14 Replies to “A most interesting discussion with an Iranian-Canadian”

    1. Yikes. As for Mr. Young, well, he lost his way a long time gone. Perhaps you are too subtle, but what the fook are you je me souvien ing!?

  1. The astonishing part of this tragic plane crash is that the Iranians killed their own people to retaliate against Trump. Don’t you just love the middle east

    1. More likely than not, the airliner simply matched loose engagement criteria for Iranian SAMs and point-missile defense systems.

      Last-line of defenses are typically not very discriminating – they can’t be, given the small DTE (Detect-to-Engage) window to counter a possibly supersonic threat on a low horizon. For this reason, the mantra in the business is “If it flies, it dies”.

      The Iranians have a history of using civilian auspices to mask their military; land, sea and air…. in the case of airplanes, it was the use of civilian airports and air corridors (basically the routes of airliners) for their planes to be vectored on runs at US warships in the Gulf, though that tactic was stopped cold in the late 80s.

      Ultimately, an airline pilot’s first duty is to the passengers in his cabin – and taking passengers through a warzone is his call – and responsibility.

      Civilians do not have carte blanc to fly wherever they like – ultimately, it’s the ATCs, the ground operators, and the fire-controlled weapons directors who are in charge, especially with automatically inclined weapons and radar scopes that do not distinguish between military and supposed “civilian” traffic.

      Bottom line: airlines should know better than to send defenseless airlines into dangerous airspace.

      1. “Bottom line: airlines should know better than to send defenseless airlines into dangerous airspace.”

        When there is a dollar to be made, common sense many times loses out.

  2. The Iranians were afraid to attack a US aircraft because they knew there would be severe consequences, so they chose to hit the Ukranian plane which just happened to have a lot of Canadians/former Iranians aboard. They knew that the worst thing the sock monkey could do was to “unfriend them” on facebook,in fact they correctly speculated that he would not even do that. Then to have the public relations department of the Liberal party AKA the CBC insinuate that President Trump was to blame was just a bonus they should have expected.

  3. Thanks to Robert for the post.
    A most interesting discussion, even if it was difficult to understand a lot of what the Iranian/Canadian said. The captions helped a bit but were also ridiculous at times. Still, I’m glad I got as much out of it as I did. Oddly it was all what I had thought to myself yesterday. I have a pastor friend who might get an answer to a question he posed on Facebook today if he can be patient as it’s in there – garbled to our ears, but it’s there.

  4. Iranians come to Canada, bring their venomous religion, poison our institutions, fund terrorism back home, live off the dole and still support the Ayaotllah by rioting at our city halls and then they go back to Iran and shout death to America and death to the west.

    I’m all out of give-a-damns for the 146 Dual Iranians abord that plane.

    They are NEVER EVER Canadian-Iranians.

  5. The interesting thing about the Air India bombing in 1985 was that a lot of Sikhs were killed by Sikh terrorists. People from that part of the world aren’t all that concerned about who they kill. Some Sikhs were warned to stay off the flight and reported the matter to CSIS who simply ignored it.
