They Sometimes Get Their [GENDER REDACTED]

What could possibly go wrong?

“The RCMP are taking a radical look at their recruitment strategy and could ditch credit checks and the ban on recruits with criminal backgrounds to help them rebuild their depleted ranks.
The Mounties have been plagued by staffing challenges in recent years and are looking at how to convince more women and visible minorities to don the red serge.
An internal document, obtained through access to information, suggests credit checks, the criminal background ban, the two-hour aptitude test and long stints at the training depot could all be eliminated from the hiring process as senior ranks try to make a career as a Mountie more attractive.
The document notes that some of the mandatory requirements can create barriers for communities the force wants to attract, including “groups more likely to have contact with the criminal justice system.”

h/t Ken (Kulak)

68 Replies to “They Sometimes Get Their [GENDER REDACTED]”

    1. Ahh111: Yes! Hundreds of them! Their dark skin will look SO good with those bright red uniforms!

      We could call the new Somali corps the “Redblacks”, unless that name is copyrighted.

      1. Will they upgrade the red tunics for ones in yellow?
        With a Che / Fidel cap?
        Pink tights and stilettos for the Urban patrols?
        Dudley Do….whatever…

        Oh……Canada… could you?

      1. Never say never. If by work you mean there might be some physical labour in volved, I wouldn’t bet against you. BUT …if there was better than a 50-50 chance they might get to intimidate and or extort someone, without having to pick up anything heavier than a gun? Why then… I bet they would show up early and hope for overtime. They might even take their job home with them. Ibetcha. 3 willgetcha 5!

  1. Does the insanity ever end in this country? It’s hard to imagine even the stupidest leftie agreeing with this proposed change.

    1. Not only will leftists agree with this corruption they”ll demand more of the same… remember, if they’re talking about this it means they’re going to do it… In Trudopia it doesn’t matter what the peasants think… In the ethnic post national state some cultures and traditions matter and some don’t… English culture is there to be obliterated and the erasure is to be celebrated, or you’re a ‘racist”.

  2. Decades ago, when I was still teaching High School, the RCMP were present at a Career Day. In a classroom presentation, after giving their spiel on how they wanted women, Natives, other minorities, people with disabilities, etc., one of my students, a bright, strapping farm kid who really wanted to be in the Force, asked about his chances for admission as a healthy white male. He was told, “At this time, basically nil.” I knew that kid well; he would have been one of their best.
    For decades they have been ignoring the ones they should have been actively recruiting, and courting those they should have been rejecting. If they have falling recruitment numbers now, let them sink into oblivion. They have earned it.
    And as for their so-called new focus groups….. as Kate has often said…… trying to please your enemies does not turn them into your friends.

      1. Fortunately the A-holes who have devised these recruitment parameters do not understand that the 3rd World Shitholes that
        their target recruitment demographic emanate from regard Police and especially Federal Police to be the Lowest-of-the-Low.
        Hmmm, maybe we do have something to learn from the new immigrants.

    1. I met a young woman in Kelowna BC a few years ago who was entering the force. She told me about a white male friend of hers, a young man of sterling character, who was trying to get in the RCMP. She told me, with genuine sadness in her voice, that he had zero chance of being accepted.

      Few things infuriate me more than this!

  3. Sooooo…. these people can carry guns. But not us. Got it. A guy with a criminal record can carry a firearm for on-the-job protection. But a guy with no criminal record who runs a late-night gas station can’t.
    No wonder people are stating to really despise cops and all who associate with them.

    1. The vaunted( snicker ) Massachusetts State Police takes known drug dealers. That is when they aren’t padding their overtime because with taxes being what they are who can get by on $150-230K/yr? Used to be they were hulks, but now you never know what height challenged, cellulited thigh blighted troll is pulling you over, all hard faced, lights, full felony, for some money collecting pecksniff obscurity.

    2. This has nothing to do with cops, per se…It’s the politicians.
      The end result, if this is implemented, will be a corrupt, third world, unrestrained armed force.

