When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal

The William Barr interview: Full Transcript – and it’s good.

JAN CRAWFORD: The four page summary that you wrote, did you ask in that March 5th meeting for the special counsel to kind of redact all the grand jury material?
WILLIAM BARR: Yes, not redact it but highlight it so we could redact it, we would, so, you know, the report was over 400 pages, I knew that it was voluminous and coming our way in a few weeks. My intent was to get out as much as I could as quickly as I could. To do that I would have to, as a matter of law, make sure that grand jury material was redacted because regardless of the political posturing that’s going on it’s not lawful for me to just make that public.
JAN CRAWFORD: Not even to Congress?
JAN CRAWFORD: So you could even give Congress, which of course is demanding that and threatening to hold you in contempt because you’re not giving them the full report
WILLIAM BARR: That’s right, and so–
JAN CRAWFORD: But by law you can’t?
WILLIAM BARR: Right, and so because we were not involved in the investigation we would have no way looking at the report of determining what was grand jury material and what wasn’t, so we had for a period of weeks been asking the special counsel’s office to highlight the stuff so we could quickly process it for release and I guess–
JAN CRAWFORD: For a period of weeks you had asked for this material?
WILLIAM BARR: Yeah even before the March 5 meeting we had asked or raised the subject–
JAN CRAWFORD: And what was the response?
WILLIAM BARR: And then at the March 5 meeting I made it explicit and then after the March 5th meeting we asked..
JAN CRAWFORD: And what was the response?
WILLIAM BARR: We thought it was being– we thought it was being done and I do believe they were putting in more footnotes in that would be necessary ultimately in identifying the material but whether the wires were crossed or whatever it didn’t come in a form that identified the 6E material.
JAN CRAWFORD: And that was a surprise to you when you got the report?
JAN CRAWFORD: You, I just want to be clear on this. How long and how many, you expected the special counsel’s office to redact that material, so to point out what should be redacted —
WILLIAM BARR: Right. Right.
JAN CRAWFORD: So the four-page summary would have been unnecessary?

Via @MZHemingwayAMAZING INTERVIEW! Stunning ending. Read every word.

21 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. It will not matter how many lies are exposed. The corruption is so deep that only a war will clean it up.

    1. I fear you might be right. These people are not going to go quietly. Although if it does come to blows, our side would win. Your typical leftist in the U.S. doesn’t even know how to throw a punch, let alone win an actual physical confrontation. Heck, they don’t even know what bathrooms to use.

  2. I’ve always liked that Jan Crawford. She’s an actual real journalist. Excellent legal analyst. There used to be two real journalists at CBS News. Sharryl Atkinson was the other one. But she left of course after her boss David Rhodes (Ben Rhodes’ brother) allowed the government to spy on her computer.Now there’s just Jan.

    1. Exactly. Sharryl’s two books make excellent reading and give a real insight into how the media is politically biased and corrupt.

  3. The Mill Wheels Grind exceedingly slow and exceedingly fine. I think what you are seeing is the gradual exposure of a Marxist Coup de etat by Obama and Hillary and their minions they had put in place at the heads of the various agencies.
    If not handled carefully you could see cw2 in the USA. You have to remember that the USA is not a Democracy, it is a Republic. You have to remember that the citizens do have a full set of teeth in the USA. The 2nd Amendment. The Patriots in the USA will not surrender their arms to anybody. And that is a good thing. That is why the Founding FATHERS wrote their Constitution that way. Because they knew that the Patriot in the end would uphold the law.
    At Lexington and Concord when the Superpower of the whole world at that time the British Empire, attacked them, and bloodied their noses. They did not surrender. As the British left Lexington to remove the Patriots arms and powder and shot. The American Militia took to the bush and began a Guerilla War against that Superpower and slaughtered them in their retreat back to base.
    These same American Patriots are what stand in the way of the Globalists of this day and age. The UN, the Obama/Clinton/Trudeau’s of the world. They all know that which is why the UN and their stooges of the world, the Obama’s/Clinton/Trudeau’s are so desperate.
    God Bless the American Patriots. Poor Canada very few Patriots. So many Communists. Canada is infested with Communists like a pup with a swollen belly full of worms. It is hard for Canadians to understand because they have had Freedom and Liberty Bred out of them, and have no desire for Freedom and Liberty. They are INMATES of the PENAL COLONY called Canada. And are happy and grateful slaves.

