The Unbearable Lightness Of Andrew

He who is without sin…

Imagine if Trudeau or Scheer had constantly made fun of Singh’s religion to hurt him politically—Demanding to know if he believed in reincarnation, if he REALLY thought God cares about haircuts etc. Would this be any different than hounding Scheer about what he thinks is “a sin?”

Every word of that is truth.

So why doesn’t he fight back?

Update: “Let’s go.”

112 Replies to “The Unbearable Lightness Of Andrew”

  1. I can remember when Scheer’s views were considered normal. Now you have to be a gay leftist who believes in killing babies to be a politician or even a Canadian.

    1. *
      I’m so old, I remember when Canada was a democracy…

      “QUEBEC CITY – Francois Legault has declared that, moving forward,
      the only people in Quebec who will be able to obtain government services
      in English will be ones who can prove they are a direct descendant of the
      angel faced Irish Orphans from the Heritage Minute.”


    2. Scheer has shown himself to be a weak man and a weasel. He is not inspiring to anyone. He is like Joe Insipid Clarke. Canadian Conservatives seem embarrassed to be conservative. Sans balls. Bummer. You cannot win while apologizing for your very existence.

      You see what Trump does right in your face?

      That’s how it’s done.

      Marquis of Queensbury is dead dead dead.

      1. Yeah. I get really tired of pieces like the one quoted – “can you imagine if the tables were turned” – as if Leftists were ever interested in fighting fair. They just hate Christians, and want to make Christianity illegitimate by fiat.

        1. Actually they want christians to compromise their principles so that they can legitimize their own transgressions.
          If it wasn’t for those rules they would be without sin.

        2. Indeed. Here’s my answer … BTW, weren’t we just talking about the Book of Romans yesterday?

          Rom. 3:23
          for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

          That’s how I would answer it. We are ALL equal. Hetero and Gay alike in our Sin. We are ALL Sinners. Gays included. But the Christian-Haters have NO CLUE about what “Sin” actually is. They think “Sins” are all those things that a mean-faced “church lady” would scream at you. They think Christians believe only THEY are without sin. That’s not it.

          “Sin” is, fundamentally, man’s separation from God. Man’s haughty, self-conceited, belief that he is his own God. That he has no need, or is too-smart, too-rich, too good looking, too self-consumed, too technologically advanced, to even acknowledge there is such a thing as God. To ignore God’s Word … in both written form, and as it is written in our spiritual selves (written in our souls).

          As far as “Gay-sin” … it’s no different than Bill Clinton’s multiple Hetero-sins against multiple women, made even worse by his sin of bearing false witness (in Federal Court). The only remedy is confession. Bill’s only “confession” was to wag his finger at us and say “listen to me, I did not have sexual relations with THAT woman”. Oops! Another sin. And yes, no different than a Priest diddling Altar Boys.

          Our primary Sin (capital ‘S’) begets multiple sins (lower case ‘s’). Boy howdy, do the Clinton’s need God.

          1. He should have dismissed this bullschitt God determines sinners, I only do god’s will, and my personal belief do not matter, as they are subservient to God’s will.

            Scheep is an idiot, a light weigh in the think department

      2. “That’s how it’s done.”

        That’s how your party dies. The GOP is getting slaughtered and it’s not going to recover.

  2. Why doesn’t he fight back? Because he can’t win. He would be crucified for asking the questions of Singh, because white Christians bad, and brown man good. I am surprised anyone is even questioning this.

  3. Scheer is still waiting for his nuts to drop. One day he will be walking along and he will feel something stupendous, magnificent in his nether regions. And then the penny will drop. And he will finally stand up to pee.

    1. The Global piece grossly misrepresents Catholicism, in a highly prejudiced way. No, the Catholic Church does NOT consider it a sin to be gay. It is a sin to have gay sex. And no, that does not mean those who have gay sex are morally depraved. It is also a sin to masturbate, fornicate, or use most forms of birth control. It is fundamentally alien to the Catholic view to suppose that one is sinless.

    1. Perhaps, but for this to be the central issue in his demise is grossly unfair. I would like to see the Catholic Church start speaking up about their long standing beliefs being trivialized by politicians and the media. Trudeau was asked about his support for abortion and how he reconciled that with his Catholic background. He responded the same as Scheer — personal beliefs do not impact public policy. Yet in Trudeau’s case, his aggressive pro abortion stand is such a betrayal of the Church’s right to life belief, I am surprised they have not been more forthcoming in threatening to excommunicate Trudeau. The media’s (and Liberal’s) harassment of Scheer about this is offensive to all Catholics. They obviously don’t care. So the point is well taken– what if this related to Sikh or Muslim beliefs? Such hypocrisy.

