46 Replies to ““Obama’s Blue Dress””

  1. Do you suppose there’s enough material in that blue dress to clean all the smoking guns?

  2. Do you think there will be any more consequence from this than the first blue dress?

    1. I tend to agree with that sentiment. For some unknown reason, democrats are immune from prosecutions. Why is that? Perhaps because the Republicans are too timid to bring an assault to those Orcs. Why is that?

      1. So true, the Rep are known as the (stupid) party
        They have the winning hand right now, but will they use it?
        Grow a spine and lay down the cards.

        1. Could it be that there are members of the Republican Party that are constrained in retaliation due some influence someone has over them?
          After witnessing what has happened and how someone not of the beltway is treated, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone popped their head out of their shell to do what’s right that they would get an unofficial unannounced visit from a government agency for an interview without the benefit of having a lawyer present.
          It’s about how business has transpired in DC for too long, that it likely has infected both parties.
          That would be the reason for the hesitation. If someone highly placed in the bureaucracy gets taken down publicly it changes who ha to continuously look over their shoulder from the elected, to the unelected.
          It removes the fear of retribution off the shoulders of the elected folks with the mandate to have oversight of the unelected. It also puts the fear into the elected ones that have been conspiring with the swamp that they could be thrown under the bus any day now.
          If we can give credit to the Trump administration for one thing, it’s that he has made the life of the denizens of the beltway extremely uncomfortable.

          1. I don’t see any way to “like” your comment so let this be my kudo to you for absolutely nailing it. There is a lot that is rotten in the “state” of DC.

        2. Dustoff, I see repubs going full andy scheep here! They will give dims a past because O’Butthole, and the hollow od Racist, as we know, and they Know O’Butthole is as dirty as any one

      2. There is a new sheriff in town.
        Donald Trump, he ain’t timid and has vowed this will never happen again.
        Many will be going to jail.

        I sincerely hope Obama has his security clearance revoked, along with his pension and SS detail.
        And be never allowed to set foot in the Whitehouse again.

        1. Well it’s obvious that if this keeps up, someone is going to have to be thrown to the mob as a sacrifice.
          If the swamp has its way, they will finger some kook senator that was up for re-election.
          If Barr has his way, it’s going to be a few highly placed bureaucrats and senior elected members (past and present) doing perp walks.

          1. Wes w…. I’ll take twenty of that. If no one has gone to jail and stayed there for at least 3 months, for involvement in the conspiracy to nullify the 2016 election result by the end of Trump’s presidentcy, I will send Kate $20. If one of those principal conspirators generally thought to have conspired to rob Trump of his triumph actually goes to jail and stays there for at least 3 months you send Kate $20.
            Is it a bet? ….You should be giving me long odds on this.

          2. I’ll take DLM’s wager off your hands – because I know you won’t put your money on the table – and send Kate the $$$ now because you’re bound to lose.

        2. Bob, “I sincerely hope Obama has his security clearance revoked, along with his pension and SS detail.”

          Perhaps it’s time now, to find out just exactly who Barry Obama is? and why he wants to keep his schooling records sealed?

      3. Remember the saying, no one is without sin.
        Maybe the republicans are less depraved?
        What happens when they, the republicans, find out they are not?
        The politicians of today are only interested in reelection, guaranteed pay, pensions, superior healthcare for themselves, getting invited to the cocktail circuit.

        Everything else is peripheral.

        There is one guy that is not playing along, can you guess?

  3. It’s taken three and a half years to get confirmation on what we all more or less knew was going on. Now focused on the election, how far can Barr get before he will be either seen as part of a vindictive administration or is out of a job. The Evil party plays dirty politics like they invented it.

  4. Brilliant. Get the Halfrican fully involved. That way, any thought of prosecution will be met with a chorus of “Racissssssssssssst!”

  5. A whole lot of noise. I can’t see anything happening. Certainly nothing directly impactful to Obama…the man on the clip infers quite a lot and uses loud yelling noises and a waving piece of paper to distract.

    People are too busy being grumpy at Costco about their mask policy to pay attention to that spiderweb. The media will clearly continue to not report on Flynn much while trying to save Creepy Joe.

  6. Trump may be able to act after re-election, but he likely will be more inclined to focus on the economy through 2021. It would be political suicide to pursue this file now. Possibly never … unfortunately, most Americans do not want to see what their former president did.

    Trump vs. Biden … perfect through November.

    1. It has to be pursued just enough to keep Michelle O from running against Trump.

  7. They must go at this with absolutely no mercy.

    They must make this as visible as possible.

    They can’t stop until these criminal have been brought to justice.

    They must go right to the top and after Obama with everything they have.

    This is the moment folks.

  8. And the time wheel spins round and round … by the time any of this is ready for prosecution … the chorus will sing … “that happened so long ago”, “time to move on”, “let’s look forward – not backward” … “what difference at this point does it make?”

    Prosecutions need to be started forthwith.

  9. Trump might be the light at the end of the tunnel but the dumbocrats and the swamp have their hand on the switch. They are just playing with us they can throw the switch at any time.
    I’ve got a whole back yard full of bridges that I will give away if one significant dem/swamp rat goes to jail.

  10. Nope. Means nothing until people start going to jail. Until there are arrests and convictions this is nothing more than palace intrigue.

  11. I will quibble one of Levin’s points. He says that Trump is owed an apology over this. No, it’s the American people who are owed an apology.

