51 Replies to “RCMP Saying Bye-Bye to Surrey”

    1. *
      nobody wants to listen to a conservative…


      “The Conservative government wants to bring in a series
      of escalating minimum jail terms of up to 10 years for
      gun crimes, targeted especially at offences committed
      with restricted weapons or by gang members.”

      “But Toews faced a combined opposition of Liberal,
      Bloc Québécois and NDP MPs
      at the justice committee
      — who have already watered down the government’s
      bid to restrict conditional sentences, including house


    2. The new police force in Surrey will be heavily populated by Turban-Wearing, Beared Men.

      So ….

  1. This isn’t guaranteed to happen. There are still lots of pitfalls and roadblocks to come. Personally, I think it’s a mistake, but what do I know?

  2. The whole Province of Alberta needs to get out of the RCMP contract with Ottawa. All it is another make work project for eastern Canada. AT least with it’s own Provincial Police Force, the jobs would go to young Albertan’s and the tax dollars would stay in Alberta. Get rid of them.

    1. We don’t really need to have the Liberal Police Force of Canaduh. You could almost change the name of the Mounties from RCMP to the LPFC. They don’t seem to enforce laws against their political masters (Liberal Party of Canaduh), only collect speeding taxes from the electorate. We should be able to train, equip, and stand up a police force, without the need of Federal government involvement. We need to be becoming more independent, this nation is ready to explode from being GOVERNED BY KBEK. At this point, someone needs to light the fuse. We really need to be setting up a tax revenue agency in Alberta, as well. If we get to a point where the Alberta government collects all of the taxes in the province, and writes a cheque to the Federal government, much of Ottawa’s control (and DESTRUCTION of Alberta’s economy) CAN AND WILL BE IN OUR HANDS. This will mitigate against another Liberal Government DESTROYING our economy again. We should learn from history and NOT REPEAT HISTORY. This is not the first TRUDOPE to kill our economy, but he WILL be the last in Alberta.

      1. Alberta has a 1st class Police College started by Ralph Klein. Ramp up the Sheriff’s program. Hire young Alberta men and women. Like 90-95% of all RCMP in Alberta are from out of Province. Take back the control of all so called National Parks in Alberta. Another huge gimmee scam to Ottawa, Alberta has 10M plus acres under Ottawa and UN jurisdiction due to the National Parks program. Want to guess how much land Quebec allowed into the program. About 50,000 acres. All those Provincial Parks in Quebec only hire Quebecers.

        1. A Surrey Police Force is a good start if it means getting rid of the LIberal Party police force known as the RCMP… its important to remember that the current and on going corruption of the British Columbia Government allowing the Province to become the money laundering capital of the world was allowed, fostered and nurtured by old Cretch and federal Liberal parasite Kristy Klark. Old Cretch ordered his RCMP to stand down and do nothing regarding the disturbing findings of operation sidewinder essentially abandoning the Province to Chinese gangsters… If the province had its own Provincial Police Force old Cretch and his Liberal proxies like Klark would not have had the power to interfere in police operations like they did then and when they do it again in the future. The Liberals corrupt everything they touch and unfortunately the RCMP are no exception. All provinces should begin to govern themselves in a more autonomous way, like Queerbek does, eff Turdholeland.

  3. Everything that all three levels of government do is super expensive because everybody hired has to be in a union or association, get mandated better pay than everyone else, better benefits, get a gold-plated pension, boo-coo time-off, you name it.
    Public service serves itself first, the politicians next, the public last.

  4. But how will Ralph Goodale chase down Nazis running rampant in Canada, if we get rid of the RCMP?

  5. The more local the police force, the better.

    If they work for a big politician in a distant capitol, then they will serve that politician’s needs and wants first.

        1. Would not matter if they did. RCMP, OPP, all municipal police forces in Ontario are the same thugs in just slightly different uniforms with a slightly different set of toys. Just as corrupt, just as unaccountable, and just as obscenely contemptuous towards the very laws they’re suppose to uphold as the other.

