SNC Lavalin’s mentor

“I said, ‘I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars.’ I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in,’ I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a bitch. [Laughter.] He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.”

h/t: Ed @ Instapundit

25 Replies to “SNC Lavalin’s mentor”

  1. On one of the archived items on last nights RSS feed of The John Batchelor Show, this issue was discussed. One of the people in the interview suggested that the impeachment motion was an attempt to boost Fauxahontas’s chances of winning the nomination by taking out Biden and, of course, damage Trump.

    How does the saying go again? There’s no honour among thieves?

    1. And Fauxcohauntus promises a “Wealth Tax” … wherein I will be required to send the IRS a spreadsheet summary of all my assets … their current valuation … and I will be TAXED on what I own. If she becomes President … I may actually consider counting coup over her freshly scalped forehead.

      1. That was also discussed on TJBS. It only confirms that wealth “re-distribution” is simply confiscation of money from the makers and giving it to the takers, many of whom couldn’t be bothered to earn any of their own.

        We had something like that up here about 25 years ago. I had to declare the value of my investments and be taxed accordingly on it. I’m sure that the Liberal government in power at the time spent that money wisely. After all, luxury cars and villas weren’t cheap back then.

      2. Kenji, the NDP did that here in BC years ago. 1% per year if memory serves. Bottom line is that these people are running out of money and options to fund their spending. All options are on the table.

        1. Well, this idea manifests itself in many ways. Let’s look at Lizard May. She has promised, among other stupid ideas, to eliminate Capital Gains shelters. In other words, eliminating the 50% shelter we have right now. At least, by these admissions, she’s out of the shadows, having basically proclaimed herself and her party as socialists, after denying it for years. Her ridiculous spending plans have to be paid for somehow, and of course, it’s by penalizing prudent people.
          It’s no surprise that in 2 weeks, her % has gone down from 12% to 8%. There were admirers of the Greens that wanted to believe that they were a pro-business party, but clearly, she is running to out NDP the NDP.
          COuldnt happen to a nice drunk. She never had a hope of government, just balance of power, but that’s not gonna happen. Sadly, that might be the fcking commie NDP.

        2. these people are running out of money and options to fund their spending

          They promised all that “free stuff” in order to get elected and figured that someone had to pay for it. Of course, curtailing their spending or making few elaborate promises for goodies never enters their minds.

          Just how ridiculous it is in B. C. became apparent to me when I filed for probate on my father’s will more than two years ago. The provincial government sliced off a nice chunk of my inheritance for its coffers. It called it a “fee”, which was an inheritance tax by any other name.

          Then, I paid the income tax on the estate and, of course, the province of B. C. got its share.

          The amount that I paid in taxes and fees would have nicely covered the cost of the repairs to the house I inherited. New shingles on the house and the garage, as well as fixing the basement so that it finally stays dry during spring breakup aren’t cheap.

          1. Well .. you can take solace in the “fact” that the leftist politicians will spend your inheritance so much “better” than you would have. You might have hired a Native born BC contractor to fix things up … but your government will be spending your tax dollars on rent for a new immigrant family who worship the holy Quran …

            See … your Govt spends money farrrrrrr better than you do

      3. BTW … I have my lp collection catalogued on the Discogs website (I tend to own only the rarest and most -audiophile- prized issues of each lp available … because only things of value and rarity increase in value). Discogs “values” my lp collection between a low of $15k and a high of $40k. If Elizabeth Warren comes for my lp collection … I’ll just pay her taxes with the shittiest copies of Madonna lp’s I can find on the shelf … and old scratched up copies from my wife’s dorm room collection. Pssfffftt!

  2. Actually it looks like they are creating a similar/like defense for Obama if he is indicted for the FISA warrants & Russian probe…

    I think that all Republicans should make sure that all Democrat Donors are boycotted.. Nobody should be funding the corrupt Democrats unless they are also corrupt… Paint them with the same brush

    1. Wealth tax?
      Tax on everything you own, for the first five years,
      Then it can be increased if you deserve an audit.

      Like Gus says, They have lost their Damn minds.

  3. CNN said that they already “looked into” the Hunter Biden charges … and found nothing there. AND! They said The NY Times!!! “Looked into it” … and found nothing there. Just like HER investigation was a nothingburger.

    1. Yes, the NYT “investigated” the matter. A newspaper with a clear Dem bias and stated hatred of Trump that informs them.

      But why did Joe want that prosecutor fired if it wasn’t to protect Hunter? This seems important.

      I have not heard why he did that? Why not? Once more pure projection from corrupt collectivists. Quid pro crap.

      The best laugh is that one world leader talking to another is conferring some benefit that somehow is campaign related.

      So the president doing his job, assuming he seeks re-election, is somehow an illegal campaign contribution.

