Captain Marvel or Church: You’re Getting a Sermon Either Way

“We all work 40-60 hours a week. We commute 10. And after another 15 hours of chores and basic requirements of life, what few precious hours of freedom we have we cherish and value above all else. And it is those few hours of freedom that ultimately determine the happiness and enjoyment we get out of life. And the hell if we’re going to ruin it with politics.”

41 Replies to “Captain Marvel or Church: You’re Getting a Sermon Either Way”

  1. If you didn’t realise this was gonna be a sermon when the casting was announced, you weren’t paying enough attention. What I’m surprised about was that it wasn’t a woman of colour cast in the role, because diversity representation.

    1. “What I’m surprised about was that it wasn’t a woman of colour cast in the role”

      They were all busy playing judges in various TV series.

    1. I saw the Wonder Woman movie because everyone made a stink about Gal Gadot being proud of her IDF service. The movie was not at all preachy or political.

      If Hollywood wants to start making money again, it should stop making sermons and start telling stories.

      But that warm sense of self-righteousness doesn’t stem from hard work, so …

      1. I enjoyed WW. But I did think it was a bit preachy, at least in places. I just tune it out, if it’s not too bad and the story is good.

        1. Agreed. If someone watched WW and didn’t see gender politics at play, they should open their eyelids next time they watch it. It wasn’t as overt as Black Panther Wakanda Forever but it was there.

          Do what “a friend” of mine does. Watch them a couple months later when the HD torrents are available for free online. Starve Hollyweird, it’s the only way.

          1. It had that, largely to generate sympathy and laughs. But from the beginning, it was “feminism good, men bad”. As the exposition would have it, the only two major problems the Amazons (ultimate feminism) ever had were caused by men: Mars and Captain Trevor. And for her sojourn into the real world, Ms Prince’s experiences bore that out: all her problems there were caused by men, and so was the massive death and destruction of the War. The super-smart Etta was kept down by the patriarchy. The super-smart Dr Maru was twisted to evil by men, but she still had a good heart despite her ugliness, or something. Even the lasso of truth has the subtext that you have to force men to tell the truth. Had not Captain Trevor (and his incursion team) shown that [a] man could be good despite his flaws, giving his life to save others (understand that he had to die to make this point–just another “disposable man”), the implication is that the outcome of the story would have been a war between the gods that would destroy humanity (IIRC), which mattered not at all to Mars. That the key to ending the War in-story was the removal of male aggression is not a point that should be elided or missed.

            Front to back, it’s more than a little anti-male and pro-feminist. But I still enjoyed the movie, despite the telegraphing of Mars’s secret identity. 🙂

    2. Seeing a movie is better cause much of the current generation can’t read well enough to handle comic books.

  2. Oh oh oh oh !!! I know the answer !! I know the answer !! Call on me, Pastor Hollywood!! I know the moral of the story!! Oh oh oh oh … call on meeee!!!

    Yessss kennnnjjjjjiiii …

    Homely women can be superhero leading females too!!!

    Welllll k-k-k en ji… that’s part of “the word” … “the message”, but don’t be rude, we prefer say “women with healthy body images”, women who defy the “lookism” of patriarchal Hollywood.

    Oh oh oh oh … and … white Men are stupid, ugly, backward, ignorant, dangerous, vile, villains who deserve the most ironic and hilarious deaths possible … which will lead to the ultimate nirvana promised by the Socialist prophets of the early 21st Century!!

    Gooooood … olllllddd Kenji. However, your understanding of all knowledge and wisdom has come too late for you. Our new Medicaid for ALL healthy-care mandate has scheduled you for termination. I just received word from the Death Committee (don’t call it a “Panel”). You will be eliminated before your next humiliating shave by the Gillette Priesthood.

  3. Political sermons seem to be all that’s available in church nowadays.

    1. Yep … every church is now a “Jesus was a leftist” Church. Well … except all those parts where Jesus said … “Go and sin no more”. Those parts were “mis-translated” by the chauvinistic patriarchal disciples.

      Oh … and the mega-churches who preach Jesus is gonna make you $$Rich$$ !!

      1. Some 40 years ago, those same churches acted like the Beatitudes included statements such as “blessed are those who know how to use AK-47s and RPGs”.

        And, yet, the churches keep wondering why their congregations are diminishing….

      2. I don’t know about in Canada, but down here in the US, there are still churches that preach without politics, left or right, and without deviating from the basic, traditional doctrine. Granted, they rarely get headlines or even mention in the media, but they still exist.

        1. If the faithful don’t FLOCK to those churches … mankind is doomed … and John’s REVELATION will play out before our very eyes.

