10 Replies to “Some on the Left are Overjoyed about Covid-19”

  1. Peter Schiff is another crying WOLF WOLF WOLF as well. At least he tries to make a better case, for Trump’s demise, the economy crashing. There is history of leaders losing office for this reason.
    Still, to think that America would instead choose Joe “I’m missing my neurons ” Biden, leaves a lot to be desired. If that happened, Schiff also predicts utter disaster for the US economy, so at least he’s not partisan, he just thinks the American financial system is finished no matter who. He might have a point!
    There’s a constant theme with the never-Trumpers, they perceive themselves as intellectually superior to most humans, therefore, Trumpians are incompetent knuckledraggers and unfit.

  2. Schiff by name and nature?
    Who is this Peter Schiff ?
    What are his accomplishments?
    Why should I care ,what his view of President trump and the voters is?
    What did he build?
    Is it still working?
    Any relation to the other Shifty Congresssman?
    Or should the headline be;”Another Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferer gets media party attention”?

  3. Peter Wehner, in The Atlantic: “Trump Presidency Over”. Comments? – no comments. Don’t need no steenkin’ comments, all they ever do is show the proles’ ignorance ’cause they always disagree with US!!!

    I’ve gotten to where I don’t read opinion pieces if there are no comments, and if there are comments I read them too. I mean, really – his subtitle says “Americans have finally seen the con man behind the curtain”, so what he’s really saying is, “Americans AGREE with ME, even though they voted Obie back in!”

    Who reads the Atlantic anyways?

  4. The ATLANTIC is at sea, in the storm both before and after the calm. I gave it up some years back.

  5. Subscribed to “The Atlantic” back when they printed it on *paper*, and since that cost them substantially more than shifting electrons, and, their profits came primarily from subscribers, they had Editors.
    Editors who used judgement on what they’d publish.

    Since they’re now advertising based, eyeballs are what count, and you see the results in these rants.
    Yellow Journalism – at it’s finest.
    G.D bless them, and Keep them……..far away from me.