    1. So many thought that Reagan bankrupted the Russians which led to their collapse. Perhaps so but did he? Communism is a movement with roots back over 120 years. It is a movement that can subvert many well intentioned people.

      I would suggest that since Reagan’s time the world wide communist movement has regrouped and led by Russia and China have reasserted their long term goal of destroying their only global challenger the USA. Instead of tanks they have doubled down on their subversion from within as they control education, media and government employee sectors. This process, while longer, is much cheaper and getting far better results.

      Many referred to the group that opposes POTUS Trump as the ‘Deep State’. There might be some truth to that but I would also add a substantial influence of ‘5th Column’ forces directed by Russia and China. Whether many of these ‘5th Columnists’ realize who directs them or not is irrelevant. Am I some John Birch Society throwback? I like to think of myself as a student of geo-political process. Communism was never really defeated. The two stalwarts, Russia and China, were never occupied. Why would the world assume those in control would ever ‘magically’ change their perception of the world? Communism is a dictatorship. The West’s misguided attempts to mollify their geo-political imperatives by using trade, thusly wealth, has failed miserably. All this has done is provide the money to accelerate their destruction of the capitalist model.

      1. Just my observation CT. Up until Reagan Collapsed the Iron Curtain all the Commie Slaves were contained behind that wall. All their manufactured goods were crap, think Lada.
        They could not compete with western industrial products. Except to sell junk to places like Cuba. The west beginning with the UK gradually became socialist in order to contain any unrest and win the Cold War. The Cold War actually began with Churchill.
        The west kept supplying the sugar to western workers in the form of gradual socialist policies. So the seeds of socialism were planted in the west already. Reagan unleased millions and millions of former communist slaves by bringing down that wall.
        The leaders of the west along with their corporate friends saw a huge labor pool of cheap labor that could be quickly educated and gotten into production. So Globalization was born.
        At the same time Maurice Strong the Canadian Communist sponsored and controlled by the Canadian Deep State and Globalist Desmarias and Powercorp was placed at the UN and he teamed up with Ghorbachev of the USSR.
        Ghorbachev already had his organization called the Green Shield. He had already began to morph old school Communism into the Environmental Movement.
        They teamed up at the UN Summit in Rio in 1992 and began the Sustainability Movement. They shifted Communist/Marxist ideals and fully integrated them into UN Global Policy. All the ideals of Marxism/Communism are now fully implemented into all UN Sustainability Policy.
        Then willing National Governments who could not openly bring in Communism via the ballot box. Began bringing it into their Nation States under the cover of Sustainability and protecting the Global Environment. Read UN Agenda 21 and 30.
        It is being implemented from the bottom up through your Local Municipal Governments. And the Federation of Canadian Municipalities in Canada. All major Cities are fully plugged in to ICLEI a UN program and the central planning of the Municipalities are the driving force now behind this movement.
        People are too lazy to ask questions and think for themselves. The Carbon Taxes are not about the environment they are about wealth redistribution a fancy word for COMMUNISM. “From each according to his means to each according to his needs.
        Canada is a Communist Country now in all but name. All communist Policies are fully implemented or well underway. The 10 point plan of Communism. 1 Destroy the Family Unit. Check. 2 Disarm the People. Check. 3 Control the Media. Check. 4 State Education and control of children. Check. 5 All land and property belong to the State. Check 6 Get Rid of Religion Check. You get the point. Carry on Comrades. Enjoy your days as an INMATE in the PENAL COLONY of Canada.

        1. Excellently summarized! Don’t forget the role that the Frankfurt School played.

          Soft communism…the modern day version of the Cheka will take care of lose ends later.