        1. It is classic to have a foreign born security force to be the agent of force against the natives, ie, Canadians.

  4. We have been seriously considering contracting our community policing to organized crime in our community. It may be expensive, but we had a mob neighbour several years ago. Our street had ZERO crime. All the small fry gangbangers knew about the acid vats and hog farm. They plied their trade elsewhere. Young girls could walk our streets at night unmolested. Try that in Hamburg nowadays…

    1. Bdsm, years ago we lived in Surrey,which was experiencing rapid growth and a growing crime rate,especially B&E’s of people’s homes. Like good citizens we joined Neighbourhood Watch and liased with an RCMP officer who held meetings and gave pep talks about how well it was going.
      When the crime stats came out a few months later, we saw that our neighbourhood had NO breakins in that six month period, and we all congratulated ourselves.
      My wife,who was on the organizing committee, gushed to our RCMP officer about how wonderfully effective our NW was. The cop replied, not verbatim,” well actually the reason is that house at the end of the street belongs to an Asian gang and no one will come on to their turf”. We had no idea!
      It was a real “eye-opener” for us middle class white suburbanites!

  5. The Mounties do one of two things or likely both. They either hire the worlds biggest assholes or teach normal people how to be the worlds biggest assholes. They have absolutely no rapport with the population they serve and have been labeled as being at war with the people. I keep hoping for a revival of the Alberta Provincial Police and they better not hire one Mountie to start it. Their whole organization is toxic. Get them out of local and provincial policing. They solve virtually no crime and excel at chickenshit charges.

    1. One of my relatives used to be a police officer, first in Alberta and, later, down east. He eventually quit law enforcement.

      Several years later, we were visiting one of his friends. During our chat, I remember him saying how the Mounties were disliked by other police. He summed up that attitude by saying “Better my sister a prostitute than my brother in the RCMP”.

  6. It would seem that many of those that get into the RCMP go with the idea of eventually claim, however insignificant or non existent, wrong doing on the part of RCMP and retire collecting large sums of money.
    This is not accidental, it is by design.

    The regimented units, police, army and other such do have what you may call a bully tactics when you get in. Its not pleasant, lived through it for a year, did not like it. It used to be tolerated by the officers to make something of the recruits or drafted personnel, so they don’t go to their mama to complain about every damn little thing. One of the policies was that you do fill the order you got and then you can complain. Very few did and then were subject to ridicule.
    Of course if it causes injury or worse, that’s a different story altogether.

    Guess who is claiming wrong doing most if not all of it.
    No need to be a rocket scientist.

  7. When I was a kid the RCMP were respected and their members were professionals. Being an RCMP constable had almost the same cache as being a doctor.

    Now…no wonder their recruitment numbers are down. Why join a group that has zero respect in most communities unless you’re a bouncer that wants to carry a gun and harass honest hard working people?

    One of the first things (among many first things) the UCP should do is kick the RCMP out of Alberta. They’re getting to be a bunch of scary brown shirts.

    1. Johnboy, I agree 100%. When I first came to Alberta in 1967, the RCMP and its members were universally respected and with good reason. Now, it would seem they are universally despised. Again, for good reason. Like you, I’m hoping we can turf them from Alberta after the UCP form government in 2019.

      1. Exactly. Like many who’ve already commented on that, the High River gun grab was when my opinion of the Mounties changed. I couldn’t believe that they would do such a thing. After all, wasn’t the force established to enforce and maintain the law?

  8. My nephew was turned away, and told in no uncertain terms that Caucasian male were not welcome. The RCMP at that time were only considering Females or those of East Indian persuasion. At that time, they also would not have accepted him identifying as a female or east Indian as hiring criteria.

  9. Let’s take an ethnic and gender snapshot of society, then engineer it into any organization. What about the librarians?

    This is another example of why government must be limited, otherwise it feels the need to impose itself in ludicrous ways.

    I love how they’re helping the “housing market” by projecting their greed onto beleaguered landlords, and in doing so adding over a hundred (well over actually) to the cost of a new build. No worries, we’ll limit your rent increases to CPI while property taxes go up 5%, and of course the trades are keeping their labour rates below inflation.

