91 Replies to “May 6, 2020: Reader Tips”

    1. Those people’s attitudes and how easily they get “disrespected” is fricken garbage. Their just animals.

    1. A national government defending the interests of the citizenry, and thus the nation-state he was elected to head.

      That would require a Prime Minister who truly believes in representative government and the nation-state concept.

      Unfortunately, such a candidate does not presently occupy the Canadian P.M.’s office. The chair is empty.

        1. I wait for the day we elect a truly honest government.(I’m not doing drugs)

          On that day, I will suggest a monument wall( Vietnam Memorial style) with the engraved name of every Federal, Provincial and Municipal politician and Canadian journalist since 1968.

          Their names to live on in Infamy and as a reminder to all Canadians to be ever watchful!

      1. Larry, I used to fear for the country but now, just carry on. I was a child during the second world war and as I grew and was educated I actually thought I was a freeman in a free country. Here I am in the last, whatever it will be of my life, and find I am living in a police state because the population is terrified of a virus to the point of hysteria. Most people here know my thoughts on the matter and they change nothing. Maybe the next generation will be intellectually superior and get back what has been given away.

    2. Johnboy, yes

      Each province needs to take a stand.

      Also, need to sort out CPP $ already in Chi-com-land.

  1. A: Is there anything or anybody that should stop health care workers from from obtaining respirators and face shields during the covid Covid-19 outbreak! B: Why wasn’t this story on the CBC and the CTV?? C: Why do they call them masks?? Masks are for halloween, respirators are for protection!


  2. This is the worst time to have the so called government that we are suffering.
    Many western nations are getting on side with the US of A, such as the UK, and
    others who recall and align with what is right, but we have Trudeau the Black Headed Boot Licking Twat.
    Canada is on the wrong side of history, thanks to this insufferable plight.
    Really, can we change this? Typing ain’t enough folks.
    I want to be with the right side. How about you?

    1. What do you suggest?
      A rally? To raise awareness? Maybe a sternly worded petition?

      1. 1776-2020=?

        The US folks consider us sissies for what we are not doing.

    1. Canadian politics: Our Liberals keep curtailing our liberties and our Conservatives never conserve anything of value.

    1. I think the last paragraph puts it pretty succinctly.
      But some physical gold? Silver is better in my opinion.

      1. Buddy I have accumulated a modest number of pure silver coins but stopped doing it when I realized that no matter how much or many I had I would not be able to buy something that no longer existed.

      2. You can’t eat gold or silver and when food is scarce, those who are foolish enough to trade theirs for pretty stones and shiny metal won’t have much food to trade. The real precious metals will be steel, and in certain forms lead and copper, Stockpile tools and books, and increase your knowledge and skills.

      3. For daily transactions, I don’t recommend bullion, of any type. Fess and bullcrap to deal with it. Now the bullion desks are closed to you. Safeway won’t take it. The deck is stacked against you as an individual. If you wanted to buy it today, the bullion market is closed to you, both buying and selling. If I’m buying, I want possession. If you’re buying because you don’t trust the financial system, why trust the bullion system unless it’s in your hands? Courier companies won’t insure it now. Plus it weighs a ton. Pack a 3″x6″ 100 oz bar of silver around and you’ll find out quick a credit card is lighter. And never deal with Bank owned dealerships, they rip you off. Banks rip you off on everything. You should know that by now.
        Like the article says, pay off your debts and spread your savings around, some of this, some of that and forget you’re gonna be a Big Wig down the road. Drive a used car.

  3. Small meat producers in Saskatchewan see spike in demand
    L- Living in a province with 47 percent of Canada’s arable land is a good place to be in times of pestilence.
    Will this prove to be a better place to resist the tyrannical federal government, too ?
    Too soon to tell, but Colter Wall’s Saskatchewan 1881 will inspire leaders, as this prairie did for the homesteaders building a decent place to thrive and raise a family. It was that until, Ottawa fell prey to the miasma of malevolence.

    Enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrIUdXrRZuY

  4. Funny thing about our PM and his gun control program to remove guns from law abiding citizens while at the same time our police forces are adopting the use of militarized armoured cars. Something doesn’t smell or look right, I seem to remember pictures in history books about Germany in the 1930’s.

  5. It doesn’t matter. I hear that Trudeau’s approval rating is at about 78% – of who I don’t know. Probably Ontario and Quebec. My prediction? Within a year he will call a snap election and win a majority, followed by another and another until his son is old enough to take the reins. Unfortunately we are in for the long haul because Quebec and Ontario love him. The rest of us peons west of Ontario don’t matter. I would move to the US if I could.

    1. Within a year he will call a snap election and win a majority, followed by another and another until his son is old enough to take the reins.

      Gee, I hope I get to live long enough to have a third prime minister surnamed Trudeau ruin my fortunes and my life. Two, obviously, weren’t enough. (sarcasm = off)

  6. Quebec has it’s Culture Issue with Gun Control… Watch them go to voters for separation NOW! while everyone is pissed…..

  7. Lethbridge police use military style assault weapons in takedown of star wars storm trooper..(.cosplayer lady) on star wars day.

    This actually happened. In Alberta. Thank God they didn’t kill her with one of those military style assault weapons!


    This was a girl dressed up as a stormtrooper for star wars day for crying out loud. This crap is getting way out of control.

    1. Unbelievable how stupid Lethbridge cops out. They’re almost as moronic as Mounties. It would take 99% of citizens 1 second to figure out what was going on on the Fourth of May. What effing retards. There is going to be an investigation (by the Lethbridge Police?) and they will likely all get medals for beating up a girl.

    2. Hey man, police just wanna be military and have enemies to fight too. Why should the actual military have all the fun. They have to use their training on someone no matter how silly it is in certain situations. In all cases from the absurd to the worst offenders they have to use their full training. And if it goes sideways who cares, they did the right thing because they “acted in accordance to their training”.

  8. I see a young mother has been cuffed and fined $880 for playing with her five year old daughter on a swing in an empty park in North Bat Ont. Ok folks step up and tell me how this for the common good.

    1. They have already been caught butchering animals at home with no consequences

  9. Great Leader Kim Sung Trudeau’s loyal media keeps us informed on how wonderful he is. His CBC had a heartwarming story on his continued efforts to win that UN security seat. This China virus outbreak has given him a wonderful opportunity to throw money around the world and video conference with shithole leaders. And his loyal Toronto Star has a wonderful story on how his massive deficits are a good thing. Praise Great Leader!! Twenty more years of his glorious rule, and then his son Dear Leader can take over.

  10. Homeschooling on the way to being defunded in BC. They have to pay for their union buddies and homeschoolers are the ones to cough up. : https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2020FIN0022-000791

    It is the NDP way or the NDP way – your choice. Dissent is not an option.

    Quote from school official:
    Yesterday, I attended a meeting with the Ministry of Education officials and other Online Independent School administrators, in which we were informed that Independent Online schools will have their funding significantly reduced, effective July 1, 2020. The reduction amounts to a 21% reduction in the funding we currently receive. Online Independent schools are the only group targeted with such a reduction. All other public and independent K-12 educational sectors are seeing a funding increase.

    Reporters wishing to confirm can get details from Minister of Education Rob Fleming or from the schools themselves such as the independent schools association https://isabc.ca/ (although the bricks and mortar schools are not affected)

    1. This and other news on today’s Tips are a concerted attack on all of use, under the fog of the pandemic.
      But keep doing nothing! You are champions at it.

      1. There’s no use in me complaining to my MLA or my MP. The MLA is Red Rachel (who started in that office long after I moved to my current address) and the MP is also a Dipper. Guess which way they’d lean?

  11. Andrew Lawton at True North is being mean to poor Heather Mallick at the Liberal Party’s Toronto Star. Crazy Heather’s latest story explains how men are murdering women across Canada with machine guns. Only her hero Blackie can save us.

    1. Personally I think COVID is a major problem. Having said that, what is the solution?

      1. What do we know?
      – it is highly contagious in certain environments
      – it kills predominantly the elderly, and mostly elderly with pre-existing conditions
      – younger people with pre-existing conditions may also die
      – the virus is already mutating.