      1. It was grossly unfair Little Potato’s black-face incidents causing him such distress in the polls as well. Considering how many other damning sticks he gave Andrew Who to beat him with, that Andrew never even picked up.

        Basically, I don’t care why Andrew Who goes, so long as he goes.

        1. OK, I was told by GG, good god kristian that the world would end by 1985, and if not than absolutely by 2000, did I miss it, or as researchers have said this is the norm for the past 2000 years, manjana manjana , butt tomorrowe never comes

      1. yes it is you idiot, scheep failed to actually respond, and if he is that incompetent , how would he handle a foreign leader who asked an uncomfortable question. It’s not the topic that matters, it’s the scheep’s ability to answer that is the problem. He is piss poor at on the spot answers.

        1. Yawn, if this was his only problem he would make a great conservative leader. But feel free to froth at the mouth some more.

  4. Wanna hear a joke? “Andrew Scheer”!


    Beat it loser.

    And that goes for your entire western caucus who have done nothing to support the west these last 4 years. Either get on board with building the Firewall or gtfo.

    Build that big beautiful Firewall. Build the Wall.

  5. There is a saying that stupid questions don’t deserve a reply.

    Must say here though that in politics you have to come up with an argument that will crush stupidity.

    Yeah, you need to crush the “journalist”, saying that its none of your business works, take it or leave it.

  6. Ah!! But you’ve got Max now! So manly! Har!

    And after all, SK produced the worst PM until Justin. Did real damage to Canada.

  7. “So why doesn’t he fight back?”

    Scheer? C’mon, he’s not a fighter, he’s a miracle worker, for cripes sakes!

    I mean, there was little turdo la doo, his lifeless corpse stretched out on a slab, and along came The Great Grinning Healer and breathed life back into him.

  8. Sheer ran the worst campaign in history , that election was handed to him on a silver platter and he flat out squandered it . He is not a leader .

    1. Lets be honest, he’s only at about a third of a Hudak at incompetence for running a campaign….

  9. Did Milk Dud ever think his religion wouldn’t be an issue? How can a man so simple become the leader of a political party? Oh wait, I know, Canadians are simpletons.
    But how can large C conservatives ever think that the media would apply the rules fairly to everyone? Oh wait, I know, large C conservatives don’t understand that politeness gets you nowhere in a world full of neo-Marxist f**kers.
    Ever wonder why the MSM hated Harper? He knew exactly what they were (miserable scumbags) and rarely gave them the time of day.

    1. Q: “How can a man so simple become the leader of a political party?”
      A: On the thirteenth (13th) ballot.

  10. How long was wafergate front page news , if Harper got busted for blackface you would never hear the end of it.
    The media are enemies of all canadians

    1. Welcome to Canada. Maybe you are just young and/or an idealist. The media has always been torqued to the left. Stop crying about it. Deal with it. Campaign for, and then govern the country as it is. Not as how it should be or how you’d like it to be.

  11. Boy between all the knives out for Scheer and now this religious crap it’s sure been a great couple of weeks for us hey? Is there anyone left at CPC HQ who can make news that’s going to up poll numbers? This is a continuing pattern of absolutely HORRIFIC media management. PATHETIC.

  12. He will be gone before Christmas.

    If the new conservative leader does not support greater western sovereignty they are dead to me.

    1. No you idiot, he will not be gone before Christmas. The earliest when (if) we can get rid of him is April.

      Also remind me who did the West vote for last election?
      Also, who did you vote for last election?

      Right, you do not get to make any demands now. The result is on you and idiots like you. You own it. Stop bitching.

      1. No Anus. You are the idiot. Scheer will resign before Christmas. I will bet you $20 right now.

        What has any con mp done for the west in the last 4 years. Now you watch them continue to support federalism while the west wants out. By not supporting the firewall they are complicit with the liberals.

        Are you understanding this now anus? Or is your head still connected to your colon?

        1. Yes, I understand you’re comprehension impaired and thus should stop having opinions.

          Scheer will resign before Christmas? 2019 Christmas, to be precise. You want to bet? Ok, who ever loses, donates $20 to Kate’s blog, you’re on. Everyone here is a witness.

          Scheer will resign before Christmas? Sure, because all those con mps who did nothing for you will all of a sudden force him out? Oh really asshole? Oooops, they just decided to keep him pay attention to what your betters tell you, you hysterical moron.

          The West that you now demand separates, that very West, voted Scheer. You voted Vichy, they did not. You do not get to demand anything now. Neither from the West nor from the Cons. You voted against your own. You got your wish. Now STFU. Apart for Aladdin none owes you anything.

