53 Replies to “Things You’ll Never See At The CBC”

  1. Can these people get anymore juvenile. It’s breath-taking how frightened and spiteful the CBC is.
    Harper should have disbanded them when he had the chance.

  2. I guess now that Trudeau is semi-retired with Freeland and Butts running the clown show, he is acting as a “hands on” editor for his State Broadcaster. This stunt is totally in keeping with Trudeau’s thin-skinned, Soy-boy pettiness.

    1. Indeed. Orange man bad. You might have been exposed to the wry humor of John Hughes. It could go so far as turning leftist anger and bitterness into joy and optimism. Can’t have that!

      1. Doesn’t matter … everything is available elsewhere. Who still watches or listens to CBC?
        CBC is nothing but a make work project for communist media people whose do very little for their huge paychecks but happen to ‘know’ the right people or be related to the ‘right’ people. Backwater elites are like the Beverly Hillbillies Who say ‘eh’ a lot.

    1. That’s OK we in the US deleted the scene in the world famous Disney creation “Trudeau’s Glorious Ascendancy” of Justin
      having intimate relations with Prince Andrew.

      I mean, do you doubt for a moment that couldn’t have happened?

  3. Surprised they never photoshopped in the dullard to this scene, although little Kevin would have been still lost, or worse if blackie was giving advice.

    1. I appreciate the sarcasm, alec. It’s amusing that our state-funded broadcaster waited 23 years, until Trump announced his candidacy, before cutting the scene.

  4. Justin is indeed vindictive.

    Donald Trump’s making him look bad at the recent NATO meeting was too much for him.

    1. It wasn’t me. I haven’t watched or listened to their propaganda filled pap in many years. When the local restaurant posted a pro-CBC sign, I stopped patronizing them as well. If we are going to defeat the enemy we have to be every bit as petty and nitpicking as they are, and a bit more besides.

  5. Dear CBC:

    You could have properly sanitized that movie if you not only cut out Trump’s scene but substituted one with the Greatest President of All Time (TM), namely Barry O’Bummer, doing so out of thanks for his delivering Prinz Dummkopf his recent electoral victory.

    (sarcasm = off)

    Gawd almighty, what has this country come to?

  6. Can anyone explain how this is different than Russian or Chinese state television? What else is being help from us – less on the entertainment side, but in the news?

    Most SDA readers know their history-manipulation/censorship bullshit. Our descendents won’t.

    1. I’m still amazed that every single commercial, TV show and movie has a racially mixed relationship.

      Freaky coincidence, we all think exactly alike, or out and out propaganda and social engineering is being practiced by pretty much every business, government and institution in our society, every minute of every day.

      I guess I am out of step and must of missed the memo.

      But not as much as I’ll miss the old white gal I’m so used to.

  7. This is 100% done with the knowledge of the Liberal Party of Canada.

    I think it’s payback for President Donald J. Trump asking Trudeau about the NATO funding publicly.

  8. Provinces should be able to vote as to whether they want to pay for the CBC. If say Alberta and Saskatchewan vote no… then why becomes the topic of discussion.

    The CBC was originally justified as a unifying cultural media of Canadian values across a vast geographic area. But now, CBC’s main theme is to destroy Canada. To cause conflict via Cult. Marxism/identity politics, to break the cultural/social/political cohesion needed
    to maintain a nation-state. The political indoctrination streaming out of it is totalitarian, which is why censorship has become a CBC meme. It is why Justin Trudeau increased their budget, even though their audience ratings continue to wither.

    For those who believe in freedom of speech, freedom of the press, free markets and sovereign citizens born free, managing their own lives, and directing their government , rather than the other way around.

    Every totalitarian abuse of power adds to the scale on the Wexit side. Better that two provinces live the Canadian dream(others, or parts thereof, can decide later if that is still their dream, too.) then allow it to be replaced with the Marxist miasma, the nightmare and the cause of so much unnecessary human suffering over the last 100 years.

