American Mass Shootings Shouldn’t Change Canadian Gun Laws

Predictable  calls for gun bans in Canada after an American incident.

The gun problem in Canada is one of crime, not target shooters or hunters. Criminals using smuggled guns that they buy on the black market and that already violate countless other gun laws. Those people will not abide by any of the bans discussed above.

Read more on debunking gun ban myths….

53 Replies to “American Mass Shootings Shouldn’t Change Canadian Gun Laws”

  1. Banning guns will stop all the shootings in Toronto.

    Sarc off.

    But why would criminals worry about owning a banned gun? If caught, they are rarely jailed. If jailed, they are out after serving one third of their sentence.

    My sentencing solution? Have the criminals peddle bicycles hooked up to electric generators. They can provide their own electricity to heat and light their prisons. Oh and the prison kitchens can also be run off convict power.

    1. *
      former liberal attorney general michael bryant’s car has
      still killed more people than all my guns.

      “The cyclist, clinging to the car as it sped away, then struck
      trees and a grey mailbox like a “human battering ram,”
      Mr. Brazeau said.

      oh, yeah… the honourable mr bryant walked on all charges.


  2. Luke 22:36 says to buy a sword!
    That’s written in red-that’s Jesus own word.
    To me that means you should be able to protect yourself.

    We seem to have folks driving over people with cars.. so does that mean we should ban cars?

    I say it’s time to get back to handing out punishment for these crimes. The fellow that lost his daughter at a school shooting said, and I agree with him ,it’s time to execute these murderers.
    And I’m thinking damn quick!

    Again the bible confirms that’s what to do as well!

  3. I heard something ridiculous on CTV Edmonton’s morning news. They said that there were like 1000 guns stolen yearly in Canada and of these 950 were unsafely stored. I safely store my guns in a sheet metal safe. They are all handy for any thief and ensure that he won’t miss any. I suspect almost all of the guns stolen are long guns.

  4. Maybe they should start with the indian reserves along the Quebec/Ontario/American border. That is where a lot of the guns come through. But I don’t imagine Big Chief Justin will go for that.

  5. Meanwhile back in Toronto 14 people were struck by bullets between Saturday and Monday . All this in a country where owning a hand gun is literally impossible . Not to worry folks the Police Chief says this was not a normal weekend in his fair city.

    1. That commie mayor is trying to figure out how to blame it on Trump, as well as our PrancingPM

  6. Those behind the governments of Canada do not want armed citizens.


    It doesn’t matter if the guns are handguns, shotguns, rifles, or black powder antiques.

    The goal is to disarm the citizenry, and any and every attempt will be made to do so, up to and including false flag shootings, such as the supposed shooting of Corporal Nathan Cirillo by Michael Zehaf-Bibeau in 2014.

    As such, it is pointless attempting to persuade politicians of the disconnect between their proposed gun-related legislation and law-abiding citizens. It’s not like they’re too stupid to realize that themselves.

    The issue is that they’re treasonous and playing along with our enemies behind the curtain – disarming their citizenry in return for a pampered life. For the most treasonous, awards, knighthoods, and ceremonies await, along with a license for perversion and immunity to the laws of the land.

  7. New strategy, call ’em crazy, then confiscate the guns…

    “I like taking guns away early,” Trump said. “Take the guns first, go through due process second.”

    Donald J. Trump

    Verified account

    Follow @realDonaldTrump

    We cannot let those killed in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, die in vain. Likewise for those so seriously wounded. We can never forget them, and those many who came before them. Republicans and Democrats must come together and get strong background checks, perhaps marrying….

    Speaking Monday in response to two mass shootings over the weekend, President Trump pushed one gun control measure that’s been adopted by Massachusetts and more than a dozen other states: a so-called “red flag” law.

    “We must make sure that those judged to pose a grave risk to public safety do not have access to firearms, and that if they do, those firearms can be taken through rapid due process,” Trump said in prepared remarks. “That is why I’ve called for red flag laws, also known as extreme risk protection orders.”

  8. The link is more than a year old, but the multiple shootings in Toronto this past weekend prove that nobody has attempted to deal with the real problem since. As a Toronto Cop friend of mine said this morning — “13 people shot this weekend. But fortunately no one was carded”.

    1. Every year about the same time, they have a festival in Trawna called Caribana. Now I am sure its just a coincidence that there generally is about 10-12 shooting during the weekend, most at this event.