          1. The con mp’s are as useless as your brain. Scheer will resign because the membership and the conservative public at large find him weak and useless.

            Also I can demand whatever I want

            For you to say that I cannot is bizarre.

            If I lose the bet I will pay an additional $20 to #wexit Alberta. If I win you will pay $20 to #wexit Alberta.

          2. “Scheer will resign because the membership and the conservative public at large find him weak and useless.”

            And they get to express their disappointment in April, not before Christmas. Yes I know party has rules, that is a concept beyond your ability to comprehend.

            Of course you can demand what you want but none give a damn about a Vichy supporter throwing a tantrum. Tantrums is all that you and your glorious leader are good for. So tantrum away. Demands from enemies and traitors are best printed on toilet paper. So when I say that you don’t get to demand I mean just that. It should be obvious for anyone with an above room temperature IQ.

            No, not #wexit. I am certain we can ask Kate for confirmation we cannot ask #wexit for confirmation. You said you wanted to bet, those are my terms.

          3. Anus you are even dumber than unme if that were even possible.

            You think Scheer wants to bear the public shame of having his ass kicked at a leadership review? Although the guy is like the ugly fat kid that everyone kicks and still comes back for more.

            No. Scheer sees that the only way out is for him to resign and retain a little shred of dignity.

            And Anus, talk to any wexit supporter and most will tell you they held their nose and voted for Scheer.

            They and I are all demanding his ouster and demanding more western sovereignty.

            Meanwhile you and unme can continue farting on incomprehensibly.

          4. So you’re backing out of the bet you proposed? Donate here when you lose? Yes or no?

            So westerners voted holding their nose? No shit Sherlock. So did I. You and UnMe did not so you do not get to make demands. FOAD.

          5. Anus, you moron, I can make whatever demands of politicians regardless of who I vote for.

            You are now officially dumber than Unme but way more fun to watch losing his sh!t.

            I proposed the bet and I dictate the terms. If I win you donate to #wexit Alberta. If you win I will donate to this blog.

          6. Stop repeating yourself. Make all the demands you want. As far as we (CPC members) are concerned, demands from Vichy supporters should be printed on toilet paper.

            As for the bet, no there is no way to prove anonymously donating to #wexit.

            So let’s just make the loser donate to SDA. Ok? If after Christmas 2019 Andrew is still a CPC leader you donate, if he is no longer a leader I will happily donate. Deal?

  13. Well it takes Alberta to start defending the rights of property owners. Saskatchewan and Scheer are sucking the hind tit again.

    “To defend the rights of law-abiding property owners, the government will introduce changes to the Occupiers’ Liability Act. These changes would eliminate the liability of law-abiding property owners who are protecting their property against trespasses who are, or who are believed to be, in the commission of a criminal act. This provision will be retroactive to Jan. 1, 2018.

    Source: Statement by Ministry of Justice and Solicitor General, Nov. 6.

    Premier’s Tweet

    “Today we announced action to tackle rural crime, defend victims, and strengthen our justice system,” Premier Jason Kenney said yesterday on Twitter. “With better coordination of peace officers, stronger penalties for offenders, and more tools for victims, these changes will begin to put the rights of law-abiding Albertans first.”

  14. Every word of J.J. McCullough’s statement is true.
    I don’t have a problem with Singh wearing his religion’s required headgear, or whatever the others religions ask of their believers.
    I do think the media has a problem with Christianity in general.

    Who will lead Canada’s Conservative movement?

    None of the actors currently in the Conservative Party are leadership material.
    I never hear of any of them leading the smaller gov’t = more freedom side.
    None of them hold news conferences to state that x or xy is wrong and Canadians are fed up with the new liberal way..

    If they exist at all, they’re checking over their shoulder first to see they aren’t offending the media, their boss Andrew that didn’t lead a Conservative Party that was handed an election victory, they’re watering down their beliefs to such an extent they’re not worth having.

    The Liberals promise $1.00 and the Conservatives get on board and promise $0.80 and the real Conservative tack should be $0.00 as the tax funds aren’t theirs, the gov’t of the day has already spent next generation’s savings.

    What a mess you are Canada.
    When do we separate?

      1. Ward exactly, and I have that from the horses mouth, one of my old customers, an old work mate, and the guy that bought my last property, all Sikhs and all said it was culture, and not religion

  15. It’s a fine line that all Conservative leaders have to walk. If they are too ready to play a faith card they get into the Stockwell Day zone of having to fight irrelevant (in political terms) battles with snipers trying to pin them with the faith “black mark” (in their minds but this is how many would see it, including some here). If on the other hand they deliver a strong rebuke of faith (like Peter Mackay just did) then they alienate a large part of their potential base and drive voters away to alternative places on the ballot.