    Get. the.frig.out.of.the.friggin.way. While you’re at it spare us your contrived and non-data conclusions. In fact, let’s cut that.

    I understand the product the RCMP is getting isn’t as sharp as before, attitudes could be better and there are labour shortages out there, but why create staffing problems for the Mounties and even further reducing their effectiveness as a police force?

    Sorry, not racist, just the inevitable result of irrelevant qualifications coming into play.

  10. The RCMP wants to attract members from groups more likely to have contact with the criminal justice system AKA criminals? Sounds like a recipe for success.

    Many third world immigrants grew up in a shithole state where it was understoof that the police were corrupt, tribally or religiously biased, doin gthe work of the local war lord; where nepotism was the norm. Let’s attract these people to the RCMP where they can behave according to their social norms. Great idea. Just Great!

  11. B*tch, B*tch, B*tch. You should all look on the bright side. We have just replaced the famous Ottawa Two Step, you know one step forward with two steps back, with our new national dance, the Limbo. You all know that one. The one that asks “How Low Can You Go!” Well now we know the answer, we are going to turn over our law enforcement over to…. Ta DA!, the bad guys. I’m shocked I tell you Shocked. /sarc.

  12. Please do understand that Your Betters will not give pig toys to anyone who might use same against them. Of course, they have no concern whatsoever about said pig toys being used against Deplorables…

  13. Well the RCMP are galloping relentlessly toward irrelevance. I hear they are going to unionize (right there is the problem – police unions should be smashed, using tanks, LAV’s and mortar fire support if necessary) and if that happens, you price them right out of the municipal market. About time. Local municipalities can go all Somalia by hiring ex-RCMP people, or not, as they choose.

    Businesses, consumers and tourists will make their decisions accordingly.

    Look, Canada as an experiment has failed (as has the US, by the way). Optimal size for a nation is around 5-8 million. Anything bigger becomes an Empire of sorts. Do fecktards in DC really have a clue what is good for rural Montana? Really? Seriously? How is the US not an empire, lording over its distant colonies and provinces across the Great Divide?

    It is well past time to start breaking up these Hapsburg-style, creaking Empires, and restore the right to self-determination.

    Albertans, get to work. You have a great nation to build!

  14. In a related story, Trump ordered the US military to STOP enlisting transgendered soldiers.

    Gawwd I LOVE MY President!

  15. This kind of cultural degradation is in keeping with any nation that chose to elect the Spawn and his ilk to “lead” the country. The perfect image to go along with it is the Spawn doing his Bollywood dancing in full colourful bridal garb. Full-on nihilism to the circle-jerk bubble of cheer-leading media parrots.

  16. Perhaps abolishing the RCMP would be a better solution. If, for example if there were no RCMP, there would have been no effective green blockades against forestry or pipelines as all they serve to do is protect the green priest blockaders from people who only want to get to their legal job site. Half a dozen pipeline workers with baseball bats would be all that’s required to allow construction to proceed on Trans Mountain. Plus there would be no one to enforce the idiocy from the SCOC. FNs could negotiate and settle or retreat to their corrupt ghettos without any otherwise unearned bounty. To dream…..

  17. The rcmp has been in free fall for decades. There are years when they can’t even fill a troop. They are taking recruits who are in their 50’s. They continually lower the standard and still can’t get anybody to apply.

    They are a political police force. Poorly trained involved in municipal policing that they are lousy at. They send out people who dont understand rural communities and refuse to integrate into them.

    The time to get rid of the rcmp is long past due. The system has worked for prime ministers from quebek.

  18. I really don’t see what is the big deal here. Someone with a background in breaking end entering would for example fit right in with the High River JBT detachment.

  19. They aren’t able to get the best representatives from these communities, so they take the inferior ones who will be barely competent, thus perpetuating offensive racial stereotypes. Liberals are dumb.

