50 Replies to “Doing It For The Kids”

  1. Not speaking from experience, but it does seem pot makes everything in life better, except reality.

    1. ‘THX 1138’, ‘Animal Farm’, ‘Idiocracy’, … did they know when they were making these movies that it was prophesy, and not satire?

  2. With marijuana, “I’m able to listen to Trudeau for an extensive period of time.”
    With marijuana, “I’m able to understand Trudeau’s economc policies.”

  3. I’m sure people will agree that pot will make airline pilot’s, train engineers, Uber drivers and your tax accountant much better at their jobs. What the hell has been happening for the last couple of years? The progressive mindset has become so ingrained into society that we’re witnessing and endless barrage of some real bizzare $hit that only a few short years ago would be dismissed for what it is – bizzare $hit. Now it’s mainstream. I for one will welcome the next global crisis, be it a world war, massive depression or a health pandemic. These are the only scenarios that will allow things to be reset back to zero. Progressives don’t do well in crisis situations where government largesse is in place to wipe their collective bums. Good grief.

    1. ” I for one will welcome the next global crisis, be it a world war, massive depression or a health pandemic”

      Plant alarmist!!!
      Well, I’ll be hoping the first bomb drops on your pointy little empty head.
      Nothing I hate worse than a putative Conservative that can’t wait to have MORE government control.
      Freakin maroon!

    2. Pot is the peasant’s drug,the highly educated professionals you mentioned can and do afford much more exotic escapes ,such as good old cocaine and a few of the designer drugs we are fortunate to have available now.
      I thrill at the thought of my airliner being piloted by a guy who has just snorted a couple of lines before takeoff and feels like he’s a WW2 fighter pilot, or my Amtrak engineer who figures he’s driving a 600 HP Ford at the Indy 500.

  4. I don’t want to see any more US States legalize marijuana for a while. It isn’t harmless. It may be as harmless as alcohol, but we don’t really know. Give the people of Colorado and the other few states time to see the long term effects of grass / cannabis / marijuana and we will know more.

    Let’s limit legal marijuana to a few states for the next twenty years. If you really think grass is great, then move to Colorado, or Oregon, or California.

    I remember when states legalized gambling, it sounded great. Money, jobs, excitement! If you weren’t a habitual or problem gambler, it was great. A lot of families were ruined by their problem gamblers. Legal Gambling was not worth the costs.

    Will legal grass be worth the costs?

    1. People made the same argument when Prohibition was about to be repealed. Fortunately,the effect of alcohol on the population has only been positive. Ask any Cop who patrols the local FN.

    2. “Legal Gambling was not worth the costs.”

      FO slaver. That’s not your decision. You want prohibition, feel free to enforce it on yourself. You’ll have to, because legalization has pretty much won the war. Even Turmp agreed to respect states that have legalized. If you resist, we’ll just force you to be free.

  5. Being in a more retarded state is quite helpful to those opting for existence more resembling the Eloi. It’s also better for the Morlocks who inhabit the top of their progressive food chain.

  6. The next time I get a chance to debate this with a member of the “harm reduction ” advocates I’ll ask if they would allow the penalty for possession for the intent to traffic and if so would they entertain a law that allows possession but makes selling by anyone including the government an illegal crime.

    1. I wonder how many people are aware of what you said and that it is actually a fact.

  7. “Can pot make you a better parent?”

    No. Seriously, no. It can’t. The most it’ll do is make you quieter, which could only help if you are a child beater.

    I will add at this time that while it is questionable that significant doses of THC etc. will make it into baby through the milk, I hasten to add that no one knows whether it does or not. The science has not been done here.

    The cannabis WILL most certainly get into the baby from the smoke. And again, while the science has not been done on the effects of cannabis on little babies, I think it is safe to assume there will be an effect and not a good one.

    It is also safe to assume there are a lot of morons out there like the one pictured, performing the experiment on their own kids. I’m hoping that 5,000 years of cannabis use by humans means it won’t severely and permanently damage the kids of these idiots. We’d most likely know if it did.

    1. Hint: to all you DOPE smokers … esp. to those of you immersing your kids in a bad Cheech and Chong movie …

      This is NOT your grandmother’s 5,000 year old DOPE. Ha ha ha ha … guess WHAT !? all you granola-eating, macrobiotic, back-to-nature hippies … your DOPE is MORE GMO’ed than the reddest, juiciest, Monsanto-strawberry in the produce aisle!!!