  9. I predict these kinds of attacks will increase in the run-up to the election. It will all be coincidental mind you. Much like the white-police-shoot-black-guy stuff that happened during Hillary’s troubles.

  10. Politicians Promote Murder, Mayhem, & Terror to Propagandize Political Agendas & Consolidate Power

    In his 1991 book, “Behold a Pale Horse”, former United States Naval Intelligence Briefing Team member William Cooper warned of a secret initiative by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. In this sinister plan, described by Cooper near three decades ago, a project called “Orion” was revealed whereby drugs and hypnosis were to be used on mental patients coerced into shooting children in schools. The plan was to inflame the anti-gun lobby and cause middle class Americans to beg their government “protectors” into obliterating the 2nd Amendment.

    On June 28, 2001 William Cooper told of Osama Bin Laden’s connections to U.S. intelligence and even predicted 911. Eight weeks after the Twin Towers fell in New York City Cooper was shot and killed at his home in Eagar, Arizona while resisting arrest.

    1. For 50 yrs the elites that are guarded by men carrying firearms to protect them, have tried to disarm the little guy. Beatings (mass shootings) will continue until the masses obey (new and extreme gun legislation). Trump is our only shield from the “bullets” the puppeteers are shooting at the populace. When he looses in 2020 (yes, the demons will cheat their way to victory), all reason via the Constitution that still existed, will be wiped from the pages of history.
      Find a place to conceal your weapons, plenty of ammo, food, and a water supply. The day is coming that Conservative Americans will be rounded up and imprisoned just like the characters in Red Dawn

  11. The United States never had a gun problem or even a crime problem.

    It had a Negro problem—one generations of American politicians, regardless of party or region, simply refused to deal with, so insistent were they on refusing to hire a white man at a wage allowing the labourer to stay out of debt-peonage if they had any choice whatsoever.

    Canada had problems enough with Indians and Quebec’s self-styled white Negroes. It never had a real Negro problem until Pierre Trudeau opened the floodgates of Third World immigration.

    The moral of American history is this: there is nothing in this world more expensive than cheap labour.

      1. Phantom – right from your own web site “In Chicago, the story is almost identical- with admittedly higher numbers. In the first four months of 2017, 222 murders took place in the heavily gun-controlled windy city. Lott writes, “But 23 of the 77 neighborhoods in the city have zero murders, and most of the 40 neighborhoods have only one murder. Twelve of the neighborhoods have 10 or more murders.”

        What do those neighbourhoods where all the murders are happening have in common? Are they white neighbourhoods? Neighbourhoods reflecting the wider ethnic/ racial make up of the country? I’m pretty sure that is not the case.

        For the situation closer to home, here is the link to Toronto police’s most wanted list. Notice anything?

        1. “What do those neighbourhoods where all the murders are happening have in common?”

          Do all the black people in Chicago live in those high-crime locations? No they don’t. They also live in all the other low-crime locations too. That’s the proof. Its not a black thing. Its an arrangement. The city actively keeps it that way.

          Blacks and whites perpetrate crimes at virtually the same rate except for those arranged locations. Half the shootings in the USA occur in those few locations. The other half occur in the entire rest of the country. That other half is the true crime rate.

          This stuff isn’t hard you guys. Use the brain.

          1. The black murder victimization rate is 17.5 per hundred thousand. The white murder victimization rate is 2.6 per 100,000. For more detail google FBI crime statistics.

          2. “The black murder victimization rate is 17.5 per hundred thousand.”

            Yes, unless you take out the anomalous super-high crime locations. Then it drops down by a large amount, and approaches the white murder rate. BECAUSE HALF THE FRICKING MURDERS IN THE COUNTRY HAPPEN IN THOSE LOCATIONS. That’s what “anomalous” means. Special conditions that don’t exist elsewhere.

            The special condition is that the cops don’t arrest guys for shooting people when they do it there. Everywhere else in the city, they do get arrested.

            I can’t believe I’m sitting here arguing about skin colour causing crime. You realize its exactly the same argument as -guns- causing crime, right? That’s not how it works.

            A better question is why the city of Chicago has designated free-fire zones. Nobody seems to be asking that question, you’re all too busy blaming Teh Negros.

            That’s why nothing ever changes, you know. Conservatives blaming race, Liberals blaming guns. Crime is not caused by either of those things. If you want to find the answer, first you have to admit you don’t know what it is.