    It seems that in general abortion is a settled political issue, whether it’s settled the way God would prefer is obviously subject to strong debate. Same sex marriage is more or less into that same zone now. At some point, liberals (including social liberals within conservatism) are going to overload the cart with too many issues that are “settled” and some form of reaction will follow. Climate change could be the bridge too far as more people realize it’s not a settled scientific question and that if they go along they will pay big money for no apparent results.

  16. Hey!
    Warren Kinsella is back on Twitter.
    I guess he was off for about 2-3 weeks then.
    The Conservatives seem to have the balls to attack other Conservative types. Perhaps next election they’ll hire Daisy Consulting to help slay the Liberals?

    *Andrew Coyne will be joining the Globe and Mail in a month.
    Probs best that he makes this official.

  17. The only media that did defend Scheer is Rebel Media and he booted them right in the balls because he’s a gutless wonder that thinks that if he just kisses the MSM’s ass a little bit more they will love him.

    Scheer is a conservative?
    What has he ever done that is in any way conservative?

  18. “It’s a fine line that all Conservative leaders have to walk. ”
    Well Peter,wasn’t “Why?” the question?
    Why does only the “conservative” have to walk this line?
    Could it be the Media Party plays the tune and the fools chose to dance?
    Could it be that these politically correct persons lurking in the “CPC” are not conserving anything?
    Nor capable of leading anyone?

    As many noted during the last election, conservatives have a big tent concept, but no room in that tent for any conservative ideals.
    Western Independence is unstoppable,Eastern Voters have spoken, Scheer is irrelevant.

  19. Simple answer would have been to say “I’m a RC, go ask a priest about sin or read a book. Next question. BTW, my beliefs are the same as the RC prime ministers we’ve had, Trudeau 1, Trudeau 2, Mulroney, Chretien, Turner, Martin, Clark to name a few.”

    1. There are no simple answers forthcoming from Andrew Scheer. That is one of the main reasons for his loss. The evasive, non-answer answers. He sounds untruthful. He sounds like he is hiding something. You’d think maybe a high-ranking Tory campaign official might have noticed that and done something to correct the problem.

  20. “On issues around social conservatism, around issues like same-sex marriage, you are still not giving your personal views, so [the] question is: Do you believe that being gay is a sin?”

    “… being gay …”

    It’s interesting how that question was framed. It put Andrew Scheer in a position of being accused of being a bigot. Why do I say that? It has to do with changing the language.

    From what I recall, the term “homosexual” used to be defined as one who actually participates in sexual activity with the same sex as oneself. Attraction had nothing to do with it.

    Homosexuality used to refer to a certain sexual BEHAVIOUR, not character or attraction.

    Today, homosexuals have redefined the word – just as they have redefined the word “gay” – to mean someone who is simply ATTRACTED to the same sex as oneself, even simply a state of mind.

    Even the Oxford English Dictionary’s entry on “homosexual” defines it that way.

    By homosexuals’ changing the meaning of homosexuality from a behaviour to “who the person is” results in objections to homosexuality being objections to the PERSON, not the behaviour, providing homosexuals the opportunity to hurl accusations of bigotry.

    THAT is what empowers them and intimidates others like Andrew Scheer. NOBODY wants to be accused of being a bigot or a racist because it undermines their credibility. That’s why Mr. Scheer is clamming up. He can’t answer the question honestly and the media KNOW that, thus putting him in a no-win situation.

  21. The other leaders can answer that question with a white lie, except for pm, because I think he plays for that team. If you asked them if they thought it was disgusting they would out and out lie.And I agree . lefties want us to submit by saying we think it’s normal. Next it will be something more outrageous, like women are men in disguise and …oh…wait!

  22. First of all, this question is popped at a presser on Wednesday, Nov 9. Did anything happen on Tuesday or Monday or last weekend to give rise to this question? I’m going to guess not. It’s simply harassment. Correct me if I’m wrong.
    Next David Akin asks the other leaders in writing a question similar to that posed to Scheer. He doesn’t say whether he gave a reason for asking it out of the blue (to them), but he probably did. Of course I’m sure he didn’t in any way suggest that he had a public policy reason to ask his question. But now he has cover for the slagging I’m sure he gave to Scheer about his response or lack of it.
    And we know that none of those leaders believe what they profess to believe about their religions. Or they lied.
    I didn’t read what Akin said Scheer’s answer to the question was. I don’t need to. The fact that we’re talking about it here tells me that whatever Scheer’s comment was, it was unacceptable to the Trudeau watercarriers. So they will continue to ask a similar question at every opportunity.