      Enjoy your GMO DOPE … idgiots!!

      1. Kenji, Kenji…..I think you’re the idiot.
        I dare you so-called Conservatives to actually investigate the history of the criminalization of marijuana.
        Assuming you can read, it should prove very instructive.
        You airy-fairy, ephemeral, bogus, counterfeit, spurious, fraudulent Conservatives really need to join the Party that knows how to live your life better than you……the #@!$% Liberal Party!

        1. Well … THAT … response pretty well confirms the Psychosis-inducing properties of your “designer” GMO-Dope. Sad.

          1. Actually, he’s right about who made weed illegal. Liberal party here, DemocRats in the USA.

            There used to be 200 companies in NYC alone making medicinal preparations out of weed. There were thousands in the USA as a whole. This would have been in the 1890s to 1920s. Mostly pain relievers.

            The whole thing was killed by liberals, people determined that they knew better than you how your life should go. “Reefer madness” was a government propaganda campaign, and it worked. They killed the entire hemp industry. Then hilariously brought it back for WWII, and killed it again afterward.

            By the way, there’s no GMO weed out there. Selective breeding only, with plant cloning. Genetically modifying the DNA of a plant for public consumption is fantastically expensive due to regulations. No one is doing it. People can yell GMO all they want, but its not true. There is zero GMO weed. None.

            Is it stronger now than the stuff we were all smoking in the 1970’s? Oh yes. Some is much stronger. It comes in different strengths. The strong suff will knock you out. But then you will wake up later, same as always. There are no documented permanently damaging effects of the stronger weed. This is not to say there are not any permanently damaging effects, just that there’s no evidence right now. Which isn’t surprising, as research on weed was ILLEGAL until a couple of years ago.

            Cannabis, the weed, is not what’s getting people hurt and killed right now. The -synthetic- THC on the black market is doing that. There’s a version out right now that is leaving users bleeding from the eyes, ears and gums. Blood thinner effect, apparently. Killed three, hospitalized over 100 at last count according to MSM headlines. Please note, that’s NOT cannabis, that’s a synthetic chemical which resembles THC but is not THC, and the schmucks selling it spray it onto basil, or grass clippings for all I know. It definitely kills people.

            Actual -weed-, the unadulterated cannabis, has never killed anybody. Even the super concentrated hash oil made by super-stoners has never killed anybody. It is possible to make yourself sick by smoking cannabis in really huge amounts, all day long, for days and days. Eventually. But it is hard to do, and takes some work. But even that level of overdosing has never killed anyone, that we know of. I encourage doubters to go look that up. I looked it up already. US government lists -zero- deaths from ingesting cannabis. There are two listed for Europe, but those two blamed cannabis due to lack of any other cause, not because there was proof it was cannabis that did it.

            Compare with opiates, they kill people all the time. Even legal opiates prescribed by a doctor have been known to kill people accidentally.

            Medical weed in Canada is grown in almost surgically clean conditions, cleaner than any commercial kitchen, cleaner than the hallways in a Canadian hospital. It is of the same quality as any aspirin or other pill from the pharmacy. If you NEED MEDICINE for pain, or some other issue that cannabis is good for, the medical cannabis grown in Canada is safe, if you follow the rules as prescribed by a physician.

            IMHO smoking up just to get high is for idiots, but then I think that about drinking too. I am not the guy to be imposing my opinions on others by force.

  8. ah the voice in the wilderness. I avg 1 ie ONE joint a day to take the edge off arthritic pain. and mebbe 1 ie ONE @ bedtime which yields wonderful deep sleep rarin’ to go next morning which can start as early as 5 oclock. and no, NOT p.m.!

    otoh I’m mid 60s. I’ve seen acquaintance’s kid start the habit about 15 and turn into the laziest useless 20something Ive ever seen. and the kid learned it from his old man, the acquaintance.
    wrong wrong wrong.
    if pot did NOT provide me with medical benefits I would NOT spend a nickel on it.
    a LOT of what is posted here about pot is true. but, BUT, it isn’t the whole story.
    I’m also in favour of legalizing heroin for terminal patients as a last ditch method of pain relief, but that ain’t gonna happen because of the stigma.

    legalizing it is going to be completely screwed up by the LIEberals, but then that is par for the course with politishuns.
    1 example: the 3 strikes law which was rushed into place at the behest of the prison guard union and which saw triple felons get 20 years for, wait for it, *shoplifting*.

    see? they ALWAYS fcuk it up first time thru, good grief, politics is a make work project eh?
    feel free to do a search how many times program X put in place by majority gubbamint A promptly gets rescinded by gubbamint B the moment *they* have a majority? (hint: Canuckistan and gun legislation).

    it’s a make work project. the trick is to let it play out a couple election cycles before the mps/congressmen get it ‘close enough’ to ‘right’.