    Now is when, Ken, the Kulak, would interject to remind us of eastern European suffering, and the 1,000s being slaughtered and imprisoned in Hong Kong, presently. This by the regime that P.M. Justin Trudeau admires the most in the world.
    Vancouver, now nicknamed Hong-couver can see the writing on the wall.

    Venezuela, an oil rich nation impoverished by political corruption is foreshadowing. Will the prairies decide to avoid a similar fate ?
    Ottawa’s sabotage of our economy requires to survive. Economic sabotage is normally considered a treasonous offense or act of war.

    Independence or separation ? as Brett Wilson conjectures.

    The future, I’ve found, is the most difficult thing to predict.

    1. Larry you are wrong! “The CBC was originally justified as a unifying cultural media of Canadian values across a vast geographic area”

      The CBC & BBC were originally created during WW11 to control the Truth from reaching the PEOPLE using false Propaganda to cover WAR Battle failures…..The freak show was so successful they continued to Control Information after the War was over… They just cover up the Truth & tuck Canadians into Bed….
      The Ideal Communist cover as the State Broadcaster…..

  9. Petty people do petty things…
    Haven’t looked at any Canadian TV or listened to Canadian radio since the Federal election.
    Disgusted with how the bought and paid for media dragged that douchebag across the finish line.
    Life is much better

  10. I love what the CBC was, but not what it is. It once served us; now it seeks to rule us.
    It started as a way for Canadians all over our vast expanse to have a national conversation.
    Now, and the bureaucratic elites who prop it up, consider themselves to be the conversation, their metrosexual version of it.
    Yet on the news front it is decidedly a rerun of CNN, faithfully regurgitated and sanitized for Canadian sheeple consumption.
    They are giving Americans a bad impression of us. I have to remind them we voted against this BS, but our rulers must rule.

  11. CBC at their finest,I love how President Trump lives rent free in their tiny minds,the best media coverage a Billion dollars can buy.
    Will the Independent West ban CBC? Or just mock them without mercy?
    The more they swell the greater the “tell”,our progressive comrades are emboldened by their success in getting their product reelected.
    Now removing a cameo is just a small petty Libtard act, but their lying by omission goes on.
    Presstitutes would not earn their payments if they became reporters,they would starve..or have to get a real job,like have or develop some skills an employer might find useful..You know,like kissing ass and praising those who wield power over their income.
    CBC is wasting valuable real estate,that is urgently required to house the homeless,why all those Tax funded havens need converted to high density housing for Justine’s People.
    For location is everything and why are we providing offices for reguritators of other peoples articles anyway?
    That can be done from mummies basement for so much less.
    Save the homeless,give them CBC.

  12. My Chinese wife (don’t you have one, you racist?) our adopted siamese twin muslim boys and our trans Uighur daughter (she is becoming a fat black Jamaican man) all agreed there is just too many filthy white people working for CBC. Let’s put an end to that nest of bigots and racists.

    1. Say what? Everything cbc does is tarnished and tainted by their Liberal political bias. But they publish a bold face lie claiming otherwise. How Dare They!

  13. Like I told the presstitute from QR radio, “you clowns have done more for XM Sirius than they could have asked of you, you should get thankyou cards from them”, poor Tony hung up on me in anger. Theebeethee is no different, wasteful garbage cluttering up the airwaves.

  14. The average Canadian is too stupid to realize he is being duped by the liberal party and the CBC. I just cringe when I see these” we love CBC” signs on peoples lawns. These are mentally ill people who need government to lead them by the hand. How pathetic.

  15. In this connection, I can report to you a conversation I had last evening, between the end of Christmas dinner and the start of the inevitable Euchre session (a multi-generational tradition in that particular family).

    The gentleman in question is a Canadian broadcaster, originally from Taiwan (a self-identified Mandarin Chinese, age approximately 45 years). He happens to be married to one of my wife’s many first cousins, which number includes a Conservative MP.

