because most lean that way and win office through an uninterested, usually low turn out electorate. Most people, if they think about the issues, are not on side with them.

          1. One thing people don’t realize is that BC just implemented campaign finance rules for municipal elections. And Gregoire Robertson, the tide foundation funded mayor immediately announced his departure.

  37. I expect you can add another quarter million to have the study translated from the original French to Hinglish by the group doing the study.