        2. “Ontario Provincial Police who have long been the rich Ontarian’s private army.”

          That is a quote from a retired OPP officer.

    1. “The more local the police force, the better.”

      NOT true. Lots of corrupt brutal local PDs in the US. Many of them are predatory fee collectors for local governments dependent on fine revenue.

  6. Great idea. Now the Surrey RCMP can be re-purposed by the Liberals to their rightful places as baggage handlers and valet drivers on the border to transition the illegal migrants into Canada.

    1. The baggage Porters & Wet Nursing force ….Nice kind folks that don’t see Gang crimes as a problem (Just misguided Children that need mothering)… A Feminist debacle doubled down…No need to know how to Shoot a gun…kiss the hurting Boo-Boo, all gone

  7. What is so difficult about it? Just make the transition over several years. Mind you, someone would really have to be desperate for a job to want to police Surrey. The RCMP excel in chichenpoop tickets and anything that does the maximum to irritate the population. Over the years, I’ve called them about a dozen times and I suspect they spent less than 1 minute total investigating. We would be much better off with mobs with pitchforks and tar and feathers. I once told a stupid effing Mountie the name of the suspect who committed a crime and he told me they had a better suspect who they never ever interviewed, Maybe they need a few less Frenchmen and lesbians.

    1. You got it Scar all Bull Dykes and Fwench men. And useless as tits on a hog. Took the grandkids to see the Musical ride at the local rodeo grounds one summer, and they even have that Fooked up. All fat assed runty Bull Dykes and a full Multi Kult display, Zekes in turbans and Jamaicans. It was good for a laugh. And that is what we did laughed at the idiocy of RCMP/PC. If Indians block a public road out come the RCMP with a smudge and pow wow. White man blocks a public road send in the SWAT along with armored cars and helicopters. Bunch of useless Turdcutters.

  8. Those Liberals can f#kc up anything they get their greasy little greedy hands on. ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!

  9. It’ll be interesting to see how many RCMP officers currently and previously posted in Surrey apply to the new police force. (It won’t be just for the anticipated higher salaries.)

    1. “how many RCMP officers …. apply to the new police force”

      That could be a problem. Too many socially retarded RCMP and you could start out with the same toxic culture.

      1. Yes, if you get too many of the wrong sort. But as I said, they won’t just apply because municipal forces tend to pay better. Some of them will want to escape the RCMP culture, and police officers who expect and hope to spend their entire career in a community are liable to have an attitude to it somewhat different from that of those who are just passing through. This will apply more or less with each individual, but it will be a general tendancy. As Philanthropist said above, they are responsible to local government, and the local community can get at their local politicians much more than they can their MP, who will have much less influence on the RCMP.

      2. The RCMP’s bad culture is downstream of the RCMP being a notoriously awful employer. I don’t usually pull for cops but I don’t have a choice given what I hear the RCMP puts its own mounties through.

  10. I have long thought that this proposal stinks of the “grass is always greener… ” mantra.

    Like usual leftarded policies, this potential switch is little more than window-dressing for a bunch of politicians who are too scared of backlash from other leftards to implement any real solutions.

    Surrey’s problems go far, far beyond what emblem is on their police cruisers.

  11. Is Surrey a socialist enclave like Portland Oregon? That is all you need to know, to decide whether they will be better off without the gun grabbing RCMP, or about the same.

    Because it simply cannot get any worse. You either have your own local social justice police force, or the national social justice police force, or a real police service. Always use language accurately and precisely.

  12. I applaud any place that wants to rid themselves of the rcmp. Here in the Cowichan valley (Vancouver Island) the killer elites have a lie painted on the sides of their vehicles. It reads law enforcement it should read SELECT law enforcement. These people are the killer arm of the biggest terrorist organization in Canada. AKA the government of Canada.