    2. Ouch! But I guess that is true. I have heard the United’s don’t even worry about including Christ in their belief system.

    3. Recently our Free Methodist Church had a four Sunday series on truth and reconciliation. It was mostly left wing propaganda from the native grievance industry. There was only one Sunday where the native gave his testimony for Christ. The other Sundays featured a native activist. I blasted the pastor for this propaganda and received a hateful reply. Sad.

  4. I have not watched a comic book movie in years. Same old preachy boring crap where the heroines, or what ever gender, talk BS. A Star Wars started as an epic Space Opera. Lasted one movie and then spiraled down the drain to that latest piece of rubbish. Not much good coming from Hollywood these days.

    1. Hollywood has forgotten how to make decent movies. I saw Captain Phillips and Zero Dark Thirty a few months ago on cable and I found them to be insufferably dull and boring, completely lifeless and uninteresting.

      By comparison, TCM is in its annual 31 Days of Oscar film festival. This past Friday, I saw The French Connection. Monday night, I watched once more She Wore A Yellow Ribbon with John Wayne and I found it enormously entertaining. Last night, it was Tora! Tora! Tora!, which I thought was well-crafted. Tonight, I plan on watching The Mark of Zorro with Tyrone Power. I’ve seen it before and it’s a fun movie.

      So, what changed, Hollywood?

      1. It has been pointed out that in the 1950’s, entertainers were the most heavily taxed people in the United States.

        Few Americans got any genuine tax relief between the 1950’s and today, unless they worked in Hollywood. The Democrats bought Hollywood off with tax exemptions. Everybody else paid for them.

      2. what changed Hollywood? My generation of faux hippies who grew up in sheltered suburbs of white privilege and feeeeeeeel terrible guilty about that. Even as they amass self-congratulatory awards and massive $$$$ incomes beyond the imaginations of their hard-working two parent families … they mock their stable, noble, parents and communities that enabled them to mock all that made them great.

      3. They haven’t forgotten. They just don’t have to. Without the Hayes code, you just throw some naked women on screen, everybody having sex with everybody, whether it’s a western, drama, comedy, …, every other word a curse, and people will come see it.

        You don’t need plot, character development, or a story. Just boobs and sex and constant cursing.

  5. I am even getting a bit sick of having to deal with politics in my politics. I am only half kidding, because what I find about the political divide is that as soon as people realize you are a Conservative, they make way too many assumptions about what that entails. (eg., If you challenge the idea that global warming is causing havoc with the weather, you must not care about the environment.) The assumptions and false connections are quite pernicious. Canada is the worst because there are virtually no mainstream media sources that cover Conservative perspectives in a meaningful way. The typical Canadian mind-set is created by leftist propaganda.

  6. With one small name change, a truer song was never written

    Boy the way Glen Miller played
    Songs that made the Hit parade
    Guys like us we had it made
    Those were the days
    And you knew who you were then
    Girls were girls and men were men
    Mister we could use a man like Joseph McCarthy again

    Didn’t need no welfare state
    Everybody pulled his weight
    Gee our old LaSalle ran great
    Those were the days.

    1. Yes … however … you DO KNOW that was sarcastic mockery of normalcy? Hollywood had just started its long march into the depths of depravity

  7. May I suggest that even most sermons are rubbish, and one’s time is better spent reading God’s Word oneself, not listening to someone’s distortion thereof.

    1. To the HONEST man (person) … God’s own words are easily translated and understood by our heart. Our spiritual selves understand the message with perfect clarity. The DISHONEST man (person) twists the scriptures into some sort of bizarre attack on glysophate.

    2. Then you are attending the wrong church. There is a lot of background info that isn’t recorded in the Bible that is presented in the preaching. And everything you read or see or hear needs to be verified unless you are a NPC.

  8. I hate leftist agendas pushed into movies more than anybody. (I waited 25 years for a Ghostbusters sequel and got feminist manifesto garbage)

    But Captain Marvel looks good. What’s the leftist agenda here exactly? Most incarcerations of Captain Marvel were female. Wasn’t she called Ms.Marvel for awhile?
    The Carol Danvers verison is a half Kree amnesiac I believe. None of the trailers indicate “feminism” other than her being an airforce pilot. (Which is a real thing women have done and do actually)
    Captain Capitalism is turning into a bitter old grump.

  9. It’s just odd. Kevin Feige has done a good job of keeping #currentyear woke politics out of the MCU up until now, only to end up doing this with the MCU’s apex hero. Worse, it’s a straight-up plagiarizing of DC.

    I’m getting more than a faint sense that the top dogs over at MarDisVelNey know they’ve milked all they can get out of the Marvel franchise and don’t how to wind it down, so they’re just throwing whatever on the screen now.
