24 Replies to “Hey Nancy, Actions Have Consequences!”

  1. That video will attain the status of the 2020 election meme. Dems… are going, going… gone.

    The Canuckistan Conservative Party would never has the cojones to use Trudeau’s perfidy against him. Open nets scare them.

    1. Larry, the perfidy of the Canadian electorate would be the problem, those who are like minded are never swayed no matter the cost, that is why we are where we are.

      1. “He shoots, he scores !” (Hockey Night in Canada), requires having the hutzpah to shoot a puck.

        Being too scared to aim and fire pucks, even on an open net, isn’t the act of a heroic warrior, whose example inspires followers.

        When it’s time to suck or succeed, Western Civilization, in times of crisis, courageous leaders emerged and by their example became the role model for a self-governing people. Suffering through hard times until those leaders emerge; that is why studying history is easier than living through it. Despair not, it is always darkest before the dawn.

        1. Larry, we are done and dusted as a society. The level of stupid has exceeded any thing know to man.

  2. So the Speaker behaved like a petty quibbling child experiencing a temper tantrum…go to your room sit in the corner and reflect on your ridiculous behaviour.

    Wah, wah, wah, … I was caught on camera behaving stupidly for posterity…take it down, take it down, pout, whine wail.

    Here’s a thought…try acting like an adult and apologize for behaving stupidly.


    Hans Rupprecht – Commander in Chief
    Army Group “True North”
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army

  3. The Irony.
    Democrats misused their office for political gain in delaying the Senate impeachment vote to the day following the SOTU.
    Trump delivers a fantastic and perfect State of the Union speech, but leaves impeachment out of it. Instead he delivers a separate, also perfect, victory speech the day after his exoneration. So he was handed the opportunity to make two great speeches instead of one.
    Dems/Pelosi should have maintained decorum in the SOTU and thus shared the spotlight with Trump. Their antics could have meant something had they waited for his impeachment victory speech.

  4. Well, all I see coming is the cry ‘DOCTORED VIDEO’!! However, I struggle to see how the media proves it without showing any original that doesn’t reinforce the point.
    That was brutally beautiful.

    1. Yep. The Dimwit-o-crats are going bonkers over this “doctored” video. It’s no such thing. There is nothing whatsoever “deceptive” about this PERFECT video. It matters not whether Nance is illustrated ripping up PDJT’s SOTU Speech … as … these special people were recognized … or whether she ripped it up for the cameras at the end of the speech. Same effect. Same intent. She ripped up PDJT’s very words spoken about each one of these Americans.

    2. “Russians faked the video”.

      I wonder if Trump will face another impeachment due to Russian interference in his State of the Union, yea probably.

  5. The article says that the speech wasn’t Pelosi’s personal copy to rip up. It was the official copy provided to the House as a courtesy and destined for the Archives.

  6. Nancy was overwhelmed with her hatred of Trump, she needs to check into an anger management program.
    She also should apologize to the American people and get the hell out of politics, or be booted out.

  7. Childish left-wing liberals are recorded acting like the spoiled brats they are. Then, throw another tantrum went they get their noses rubbed with it.
    Sorry Dhimicraps, you made the ammunition. Don’t cry foul when it gets used. If it were the other way around, you wouldn’t have held back.

  8. What a re-election ad that video will make. Your planned scheme to show your hatred for the President is going to come back and bite you Nancy.

  9. Donald Trump should thank that Fossilized neanderthal for the extra 3-4 Million voters she just handed him on a platter. Doctored video my ass.

    This pile of bones belongs in an orange jump suit along with many, many of her lying scheming Marxist co-conspirators.

  10. It’s all nice and dandy, but he is as anti-gun as Pelosi, Schumer, and Bloomberg. A pro-gun president must have never allowed his knee-jerk reaction to crystallize into the bump stock ban. BOO

  11. ya, lump in the throat time and all that.
    but, BUT, ms pill lousy just mebbe mebbe mebbe cost the demoncraps ’nuff votes to LOSE again.
    classless byatch.

    given my druthers, afaic I’d jump into the time machine sose I could sign up and DISH IT OUT.
    it aint the attack that riles this peacenik. its the fact the aggressor compels me to resort to that thing I SOOOOO detest:
    violence and force. well, so be it kraut/nip/commie/etc Im gonna *make it worthwhile*.
    yur gonna fcukin pay severely coming against me and mine.

    God Bless the American military and God Bless President Donald Trump !!!!!!!!
    Trump in 20 Trump in 20 Trump in 20 !!!!!!!

  12. Gee, I wonder if Trump anticipated all the extra attention that this ‘doctored video ‘ would attract? /s