  12. The stupid can’t get worse… The Fox clown Anchor (Mikes spunk) actually said that the unauthorized wiretap on Flynns phone ( an investigative practice) can be used in a Court of Law, or Broadcast by morons like him in the MSM …..IT’S A FEDERAL CRIME to USE such information outside of investigative task forces

  13. Would there be one single Democrat supporter willing to express even the slightest hint of contrition over what has been exposed? Doubt it. No, they would most likely shrug and say “mission accomplished”. Engaging with the left is like getting into a fight with a pig. You can’t win and you only get dirty in trying. They own the bureaucracies. Bureaucracies cannot be reformed, they can only be killed like a bug. Trump blew his congressional majority the same way that Harper did in not killing the CBC.

  14. “ Obama’s blue dress” LOL… Kate you are brilliant at getting to the nubs of issues.
    Thank you.

  15. If you think Joe going down in flames (rather than employees) is a good thing; be careful what you wish for. I smell a set-up. The folks who run the DNC plantation are rightly worried about a candidate who may not be able to remember his own name and who cannot remember if he committed a digital sex crime nearly 30 years ago. The folks who run the DNC plantation want Hillary as POTUS. The folks who run the DNC plantation may have a shill who recently spoke quite favourably about Joe but who is now ready to take Joe down to make room for……Hillary?

    1. Very terrifying scenario, but quite possible. The democrats will support the looser, yet again. They do not have a functional candidate.

      That will be the end of the USA.

    2. I’ll quibble on the DNC wanting her as POTUS.
      By my reckoning and the past actions of her, it’s more like fear that if the candidacy becomes open because Biden can’t be on the ballot, that arkanside would befall anyone that got in her way.
      As long as she is breathing, no one in the DNC is safe.

  16. While cynical ,might I suggest that conditions have changed.
    1 President Trump is now aware negotiation is impossible.
    2 No quarter was offered nor given,the threat continues..against Trump,family and friends.
    3 The voters rage has simmered and is growing.
    4 Political advantage lies in exploiting this criminal past.
    5 The only way out,is to destroy the attacking force.
    Media,Demon Rats,RINOs and entire “For your own good” industry must die,be broken or be stripped of all power.

    Based on that ,survival for Trump and all who support him, means relentless exposure of the institutional corruption,show trials for civil servants, political activists ,endless coverage of the coming betrayals as each corrupt creature tries to cut a deal..
    Hopefully finishing with a grand flourish where all deals are exposed and all “immunity” stripped..
    The Guillotine needs centre stage..
    In a culture as debased as ours,where blood sports are pay/per/view and carnage is the news,public executions will be moneymakers for the department of Just Us.
    A Trump 2020 Landslide depends on an enraged base and an engaged bloc of previously nonvoting citizens..
    If those who refuse,come out to support retribution and vote..no amount of cheating,fraud and dead polls will save the Democrats,who have proudly proclaimed Satan their God.
    “By any means necessary” has only one source.

    1. As I mentioned above,,, the complicit Media has to be put under the microscope and their participation and corruption with Democrats has to exposed, to the point that they willing report in a politically balanced way, or executives and owners face jail time for their corruption.
      If FOX is the only one talking about it, no one will ever hear about it.

    2. For the most part agreed, but would suggest Team Trump colour inside the lines of their purge, unlike the DeMarxists.
      Americans should now be aware the Russia collusion gambit was a house of cheat cards with no foundation.
      They also should know they were played by cynical liars who baited and switched them to justify police statist tactics.
      The ones who don’t, partisan and/or consumed by Trump hatred, are lost votes, leave them to their own devices.
      The cleansing must be deep and without mercy, and it undoubtedly means running down a few RINOs.
      So be it. Besides, this DeMarxist crisis would be a terrible thing to waste, as the collectivists scramble for power.
      Meanwhile Dirty Old Uncle Joe continues to feel up the voters, who aren’t sure if they’ve been goosed or gaffed.
      Badly needed reforms, even a return to bipartisanship later, will depend on a Reagan type victory nationwide, more than 2016.

  17. There are two perspectives at play.
    The facts and the opinions.
    The factual folks want to see the law upheld, the opinion folks want their definition of a happy ending.
    The majority of voters are the opinion types that can be influenced, the voters that can make a difference are those that are sceptical of public opinion.
    In this story you get strong opinions on both sides but the facts don’t favour the opinion makers.
    It’s now come down to convincing enough of those that will bother to vote who has been doing dirt. That doesn’t need a court of law, or even a perp walk, just enough folks to see who should be locked up.
    The perception that the bureaucracy and senior levels of the last administration where abusing their power to thwart an election outcome they didn’t expect has taken hold and it’s going to determine the outcome of the next election.

  18. I cannot see conservative Americans recognising the authority of a Democrat Congress and Presidency. The next “PotUS” may well be a Democrat, but they will soon learn the difference between being “in office” and being in power. Look to conservative takeovers of local governments, some beginnings of assassinations of Democrats and LEO’s who are perceived to be enemies, and widespread declarations of withdrawn consent, tax boycotts, and general ignoring of any kind of Federal authority. Gonna be tough being President when half the country refuses to acknowledge or obey you …

  19. Bdsm, the split in America is close to 50/50. There will always be enough people on the opposite side who will get along to go along. Look at the states controlled by democrats for the answer.

    1. Yup, which means a Dem Congress and a Dem President = the US is well on the way to splitting apart along the Red/Blue divide. Seems an amicable divorce would be the only solution at that point. Everbody’s happy!