    Andrew Scheer better figure out something real soon. The media, particularly those members of it that have regular access to him are his sworn enemy. They will never give him an honest hearing, never fail to put the worst possible spin on anything he says or on his party’s positions.
    You’re in a figurative fist fight here, Mr. Scheer, like it or not. Rope-a-dope won’t win it for you. Either find a corner man who can teach you when to jab and when to throw a mean right hand or get out of the ring so we can find someone who will fight.

  23. Sometimes on here (more lately and getting steadily worse by the week) you’re like a pack of feral dingoes ready to tear apart every conservative (small c intentional) leader who’s been trampled by the liberal hordes controlling this country.
    You all know there isn’t one damn thing Scheer can do about it, neither he nor the total CPC membership for that matter.
    You’ve all got enough guts on here where it doesn’t count so my advice is: Run for office or take your stand to the streets. Start your own movement….maybe a Back to the Bible Society for the elementary schools might be successful.
    There isn’t one of you who could a better job in opposition to the lying Libs and you know it.
    Trump is hanging on, or in, by being bold, brash, mouthy, ignorant, and sometimes a fool.
    Surely one of you could emulate him and run for the high office yourself. Who’ll put his (or her) name in first? Stick to the rules: only a Canadian qualifies for this job.

    1. How long was Harper Pm? He managed fine. But Harper is smart and confident. Scheer on the other hand is a moron.

    2. “you’re like a pack of feral dingoes ready to tear apart every conservative (small c intentional) leader”

      Not even remotely, gellen. Your description cleanly misses the Conservative leader we’re tearing apart – Andrew Who, who is none of the things you describe and most particularly not conservative, small-c or otherwise. So what is he then? – try “useless”.

      “Isn’t a damn thing Scheer can do about it…” – well, that’s what he did during the campaign; and how did it work-out for him, us, the Conservative party and Canada? He blew probably the most open-and-shut election in Canadian history, against a vile opponent who gave him opportunity after opportunity, all of which he ignored; losing against Trudeau is the very definition of “pathetic failure”.

      And thanks to Trudeau winning, many Canadians are starting their own movement, just as you suggest – they call it “western separation”. Would Trumpism have worked for Milk Dud? – despite all the ammo Trudeau gave him he never tried it, so I guess we’ll never know; and what he did try failed us all so miserably that I for one don’t plan on giving him another crack at it.

      Goodbye, Mister Scheer.

    3. Gary D read my answer to that as I put it to Kenji, it is an easy answer, scheep can’t do easy answers because he is stupid in over drive, Oh, and I am an atheist, and I could answer that

    4. gellen, it’s one thing to be a leader, and another to be a critic. Andy placed himself in as the leader, and fails to see his own week points, Dunning -kruger effect much. I am not a leader, and readily admit that. But with all the involvement I’v had with people though various jobs, I’v learned to assess people, and andy 2% is NOT a leader, and his religion is a stumbling block because he can articulate his thoughts and about his beliefs , with out failing to convince others that he can be both a believer and a leader who does not let his beliefs obscure his civic duties. He is a failure, and if I get involved with politics, it would be to get rid of the fool, and for no other reason. My X shudders at the thought of me getting involved in politics, as I tend to be worst than Trump, in calling fools out.

    5. gellen
      “You all know there isn’t one damn thing Scheer can do about it, neither he nor the total CPC membership for that matter.”

      I’m just going to suggest that many commenters here are railing at Scheer because he and the CPC didn’t even try to do anything about the liberal hordes. He acted, as Leader of the Opposition and during his party’s election campaign largely as Liberal Lite. To the point, using a minor example, of having his committee members vote against televising statements from Lindsay Shepherd and Mark Steyn during the free speech hearings.
      I know what it was like to oppose the NDP behemoth in Regina in the 1970’s. At least we tried.

      1. So the true-blue, right-wing Conservative voter, the type who reads this blog, thought Scheer was a mushy-middle Red Tory.
        So the middle-of-the-road, centrist Ontario and Quebec voter though Scheer was a right-wing social conservative.
        Sounds like we’re heading back to the Reform-PC civil war. Liberal rule for the next generation.

    6. “Start your own movement….”

      They did, they got less than 2% of the vote and now they are having a tantrum.

      Having said that, can you name one conservative cause that Andre Sheer is willing to fight tooth and nail for. Just one cause on which he is not willing to compromise?

      Didn’t think so.

      That is why rank and file want him gone. And we will try to get rid of him first chance we get.