  9. 3 strikes law which was rushed into place at the behest of the prison guard union…

    LOL, yeah! They have that kind of pull! Any other paranoid weed fantasies you want to share?

    I do wonder if smoking pot makes the hours of practice it takes to be a good musician easier to take. Other than that, I am not sure I see a big upside professionally from pot.

    1. try this timmy:

      from the link:
      “Enter the California Correction Peace Officer’s Association, CCPOA, better known as the prison guards union.
      Thanks to the mandatory dues paid by its members, the union raises about $23 million a year, and spends about $8 million of it on lobbying.”
      do you *seriously* think the prison guard union would NOT pounce on such a golden opportunity to reinforce the ‘need’ for more prisons, ergo more guards and beefed up *vicious circle type* membership numbers? hmmm???
      ‘paranoid’ to have serious doubts and reservations about unionboy’s agenda. p.s. are you a unionboy???

      so ya, LOBBYING is the mechanism by which ‘pull’ is engaged in. and which I was referring to. fully a third of the californicate prison unionboy’s budget to ONE item. LOBBYING.

      1. Yep, paranoid. The name calling though is a real sign of intellectual seriousness though.

  10. Have we had about enough talk about pot and how it will be controlled and where it will be sold? The politicians are making it up as they go along without any real clue how it will unfold. That has been passed on to the provinces and the feds will want a slice of the tax revenues….that’s their main concern, proceeds from the dope and who will grab the lion’s share.

    No doubt about it, Trudeau’s Canada is going to pot, he is keeping his promise to make it legal. It’s a part of the reason he won the election and it may have the effect he’s looking for, he may be our dear leader for life.

    It might be an idea to put it in granny and grandpa’s muffins in the old folks holding tanks, it should work well when the staff are on a pot cloud as well.
    I do believe the people living in Wynne’s Ontario could use some relief from worry about how they will afford to survive, eat or pay hydro.
    Allowing younger people to smoke it/eat it/whatever we might just end up having more leaders of the country just like Justin.

    God bless us one and all. God bless Canada.

  11. Reefer Madness!
    Is this where all those Albertyan Socialists are hanging out now?

    1. As Dean Wormer said … “Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son”

      I imagine drunk is FAR less harmless than drugged out of your mind. And spare me the drink driving (as the Brits call it) rubbish. Call an Uber … now your drunk is near harmless.

      1. “I imagine drunk is FAR less harmless than drugged out of your mind.”

        If you think that, then you’ve never been a bouncer.

        Weed makes people sleepy, stupid and compliant. Alcohol makes them loud, belligerent and they don’t feel pain.

        There are exceptions, but that’s the general rule. Weed smokers don’t cause trouble, drunks do.

        The other drugs out there, that’s a different story. Any type of violent, psychotic behavior you read about in the news, look into it a bit and usually the perpetrator was high on meth, crack, or one of the fun new synthetics that turn a human into an actual zombie that tears its clothes off and tries to eat people. Plenty of that stuff available on the black market, government seems to not be doing a great job keeping it under control. Just saying.

        Is it a great idea to smoke a bunch of weed and become lazy, stupid and compliant? I’d say no. Is it worse than getting roaring drunk and beating up the kids, as we know happens with unsettling regularity? Again, I’d have to say no.

        Really, it all boils down to your belief in the power of Big Brother to make everything nice and cozy for you. If you really believe that people are stupid and the only thing keeping them under control is Big Brother, then there’s a political party out there that will welcome you with open arms. The Liberals in Canada, the DemocRats in the USA. That’s their deal.

        But if you believe in freedom, and that adults should decide things for themselves, then you have to be prepared to accept that idiots do exist, and they may very well chose wrong. That’s the cost of freedom.

        Pick a side.

    2. Excellent. If they actually did that, and stopped effing around on Kinder Morgan, and generally got their act together, I’d surely vote for them.

  12. My over/under on new intrusive laws accompanying the stop Reefer Madness Bill Now is 45.
    Maybe that will put the tingle back for ya.
    Hilarious and ironic that the Twit got elected(probably for life) by removing the Government Yoke a tad.
    Used to be why I twer a Conservative.
    Kids these days.