      2. Somethings we don’t know:
      – will we develop a vaccine? When? And will it work?
      – will there be a second wave?
      – how long can we borrow/print money to deal with the virus without very bad consequences?

      3. Some things we suspect, but we aren’t sure:
      – does herd immunity happen for this virus? how long does it last?
      – how many deaths will occur from postponing ‘normal’ medical care? Will we see more cancer deaths, heart attacks, etc?

      Why do I bring this up? Because most of the maim street media, politicians, and health authorities are not having frank and open discussions about the above and the way forward.

      This virus has dealt us a bad hand. Many people seem to think we have a choice between death and no death. In my opinion we don’t. We have difficult choices between options that ALL offer deaths as a major consequence.

      It’s time to have the difficult adult discussions as to ways forward, recognizing that with every option we will have too many deaths.

      But if we need to start by publically discussing what we know, what we don’t know, what we suspect we know. We can then discuss go forward options using that info or lack of info. I see a few signs that we may finally be doing that.

      1. The problem has been created joe. If treated as a flu it would be over now. I ask someone to prove me wrong. Difficult to do as it wasn’t treated as a seasonal flu.

        1. Because it’s not the flu. I refuse to live my life with paranoia, but that doesn’t mean to not take certain precautions.
          I wear gloves when I’m out, shopping, pumping gas, ATM, whatever.
          We wipe down our bought goods with alcohol wipes and wash our fruits and vegetables. Practice social distancing. These are easy and prudent steps to take. But I’m not hiding away like that Dr Henry wants everyone to do. What a bland person she is. And what’s with her speech issue anyways, I’ve met others like her, that have that odd enunciation of ev-er-ee syl-la-ble. Grammar Nazi?
          Anyways OWG, as you have probably read, the symptoms, hazard and long term health deterioration that victims are suffering from clearly shows that this isn’t the flu.
          Having said that, our governments have reacted poorly to this, they also suffer from TDS, so HCQ is a dirty word and a treatment not to be discussed. Instead, they keep parroting the line of waiting for a vaccine. A vaccine that may never come at all.

          We should be resuming our economy, with precautions of course, but lockdowns are no solution, they are just delays causing undue harm to those without resources.

          We are being lied to, deceived by leftist governments, who still think they can spend their way to prosperity

          1. I refuse to live my life with paranoia

            Same here. I refuse to be governed and controlled by needless fear. I prefer to think for myself, make my own decisions, and depend upon my own resources. The government doesn’t like that.

        2. OWG,

          Yesterday I posted a note on the number of monthly deaths in NYC.

          The total COVID deaths in both March and April is twice the number of total deaths from all causes in any month in NYC over the last 20 years. This includes some bad flu years.

          I’d like to hear OWG’s explanation for these higher death levels.

          1. Just keep on believing those pumped up numbers. Overall my view stands on world wide and the US inflated the numbers to get more money from the government per case and per death certificate, that is a fact.

          2. joe , you just aren’t paying attention and getting enough info. of course they died just not in the accurate numbers you seem to want to believe.

        3. I am 100% with OWG.
          The Lockdown is doing the exact opposite of what it was intended to do. We are all inside, Neurotically washing our hands, sanitizing every damned thing we touch and then washing our hands again.
          HOW Fkn STOOPID are we..??

          All we are doing is WEAKENING our own personal protection: Our IMMUNE SYSTEM. I refuse to wear a mask, will not use sanitizer and will wash my hands after ive taken a piss or a dump…just like any other TIME. I will also go outside, drive to wherever I feel like and do whatever I want.
          To HELL with Govt Totalitarianism.

          I’ve been innoculated with pretty much every disease known to man, compliment of the Cdn Forces, so With luck I get exposed and that’s that…and will let my Immune system do what it was designed to do.
          The LOCKDOWN is BS and a total assault on our Liberty and FREEDOMS.

