65 Replies to “January 31, 2019: Reader Tips”

    1. Assuming that the bill is passed and assuming that the US shot first would there be a court to try it? Who would they arrest? The guy with the codes? Military men in the silos?

      1. Good point 🙂 Maybe she thinks she will as she will be safe in her government supplied nuclear bunker.

  1. Buzzfeed sells YouTube on censorship

    By convincing YouTube to fix its “misinformation” problem, Buzzfeed has convinced YouTube to decrease its promotion of ordinary, independent creators, and exaggerate the importance and prominence of the mainstream media instead. Like so many other recent gambits in the culture wars, it’s corporate censorship dressed up as progress.

    But here’s the good news: it’s not going to work. The more that woke corporate interests try to conceal alternative voices, the more people will seek them out. It’s why individuals like Peterson and PewDiePie keep growing in popularity. It’s why venues like Quillette keep growing in popularity. Here at The Post Millennial, we’ve tripled our readership in the last three months.


  2. Paging Dr. Mengele.

    The New York State legislature has put in place one of the most radical abortion laws in the United States following a vote in both chambers on Tuesday.



    So if they can kill babies until day of birth how long before they can kill enemies of the people?

    1. Hey, if Fidel’s Dr. doesn’t come through for RGB, Trump can put a Amy Barrett on the court and overturn NY’s genocidal law.

      1. “[Consider] how much you’d have to hate free will to come up with a political platform that advocates killing unborn babies but not convicted murderers. A callous pragmatist might favor abortion and capital punishment. A devout Christian would sanction neither. But it takes years of therapy to arrive at the liberal view.”

        – P.J. O’Rourke

    2. So does this mean in the future if you kill someone it could (will) be looked upon as a Post Birth Abortion????? Just wondering…Steve O

    1. I want Scheer to come out swinging against the Insanity of the Liberal carbon tax. Climate Barbie can call it what she likes ,it will do squat on the pollution scale and accomplish nothing beyond taking our money. Beware of any government that sets up a Ponzi scheme.

      We also need to hear from Scheer on Justin and company’s nonsense about ensuring we have no foreign involvement in our election. Is he accusing Conservatives of having outside interference working in their favour? What a laughing stock we have become.

      If ever there were a time we needed to get rid of a government this is it. If we return this stupid lot, and stupid is all I can come up with, we are sending the message around the world we are actually, well, stupid. Stupid is what stupid does.

      1. Tell the idiots to stop importing third world welfare migrants. They produce CO2 don’t ya know. They suck up the resources of the country don’t ya know and give nothing back.

      2. Do you think the Liberals might start with the Tides USA and Tides Canada interference in Canada’s election or in our energy resource industry? Nah, I didn’t think so.

      3. While I agree with your post,Liz, it is a fact that most people do not pay any attention to politics at all. We here are “political junkies”, a term I hate, and we spend more time studying the realm of politics in one week than the average person does in two years.
        The person who comes home from work tired, has dinner/supper,then flops in front of the TV for a couple of hours to get his information from the msm is the typical Canadian. They aren’t stupid, as we here like to sneeringly imply, they are BUSY with their lives, and many of them are the people who comprise the backbone of this Country. I could give dozens of examples of people I know personally, as could many here.

        The job of selling a political philosophy or political Party is on the Parties. It is their full time well paid job/career to get the message out, to inspire the people to vote for them.If they do NOT do this job well, the only people to blame are the people working for the Party. The voters were not “stupid” in 2015 as we like to tell ourselves, the CPC and Stephen Harper’s staff did a BAD job of selling their message to the voters.

        I equate politics to sports, as the media love to call politics a “blood sport”, so okay: when a political Party fails in it’s efforts to win the voters and the election, to claim the voters were “stupid” is the same as if the losing team in the Stanley Cup final blamed the hometown fans because they didn’t cheer loudly enough.

        This time around, the CPC professionals have to do a better job of inspiring the voters than their counterparts in the Liberal Party, THAT is all there is to it. Failure to do so is NOT on the voters, it is on the losing political Parties and THEIR failure to do their jobs better than the other guys.

      4. Liz: Please, please do not use the word ‘pollution’ in relation to CO2. It’s a typical leftist tactic to use emotive language like that to demonise something that is actually beneficial.

        If we start using their words, we’ve lost. They keep repeating that lie so that it becomes an established part of the average person’s thought process. We must push back as hard as we can.
        Agree with the rest of your post.

        1. Agree on not using pollution. We should also not refer to the left as progressives. Call them progs instead.

        2. I have read Liz’s comment…she did not refer to the CO2 as pollution.Libs have ignored serious pollution in Montreal and Vancouver. I believe that was her point.

    2. Put that under the “Well Duh” file.
      Unfortunately the all too numerous Stupido Canadese species doesn’t understand. Meanwhile the champagne socialists are all too happy to promote the behavioural change of the aforementioned stupidos by taxing Every Thing.