    Rosanne: You’re pretty smart for a kid, but pretty dumb for a person.

  13. Gosh, when I used to play with my young kids, whether it was lego, dolly time, ball, or whatever, I think I was motivated by actually loving the little tykes. And generally enjoying them. Didn’t use meds at all to enable playing with my own kids. I must have been such a regressive parent.

  14. Troll, don’t you have anything better to do, smoke your dope and lie around useless all day, why dontcha?

    Reformed, sober 25 years, so don’t lecture me about weed, the lies are widespread nowadays about the weed, it sucks the life out of people. Today’s weed is far stronger than a generation ago, say welcome to Zombieland!

    Painkiller? Barf! Having said that, I don’t care if our friend historybuff uses it for arthritis, whatever, if it helps, fine, but when people say its a replacement to use for headaches, a miracle drug for everything, a cancer killing drug, et al, well, they don’t know what they are talking about.

    The Libertarian in me says fine, live your life stoned, but don’t go begging to the government that you cant afford it, or the emphyzema it gave you requires government medical care. Pot wrecks lives, it sucks the life out of the individual.

    1. Yeah, as long as they don’t insist we support their lifestyle, they can believe anything they want. Me? I am going to believe my own lying eyes.

  15. Not that I have a horse in this race but as I am led to believe there are two kinds of pot. One makes you high (THC) and the other has medicinal attributes (CBD). In some cases the pot that makes you high can also help you medically as it calms you down (so I’m told by some very calm people).

    I don’t care if people smoke pot but I do have two concerns: 1) why are no potential health risks with pot being reported – it’s like a wonder drug that can only do good. 2) is pot ok for the heart surgeon just before surgery, the heavy equipment operator, the ship’s captain, the snow plow operator… I only ask the second part because pot smokers tell me that smoking pot is not like drinking alcohol. There is no physical impairment they say. I’ll ask them again when they come back. They went out for munchies and got lost.

  16. And this to file under “Liberal voters are the stupidest voters on the Planet”. We have a health system that is vastly under-equipped for the population that have paid into it. Now the Liberal government not happy with inundating the system with hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants and refugees, is now going to throw the whole health care system under the bus.


    If you don’t agree with this you are an uncaring, selfish, S.O.B. If there is a better way to torpedo a healthcare system that is already on life support can someone point it out to me.

  17. *
    “What I remember about smoking dope was that it made you
    loll around on that dusty old couch in somebody’s partially
    finished basement… listening endlessly to the same Steppenwolf
    8-track tape, on a stereo cranked up so high it would’ve
    sterilised a labrador retriever.”


  18. *
    hey, kenji… watch out for canonymouse… he’s obviously
    smoking the special stuff that makes you smarter and
    better looking.


  19. To be fair, the only way children are tolerable is with drugs. Drugs are better than kids.

    1. I hear that Muzzie kids make really effective roadside bombs … heard, but not seen … after detonation

  20. The whole thing was a CON…and a smart one to get your majority. The 18-35 yr old crowd, having zero knowledge of History vis a vis Pot or a Trudeau…lapped it up like warm mothers milk.

    Whether it was “legal” or not, it has ALWAY’s been plentiful and available. The Govt was simply pissed it wasn’t getting its cut. So now and at least in Ontario, they are going to create an huge bureaucracy with overpaid Public Service Employees & actual brick / mortar stores to sell this stuff..!! COMPLETELY laughable…as if that can complete with some guy who buys BC Bud by the lb lot and sells out of his home or taxi. Massive infrastructure vs None. Good Luck Ontario with that.

    I’ve used this stuff since the early 70’s…no side effects whatsoever or long term for that matter…lots of hyped up BS here today – kinda surprising actually. But could have cared less if it remained illegal…it just doesn’t matter. Being Semi-retired, osteoporosis in the knees/hips I use it once in a while, but as with alcohol and as one gets older I just don’t have the desire…most times I’d rather have a good single malt…or cold glass of milk.!

    As to the constant commentary of anyone using pot being lazy & useless etc…Sorry but you don’t know Jaque. Complete Bullshit comment. Yea there’s some..but I would warrant its Genetic not due soley to smoking weed.

    What I would like to see is some REAL research in the medicinal end of things…and>/i> to see a HEMP Industry going again: Clothes – Rope etc. For durability, it cant be beat.

  21. If the average person could get stoned on dead fleas there would not be one left on the planet let alone a dog.