  24. Why is Scheer not fighting back? Be-cause he is’nnt Trump?!

    Simple really. I’ve yet to find a single conservative who fights back. OK, OK, Lindsey Graham sort of fought back AFTER most of the Kavanaugh circus was already in the books.

  25. Other than telling the gotcha questioner to go f..k themselves, Scheer should have said that the state should not be involved in the marriage sanctification business. The state should be involved only in so far as the activities of courts ruling on contract disputes involving civil contract law pertaining to arrangements between consenting adults. The sanctification business is the business of non state entities such as Churches. If the Catholic Church will not sanctify homosexual marriages, that’s exclusively the business of the Catholic church or the Mosque, temple, whatever. The state should only concern its self with the equality of state relations and privileges of all citizens meaning that in its eyes, all marriages are civil unions and the laws should recognize them as such. Therefore it doesn’t mater what I personally think of gay marriages. Now go f..k yourself!

    That is somewhat like how Pierre Trudeau would have responded, by putting the reporter on the defensive. No one intimidated the Press like he did. The Spawn doesn’t have to worry as they are his shield and protector.

  26. Indeed. That is the $65,000 question. Why doesn’t he fight back? Because he thought if he’d be reasonable and play nice with the media they might go easy on him. Moron.
    They hate you…don’t you understand that?
    Scheer stands for absolutely nothing…he’s weak, ineffectual, a soft shelled crab. Scheer thought he’d be cute by playing it straight down the middle in an election that was his to win and he’d cruise to finish line. Wrong! Dude, you actually kicked Rebel Media out of your Conservative rally!!!!! Seriously, wtf is wrong with you????
    Scheer’s a professional politician… put in your time, don’t make waves, collect your fat pension and call it a day and maybe if your nice, there’s a U.N. post waiting for you or a position in some goofy think tank to fill out your remaining days.
    The guy is about as sharp as a balloon. I thought no one could disappoint me more than Preston Manning or Brian Mulroney. Holy Sh** was I wrong!!
    Do us all a favor and quit…sell insurance, drink a carton of milk with your Quebec dairy cartel buddies, anything. Just go.
    This country needs a Trump like candidate asap before it’s too late.

    1. Sucking up to Ezra’s Rebels would have won back Max’s two-percent and would have forced five-percent on the Red Tory flank to stay home. Sucking up to Rebel Media is not a winning strategy. Might be satisfying for many readers of this blog, but that’s about it.

  27. Almost forgot – You hired Warren Kinsella??!!?? What alternate universe does on reside in to to even think that might be a good idea????

  28. If Akin is so interested in whether gay is a sin, a good response would be “I don’t really care if Akin is gay and I’m not Akin’s priest. Next question.”

  29. WHO….CARES!!!!
    I don’t give a rip about any federal politician.
    It is time for a New Dominion!

  30. “Well it takes Alberta to start defending the rights of property owners. Saskatchewan and Scheer are sucking the hind tit again.”

    Heh. give me a break, Lone Ranger @ 4:13 pm

    As you were typing away, Alberta’s rancher/farmer/livestock associations are cuddling up to the green vegan commies and signing away your property rights by the tons per acre.

    Face it, Alberta voted solidly for Scheer – the guy who ordered all his compliant little sheep to support turdo on the biggest property-rights killing scheme ever devised since Lenin: the Paris Climate Accord.

  31. Don’t feed the animals.
    Scheer answered.
    He can tell them to piss off.
    It’s Liberal harassment bought and paid for.
    If he succumbs he will be labeled as weak.
    They are terrified of Scheer running again.
    Hold the line Scheer, your time is coming.
    Hold the line CPC, Trudeau is weak. His arrogance negated
    He won’t get along with Jagmeet.

    1. ”They are terrified of Scheer running again”

      Best one-liner of the thread! Well done.

      Oh, wait. Did you mean conservatives?


  32. As far as I can tell the CPC is really the regressive con party of old. The reform party should have stayed the western seperation party and told the pc’s to pound sand. The reform party was going in the right direction until manning’s head got to big for himself and he started sucking up to the progressives. This resulted in the a-hole Harper totally screwing up. Instead of sucking up to Quebec all he had to do was get rid of the CBC but like all other progressives he proved he wasn’t up to the task. Canada RIP.

  33. It’s a time honoured tradition among Conservatives to trash the leader. It’s what they do.

    Sheer will face a membership vote of confidence in April. Anybody remember when Jokelark got 66% membership approval and walked? He said the number wasn’t high enough and he was right.