  13. I’ve lived in SW Sask. under an RCMP police contract since 1950, we’ve rarely had problems. The RCMP rotate their guys and gals on a regular basis. With the Mounties, Local politics don’t let the mayor’s or the councilor’s kid get away with impaired driving while the next guy gets a ticket because his barbecue is smoking. The NWMP arrived near here at Wood Mountain, Sk. in the late 1870’s after defeating Louis Riel and Co. at Batoche., Sk. Many Metis families settled at Wood Mountain, Willow Bunch and St. Victor etc. after they found out that it wasn’t a great idea to follow people like Riel, who had spend time in a Montana mental asylum talking to St. Joseph.

    The Mounties don’t run around with old Crown Vics with 400,000 Ks on the odometer, nor do they lack support when something happens. Helicopters, armoured vehicles and other high tech equipment are always at their disposal. Why you would want to give that up for some town cop who can’t solve a word puzzle is beyond my understanding. Unless of course you plan on breaking the law. As for Surrey, if the Mounties want out of there is probably because they’re fed up of the idiots who live there, or they’re tired of picking up needles in their tires.

    As for Saskatchewan, it is the Home of the RCMP, it should stay that way.

    1. “Many Metis families settled at Wood Mountain, Willow Bunch and St. Victor”

      The Wood Mountain Scouts of 1885 were created by someone very smart. Put the Metis on the payroll and they won’t be fighting for Riel. They did the same thing at St. Albert. If you include around 1,000 teamsters many times more Metis fought for the government than fought for Riel.

    2. Law and Order: You make some good points, but they deal with a non-political police force. However. the Liberal government of Canada have made the RCMP a political enforcement arm of their political party. That is why Alberta needs to get a more close-to-home law enforcement agency. We need to start extricating ourselves from the criminal conspiracy known as Canada. If the RCMP were an independent police force, Trudeau would be in handcuffs doing a perpwalk.

      1. Hopefully we can turn that around in October. I once worked with the Mounties in the early 1980’s helping them with reading municipal land maps when they were trying to solve a chain of cattle thefts and a fraud case where crooks were trying to sell fake shares in an imaginary feedlot operation. It was necessary to record the land numbers where the thefts had occurred. This was close to the 49th parallel. Interesting to note that the thieves accidentally crossed into Montana, where US Border Patrol officers stopped them, and redirected them to Canada. In doing so, the info was passed on to the Mounties. Six months later the thieves were serving time.

    3. If we separate, I would like to see Saskatchewan the home of the old NWMP or RNWMP, before it was polluted by merging with eastern Canada’s Dominion Police, which seems to have had a head start on corruption. When the Mounties came west and had to start from scratch they were so far removed from the control of the federal government officers could operate under the idea that they must uphold the law so that the local people would believe they would do the right thing. As communications improved with encroaching civilisation, they gradually became more responsive to the political winds blowing in the federal government. Being a national police force tends to bring not only the resources of technical and numerical superiority alluded to in Law and Order’s remarks, it’s own downsides, too.

      I know more than one retired RCMP officer who is glad they joined and served decades ago and says they wouldn’t encourage anyone to do so now. They cite reasons that are to do with how different society is, but also how different the Force is.

      1. It may seem like a nice idea to not need police, but it’s not such a nice world, so we do. Having them is a lesser evil than having none would be. If you can’t get along with the police, perhaps the problem isn’t all one-sided. Or perhaps it is … but not the side you think.

        1. Or perhaps neither. Or perhaps while having crystal clean criminal record and never being charged with anything more that minor traffic violations (a mandatory disclaimer before some idiot insinuates otherwise) I know very well that they are a real threat more dangerous than gangbangers. Why don’t you share your wisdom with Robert Dziekanski? OR perhaps Suzan Zreik? Can give you plenty of other names if you’re interested.

          1. They’re a bunch of human beings, of course they can go wrong, and since they are organized, trained, and equipped, their potential ill effect when they do is greater than random individuals or smaller, less organized gangs. But like the rest of the government, they can be controlled if the citizenry take interest and put in enough effort to hold our governments at all levels to account. In the main we choose not to.