  20. Gee, couldn’t see that coming, eh?!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_960/image.jpg&imgrefurl=

    She quite probably cuts the most ridiculous figure I’ve ever seen in uniform … and that’s saying a lot. In any event, she’s exactly what the Royal Canadian Migrant Porters deserve.

    1. She looks like she was brought up on a steady diet of doughnuts and fat ugly girly friends with short cut purple hair…

      Obviously a Lesbian seeing as Shitferbrains is smiling….??
      Im sure the boys standing there were SOOooo “proud’

      Enough to make me puke….

  21. “She quite probably cuts the most ridiculous figure I’ve ever seen in uniform”

    There used to be a time when the RCMP had uniforms cut for female bodies and they looked good. Now they all look like lesbians despite the fact that a few are not. When I was in the army 30 – 40 years ago, women had uniforms that respected the female superstructure. I hope they still do.

  22. What we have here is a failure to communicate. A woman, no doubt a proud PC leftist who thinks that
    eliminating a background check and an affirmative action hiring policy is a fine idea, is the head of the RCMP.
    Yup, right in line with the Turdoo’s idea of a brilliant progressive idea.

    1. I grew up with someone who became one of the first female recruits. She stayed with the Mounties for close to 30 years and retired at a high rank.

      Sadly, she was killed in a car accident about 15 years ago. If she was alive today, I wonder what she would think of what’s happened to the force.

  23. This reminds me of Stanley Kubrick’s “A Clockwork Orange” where the violent predatory gang members, by the end of the film, are recruited as the perfect police candidates, rather than face prison….

    Sadly Kubrick was a visionary….

    1. Although I thoroughly agree with you about Stanley Kubrick, I would suggest that in this case Anthony Burgess was the visionary.

  24. But what will the Liberals do when they’ve weekend the RCMP so much they cannot protect the Liberals from the great unwashed?

    1. I think their solution is known as “refugees” and “a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian”. (“Hello, Omar?”)

  25. My respect for the RCMP went down big time after the High River incident. They have become a political police force.

  26. If this is what the current staffing at the RCMP is doing to attract talent, they are already at the bottom, what’s a few more inept folks?

  27. The reason that no one wants to be a policeman in this country is because cops are not allowed to do their jobs. The are always worried about being charged with a crime for making a mistake. And the pay is shit.

    So, either fix the obvious problems and big good tough men will apply or …. if you want obedient bots with guns, hire those immigrants … they love Glocks.

  28. They would probably have no shortage of recruits if they’d hire white men. I suspect that there are lots of good quality white men applying and they are not even considered because white men. The other possibility is that the RCMP and the larger civil service in general have made it known that white men are not wanted, so they don’t bother applying any more.

  29. The new country of Rupertsland (Buffalo North) should insist on open carry by all voting citizens,as a means of keeping policing and healthcare costs under control.
    Might even keep prison costs down too.
    Think of the new school classes,hell if we had had shooting lessons I might even have enjoyed going to school.
    Teaching the new constitution and civic responsibility would make the socialist hangovers crazy.

  30. Yes, when I first heard this item in passing the other day, I thought: “Oh, they’re going back to a straightforward recruiting system and dropping all the nonsense that’s keeping perfectly good high school graduates from becoming constables based on merit alone.”

    Silly me.

    This initiative will fail. The RCMP just goes from one catastrophe to another. It’s shameful, really.

  31. this is actually NOT a news story.
    the FarceCMP if infested with. among other things, SEXUAL offenders a la the $100,000,000 successful class action suit alleging same, and, AND, the brand new one 10 times bigger for all those officers and civvie employees who missed out the first time for fear of their jobs:

    and not a word of thanks to the taxpayers who have to ante up.
    why not gut their pensions, seize their property, lock down their bank accts etc instead?

  32. Presumably marksmenship is not going to be one of the criteria either. In my experience on Vancouver gun ranges cops are worrisomely bad with a pistol. Maybe it’s just a way of “accidently” bumping off enemies of the state by declaring that being able to put all shots into a human sized area at 20′ is discriminatory and racist.