    JFK was the first RC to hold the office of President. Following the election some wag asked him about it. “The Pope doesn’t run the USA”, was his answer. Nobody asked him again.

  34. The Global piece grossly misrepresents Catholicism, in a highly prejudiced way. No, the Catholic Church does NOT consider it a sin to be gay. It is a sin to have gay sex. And no, that does not mean those who have gay sex are morally depraved. It is also a sin to masturbate, fornicate, or use most forms of birth control. It is fundamentally alien to the Catholic view to suppose that one is sinless.

  35. BEING gay is NOT a sin!!! No Catholic who understands authentic Catholic teaching believes that it is. What Catholics believe is that any sex… gay, straight, or whatever, outside authentic marriage IS a sin! It’s the action, not the temptation that’s sinful. You can be gay all your life, but if you remain abstinent, you are not sinful. Not in the slightest.

    That Andrew Sheer could not deliver that answer is the reason why he should no longer lead the Conservative party, not because he wouldn’t march in Pride parades. He’s simply too week to be the leader, and like the leader, his campaign was week throughout the election cycle. Very disappointed yet again with the Cons. When will they learn? They can’t cozy up to the mainstream media. Appeasing them is not the answer. They will NEVER be your allies.

    These journos doesn’t seem to understand Catholic theology in the slightest. The question itself is non-sequitur, and I just lost a tad bit of respect for David Aiken, who along with his fellow liberal journos at Global, doesn’t seem to get it!

  36. Some anecdotal facts, as I know them:

    1. National popular vote:

    – Liberal support dropped by more than 1 million votes (6.94mm to 5.92mm) from 2015, whereas Conservative support increased by about 550,000 votes (5.61mm to 6.2mm).

    2. Ontario and Quebec popular vote:

    – I read somewhere today that the Tories “fell back” in Ontario and Quebec (or words to that effect), which, frankly, is a matter of interpretation. Technically, we hold 1 more seat in Ontario and Quebec than we did in 2015. As far as the popular vote is concerned, while it’s true that the Tories “fell back” in the two provinces, on a combined basis, by about 73,000 votes, it’s equally true that the Liberals “fell back” by about 183,000 votes.


    Which means, of course, that Andrew Scheer needs to fight for his job, whereas Mr. Trudeau, Jr. just needs to board the taxpayer-funded aircraft and go surfing off Tofino BC. The latter, of course, is just about all the attention that Western Canada is going to get from this particular cowboy (the latter).

    The result of the election is ambiguous. I recognize and accept that Mr. Trudeau, Jr. has a right to try to form a government and meet Parliament under our system (which does not need to be changed), but he has run his course, and it will be very difficult (overwhelmingly and unreachably difficult, actually) for him going forward. As it happens, this is the consensus among those with whom I have spoken in my town in SW Ontario, who — quite suddenly, quite unexpectedly — have started to come out of the woodwork to whisper that they actually like Andrew Scheer.

    I have to be candid about the following:

    – Mr. Scheer made a mistake in not deploying Mr. Ford on his behalf (many in my neck of the woods believe this, especially now that the latter has settled down and started to run a professional and fiscally-responsible government, with capable ministers in key portfolios — Stephen Lecce as Minister of Education and Rod Phillips as Minister of Finance would be prime examples), and

    – The Max thing hurt us in Ontario (as some will know, I was a Max supporter for the leadership): Ontario voters are extremely sensitive to splits in political parties — the key reason that old Chretien won all of those seats in Ontario (and virtually nowhere else) was because the Reform Parties and the PCs were split, which concern — quite suddenly, quite unexpectedly — disappeared when Stephen Harper put the two parties back together.

    – I expect that such concerns will melt away next trip.

    3. The “social issues”:

    – One of my wife’s first cousins (there are at least 17; I like women — the more the merrier) is Karen Vecchio, M.P. (Conservative — Elgin-Middlesex-London; won by 16,000 or 17,000 votes, or some other obscene number). She doesn’t believe in abortion, and in some ways, she’s had a bit of a difficult life: she has five children, the eldest of which joined the military a year or so ago. Karen, when asked by Mr. Scheer, agreed to fly all over the country for the past two years to attend Pride Parades on his behalf. She was happy to do it, and has made a great many friends across the country because of it.

    – Our neighbours five doors down are a married gay couple in a committed relationship, and we are burgeoning friends, actually. They have taken in the elderly mother of one of them to try to look after her in the declining years of her life. Nothing more moral than that, in my view: it’s how I roll — we did that for both of my now deceased parents. “Honour thy father and thy mother; that thy days may be long in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.” It’s the Fifth Commandment, as written in the Book of Common Prayer. At any rate, they’re Roman Catholic, and one partner even has dual American-Canadian citizenship. And they’re Tories. Even took a lawn sign, and kept it there through the whole election campaign.