  12. HOC petition e-2574 has 53595 signatures now <24 hours after it was started. Email response to my signature took 8.5 hours suggesting a rather poorly coded program that runs HOC petition server. While I know HOC petitions are probably the online equivalent of pissing into the wind, it doesn't hurt to let the moroninc globabalist puppet who fancies himself PM know how much he's hated in Canada's equivalent of flyover country.
    People in interior of BC are very pissed off and, since those the native folk are allowed to use their now prohibited guns for hunting, will have a talk with them about claiming their land back for good and working out some sort of plan how those of use who also live on that land can acquire status they have. Their band counsels can't be any worse than the globalist scum that inhabit Ottawa, and being local, much easier to discuss things with them. Nice way to manage WEXIT and allow Alberta to have ocean access as well as leaving Vancouver to manage on its own.

    For Kate: new email address as can't remember password to my old one (if it even exists). Have been mainly lurking on ZH for last few years.

  13. For Gun Owners

    There are about 3 million gun owners in Canada. There are about 300 thousand members in the Liberal Party of Canada (LPC). If a couple of million gun owners joined the Liberal Party of Canada (LPC) that would change the party in the most fundamental way. Gun owners would be the largest block of votes. They could determine party policies. They could decide who is elected to stand as a candidate. They could even decide who is elected leader.

    Further, gun owners could use their votes to elect a leader and candidates who will support legislation to overhaul gun laws. Gun owners can effect changes in every aspect of the party and do it for as little as a $10.00 membership fee.

    Seriously, it is time to consider the possibilities.

    1. Sorry Jim without some type of recall legislation it wouldn’t work. They would tell you what you want to hear and then do what they want anyway. We would be stuck with them until the next election when they would tell you what you want to hear…..

    2. Actually it is the riding associations that are important because they have all the influence.

      we tried to join liberal riding associations but were refused. liberals carefully vet who is allowed to join. democratic no, standard practice of anti democratic behaviour for the liberals

      1. Too bad the Conservatives did not vet their members. Now the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) is chalk-a-block full of people who should be members of some other party, Liberal, NDP or Greens. No wonder many Canadians have given up on the CPC.

        Notwithstanding your comment, the Liberal Party of Canada (LPC) cannot refuse allowing Canadians of different stripes to join the party. Turning away new members has a consequence. Their big tent narrative would be instantly shredded and even current liberal party members would begin see the party as a clique only for elitists (which it is). It would tarnish their brand considerably.

        For a $10.00 membership what have you got to lose?

  14. I need fashion advice regarding my PPE.
    Not sure whether the pleats on my nose & mouth cover are supposed to go up or down. Is it the same as a cumerbund? In which case I’m not sure whether they go up or down.
    There may be some politics involved here which is why I’m asking. For example I was taught early on that bowties are for liberals as are dimples in a regular ties. You’ll never find a dimple in my tie and I’d hate to walk around the jobsite unintentionally badged as a liberal so….

  15. Anybody have any critical examination of this headline I have seen about patient zero being from France? I didn’t have the stomach to watch the piece on CBC

    1. Sure. Simply put, he’s not a patient zero. There were two confirmed positives before him on the 24th Dec. His samples from the 27th were reexamined. He was sick for 15 days. Didn’t travel. Daughter got sick, wife didn’t. She worked beside a sushi stand in a grocery store. He’s just an early case, in France. (Used other sources btw.)
      Crap headline.

      1. Seems to me that patient ZERO was confirmed in Mid November in Whuhan…and one that did not visit a wet market..?

  16. Blacklock website reports on how the prime minister’s office is being sued. Since Blackie The Gay Nazi has replaced Question Period with his daily press briefings, he only allows approved favourable media outlets to ask him questions.

    1. That and openly criticizing Chinah seems to be verboten. It’s a bio-weapon, why else would research be done on this? When does Chinah release it’s next iteration? Around Christmas?

    2. There was a press release by the folks who are familiar with Kawasaki Disease.

      “Based on all available information made available so far we note:

      The cases being referred to have been reported in approximately 20 children in the UK (out of 11.5 million U.K. children) – of whom half have tested *negative* for Covid-19 according to their doctors.