    His life story is compelling, having been sent from Taiwan to live with an aunt in Los Angeles — near Compton — in Dr. Dre’s time (late 1980s). As there was no chance of a green card, he was shipped to Montreal to live with a friend of his aunt. Somehow he made it to Toronto, where he met my wife’s cousin.

    Inter alia, he said a few things to me, to wit:

    1. He has always been a Liberal, but no more — he’s voting Conservative in the next election for the first time.

    2. He can’t stand Justin Trudeau, whom he thinks is a thoughtless fool: I want “someone who is like Donald Trump — ‘conviction, man of action — here’s what we’re going to do…and doing it!”

    3. He wants Rona Ambrose as Conservative leader: “The Conservative Party is very strong, and had the far better platform, but Scheer just couldn’t carry it.”

    4. For the first time time in his life, he is not living in fear for Taiwan, where he visited a sickly relative recently, and where he found that “at each subway stop, somebody, maybe the local authorities, put out a little table with a stack of post-it notes and a pen for people to write a note in support of Hong Kong, and the walls were absolutely covered with them. No space available for more.”

    4. He said, “Hong Kong is fighting, and it needs to happen. The regime is going to fall; the day is long past that the old guys are going to sit behind the curtain, and make decisions for 2 f****** billion people.”

    5. He further said, “I’m totally turned around on Donald Trump — he’s the right man, at the right time, in the right place. I agree with everything he’s doing. Maybe this will change in five years or something, with respect to his behaviour, or whatever, but right now, this is what must happen [with left forefinger stabbing my chest, or the ground].”

    6. The gentleman in question fully understands that the PRC faces a massive flight of capital out of Hong Kong, Shanghai, and other coastal cities to…wait for it…London: “Brexit is a very big deal, and I think that Boris Johnson will deliver it.”

    7. “Beyond the coastal cities, the oppression continues just the same as it ever did.”

    8. He had some other comments, but I won’t report those, or certain other details.

    Draw your own conclusions from this information. I don’t make stuff up.

    1. Fascinating. A lot of Canadians dislike Trump for his brash persona (very New York in my view). Those are the same people who were swept away by Justin for his style. The thinking is totally superficial. Let us hope that more Canadians wake up like your relative from Taiwan.

  16. I used to watch CBC for the hockey, which they lost the rights to. There really isn’t any reason to watch it anymore, especially not for the BORING , aren’t-we-clever Canadian-made comedy shows. Time to cut the CBC loose, it serves no purpose but to propagandize for the left in the most smug, contemptuous way possible.

  17. Go to the CRTC and comment against current renewal of the CBC licences.
    It will cost you about $11 to sent a registered mail copy of your comments to the CBC, required by the CRTC, with proof of sending if asked.

  18. Don’t worry, the CBC is busy pushing the social change agenda.
    Murdoch Mysteries now has a gay detective.
    I used to look forward to the latest episode, not any more, freeing up time for other pursuits.

  19. Things You’ll Never See At The CBC:

    1 Any pretense of objective journalism.
    2 Libertarian or conservative leaning opinion.
    3 Criticism of the Spawn or his Green and NDP comrades.
    4 Non politicized programming.
    5 Any positive coverage of Trump or the Republicans.
    6 Nature or “science” shows without the requisite CAGW hysteria.
    7 Any story of significance going against the leftist party lines.
    8 Coverage of Conservative politicians that isn’t active campaigning in opposition of them.
    9 Treatment of regional concerns and issues that doesn’t support the LPC scripting.
    10 Any reason for an informed, relatively objective viewer to ever watch or listen.

  20. I so wish that TV channels derived revenue based solely on viewership. That would be one way, at least, that I could be assured that the CBC never got so much as a dime from me. I NEVER watch it.

  21. What year was it Obama dissed Obama at that infamous White House Correspondents’ Dinner?

    Oh yeah, it was 2011, but I’m sure that had nothing to do with CBC’s subsequent editorial decision.

    They’re trustworthy. They just really needed those seven seconds.

  22. CBC has always been a champion for Canadian content. Perhaps next year, the CBC can do its own original production featuring J. Trudeau as Black Pete.