          1. No. Again, nice try but if lead were the -cause-, then the crime would happen where the lead pipes are. It does not. Lead pipes are everywhere, crime is concentrated.

          2. Lead pipes and paint tend to be in certain cities and particularly poorer neighborhoods. Other cities are getting rid of the pipe but Chicago is dragging its feet.

  12. Holders of RPAL’s have a narrower path in which to legally walk within Canadian society than do any other people and they’ve made this bargain (albeit forced by legislation) in order to own and shoot restricted weapons.
    I don’t believe there are any or very many states in the US that have such restrictive laws.
    When ignorant Canadians make this comparison they should be mocked, scolded and insulted.

  13. Trudeau’s CBC was excited as Ralphie explained to them that gun control will be part of the Liberal election campaign. Expect lots of election proposals to stop those damn farmers and hunters from shooting up the streets of Toronto.

  14. We should have a ban on guns and murder in Toronto. Oh, wait …

    Maybe if we just banned Mayors.

  15. The left/right march forward…

    “I like taking guns away early,” Trump said. “Take the guns first, go through due process second.”


    GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham said Monday he plans to introduce a bipartisan “red flag” gun confiscation bill that will have President Donald Trump’s support.

    Graham announced he had reached a deal with Democratic Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal to create a federal grant program to help states establish “red flag” laws, or laws that facilitate gun confiscation when a threat is detected, according to a statement.

    “Red flag” laws, also known as gun confiscation orders, are designed to enable people to report the authorities when someone appears to be a threat, so that their firearms can be confiscated for a term.

    Gun rights groups say red flag laws lead to confiscation without due process.

    1. The NY Post-a flagship of the Populist Right-is going Full LAW N ORDAH calling for a ban on salty weapons. This is populism at work people. You get to (ineptly) fight what you (ineptly) created.

  16. That commie mayor is trying to figure out how to blame it on Trump, as well as our PrancingPM

  17. Decide now what you are going to do when the gun ban comes. Are you going to turn in your guns? Are you going to turn in something so that they think you are unarmed? Are you going to get some cosmoline and 4 inch PVC piping and bury them somewhere? Build a secret compartment in a wall to hide them in? Have a plan, because it will happen.

  18. I don’t have problem with red flag laws. I can think of a few times people thought a shooter needed help and went to authorities to reduce the risk and nothing happened. It has to be fair and one should not incur expenses otherwise it may be abused ie POTUS has a concealed carry so every lefty may report him.

    1. RFLs mean people’s rights can be taken away without trial or even charge. It’s easily abused too.

          1. Lead is absolutely a driver of crime. Leaded gasoline is by far the best explanation for the crime boom of a large chunk of the 20th century.

  19. I smell a Rat,a Demon Rat in particular.
    These “mass shooting” are too convenient.
    Timing too “special”
    The slogans already written?
    Let us observe the obvious.
    Only emotional retards shoot up total stranger.
    Delusional,divorced from reality emotional basket cases.
    By definition,there is a reason a “conservative” mass killer is so hard to find.
    For by the time you become a conservative,you do not have time to be an emoting Nitwit.
    How do we “hack” the surveilance state?
    For the media and their political agents will never interrupt the narrative.
    What do the security camera really show us?
    Funny how all these politicians,who swore an oath to honour and respect the Constitution, are so intent on ripping the second amendment to shreds at short notice..
    I would also point out,a Christian might choke on the senseless butchery of women and children, where as a Satanist would see them as worthy sacrifices…
    And lastly as we are pointing out the obvious..
    Democrats Lie.
    Lying is their default position.

    Projection of their evil is their number one tool.
    So if they insist that President Trump is “responsible”.the usual inference is they,the Democrats, are actually to blame.
    Quick find a ,”credible female accuser”.
    Who need evidence?.

    Hang our Progressive Comrades,they are guilty.
    Of course we will have a trail later to prove the case.
    Maybe..If some one insists,in front of our chosen judges with the sentence already carried out, there will be no urgency..
    Just like the Democrats do.

    And of course the Hollywood twits…who made fortunes selling sex and brutal killing in technocolour, now they blame the Bible and Guns folks when sad hormone charged children see glory in butchering strangers..

  20. It’s Canada for crying out loud, just ask the bad guy, politely, not to shoot you and then, perhaps offer to buy him a cup of tea. You have an image to uphold.

