18 Replies to “Dinesh Pardoned”

  1. Excellent. Dinesh may not be right on everything, but he seems to be right about a lot of stuff. The fact that he is hated by the Dems and the left really signals that he is on to something. His books and films are well done and factual. I think he also has a lot of influence, but should have even more.

  2. Rather than see the conservative Dinesh pardoned, It would have been truer to the law to instead see that hate-filled leftist footsoldier named Rosie charged too. Now, Trump has made it all but impossible for her to face her crimes.

    Speaking of said Rosie, I find it so predictably typical of today’s media to leave out completely relevant and contextual parts of a story to protect liberal lies and hypocrisy. I see they managed to get ‘conservative’ right in the headline, though. Well done, CNBC.

    The bitter partisan bigotry and hate the left now thrives on is open for anyone to see. Hell, most of them don’t even try to hide it anymore. … Maher, Reid, the entire CNN payroll, endless etc’s…. they know the ‘Big Left Machine’ has got their back.

    1. He was fined, and the improper donations returned by the campaign … as is customary in these cases. What he did was WRONG … but such improper contributions are NEVER treated as “criminal” activity. He owes NO APOLOGY … because of the selective, political, prosecution and persecution against him. Obama owes the apology.

      1. He could be the bigger man. Obama’s lack of conviction or contrition doesn’t make Dinesh guilt-free.

        1. He has spoken about it. The clip I saw wasn’t perhaps the Justin Trudeau-style apology you’re looking for, but he acknowledged that the contributions were illegal, that he’d made a mistake and paid the price for it.

          btw, he wasn’t just fined, he was also sentenced to “five years of probation, with eight months during the first year to be served in a community confinement center,” plus community service.

          But Kenji is right, from what I can gather prosecuting it in this manner was unusual and had all the signs of being politically motivated.

          1. That is my view also. His treatment was unprecedented and done as political payback. His transgression was wrong, but very minor on a scale of misdeeds.

    2. LA Times clipped the Rodney King video, causing riots, did they ever say SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRY.

      Hey Bored Bulk FO

    3. D’Souza fully admitted what he did, without reservation.
      Don’t know that he should apologize, he paid the price.

  3. Selective prosecution by the deepest Deep state run by totalitarian Obama. Correctly overturned. OTOH … campaign finance laws were broken, and Dinesh deserved to be punished with a fine as is the standard procedure in these cases … along with the return of funds by the campaign.

    OTOH … someone needs to look into the MILLIONS of online micro-donations … unreportable donations … to HER campaign. I wonder how many of them are traceable to George Soros banking bots … automatically churning out millions of small donations?

  4. Martha next in line mebbe?
    Trump has defined a new ideology.
    take that any way ya want; there was the peculiar ‘thing’ about the vintage of some ink on a document used to fra.., er, convict our favorite chef since Julia,( the former French underground lady).
    see? ‘historybuff’ IS an apt handle if not perrrrrrrfect as is demanded on the hard right.

  5. Excellent news.

    Pamela Geller had shown millions of donations from the middle east being donated to the Democrat Party.
    No prosecution, media ignored her completely.

  6. Is that filmaker, who caused the Benghazi “riots” still in jail?
    He fell right off the radar……

  7. D’Souza was of course guilty of what he has done.
    That being so, there was another Indo guy that gave some $100k to another campaign and was treated with gentle nothing. D’Souza talks about it in his talks.

    D’Souza, it can be said was a political prisoner for making a movie about the lame former president and other statements that the current regime at the time did not like. They, as any socialist, fascist or communists, wanted to make an example of punishment for his dislike of the regime, just to warn others to just roll over and play dead.

    It is good to see that current Pres. Trump took a note of it and reset the narrative.

    Maybe D’Souza will make another documentary to show the corruption of the so called Democratic party, for it is so far from democratic that they can hardly see it. It may be that certain Kennedy would not recognize it.

  8. I wonder if Donald’s buddy, Conrad Black, is on his “pardon” list. Condrad has not been able to return to his beautiful Palm Beach estate since the courts deemed him a criminal. C’mon, Donald. Don’t forget your neighbors.

  9. Good , I like Dinesh
    He is a “True Reagan Conservative”
    Pretty smart too , and quick on his feet
    Guys like Dinesh , Jordan Peterson , plus a pinch of Trump , can straighten out a lot of limp noodles
