8 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. Stormy Daniels says “Putin’s Russian hooker did it; in the drawing room, with the candlestick holder.”

    Oh yes I forgot that was the game, CLUE which Jim Comey doesn’t have either!
    A complete and utter gong show in the pretend world of making Lady Justice conform to political agendas.

    “Men are more often bribed by their loyalties and ambitions than by money.”
    Justice Robert Jackson


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  2. Thought it was an excellent interview. The Liberal press is going to have a field day trying to twist this ad nauseam. That $ 130 K is going to be the topic du jour, once again.

    1. Imagine that; paying off a liar to avoid higher expense.

      Obviously campaign contributions. Any narrative will do until November.

  3. Rudy Guliani and Alan Dershowitz are are the only two lawyers in America anyone can trust right now.

  4. Ok let s say it turns out Trump is guilty of something and they manage to prove it and Trump says yes it is true i did it, I am guilty.

    The question remains ; why are Hillary, Obama and half a dozen democrats treated as if they were above the law ?

    Why different, softer, way more lenient, highly forgiving rules for democrats but not for Trump?

    And for the ultra simple minded Trump haters such as UnME let me put it this way,

    Hillary robs a bank and gets caught

    Trump robs a bank and gets caught

    Why is Hillary getting away with less than a slap on the wrist while Trump gets the book and the entire library thrown at him ???

  5. May 3rd 1:10 : see above post –
    I posted that the liberal press was going to have a field day with regards to the Giuliani interview…see Sean Hannity tonight on rerun:
    Sean ran through the clips from the other networks today, it was, brace yourselves, “breaking news” that Trump reimbursed Cohen the 130 K that was given to Ms Daniels. Sean was disgusted at their reporting, as he should be. He joked that he should receive a paycheck from the other networks because they constantly replay clips from his show! (They are obsessed with Hannity for their news)

  6. Is this the interview where Rudy admits that Trump compensated his lawyer for the hush money and in so doing violated campaign finance law?

  7. There was no violation, Trump was self- financed!
    FYI it is the interview posted above from last night.
    Press play!