  21. On second thought,we should allow the mess in the USA to change Canadian gun laws.
    Gun free zones kill innocent citizens.
    When seconds count,your hired guns,the police,are always minutes away.
    Canadians need no gun laws,open or concealed ..carry any way you want.

    Bring back duelling,so we might reduce the population of useless feeders who constantly slander the tool using productive members of society.

    Imagine the improvement in political discourse if death awaits their lying..
    So yes we should learn from the mass murders in the USA, we are alone and unprotected by the parasites who we pay for the illusion of safety..
    We could have a bonus system, a tax credit or cash bonus for each repeat criminal stopped in the act..say 10% of their estimated cost to imprison??
    All kind of possibilities.

    Of course if the tax paying citizen goes armed,the tax spending “helpers’ may not.If you are “On the take” you will be weaponless.
    Don’t like it?
    Get a job.

  22. End drug prohibition, end the casual violence like the ongoing shootings in Toronto and Chicago.

  23. This was a shooting in the good part of town.

    The best part of town actually — it doesn’t get any more posh than the Bridle Path.

    But it seems for the past two years, the gated mansion located at 37 The Bridle Path has been a haven for party after party after party.

    This one, taking place on the Sunday of the long weekend that saw a lot of people in town for Caribana and Drake’s OVO fest, ended in early-morning gunfire.
    L- After almost 30 years of “tough” gun control, criminalizing a Common-Law Right against farmers/ranchers/hunters/target shooters and what was estimated at 5-7 million law-abiding citizens, but zero control on violent criminals/drug gangs/imported organized crime/criminals.

    Now, the poshest, wealthiest, old money neighbourhood in Canada gets shot up. The horror! The horror!

    Now they know how their irresponsible support for political correct Progressive Conservatives/Liberal(2 sides of the same coin) is biting their butt as it has been ordinary Canadians across Canada for decades.

    Corruption spreads like the Bubonic plague, the black death as it was named in Medieval Europe.
    Back then it called on the rich, too.

  24. The Second Amendment protects all Americans from the Cockroach Lawyers who want the right to SUE….It doesn’t matter what GUN law is pushed by the FOOLS , it will fail if abused & cost States real Money…Every Gun Law passed by Congress has the legal exception from civil lawsuits (not criminal). We have lots of laws that are never enforced because there is a negative return (doesn’t do squat)

    Until Laws targeting the criminally insane (Courts already have that power) are enforced we will have to defend the public….Abortion has eliminated the wrong humans, we need post birth Abortions (~25 years) and Parent sterilizations.. Enough Snow flakes & freaks


  25. Thou shalt not kill, as in commit murder. It has been “illegal” for thousands of years yet it still happens. Guns are just one of many tools or weapons that are used to commit murder. Banning guns will not stop murder, banning knives will not stop murder, in fact banning anything you can think of will not stop murder. A return to God might reduce it but even that won’t prevent murder. It is a part of the human condition. More people have been murdered by their own governments than by individuals with guns, about 100 million in the 20th century alone.

    1. You got your popcorn ready for when the commies do it again in Hong Kong? They’re going to be shooting demonstrators in job lots.

      I still see idiots arguing that the Chicoms are “good people” and they would never do that. Going to be a lot of shocked faces out there really soon.

      1. Yes Phantom, I think I have made that observation. Those people who were fortunate to live and be part of British Hong Kong are going to get their asses handed to them and maybe their heads in a basket.

  26. Aside from the Lilly’s excellent points on Banning Guns in Canada:

    Countries with higher gun restrictions than Canada like the UK, France, Germany, Sweden, Mexico to name a few still have plenty of gun violence and mass murder.

    When a gun is not available, mass murders have used rental trucks driven through crowds, homemade bombs, machetes, swords and other implements capable of creating multiple victims without guns.

    Terrorists and others with evil intent will always find a way to manufacture death, every bit as much as drug addicts ability to access imported BANNED narcotics. Guns will always be available to the criminal.

    The public fear should be shifting guns from the hands of honest law abiding Canadian solely into the hands of criminals, and ineffective police forces. Criminals are fully capable of mass scale arson, poisonings, train derailments and a plethora of demented atrocities if left to their imaginations.

    Those that think banning guns in Canada is a solution to their social and mental weaknesses will always be victims of themselves first, criminals second.