          2. They’re low IQ (by explicit hiring restrictions) thugs operating with near immunity and often ROE similar to soldiers in war zones. You’ll get nowhere arguing that they are basically the same. There is self selection into the job. They choose to be thugs and to act out their high school bully fantasies. They choose to be unaccountable and above the law. The call to be a shepherd is a myth and free people do not need shepherds anyway.

            But you’re right, we’re doing a very poor job at controlling them. And we’re on the right are to blame perhaps more than the left. We on the right continue perceiving them as the good guys. They are not. And as long as we remain naive about them they’ll continue cynically abusing the law and harming us with immunity.

          3. In the few rare times I have been pulled over by police, I was polite to them, regardless of whether or not I got a ticket for something … and they were polite to me …

            Also, I have had three good friends and a cousin who are or were policemen. One was OPP and two were Toronto city cops. My cousin is a Toledo Ohio police officer. All nice, smart and good folks. The three Canadian cops all eventually quit and went onto other careers, because the job sucked, the pay was bad and they hated dealing with the losers of society. Bad cops likely would not care about the latter item. That is where a bad cop can get his jollies.

            I suppose there are bad cops out there, but I have yet to meet one. Just lucky I guess. Or maybe smart enough to not piss off a cop with insults and disrespect.

          4. “Or maybe smart enough to not piss off a cop with insults and disrespect.”

            Oh God, what a cuck. Contempt of police is a right. You don’t have to be licking their boots hoping that they will not snap. Exactly the opposite. And those swine do not get to exercise their discretion deciding how much of a break to give you or how much to f*** you up based on how much you respect their authorita and how eagerly you fellate them.

            And please spare me the bs about pay being bad. No other job in the world offers that much security and that level of pay and benefits for so little qualifications and so low IQ requirement.

    4. Northwest-Mounted Police was the territorial police force of the Northwest Territories and was the brainchild of the North-West Council and created by the North-West council’s legislation. It got screwed over, mutated and forcefully merged into a federal police force.

      Somehow history got rewrote and it was decided that John A had something to do with creating it which is just not true.

      The North-West Mounted Police is in it’s own vaunted class and should NEVER EVER be compared to the despicable loathsome RCMP.

    5. The RCMP literally uses BC as a dumping ground for its worst people. Further, it is not a good idea to give cops all the goodies and toys they want. They’ll invent excuses to use it.

  14. British Columbia will soon be transitioning … it’ll be an interesting change.

    Darn brainfilters. Had to read it twice.

  15. In B.C. we had a Provincial police force in the 1950’s before some bright pol decided to give control of policing to the Ontario based RCMP. In the 90’s Abbotsford started their own city police force after years with the RCMP, I lived there at the time and saw no difference in police quality or service. Surrey will undoubtedly be just as well off with their own police as they are under the RCMP. The West is no longer the Northwest territories,which the RNWMP was sent out to tame, and we don’t need a police force that answers to Ottawa.

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Columbia_Provincial_Police BCPP predated confederation by 9 years,the RNWMP by 15 years, and served the province from1858 to 1950.

    One thing I have found disconcerting about the RCMP in B.C. is that so may of the female members have a heavy French Canadian accent,almost like they prefer hiring females from Quebec.
    The RCMP has segued into a federal government army of occupation and this started when Mulroney was PM. The Western Provinces need to take control of their jurisdiction, and a good start is to have our own provincial police force. I doubt a provincial force would have had the nerve to invade the homes in High River.

    Good luck to the citizens of Surrey, which was a good place to live when I lived there for about ten years in the 80’s and 90’s.

  16. Saskatchewan also had a Provincial Police Force and couldn’t afford to keep it going in the Great Depression. The feds stepped in at that point, providing RCMP. If we separate we’ll have to replace them with our own police again. If we don’t separate, we should replace them with our own police again. Whether our own police will be better or worse than using the RCMP will be up to us.

  17. Any unionized police force will have a conflict of interest. In Ontario, the OPP are detested by and large because their focus is to generate revenue for the Province to fund their salaries and pensions. They have become parasites on the population. Any connection to the folks has been lost.