      This bunch is sounding more desperate and shrill every day. Now they tell us the transcript was doctored (ridiculous btw).

      You see, Donald is the Godfather who is talking to Zelensky, his capo, in Cosa Nostra code, which only Schiff understands.

      If only Dems can turn Rudy, Trump’s consigliere. I understand they told him he doesn’t need a lawyer when he talks to them.

      Remember Schiff had classified information that sunk Trump on Russia, which of course was an outright lie.

      Now this whistleblower who isn’t at all, had more than the dossier, sorry the transcript, which has turned out to not be true.

      Republicans everywhere are hoping Dems take articles of impeachment to the floor of the House for a required vote.

      They won’t of course because the spectacle would finish them with voters, so they play peekaboo with inquiries and investigations, but no actual impeachment. More smoke and mirrors from this power lusting bunch of fools.

      The gang that can’t shoot straight once again has shot themselves in the foot and none of them notice they’re limping.

      How dare they put the onus on Joe and Hunter Biden for the obvious qui pro quo, preferring their code whisperers. Hilarious.

      BTW, Trump now outpolls Biden. Sorry, that just a coincidence. When Alan Dershowitz wonders if this is all a false flag to remove a malignant candidate, I listen because it’s no longer my own theory but that of a seasoned impartial patriot.

      1. Is Adam Schiff not the geeky little punk whose lesbian mommies made the PTA stop selling cinnamon rolls at HS brunch break … because all the sugar and dough were bad for their ADHD boy? Is he not the kid with the most punchable face and personality you’ve ever met?

        What kind of hyper-dysfunctional slice of California (I know, that’s redundant) vote such a retarded asswipe into office?! Ohhhhh … West Hollywood … enough said. The LGBTQQ-FU ghetto sent this phagg to Congress.

        Yep … now it’s all “fitting together” … like a top into a bottom. Oops … I best be cautious, or the Geysteppo will Doxx me for OUTING one of their own.

  4. if this goes forward there is a back issue that will most likely rear it’s ugly head, and that is that the uke addmin tried to send info on this to the DOJ and the lefties in the embassy there did not forward it. So the ukes hired a USA lawyer to do that, and I wonder who these embassy criters are loyal to???

  5. Follow the money.

    How much has made it back to Joe Biden, or Obama?

    How did Obama get enough money to buy a, what was it $15 million, sea side estate?

    Speaking fees? Sounds like an interesting way to launder kickbacks.

    1. Google and Netflix gave Obama the dough, plus his audacity of hypocrisy books and his sequel, me and my double standard.
      You all engage in fiction and false narratives so we have a marriage made in heaven. Proof power corrupts.
      BTW, where is Hunter Biden, surely he wishes to clear the air and put the rush to terrible rumours of his criminality.
      Maybe I’m being too hard on Hunter, he’s probably just on a coke binge; or consulting with his consigliere, Godfather Joe.
      Doug Schoen, a respected Dem pollster, showed his party is slow walking to electoral suicide.
      Then again Doug is a moderate, not a corrupt radical leftist, so he has no currency with the party secretaries.

      It must be getting hard for Republicans to pretend they don’t want the obvious, they would love the Dems to try impeachment on the floor, especially a vote involving members who’s districts were carried by Trump in 2016.

  6. When Captain Pelosi finally read the Trump phone call transcript, someone overheard her say,

    # OH Shit, We Are Going To Crash #

  7. A good theory as to why the Dems are pursuing a foredoomed impeachment initiative and sacrificing the 2020 election (which they were probably gonna lose anyway even with a stock market rout and recession): To delegitimize Trump’s re-election, as they tried with the 2016 election and as they did with George W (hanging chads) and as they are trying to delegitimize SCOTUS with repeated smears of Kavanaugh.

  8. The “Whistle Blower” isn’t the second source guy reporting on something he never heard. If the Democrats go through with this, they want to establish the precedent that Congress is empowered to review, ex post facto, the sitting president discharging his constitutional duties by conversing with another head of state. And if it is displeased, it can take any action up to and including the drastic measure of impeachment — simply on account of the conversation.
    Of course that is all baloney. Constitutionally, Congress has no such power. Unless the President, or his stand-in the Vice President, is doing something criminal, like extortion. The real “Whistle Blower” is President Trump, who asked another head of state to investigate exactly that occurrence.
    When this whole thing is over, I hope to see both Joseph Biden and Hunter Biden in jail for a long time, where they belong.

  9. And again the question arises, what did Obama know? In the now infamous video Slow Joe invokes Obama…

    **I said, nah, I’m not going to — or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, ‘you have no authority. You’re not the president.’”
    “The president said — I said, call him,” Mr. Biden replied, evoking, the CFR transcript notes, laughter.**

    He knew EVERYTHING.
