13 Replies to “Like”

  1. Alla youse data, are belong to us!
    Mark “the Knife” SUCKERBERG

    Facebook the RICO target of the Internet: “Just leave the SPYING to us!”

    That’s a nice a webpage you got there; shame if something were to happen to it…

    Diamond and Silk get banned, that must be pretty racist or something…


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  2. Responsible for the content? Yes and No.
    Responsible for filtering or targeting or curtailing content, YES. Responsible for generating content or creating content, NO.

    Look at it this way, Zuckerberg and Blog Administrators: the more you filter or curtail content, the more content you are responsible for filtering and curtailing.*
    Let the Commenters/Users know what is being filtered and curtailed in very broad terms and then let free speech reign.

    *it’s kind of like when NATO/US let the world know that they had precision Smart Bombs, they then became responsible for every collateral bombing death thereafter.
    War is Hell, and so is the Internet. Just different Rings of Hell. One Ring is made of fiery Iron, the other sparky Silicon.

  3. Well I started the process to delete my FB account yesterday. I will pull the plug tomorrow.

    Instead I’ve revived my old blog at cerdipity.com, gonna take me a few more hours tomorrow to get it tweaked right.

  4. Paul Joseph Watson has some interesting perspectives about social media:


    In particular, note the comments from the baseball game. Social media caters to the vanity, and boredom, of its users. Zuckerberg, et. al., take advantage of that.

  5. Alright let’s simply state the facts.

    Zuckerberg is *not* a genius. He is *not* a man of substance by any means. He won the high tech lottery which sometimes happens in high tech. Right place. Right time. Etc. In my life I have seen this phenomenon up close.

    If anyone thinks that Zuckerberg’s net worth is in any way remotely correlated with his contribution to society or the depth of his character then you are dreaming.

    In short: mediocre high tech guy of little substance gets mega rich.

    Second, and key point, Facebook lives on the edge of what is ethical. They know roughly where the line is, but they are not particularly concerned if they step over it. They have clearly adopted the attitude of “Do now and ask for forgiveness later…..if we get caught.”

    When Zuckerberg says he cares, I laugh so much I can hardly stop. When Zuckerberg says they did not know this or that, I laugh again. Those of us in high tech know better. What a fraud he is. He and his gang know *exactly* what they are doing. Oh how I wish I could have been one of those questioning him this week. He would have wet his pants.

    None of my kids are on Facebook and they never will be. And thank goodness for that. It did not take me much effort to have them understand that they should avoid it completely.

    1. And now I hear him say over and over and over how fakebook needs to use AI to “fix” everything Congress is concerned about. Right. As IF fakebook isn’t using AI in spades … right now … to censor conservative content. As IF fakebook isn’t using AI in spades … right now … to monetize your every post. Spare me the promises to deploy AI to address our concerns. For example … all the advertisements for offshore Fentynal. Fakebook could STOP that tomorrow … but it would cut revenues.

      Mr. Zuckerstein (as some Dem. from NY called him) is about to unleash Govt. regulation and oversight. He should have kept hiding on one of his walled estates.

  6. As a Senior Citizen Luddite, I usually use DuckDuckGo for my internet searches rather than google. I am on FB, have only about 40 “friends” (mostly family) and belong to a couple of groups that interest me. Having “liked” or “shared” certain FB posts, I get updates from those posters, which I don’t mind as I was obviously interested in the first place. Some of the adverts targeting me are even useful. I accept that this is the price I pay for a “free” service (TANSTAAFL).
    Just saw another option to FB: mewe.com. Looks interesting with lots of promises about not spying, tracking or sharing my info. Not sure it’s for me – the accompanying video is clearly not aimed at my demographic.

  7. The second Facebook chose to block, ban or censor content they did not like, they became responsible for content.

    If one day facebook uses Artificial Intelligence to monitor content, that AI will have been programmed by the humans at facebook who block , ban and censor conservatives

    I just read that 40 of the top people working at facebook used to work directly for either Hillary or Obama.

    Facebook is part of the ultra corrupt democrat machine. ( just like Mueller is )

  8. well sheisen. now I wish I HAD a fakebook acct to get in on the class action suit. or is that ‘sweet’.

    zuckerthiefliarberg as posted by BC is definitely NOT some guru genius. he is merely a lottery winner, a hollyweird wannabe cloneist setting the new ‘trend’. fakebook knew full well their ginormous amount of ONLINE data was vulnerable, but *that very vulnerability is what made them rich rich rich*. to have set up ad blockers, filters, privacy defaults would REALLY cut into the stock price n’est pas? so the course of action was to create the umpteenth ‘wild west’ and laugh all the way to the banque.

    I truly, truly sincerely hope this is just the beginning for zuckerthiefliarberg’s troubles. let the NEXT 10 years consist of an inexorable decay and erosion of his spy-network-for-hire.

  9. It’s disgraceful that he’s even talking to Congress. The pols have no business questioning him.

    1. Yeah … they should be talking to Stormy Weathers … or whomever. After reviewing her videos with their young Interns.
