
Ace of Spades;

…when Disney fired a leftwing Trump opponent — who, by the way, himself celebrated Disney/ABC’s firing of Roseanne Barr for objectionable tweets — the defenders of poor defenseless corporations’ free speech rights started singing a different show tune entirely.
No longer was it just a Private Business’ Unchallengeable Right to fire any employee who scuffed up their image.

13 Replies to “#NewRules”

  1. As Aldous Huxley warned in Brave New World Revisited, “Liberty cannot flourish in a country that is permanently on a war footing, or even a near-war footing. Permanent crisis justifies permanent control of everybody and everything by the agencies of the central government.”

    Chief Nose Wetter at 1:08 PM

  2. New Rules, all jokes are to be taken deadly seriously, no matter how old, no matter how obviously a joke.

    I’m good with it.

    RIP James Gunn’s career, he’ll have his millions for company I guess. Poor baby.

    1. Don’t let them find out how my grandfather talked…they would hang me

      I’m so sick of this crap…those are just words…and used correctly describe a certain type of person
      …according to libs…all black people, all gay people, all white people..on and on…are the same

  3. Time to get with this program.
    As there is a current trend to cleanse our history of past PM’s that aided and abetted “racism” or any of the myriad isms I propose we start with those that refused to serve during WWII. That conflict against the German National Socialists genocide of six million Jews, and that those that chose to run away from the fight are just as guilty as the perps themselves and should have all traces of their name stricken from Canada’s history. Therefore, any school, street, ediface, statue, organization, or international airport in Montreal should be renamed to erase any memory or record of the name Trudeau.
    Notice that I never outright called PET or his son a racist.

  4. The news is reporting that McCain will lie in state at the capital….
    …and Trump is not invited to the funeral

    How F’in petty can you get?

    1. My sincere prayer is that everyone who attends Songbird’s funeral will soon join him and his best buddy Teddy “Swim, bitch!” Kennedy in a warmer climate.

      Oh Lord, hear my prayer!

  5. Good for Disney for starting the process of draining the swamp. That swamp needs a lot of unclogging.

  6. Well Latitude, doubt if Donald even would go. Old Songbird was never the brightest bulb (unless of course your a media moron, then he was Einstein, as is Forrest Gump to those morons) old fly boy couldnt read well and thought the quote was “walk softly and carry a big stink” , which he did effectively.

  7. “If not for double standards, leftists would have no standards at all.”

    Sorta’ like P.M. Grope – “No tolerance – except for me.” Or David Suzuki – “DON’T HAVE KIDS! Err, except for me – I have five kids – but that’s okay, they were raised by David Suzuki!”