    – The abortion question is somewhat difficult (not that difficult, really), but I believe that Stephen Harper’s refusal to touch the issue hurt him in 2015. Clearly, partial-birth, postpartum and sex-selective abortion are absolutely wrong — sins, to be sure — you’re killing helpless babies, dude! If there’s a heartbeat, that’s a living human being, right there. Just ’cause one can’t get it organized before then is not an excuse. “Thou shalt do no murder.” That’s the Sixth Commandment as written in the Book of Common Prayer. So, it’s time that everybody put on their adult outfits — including Mr. Scheer — and dealt with the subject. There are many models throughout the Western world on this — Canada, naturally, ain’t got one, because we’ve descended into a bunch of frat boys and sorority sisters. Which is pretty ironic, really: I well remember back in the day when the journalists, with furrowed brow, reported that Mr. Trudeau, Sr. defied any given political label. And their example was…wait for it…how he made Margaret go off the birth control pill before he would marry her.

    So, I’m with Bob Daye (and a few others) above, although I’d make one modification to Bob’s analysis: the Liberals aren’t so terrified of Scheer running again as they are of the Tories actually keeping their act together for once.

    1. “Which means, of course, that Andrew Scheer needs to fight for his job”

      Which means, of course, that Andrew Who needs to fight. For ANYTHING . Which he’s never done, and which he did not do at all during the campaign, and that cost him the majority that Little Potato handed him on a silver platter with a side of avocado toast and three flutes of Moet Chandon, and which he hasn’t done since. He’s a placeholder, just like Little Potato – and Little Potato is prettier; he’ll always win that fight. But there’s REAL fighting to be done, and Andrew Who demonstrated conclusively that he’s Not The Man For The Job.

      Goodbye, Mister Scheer.

    2. “If there’s a heartbeat, that’s a living human being”

      No it isn’t. It’s just a muscle contraction. Canada has the world’s best abortion law: none. Don’t even think of changing it.

        1. He can’t, one common denominator for all his posts it is the hatred of white people. Hence the unconditional support for abortion and for mass immigration from third world. It all seems to be coming from unresolved daddy issues, namely father liking his white children better than him.

          1. The world you’re looking for is “urinating” not “projecting”. And no I will not stop, you deserve every drop.

      1. So no discussion, then? Pre-approved positions only? From the Ottawa Press Gallery, Stephen Harper, Justin Trudeau — and you?

        And you’re criticizing Mr. Scheer for not presenting a “serious program” (see your next comment below)?

        Seems like the Monty-Pythonization of Canadian politics to me:

      2. There is some truth to it, for example, if only you were (un)born in Canada we would not be having this conversation.

  37. If you haven’t figured it out yet ,there is no conservative they will find acceptable. They actually had success making Andrew scary and he wouldn’t say boo to anyone! Trudeau hasn’t answered a question in 5 years and they will call him on it 2 weeks after never. We don’t need a new party and it isn’t whining, we need a new country .

  38. When you don’t offer a serious program and brand of your own, the things your enemies and gossipers say will fill the void.

  39. Right. Sucking up to a Liberal government funded, malevolent cadre of Marxist tools is of course the perfect strategy.

    1. Scheer didn’t lose for espousing beliefs he wasn’t going to defend. Even in a country where people are horrified at the thought of religion (because they are too lazy to attend a house of worship), Scheer didn’t lose for those reasons. He lost becaue he didn’t do battle with the village idiot.

  40. “My religious views are none of your damn business “… “You can stuff your anti religious bigotry up your taxpayer funded asses”… These are a couple of answers Scheer could’ve given… Scheer could also give the same answers that Turdhole gives to any question, which is to say nothing, just blather some incoherent nonsense… if its good enough for Turdhole than why not Scheerp ? The corrupt Media demand Scheer behave like Turdhole and Jughead the Turban who say they’re religious but are not. Turdhole says she’s Catholic but isn’t, Jughead says he’s a Sikh while pretending that his Turban is a religious symbol when its not. The corrupt taxpayer funded one party State Media demand conformity to the Turdhole State and all Scheer has to do is to tell them to go EFF Themselves, but he doesn’t have any balls. When will Cons understand that the Media IS the enemy of Canada and stop letting them dictate the narratives.

  41. I heard another weird thing about Scheer: he has five (5) kids. Who the hell has 5 kids these days? WTF is wrong with this guy?

    1. Of course, white people having children delays the replacement of white people by turd worlders, we can’t have that.