    1. How anyone could expect an electric car to make it up Montreal’s Cote-de-neige in even a light snowfall is beyond comprehension. This enterprise deserves to fail.

  3. Trudeau’s Toronto Star is excited that the most important legislation in history will soon be tabled. Yes a bill to recognize and promote dead languages. The legislation will provide 90 million dollars to indians to promote their long lost languages. The Heritage Minister will be burning jet fuel to the UN to show the world that it is following UN orders. And if your in the Toronto area tonight, don’t forget that feminist Trudeau will be burning jet fuel to Milton for another of his taxpayer funded town halls. Women and potheads will be braving the global warming cold to worship at his feet. Please avoid the journalists so you don’t get drool on your shoes.

    1. Milton?
      My hope is that many that signed up to attend don’t show up.
      Its much harder to maintain an image of popularity when you can’t fill a room with supporters.
      Just ask Her.

      1. And hope that those that do show, ask him real questions, like how much carbon taxation does it take to change behaviour or why are natives suing the feds to put the in Eagle Spirit pipeline or Prime Minister, how much are your monthly heating bills or would you be happy to live next door to an ex ISIS member.

        1. That my friend will never happen.
          EACH and every TrudeauTtown Hall attendees are carefully screened. Only LGBTXYZ, Trans, College and & University SJW Mrxist type students and devout Liberal supportrs allowed.

          All staged by Pravda North and sent out on th Airwaves as the next Propaganda film praising Dear Leader.

    1. CBC is just peddling the AGW fraud and spewing the stuff I used to shovel out the back door of the hog barn.

    2. Yes Joe, I read that too (know your enemy, and be ready with the counter argument).

      One of my favourite left-baiting tactics is to pose this question: If unusually hot weather is evidence of global warming, and unusually cold weather is also evidence, what weather patterns would you expect if we were in a period of global cooling?

      All I ever get is a blank stare.

    3. Wrong. Climate Barbie said she was the minister in charge of the weather,and yes she did say that, therefore she must take responsibility, that’s her portfolio. All complaints must be directed to her.

    1. The comments are hilarious. Who knew that rubbing the kid with Frank’s Hot Sauce, or spraying the kid with Windex would prevent measles. Lol!

  4. I know that -20 C in the winter is not unusual but it is not evidence of global warming either.


    I thought the science was settled…

    “Though it’s a relatively new area of study, there’s increasing evidence that suggests this phenomenon will happen more often and become more extreme.”

    If the Arctic is warming up 2-3 times faster than the Earth and the Earth is warming due to global warming then why is the Arctic air so cold?

    “A recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report found the Arctic is warming two to three times faster than anywhere else on Earth. This temperature difference upsets the stability of the jet stream. And that brings the cold Arctic air southward where it can linger.”

    Then why are the climate models running so hot?

    “We have seen more of these; we’ve noticed that trend already, that’s proven. And all of our climate models show this trend will continue,” Wagstaffe said. “And that doesn’t just mean more heat and more drought conditions. It can also mean more of these extreme cold blasts or extreme wet or snowy systems staying in place longer than normal.”

    And all our climate models show this trend? I thought the climate models were produce years ago before the polar vortex was even discovered (Wagstaffe calls it “a new area of study”) and now it’s in the highly accurate (sarc) climate models? Does this mean the climate models were recently adjusted?

    The article links to an article in Nature that discusses the Polar Vortex (as evidence that the Polar Vortex is changing due to global warming). But as I read the article the changes are away from North America and toward Eurasia due to reduced Arctic sea-ice coverage (last 2 paragraphs on page 1095). The CBC article claims the opposite, that the Vortex is highest in North America and lowest in Europe and Russia (isn’t that part of Eurasia?). Doesn’t matter – nobody reads the links anyway, just the headlines.

    1. What a bunch of crap. Do they actually seriously write this garbage and not see how ludicrous it is.

        1. LindaL, yes, look at the fools who are taken in, most of them are our MP’s and MLA’s. And from every party.

          Politicians have little else of interest than getting elected and staying elected, so anything they learn is showed to them by their staffers. If the staffers aren’t interested or knowledgeable about global warming, neither are the politicians they work for.

          Has there ever been a poll of MP’s stance on climate change? I’d bet 335 out of the 338 believe in the Gore/Suzuki myth.

  5. And now the Democratic Communist Gov. of Virginia is OK with abortion after the child is born. How long until Canada allows the same. This is cold blooded murder. After the baby is born they would stabilize the baby while the woman and the doctor discuss the murder of the now born baby. MURDER. https://freebeacon.com/issues/northman-on-40-week-abortion-bill-infant-would-be-delivered-and-then-a-discussion-would-ensue-between-the-physicians-and-the-mother/

  6. I don’t put a lot of stock in polls but would someone on here from the Maritime provinces explain to me why those provinces constantly go liberal in every poll and election?

