25 Replies to “Things You’ll Never See On The CBC”

  1. But how could Canada survive without CBC epics like “Little Steaming Pile On The Prairie’?

    Where in the world does it say that one of the core duties of the State is to produce inane and boring pop culture sitcoms?
    Even if they weren’t stupid and boring, how in the hell is that responsible use of tax dollars?

    The idea that CBC is needed for remote communities is also utter nonsense.
    If they get CBC they also get the internet or satellite.
    If they have the internet and satellite they have access to hundreds of channels and millions of websites.

  2. Ha ha ha ha…the CBC surely provided some profile for the post millennial. Plus they demonstrated once again how bad they are at recognizing the irony of their stance.

  3. I wonder how many new subscribers/readers the CBC just generated for Post Millenial?

    Always cool to see the complete ignorance of liberal pamphleteers. I honestly used to think the CBC was a sinister promoter of all things commie, but now I think they actually don’t know any better. They actually believe that socialism, SJW nonsense etc all makes sense to them. They’re just ignorant.

    All the same…they need to do it on their own dime. One of my disappointments with Bernier, although relatively minor, is that he did not vote to privatize CBC when given the chance. Hopefully he’s given it a sober second thought.

    1. J-B, don’t be disappointed in Bernier over his stance on the CBC.There isn’t a politician in Canada that would touch the Sacred Cow of the Toronto/Montreal/Ottawa arts -fartsy community.
      Defund CBC and all the media in this country would howl like banshees for the pol’s defeat.They all want a piece of the gravy train at CBC. Who wouldn’t,their salaries are so high they are afraid to publish them.
      I enjoyed “The Beachcombers” in the 70’s,but mainly because I worked in much of the area it was filmed, and they had a good cast. Haven’t seen anything they’ve produced since that was entertaining,and “Little Mosque” was an insult to Canada and Canadians.

      1. That’s why any new government has to destroy the CBC on day one, so that by the time the next election rolls around 4 years later the ex-CBC commies are either out of the country, dead, employed by private enterprise, on welfare or in an asylum for the criminally insane.

        Plus, any government with the courage to destroy that nest of vipers will put a proper fear into the rest of the Media swine.

        Bernier may have that much courage.

        Scheer does not, though he does have the brazen, corrupt courage to size up the situation accurately for who will give him the biggest bribe.

  4. Suppose PM Harper had come out with some rambling verbal diarrhea like…

    “We have recently switched to drinking water bottles out of, uh water, when we have water bottles, out of a plastic … sorry, away from plastic towards paper drink box water bottle sort of things.”

    …CBC and every other media outlet now waiting in line for a slice of $600M would have had front-page and top-of-the-news-hour stories questioning his mental capacity to be mayor of Rubber Boot, SK let alone PM of Canada.

  5. Forget the TV service, why do they have an online presence? That’s not in their charter.

      1. No the minister in charge whoever that may be should unmercifully lay down the rule, no blogging, no web page by CBC period. The $1.6 B is for radio TV transmission, nothing else. Increasing the subsidy allows the organization to grow into areas they would love to operate in but have no justification for. Similar for their commentary role. Other legitimate entities like SDA have a role to play, they shouldn’t have to compete with the state behemoth.


    Progressive propaganda nothing more, funded by the corrupt Liberal Party with taxpayers money.

  7. I find the whole idea of the CBC being a viable unbias news organization to be completely ridiculous. I have always considered them to be synonymous with Liberals. It is impossible for me to have a different conclusion based on the facts.

  8. The Liberals have taken the weaponization of federal public offices including elections Canada, CBC and the RCMP to a whole new level. When the gov is directly paying media outlets, social influencers, social media companies and on the other hand promoting anti conservative speak masked as anti-hate laws and creating rules to censor conservative thinkers we truly have a fascist government now. They have now passed bills to destroy conservative companies and enable Liberal companies to bypass environmental regulations and receive federal grants and free loans. Corruption runs deep in Quebec and even deeper in Trudeau’s family and friends. If the Liberals get tossed in October, the UPC better clean things up quick starting by firing every Liberal manager in Federal offices especially in procurement.

  9. “But a CBC/Radio-Canada investigation found poor transparency around its political ties.”

    That’s rich…

  10. Its ironic that the CBC has the secret agenda but what’s funny is that’s its no secret. Its like Elton John or Liberace shouting out that they’re not gay.

  11. A billion and a half a year in tax dollars to the Marxists at the CBC doesn’t blur any lines?

  12. The CBC being pro-Liberal is one thing, but they and their programming cross a different line by being hardcore anti-Conservative, too. Their mission, to me, appears to be the extinguishing of all conservative values in this country.

    And, their non-stop anti-Trump rhetoric would make even a dedicated fan of CNN and MSNBC blush.

  13. CBC is a case study of persons unable to reason,lecturing all others upon how to reason.
    Alt Right Nazi’s…About as confused a identifier as you can imagine.
    Funny how are progressive comrades are so certain the Nation Socialists are right wing.
    No wonder they label everyone who doubts the socialism mantra they spew,as Alt Right,as we are for sure to the “right” of The National Socialists.
    Trump derangement syndrome thrives at CBC,who needs Canadian News?

    Defunding them is too civil an approach.
    Cutting their funding by 50% each month would be far more fun.
    However the one service CBC provides is a window into the “thinking” of our parasitic overlords.
    Alt Right Haters everywhere…as per CBC/Liberal playbook.
    That we shall never meet one of these fictional creatures and that no one at CBC can name one,is of no importance to “The Narrative”.

  14. Years ago I tried making several inert comments on a few CBC stories in their so called comment section – all CENSORED.

    I put forth nothing rude, no profanity, no extremest views, simply countering opinions to otherwise naked Progressive bias.

    Since then I have cut all cable subscription and trash the CBC every chance I get publicly and online. What a bunch of scumbags!

  15. The cbc has an audience because they speak to Canadians. Canada is a very progressive liberal country and cbc is their voice.

    The 2% of Canadians who are hard core conservatives shouldn’t waste their time listening to the cbc.