        2. Watcher…Yep, yea and defintely yes..!
          But ya forgot one thing…
          The imposition of a Global Islamic Kaliphate via mass migration into every Western hemisphere Country. What better methodology to control the slaves eh..??

          Once in, said “parasitic disease” spreads and eventually overcomes its host.

          As to our Canadian populace…they are blind to the threat and nearly 100% due to WILLFUL IGNORANCE.

  4. Watcher has done his homework and knows exactly what is behind this evil, add in that red beanie wearing perv and a couple others and you have the lot of demons that have been unleashed. The few trying to stop the evil are growing in numbers, if Canada can wake up and see this plasticine moron for the useful idiot it is, then there is a slim hope for us. It’s only our proximity to the US that keeps us from becoming NZ or the UK at this point.

  5. “we live in a hyper-partisan age where people no longer really pay attention to the substance of what’s said”
    “it’s part of the craziness of the modern day”
    “I realize we live in a crazy hyper-partisan period of time”
    Whew… so it’s not just me, the US Attorney General also sees it…

  6. Barr is rock …. one good man against a flood.
    Watergate was so inconsequential compared to this.

    1. This has occurred to me many times. For all the condemnation and demonization of Nixon, his actual transgression was trivial compared to this. It is sickening that we keep waiting for justice against the perpetrators of this scheme and yet nothing ever happens.

    1. YUP Mueller actually worked with Felonious Von Pantsuit to finagle the Uranium One deal with Russia. He is big time corrupt and DEEP STATE as it gets.

  7. I suspect that within the next few months, the Dems’ and their monkey-media’s favorite catch-phrase is going to be ‘witch-hunt’.

    If we are going to see multiple investigations into the ‘pretend’ Hilary/server investigation, the actual Hilary/Russia collusion, the spying on Trump’s campaign, the multiple false FISA applications, etc, then I hope they don’t overlook the Dems truly despicable and illegal behaviors during the Kavanaugh hearings, too.

    I still don’t hold much hope for any real change, though. Mueller’s report exonerated Trump of any guilt, yet the global leftist propaganda industry is twisting it into having the opposite meaning. These past years have been bewildering to witness, almost the entire left is literally blinded by hatred, the desired end justifying nearly any means.

    Over-The-Top seems to be the entire left’s new default mode. I don’t know if Barr can clear away such an thick smokescreen, or not.

    1. Well if he starts applying the law a written and actually arresting some of the criminals we shall see. Either they will seek a rat hole. Or there will be massive resistance. It will be very easy for an Obama or Felonious Von Pantsuit aided and abetted by an indoctrinated compliant media to create great mischief or even foment a civil war. Obama and Clinton are very corrupt ideologues and have massive ego’s. It could be a long hot summer in US cities.

  8. His response to treason argument against Obaminskies was good; I agree, sedition is more appropriate, same penalties btw.
    I would have asked him what he thought of John Brennan calling POTUS a traitor and a former Sec of State in league with Iran.

  9. Odd that Mueller became the petulant child who should have know he was Barr’s Piss-ant @ DOJ… Golly I hope he pleads the onset of dementia to all the Indictments of the GW Bush & Obama skid marks… How the hell did he reach the DIR level without knowing how to avoid Stupid….I am sure that Mueller sealed the need for unsealing the Indictments… The country needs closure! ASAP

    BTW: Why would the NYT tell all its journalists to avoid CNN & NBC cable shows…Threats? or lawsuits? …
    The Wiki-leaks guy is charged with knowingly publishing classified information (stolen)…maybe same with some in MSM

  10. Victoria Toensing, wife of Joe di Genova, was part of an all star panel on Hannity and said there’s suspicion that Obama was using (misusing) the FISA courts during the 2012 campaign against Romney. Big if true and I can’t imagine she would make such a statement without solid evidence. It also stands to reason that Trump was not the only one spied on during the 2016 campaign. You really think Jeb, Marco or Cruz weren’t victims of dirty tricks? I’m sure Hillary had all the bases covered.