      1. 2Terry and Ken, I am from the Maritimes and it is true that Atlantic Canada elected all Liberals in its 32 seats. But in the past there have been Conservatives elected, albeit historically the region has tended Liberal ( few NDPers have been elected). Most of the reason for this has been transfer deprndency, and the lack of a conservative tradition and conservative media. On top of this, we get a disproportionate amount of news from the local CBC and other Totonto-based media, who typically support Liberals.

        There is hope. In New Brunswick we elected three Peoples Alliance Party MLAS in this recent provincial election, and the three are helping to prop up the Progressive Conservative government under Blaine Higgs. As well, Brunswick News in my province, owned by the Irving family, has turned staunchly conservative in the past number of years — and the strong pro-business bias might help. As well, Atlantic Canada is mostly rural, with a strong hunting and religious culture. And we have little immigrant-based crime to speak of. — David Murrell in Fredericton.

        1. “Most of the reason for this has been transfer dependency,…”
          This is why my short comment of ‘It pays well’.

    1. The odds that someone from there will reply are low as they’re all too busy collecting EI payments.

  7. Trudeau’s CBC reports that the budget director’s office has issued a statement that Groper paid up to a billion dollars too much for the Trans Canada pipeline. But the CBC says Groper is wonderful because we will make lots of money when the pipeline is built. Yeah, like that’s ever going to happen.

    1. I’ve heard reports that there is good evidence to suggest the libranos paid double what the pipeline was worth.
      There were no other bidders for the line. It was dead in the water until the libranos jumped to the front of the line and eared down those Texans at Kinder Morgan….ha

      It’s been said the shareholders were ecstatic and it took them minutes to approve the sale. And why wouldn’t they? With the premium Canada paid.

  8. First: We “bussed” poor “urban” people into suburban schools
    Now: We have to build affordable homes for the “urban poor” in the suburbs


    And we have to build the CHEAP, high-density housing utilizing UNION Labor … at “prevailing wages”. Math … and Sociology … are subjects the leftist FOOLS flunked. We suburban dwellers will simply MOVE … further into the hinterlands … leaving a suburban ghetto behind. FOOLS!!!

  9. “The top court’s ruling released Thursday overturns two lower court decisions that said bankruptcy law has paramountcy over provincial environmental responsibilities in the case of Redwater Energy, which became insolvent in 2015. That meant energy companies could first pay back creditors before cleaning up old wells. In practical terms, that means energy companies could walk away from old oil and gas wells, leaving them someone else’s responsibility.”


    In typical fashion CBC has missed the meaning of this ruling. The part “energy companies could first pay back creditors before cleaning up old wells” is very misleading. When an oil & gas company seeks bankruptcy protection it is because they can’t pay their bills and almost always when their liabilities exceed the value of their assets. All this ruling does is bring environmental cleanup to the same level as the bankers. On the surface this would appear to be a good thing.

    However, it just creates another problem. Companies that finance the junior oil & gas companies will shy away from the very companies that need money to stay in business, especially at low oil prices. It could have the effect of tipping more companies into bankruptcy because the banks will have to assume more risk.

    What should have happened (years ago) is the government needs to take a more active stand in ensuring non-producing wells are capped. These so-called stripper wells are kept in operation because it costs more to close them down than to keep them pumping 2-3 barrels per month.

    When an oil & gas well starts producing a small portion of the gross revenue from the well should be placed into an arms-length account (not accessible by the government or the oil & gas company). When the amount of money in the account reaches the estimated closure cost of the well the oil & gas company is not required to continue contributing toward closing costs. When the well is to be closed the oil & gas company simply notifies the account holder and the money is paid to local contractors who close the well. Some wells are drilled and never produce oil & gas. The well owners should have a specified time to close the wells (within 12 months say) or risk having the closure costs extracted from their producing wells. Companies that do not have production wells would have to post a closure bond for each well they produce, until they start making money or until all their non-producing wells are closed off.

    This is not rocket science. In Texas you need a producers license. The problem is you only have to post $50,000 for up to 10 wells and it costs about $75,000 to close off a well and rehabilitate the site. So the larger producers sell off the declining wells to the smaller producers who squeeze as much money out of the wells before they slip out of town, leaving the wells abandoned and open.

    In Alberta the provincial government should take control of this very real problem. Start with the new wells and work backward. The government insists on owning the oil & gas rights without any of the responsibility. Putting a bankrupt company in charge of well closures is ridiculous. Now the banks won’t touch these companies and the problem with uncapped wells only gets worse.

    1. This the anti-business communist government of Alberta appealing. They are simply hoping it ruins funding the oil business. There should be more contributions to the Orphan Well Fund.

    1. Cool, i have nothing better to do tomorrow. I might go for a half hour drive and check it out. Considering I don’t have a keyfob, any complicated electronics on my vehicle I’m not too worried.

  10. National Post reports that Groper has a seven billion dollar slush fund set aside for the election.