      There is no current evidence of any increased incidence or greater susceptibility to Covid-19 infection for children who had Kawasaki Disease in the past.

      All of the c. 20 cases are new, acute illness in children.

      Fewer cases of Kawasaki Disease than would be normally expected at this time of year are currently being seen – not more.

      Kawasaki Disease is a seasonal inflammatory disorder peaking in the winter and spring, and whilst no infection has ever been proven to be the sole trigger, the scientific community believe that any one of many infections may trigger Kawasaki Disease in susceptible children. For the majority of cases, Kawasaki Disease occurs without ever identifying any infectious cause. We are aware of recent delayed presentations of Kawasaki Disease because of initial incorrect diagnoses of Covid-19, resulting in adverse coronary outcomes due to delayed institution of treatment.”


  17. Chris Martenson at peak prosperity yday. His vlog discussed mutation but his focus was on its increased tranmissability I believe. May be related?

  18. Chris Martenson at peak prosperity yday.
    His vlog discussed mutation but his focus was on its increased tranmissability I believe. related?

        1. Better eating crayons than doing something with talcum powder…..

  19. If government can legally ban “Assault Style Weapons”,without discussion nor vote in House.
    Then it is logical that a future government can ban “Liberal Style politicians”.
    For what is the difference in Law?
    The case is pretty simple,”Liberals Style Politicians” have done far more and much longer lasting damage to Canada than any other catastrophe.
    And defining a”Liberal Style” is far easier than Assault styling a weapon.
    With far less revealed ignorance.
    For the Liberal Styled creatures have bankrupted a nation,allowed rule of law to collapse,decimated democracy and ripped apart the institutions that allow civil society.
    Liberal Style; Lies to your face.
    Says whatever the polls indicate the voter wants to hear.
    Uses propaganda on own citizens.
    Did I mention lies compulsively.?
    Steals on every front?
    Forms a criminal group to exploit stealing from the public purse.
    Known as the Liberal Party of Canada.
    Blatantly bends the spirit of the law to protect their own.
    Uses the levers of government to attack and destroy all political opposition.
    So a ban on Liberal Style makes perfect sense…
    So why was “Style” inserted into this stupid decree?

  20. Will our now much bigger governments ever be reigned in? They should be if prosperity is to return, but with over 60% of Canadians in the last federal election voting for more socialism, I am guessing that the bigger governments in Canada are here to stay.

    An interesting article in the National Post provides some relevant data on the topic:


  21. Please remember that blasphemy laws are now in effect in Canada. CP24 News reports that a school counsellor was fired in Brampton Ont. for tweeting something that is considered Islamophobic. Happy Ramadan!

    1. Ontario bends their knee to Sharia Law.
      No federal party dares to object. None advocate the M.B. be designated a terrorist organization.
      Who would have predicted this on 9/11. Their terror tactic worked.
      Canada today is difficult to recognize. Ottawa full of sunken, hollow faced phantoms lost and disoriented.

      Wexit is looking like the only chance for renewal, for a phoenix rising from the ashes of the old Dominion.

  22. Terry Glavin at the National Post asks why is Blackie so afraid of China.

    1. So, I wonder if May has seen Michael Moore’s video. I actually find May to be an ignorant blow hard.

  23. And now a wrap up of today’s Unifor news. Blackie is wonderful. The Liberal Party is wonderful. The Greens and Bloc are demanding that Blackie destroy the oil industry. Blackie doesn’t show up for the only inperson Question Period. Trump is Hitler. Doug Ford is Hitler. Blasphemy laws now in effect in Brampton Ont. Socialism is wonderful. Islam is wonderful. Indians need more money. Canadians are racist bastards.

    1. Wouldn’t that be pointless now that he’s abolished Parliament?

  24. The CCFR is taking the government to court in order to invalidate Fridays gun ban.
    its a 5 minute video
    This could very well be the most important firearm court battle in Canadian history as it could set precedent on how the government of the day uses regulations INCLUDING how the government imposes regulations with respect to firearms
